The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 153: Don't mess with this lunatic

   Chapter 153 Shouldn't provoke this lunatic

  He Xinyan stretched out her hand directly, lifted He Yuye's collar, and slammed the person against the wall next to her.

   "I warned you long ago, don't provoke me again, it seems you didn't remember."

   He Yuye's voice trembled a little: "Xinyan, don't do this, have you misunderstood me?"

"Misunderstanding? In the past few days, people have always come out to condemn me for forcing Lu Qilin to retire, saying that I want to show off my potential opponents." He Xinyan smiled sideways, "But it's you who I forced to retire. Didn't you say you would retire, why did Lu Qilin leave and you stayed?"

After a pause, she continued, "Then can I say that you are the culprit who caused Lu Qilin to retire? You are the one who caused Yongxing to fail to achieve the expected results? You are really a scumbag. "

   He Yuye's eyes widened, but she didn't expect her to rake.

   "You're talking nonsense! It's obviously you! You're the one holding on to things, that's why Lu Qilin withdrew from the competition!" A boy was anxious and hurriedly defended.

   He Xinyan is going too far, how could he be so embarrassed to put the blame on He Yuye.

  He Xinyan turned her head and met the eyes of the other party.

  The boy's eyes dodged for a while, but he followed with a guilty conscience and said, "I'm not wrong, everyone says it like this."

  Bai Yulan sneered: "Then you are wrong. No one spreads it like this. I have asked many people, and everyone said they don't know. Only a few of you have spread such rumors."

  He Xinyan looked down at He Yuye: "So you still don't admit that you spread the rumors?"

   Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this matter is absolutely inseparable from He Yuye.

   After all, the boys from No. 1 Middle School had a good relationship with her, and they revolved around her almost every day. It was these boys who were the most vicious rumors.

  The coach was still hesitating, but he hurriedly came over and added: "Don't talk nonsense, Lu Qilin's withdrawal from the competition is his own decision, and no one is forcing him."

   The hat was buckled a bit inexplicably. The coach turned to look at He Yuye, his brows furrowed.

   "Why did Lu Qilin retire? Didn't I tell you the reason? Why didn't you clarify?"

   Obviously Lu Qilin felt guilty and had no face to stay any longer, so he chose to retire.

  He Yuye's face turned pale, and he pursed his lips and did not speak.

   "Yu Ye doesn't know anything! You can't say that to her, teacher!"

The excited boy continued, "You have no idea, how hard Yu Ye has worked in the past few days, and she has not rested well. She studies in the training room until the early morning every day, just to win glory for you Yongxing. She is different from you. , she has enjoyed the best educational resources since she was a child, she can only rely on herself, and it is not easy to get to this point!"

   This guy was talking, but his voice was a little choked with sincerity.

  He Xinyan: "Oh, looking at you, you should have enjoyed the best resources since you were a child. How many places have you taken the test?"

   Boy: "..."

  Why did he suddenly ask this, he didn't dare to say it at all.

Next to   , someone who was paying attention to him immediately said, "He's only 84."

  He Xinyan thoughtfully: "No wonder you think He Yuye is not easy, and you want to fight for her. But I don't understand, because I never make excuses for failure."

   A burst of laughter erupted around him.

  Effort is often the excuse that people who fail like to find most, and it is really unnecessary to sell miserable sympathy.

   Come to the summer camp, who is not full of energy, and has never been slack.

   However, everyone has their own work and rest habits and physical tolerance. It is good to adjust the learning rhythm reasonably. There is really no need to make any effort.

   The boy's face turned blue and red, and he gritted his teeth: "Then what about your poisoning? You deliberately framed Yu Ye!"

   He Xinyan chuckled lightly, "It really is your rumor."

  I didn’t admit it before, if she didn’t say it, would others know about it?

  He Xinyan picked up He Yuye and walked out, dragging the person to the toilet next to her.

   She has some indecent things to do, and doesn't want to make it difficult for her to behave in front of the coach.

  He Yuye was so frightened that her face turned pale, "He Xinyan, what are you trying to do? Are you crazy?!"

  Everyone was confused by this, and the scene was quiet.

   Several dog-legs eager to protect the owner immediately wanted to rush in to pull the frame.

  Bai Yulan blocked the door: "This is the women's toilet, you boys can't come in."

   The coach has a headache: "Bai Yulan, don't be ridiculous! He Xinyan, you..."

"Teacher, this is my personal matter. I don't fight, I just need to clear up some things." He Xinyan's voice came out clearly, and after a pause, she continued, "But if someone interferes, then I may I can't control my temper, I want to throw a few people to drink toilet water."

   Several flower-guarding messengers stopped and did not dare to go forward.

   They have long heard that He Xinyan has been bullying He Yuye all the time. After all, the female bully who even Liu Jiayi, the bully of Yongxing High School, has to detour, and He Xinyan's notoriety has spread throughout the middle school.

  He Yuye's heart sank suddenly, she was afraid that He Xinyan would really throw her down the toilet in public...

   There are so many people at the scene, how will I meet people in the future.

  He Yuye said in an obscure voice: "Xinyan, don't get excited, say something if you have something to say..."

"Did you listen when I had something to say to you before?" He Xinyan raised her hand and pulled her five hairs, "Although I promised the teacher not to hit you, you didn't have a long memory and insisted on provoke me, probably It's because the hair is too long and takes up too much space in the brain, let me clean it up for you, you can always remember this time, right?"

   He Yuye was about to stop breathing, is He Xinyan a lunatic?

  He Xinyan: "Now you can honestly explain that the source of the rumors was you, right?"

   He Yuye didn't want to answer, but there was a slight tingling pain on his head without warning, and five more hairs were pulled out.

   "I don't know... I complained to my friends, I didn't expect everyone to take it seriously, I'm sorry!" He Yuye had to resign.

  She is born with not much hair, so she usually wears wigs and paints her hairline, just to make her hair look more like a face covering, making her face small and pitiful.

  He Xinyan's actions are not easy to kill, she really regrets it, she shouldn't provoke this lunatic.

  He Xinyan: "Second question, He Jiao slandered me for cheating, Lu Qilin went to the organizing committee, you actually encouraged me, right?"

  He Yuye felt guilty, she never admitted this issue in front of the coach.

  He Xinyan smiled when she saw her hesitation, and pulled out eight or nine hairs at once this time.

  He Yuye: "I didn't mean it! I don't know what happened, sorry I was wrong!"

   "The last question, why are your hands poisoned? Do you have any points in your heart? If you didn't sneak into my room illegally and steal my things, would you have poisoned your hands?"

   She smiled and pulled out five more hairs.

  He Yuye's voice trembled: "I didn't steal it, it was given to me by Jin Yue. I, I at most made a mistake and mistaken your parents' stuff for my dad's, I'm sorry!"

   (end of this chapter)

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