The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 113: This move is completely wrong

   Chapter 113 This move is completely wrong

Xiyue paused, and when she saw that there was no more talking, she smiled and said: "Arin, how did I hear that you went back to the imperial capital this time to go back for a blind date? I just don't know what kind of girl is worthy of us. Arin."

   Shi Lin was a little helpless: "Aunt Yue, you know I can't go on a blind date."

  Xi Yue sighed faintly, that is, some people are making their own decisions again.

   Even if Shi Rin is far away from the center of power, away from his father, brother, and family, there are still people who keep making crooked ideas.

   It's just that I didn't attend a birthday party, and those people couldn't sit still, delusionally trying to use marriage to hold Shi Rin...

   But he didn't even think about it, is Shirin really something they can handle casually?

   "Actually, if you want to work in Shiguang Group, your eldest brother is absolutely welcome. You are part of the company." Xi Yue's voice was gentle and quiet, "With you here, your father will be more at ease."

   Shi Rin was silent for a moment, then said lazily, "Forget it, I'm not suitable."

   hung up the phone, Shi Rin stood by the window for a few seconds, then sat back at the desk and continued to copy the scriptures to calm himself down.

   But tonight is doomed not to be calm, but the housekeeper Shi walked in from the door, "Master, Miss Xinyan has checked out, let me thank you."

   Shirin: "…"


  Ling Zhenxing always felt that dealing with high school students like He Xinyan was a trivial matter.

  He is the boss of a group, and he can crush the opponent to death by raising his finger, where does he need to pay attention.

   But since his son called, he still wanted to know the progress and see if his son was relieved.

   But before he called, it was Ling Chen's head teacher who called first.

  Ling Zhenxing almost fainted after hearing the call.

   What's going on? He Xinyan is fine, but his son is involved?

  Ling Chen couldn't stand the pressure at all, saying that the set of test papers was sent to him by Assistant Zhang himself.

   He had no idea that there was such a play today! I didn't go to frame He Xinyan!

  At this point, Ling Zhenxing, as the boss of a group, used despicable means to deal with a high school student. It can be said that he lost all face.

  Ling Zhenxing pressed his temple and called He Linjun.

   "Didn't you say that things can be handed over to you? You can't handle an adopted daughter, you trash!"

He Linjun's voice also held back his anger: "Uncle Ling, the test papers you gave me are all wrong, how can you let me deal with He Xinyan? I took a lot of risks to do things for you, but I couldn't get a good deal in the end. ."

  Ling Zhenxing: "You fart, where are you at risk, now the school is suspicious of me!"

  Ling Chen was dragged into the water, so he couldn't help himself.

   But as the boss of the group, he couldn't rush to the school to shout loudly, explaining that he didn't do it, and it was He Linjun who did it.

   At that time, not only will he be humiliated and thrown into his grandmother's house, but I'm afraid it will become the laughing stock of the entire Donglin City.

He Linjun: "The Ling family has been donating money to Yongxing High School for so many years. Uncle Ling must raise his hand to settle this trivial matter. By the way, when He Xinyan tells the school, the school must give a satisfactory account, otherwise she will take the initiative. drop out."

  Ling Zhenxing immediately cheered up when he heard this: "Is there such a thing? It's very good, I'll teach her a lesson to see what an arm can't twist a thigh."

   Great, things are turning around!

   If He Xinyan had been kind and generous and said that she would not be held accountable, as a victim, Yongxing High School would definitely appease her.

   But now the victim is aggressive and challenged with the school, which makes him look very unlovable.

   No school leader is willing to accept this kind of threat. This is forcing the vice-principal and several teachers who dealt with this matter to take responsibility and slap the school in the face.

  The little girl was impulsive and ignorant, and thought she could threaten the school.

   But don’t think about one student, drop out of school when you drop out. Compared with the millions of donations and the vice-principal and others, it’s not worth mentioning at all.


   The vice-principal received a call from Ling Zhenxing, and his heart was a little more calm.

   He knew that this incident had disturbed the principal and Director Yue, and even the Municipal Education and Teaching Research Office. It was wrong for him to make a hasty decision, and he would inevitably be punished.

   But fortunately, He Xinyan didn't know whether to live or die, so dropping out of school threatened the school, and the situation suddenly reversed, and he became a vulnerable group.

   The school can't hope that this matter will be a big one. Maybe this time the thunder is heavy and the rain is small, so he doesn't even need to be punished?

   After all, Ling Zhenxing wanted to protect him, and so did the Liu family.

  These two families have donated millions, and it is impossible for the school to ignore their opinions.

   After the matter was found on Ling Zhenxing's head, there was no need to investigate further. If you were to blame, you could only blame He Xinyan for disturbing Ling Zhenxing's private banquet.

   This is a personal grievance, and it is inconvenient for the school to participate in it, and it is even more inconvenient to put it on the table.

  He Xinyan doesn't know how to quit when it's good, the school will only have a tougher attitude, maybe He Xinyan will eventually drop out of school in anger.

  He accepted the benefit from Ling Zhenxing with peace of mind, and did not take tomorrow's briefing session seriously.

   But the good mood only lasted until the next day before the meeting.

   "What, you want me to resign myself?!" The vice-principal stood up in shock.

   He never imagined that the final result of the school would be this!

   For such a trivial matter, why would he be the vice-principal? Is the school crazy, and you can't tell which one is more important than the other?

   Xi Yue in the main seat raised her hand and pressed the center of her eyebrows, her eyebrows and eyes were covered with frost.

"Sun Weidong, what role do you play in this matter, you know it yourself. If you know your mistake, you can change it, and the school can still open up, but look at what you have done?" Xi Yue said coldly, "Just now He also excused Ling Chen, saying that the Ling family has donated money to the school again, what do you want to imply?"

  Yongxing High School is an aristocratic middle school, and parents often donate money to improve the school environment or to use the school's charitable education fund.

  Parents donate money, and the school has the responsibility and obligation to make the children live a little more comfortable, but it does not mean that these students have the privileges and death gold medals.

   In that case, it would be better not to accept such donations in the first place.

   The vice-principal fell into his chair, losing all his strength.

  From last night to today, his mental journey has been ups and downs, but he did not expect that he would be harmed by a phone call from Ling Zhenxing in the end.

   His move was completely wrong! It should be actively saved last night, instead of trying to manipulate the situation again.


   Early this morning, a car drove into the He family villa.

  Lin Yunshu and He Lin both took He Yuye and He Zixiao and stood on the steps at the door early to wait.

   Seeing the old man getting out of the car, Lin Yunshu quickly stepped forward with a smile and shouted, "Dad!"

   He Linjun and He Zixiao also stepped forward and called out "Grandpa" obediently.

  He Yuye looked at the old man in front of him, and only felt that the other party was majestic and gave her a sense of intimacy. She stepped forward and supported Mr. He's arm, "Grandpa!"

   (end of this chapter)

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