The Omnipotent Big Shot Refuses His Villain Role

Chapter 112: Please, help me take care of He Xinyan

   Chapter 112 Please, help me take care of He Xinyan

"But the matter is not resolved. After all, the punishment decision has been issued, and it is not so easy to revoke it." After a pause, He Xinyan continued, "Tomorrow, the school will hold a separate briefing meeting, and I ask the school to give I have an opinion."

   "If the school can't give me an answer, then I'll drop out."

   When this sentence came out, many people were stunned.

   The atmosphere that had been relaxed just now suddenly became inexplicably heavy.

   But no one said that He Xinyan was reasonable or unforgiving, or that he didn't know the good or the bad.

   There are many things in this world that can’t be clearly explained. Even children from wealthy backgrounds will be taught to bow their heads and be patient.

   An adopted daughter like He Xinyan, who is under the fence of others, is afraid that she will suffer countless grievances.

   He Yuye's peanut allergy incident not long ago, didn't she just suffer from a wave of school violence?

   In the end, He Yuye broadcasted an apology, and lightly revealed the matter, and reaped a chorus of praise.

   Can the damage to He Xinyan be eliminated?

   Speaking of which, He Yuye is really embarrassed. She acts like a normal person every day. She feels that her status as a real daughter is superior to others. If she condescends and apologizes, do others have to forgive her?

   Everyone present recalled this incident, and their disgust towards He Yuye grew even more.

   They didn't think much about it before, and they were also influenced by those praises, and they thought what would happen if everyone apologized.

  But they forget that right and wrong and justice are the most basic demands of victims.

  He Yuye just did what was supposed to be done, but didn't say anything further, why should he feel at ease?

   Of course, back to today's matter, if the school can't even give this, then He Xinyan is qualified to hold on.

  Xu Jingyang: "Your decision is right, you should ask the school for an explanation, and never compromise."

   He raised his eyes and looked at Wen Wan who hurried over, "You're right, Mr. Wen."

   Wen Wan looked at the group of students, most of them were from the second and first class of senior high school, but there were many people from other classes, such as Bai Yulan and Xi Mengjun.

   So many pairs of eyes were looking at her, although she didn't say anything, something was burning in her eyes, so bright that all the darkness was invisible.

   She has reason to believe that if this matter is not handled properly, it will become a serious public opinion accident.

   "He Xinyan, I'm sorry, I made you feel wronged." Wen Wan sighed and stepped forward and said seriously, "But please believe that the teacher will give you justice."

   The one who rushed behind her was the team leader of the physics team.

   "Absurd! To actually suspect that you are cheating, what reason do people who can get a perfect score in the comprehensive test have cheating?" The physics team leader was also furious.

  He Xinyan was his favorite candidate to win the physics competition, even the vice-principal couldn't treat her like that.

   Usually, the vice-principal has nothing to do with internal struggles, but this time he really crossed the line.

   He and Wen Wan came here to ask for an explanation for He Xinyan.

  If the strength of the students is too weak to be worth mentioning, then with their teachers, is the weight enough to shake something.


  The imperial capital, on the west hill, is full of verdant trees.

  Although the weather is scorching hot, the night on the mountain is as cool as water, and the night is gentle and lovely.

  Shi Lin was sitting in front of the window, the casement was half open, and a cool breeze was blowing, but his expression was not at all relaxed.

   Until the phone rang and he connected the call, his eyebrows slowly stretched.

   "Thank you," he said to the other end of the phone.

The other side was silent for a moment, a little flattered: "You are too polite, you were originally from Yongxing High School! That student He Xinyan is very good, her class teacher and the head of the physics group rushed back to the school to explain the situation. This student's ability is not generally strong, no matter how high the score is, it will not be surprising!"

"Her class teacher said that before this child was secretly pressing points, which made him look inconspicuous. After the head teacher talked, He Xinyan promised not to press points and play by strength. Afterwards, whether it was a quiz or the physics team leader's test, basically There's nothing she can't do!"

   The person who spoke was somewhat emotional.

  If the person who framed He Xinyan knew that He Xinyan was so powerful, would they still choose this way to frame her?

   Probably not, after all, no one will believe it.

   In the final analysis, He Xinyan was too low-key in the past, and the pressure was too ruthless, which caused others to have a bad impression of her.

   But he doesn't understand, why do you want to press points, is this a special hobby of genius?

   Shirin: "The reason why she pressed points is to protect herself, so thank you."

   After hanging up the phone, Shi Rin walked to the window and looked at the night outside, his eyes were more tender than the night.

  Every time I know her more, I feel more distressed and admired.

   After knowing He Xinyan's attitude clearly that day, he made up his mind not to interfere in other people's private affairs.

  Being a person must know the proportions, since He Xinyan doesn't like it, he can't cross the line.

   You can’t take your own interventions for granted as help, and maybe it’s troublesome for others.

   She is clearly independent and strong. She is deep in the mud, but her eyes are clear, and she does not touch the dust. She does not need the charity and sympathy of others.

   He knew that he was paying too much attention to He Xinyan, and he had never cared so much about a person, even pity should not be like this.

   When I heard the news, even if I knew she could solve it independently, I couldn't help but worry.

  The unknown emotion in his chest has not dissipated, he called Xi Yue's phone.

Xi Yue said with a smile: "Arin, why do you have time to call me? By the way, the student named He Xinyan last time, she encountered a little trouble today, but it was a misunderstanding, and the matter has been clarified. This student has quite a personality, and now he has turned to the school for an explanation."

   She guessed that Shirin had probably heard the wind, so she had to mention it anyway.

  I thought that there would be no attention there, but who knew Shi Lin said, "Aunt Yue."

   He rarely spoke to her in such a solemn tone, and Xi Yue couldn't help but tense up.

   "Aunt Yue." Shi Rin said, "Can I ask you to help me take care of He Xinyan at school."

  Since he can't rest assured, there is no need to keep a distance. He unilaterally wants to bring the other party under his wing, so that she will encounter less wind and rain.

  Xi Yue was stunned for a second, then quickly said, "Okay."

   She didn't ask much, but Shi Rin continued: "But please don't let her know about these concerns."

  Xiyue's thoughts turned to electricity, but she smiled and continued: "Okay."

   Shirin: "She has suffered a lot of grievances, and she should ask the school for an explanation. I don't want the school to have any injustice in the handling of this matter."

  Xiyue: "I will personally inquire about this matter, and the result will be announced tomorrow afternoon at the latest."

   She sighed slightly in her heart. The punishment decision she had just considered was not strong enough after Shi Rin said that please.

   (end of this chapter)

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