The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 150: Rescue Plan (5000)

   Chapter 150 Rescue Plan (5000)

  Gu Jianlin fiddled with the barbecue on the electric cooker with tongs, and asked, "The person you're talking about is my dad? I've also heard it said recently that he was also the one who forced the president of the palace back then."

  Tsukihime pretended to look around: "Yes."

   The two looked at each other, and at the same time complained in their hearts.


Yueji reminded: "Anyway, you have to be careful. The factional struggles within the Aether Association are very fierce and undercurrents are surging. And if you want to investigate your father's affairs, it is easy to be used by some people. At that time, even if you yourself It doesn't mean that, the president will also regard you as a **** pushed by other factions."

  A strong fear flashed in her beautiful eyes: "As long as she threatens the association, she can even kill her own children. Moreover, she has natural disaster-level strength. If she really wants to kill someone, no one can protect her."

  Gu Jianlin pondered for a moment: "Really?"

   "The King of Green may be stronger than the president, but the two are at the same level after all. At this level, no one can do anything to the other, but it is too easy to kill a junior of the other party."

  Tsukihime said: "Just like Ultraman fighting monsters, the human beings under their feet can't guarantee safety."

  Gu Jianlin nodded slightly: "Indeed."

   "And there is a saying, when do you think about those powerful people, when are they the craziest?"

  Yue Ji said quietly.

  Gu Jianlin doesn't even have to think about it, the answer is old age!

   "There is a saying that the president is almost done, but he just doesn't know who will go first with the King of Green."

  Yueji whispered: "In the dark world, some people count the days on their fingers every day. If the president leaves and the king of blue is gone, then this world will undergo earth-shaking changes."

Gu Jianlin hesitated for a moment, then took out the golden golden phoenix feather from his pocket, and said suspiciously: "I really don't know the president, what exactly is she trying to do? Although the little princess is stubborn, she can't subdue her. At most, it’s just making a fool of myself, it’s harmless. Instead, I think she’s just promoting me to the second echelon.”

   "There is also this golden phoenix feather. I heard that it is her token, which symbolizes her majesty to some extent."

  He paused: "If it's because I said something to her, she wants to torment me, why would she give me this?"

  Unexpectedly, when Yue Ji saw the golden phoenix feather, she was stunned.

"What's wrong?"

   Gu Jianlin frowned and asked.

Yueji was silent for a long time, and said: "This is something from the Fusang Shrine. It belongs to a certain high-ranking Suzaku clan's feathers. I don't know if it is the ancestor or the supreme. The power contained in it has been used up, but it still has great power. value. It can be make an alchemy matrix against the Suzaku clan."

She added: "Humans are creatures that are good at using the environment and tools. Since ancient times, humans have used this method to fight against the ancient gods. It's like forming a group to spawn monsters in an online game. Someone will inquire about the information. The monster is Weak fire or weak thunder, high physical resistance or high magic resistance, and how much output, build equipment according to its attributes."

   Gu Jianlin hummed, easy to understand!

  However, when he thought that he might become that monster in the future, his mood became a little delicate.

   "Your father asked for something similar back then."

  Yueji glanced at him intentionally or unintentionally.

   "So that's why, that's why he had such a chance in the battle against the ancestor of the ghost car. He was already prepared. Since the curse came from the Suzaku clan..."

   Gu Jianlin said softly: "Then he will definitely find a way to deal with it."

  Chen Bojun is a seventh-level sanctuary, and he was seriously injured when he dealt with the weak Kuilong ancestor in the Qilin fairy palace.

  The ancestor of the ghost car is most likely in its heyday, but in the real world, it cannot exert its full strength.

   But in comparison, of course the latter in its heyday is more difficult to deal with.

   If it is said that Gu Ci'an has a chance of surviving, then he must have used the alchemy matrix.

  Gu Jianlin himself is an example. In the absence of the realm of heaven and man, he can forcibly transform into a unicorn, and his combat effectiveness is greatly improved. Although the maintenance time is not long, it is still enough to carry out dimension reduction strikes.

   Furthermore, people are the ancestors that have existed since ancient times.

   Regardless of combat experience or the use of abilities, they are far superior to him.

  Although Gu Jianlin inherited the personality of an ancient supreme being, he is still gradually groping for this power.

  In terms of the degree of control over the power of the ancient gods, he is not even worthy of carrying shoes for others.

  Gu Jianlin suddenly thought of something: "I see."

  Yueji tilted her head: "Huh?"

  Gu Jianlin pondered and said, "If I'm not wrong, it should be for the sake of the King of Blue."

  Nominally, the president is his teacher-grandmother.

   But now he has not formally apprenticed to a teacher yet.

  Furthermore, how could a person who could even kill his own children deliberately take care of himself.

   Not to mention he also taunted.

  The biggest possibility is that this is what the Green King asked for him.

  The old man who was always lying in the wheelchair and didn't talk to him seemed really nice to him.

   "Anyway, just be careful."

   Tsukihime said.

"I know."

Gu Jianlin suddenly took out the requiem bell: "I detained Hasegawa Shinichi's soul before, and you happened to be here, so let's ask together. When we wiped out the gravedigger organization in Heiyun City Walled City, you stayed there By my side?"

  Tsukihime: "I'm not, I don't. Who is Shinichi Hasegawa?"

  But she still looked over curiously.

  Gu Jianlin shook the requiem bell lightly, releasing a numb soul that was on the verge of breaking.

  Hasegawa Shinichi, the leader of the gravediggers.

  Master's subordinate.

  Yueji said she didn't know, but after seeing this soul, she immediately said: "You are under the Nightmare Master, right? Was the Blood Moon massacre incident planned by Nightmare Master? Tell me everything you know."

  Her eyes turned cold, filled with chill.

  Gu Jianlin turned his head and glanced at her.

  Actually, when it comes to understanding Lao Gu, her student must know more than her own son.

   In this matter, she still has more say.

After a moment of silence, Hasegawa Shinichi said dumbly: "I... don't know, I can't touch those things at my level. But before the blood moon massacre incident, my spirit was already polluted. At that time, Nightmare Master Someone has already contacted me and wants me to be an undercover agent within the association to work for him."

  Gu Jianlin and Yue Ji looked at each other, their pupils shrinking slightly.

   "Master Nightmare said that the shadow of death has enveloped me, and only by becoming his servant can I have a chance to survive. I didn't believe it until I encountered the blood moon massacre incident."

Hasegawa Shinichi said: "Master Nightmare saved me when I was dying and promised me a chance to be reborn. At that time, I actually didn't know his true identity. I didn't realize until later that he was The Gu Master who was hunted down by the association. He is still alive and fell into the dimensional rift, but he is not dead."

   "He accidentally entered the Qilin Immortal Palace, and received a gift from an ancient ancestor. He became the **** servant of the Candle Dragon Clan. In just a few years, he was promoted to the sixth rank."

  Yueji said coldly: "What is his purpose?"

  Gu Jianlin also frowned and asked: "Master Yan is working for the Zhulong clan now?"

Hasegawa Shinichi's soul became turbulent, and said: "No, the purpose of the Nightmare Master seems to be to get rid of some kind of bondage. The Nightmare Master once came into contact with a certain person, or a certain force. That force once helped him hold A sacrificial ceremony was performed, allowing him to break through to the super-dimensional level. But later, he found out that he had been deceived."

   "I once heard him growl angrily. The promotion ceremony was right, but it happened to be passive."

   "After the Nightmare Master became a God Servant, his evolution was not complete, but he was able to gain some freedom to a certain extent. He wanted to take revenge on that mysterious force and vent his grievances."

   "As for the Candle Dragon Clan, although Master Yan has never said anything about it, I think he is looking forward to the day when Venerable Qilin is resurrected from the ancient tomb and kills the ancestor of the Kuilong. In this way, he can gain real freedom."

   There was a dead silence in the room.

   Gu Jian Linxin said, then your expectations may have been disappointed.

  Stupid Nightmare Master.

  Tsukihime looked at him and said calmly, "Hasegawa Shinichi's soul cannot be handed over as evidence."

Gu Jianlin nodded: "I understand that if you want to vindicate the old Gu now, you need more than just evidence, but also strength. If you hand it over now, you will startle the snake. The most important thing is that the third master once told me that they I'm also looking for something left by Venerable Candle Dragon. Master Nightmare, it's obviously related to that thing."

At this moment, Shinichi Hasegawa spoke again: "The Nightmare Master once said that Gu Ci'an was his best friend. The Nightmare Master also invited Gu Ci'an to try to join forces with him. Because Gu Ci'an is the world's It is generally recognized that the person who knows the most about the ancient gods. However, Gu Ci'an refused. The Nightmare Master was very angry. I once heard him say a word... Now, Gu Ci'an should feel the same way as him, right? "

  All that should be said has been said.

  Gu Jianlin narrowed his eyes: "I feel the same way?"

  The first thing he thought of was being hunted down by the Ethernet Association.

  Yue Ji gave him a surprised look, obviously thinking of this too.

   "Do you think that the mysterious organization Hasegawa Shinichi mentioned is the one that killed me?"

  Gu Jianlin pondered for a moment: "It's a pity that the sniper didn't survive. Of course, I don't blame you. The opponent sent must be a dead soldier. In that case, he couldn't let himself be captured alive."

  Yueji said lightly: "Leave this matter to me to investigate. I can use the Youying Group's attention to guide Nightmare Master. After all, they are bound to win the inheritance of Venerable Candle Dragon."

  She paused: "But in the end, if possible, it's best for us to get the secret of the Qilin Immortal Palace. We have the strategy left by your father in our hands. It's not like there is no chance."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback.

   Because she said yes, we.

   This word is very intriguing.

   "If you want to unravel the curse of the Suzaku clan, strength is indispensable. The inheritance of Venerable Candle Dragon is very important to you. I will find a way to help you create opportunities."

Yue Ji took out a memory card and handed it to him: "This is what I interpreted, the strategy in the Qilin Fairy Palace. Believe your father, he is the strongest in the world in terms of land reclamation, even if the natural disaster level is in this area They are not as good as him. But you have to enter the Qilin Immortal Palace before opening it, because Taixu will monitor everyone’s mobile phone.”

  Gu Jianlin nodded slightly: "Understood."

   "Since this is the case, I will also pay more attention to the Ethereum Association. If there is any information, I will share it with you as soon as possible. You should also pay attention to safety when you are outside, and be careful in everything."

  He wasn't worried about the girl's safety.

   In the future, as long as the butcher is arranged to be by the girl's side at all times, that's all.

  Once something goes wrong, Gu Jianlin will directly use the spirit to descend and release the ancient divine language.


  Yueji turned around and said softly, "I'm going to sleep."

  Gu Jianlin looked at her slender back, and suddenly said, "Are you being too kind to me?"

  Yueji paused slightly.

   "Don't think too much, I am also for myself."

   After speaking, she closed the door and went to sleep.

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a long time, smiled silently, and went to bed after a simple wash.


  The lights went out, and the night was like water, covering the entire room.

   After an unknown amount of time, the door of the room was opened again.

  I saw the girl wearing a red suspender dress, moved a small bench and sat by the boy's bed.

  She rested her chin on her hand, quietly looking at the sleeping boy's side face.

  The red lips under the cat face mask are slightly raised.



  The next morning, when Gu Jianlin woke up again, the faint scent of sandalwood was lingering around him again.

   That's the smell of Yue Ji.

   It's just that she has disappeared, only the breakfast takeaway left on the table.

  Gu Jianlin shook his head and laughed, washed up, had breakfast, dressed and went downstairs.

  The supermarket downstairs in the community disappeared at some point, and was replaced by an ancient grocery store.

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment, because there were actually a few more people in the grocery store today.

   Huai Yin was still sitting on the reclining chair at the door, wearing a white exercise uniform, holding a fan in his hand, just like an ordinary old man, fanning slightly in the wind, calm and composed.

  A total of five men in black robes stood in front of him, with hoods on their heads, and their robes fluttered slightly in the wind.

   "Over two thousand years have passed, thank you for your hard work."

   This is the voice of Huaiyin, with vicissitudes and gentleness.

   "There is no hard work, for us, time is meaningless."

  A man in black said indifferently: "We just followed the agreement with Emperor Shihuang."

   Huaiyin smiled and said: "Thank you, I still have to thank you. Speaking of which, has Da Huang Fu woke up?"

  The man in black robe said: "With our strength, it is not enough to wake it up."

   Huaiyin sighed: "Alright then."

  The man in black said: "No matter what happens in the Qilin Immortal Palace next, we will show up in time to recover the holy bones. If possible, I hope that Taihua's bones will also be handled by us."

   Huaiyin smiled and said, "What about me?"

  The man in black shook his head and said indifferently, "No."

   After speaking, he turned and left with his companions.

  Gu Jianlin happened to be facing them head-on, slightly taken aback.

  Because under the hoods of the five men in black robes, they all had faces as handsome as heaven and man, and their skin was crystal clear like jade carvings. There was no blood at all, but they had a strange beauty.

  Especially those pale eyes without pupils are breathtaking.

   For a moment, the black unicorn in Gu Jianlin's mind opened a line of majestic and fiery golden pupils.

   seems to have a sense.

  The five men in black robes also looked at him in surprise.

  At this time, Huaiyin's voice sounded from behind, and he smiled triumphantly: "This is my closed disciple. Although I haven't formally apprenticed to him yet, it's coming soon. How is it? Isn't it very good?"

  Gu Jianlin was slightly taken aback.

  The five black-robed men sensed his breathing rate and snorted coldly.

   In an instant, it disappeared into the sunlight.

  Gu Jianlin looked at their disappearing backs, very dazed.

   A while later, Jing Ci came out of the grocery store, holding a glass of wine early in the morning, and said lightly: "These guys are from Lishan Mountain, and they have the mission of protecting the human world, so don't think too much about it."

   Huaiyin closed her eyes again, humming an unknown tune.

  Gu Jianlin turned around and asked Chi Chi, "Are they sublimators?"

   Doesn't feel human-like.

   After all, it is definitely not an ordinary person who can make the black unicorn react.

  Jing Ci shook his head.

   The smile on Huaiyin's lips became more intense.

   "Is that the ancient ancestors?"

  Gu Jianlin was even more surprised.

   "You will know later."

  Jing Ci said casually: "Don't ask so many questions, you have already learned one breathing technique, then I will teach you something else. After you finish the content of the third lesson, you have to consider whether you want to formally apprentice."

   Huaiyin yawned, and a pale will-o'-the-wisp suddenly ignited on his forehead.

  His pupils became dark and evil like a ghost, and he raised a finger of his right hand.

  I saw a cluster of will-o'-the-wisps ignited behind him, and ghost shadows flickered faintly.

  The pitch-black cross flashes condensed on his fingertips, bursting out a fleeting black awn.

  In just an instant, a blood hole was pierced through his left hand.

  At the same time, the strange black spell spread like a living thing, and the entire left palm festered and died.

  Gu Jianlin narrowed his eyes and pupils: "Is this the advanced ability of the Shensi path?"

"Do not."

  Jing Ci smiled and said: "This is a combination technique, ghost spell, ghost transformation, spirit body transformation, and dark shock."

  Gu Jianlin was stunned, this thing actually has combo skills.

  That's right, among supernatural abilities, it was never said that they cannot be used in combination.

   It's just that he never thought of it, and there is such a usage.

  He thought that the dark shock could only be used to explode.

  He didn't expect that ghost spells could also be attached to other attacks.

   And the foundation of all this seems to be the transformation of spirits and ghosts.

  Thinking is narrow!

   "The strength of the **** division's path is the most important thing to see the ghost-humanization and spiritual body transformation."

  Jing Ci said calmly: "This is the teacher's unique skill. Before you learn the forbidden spell, learn this well."

  At this time, Huaiyin shook his left hand and snapped his fingers again.

  I saw his festered left palm recover as before.

  Gu Jianlin didn't even see the fire of the sacrificial offering ignited, and the old man's injuries healed.

   "Well, all the mosquitoes in Fengcheng are dead now."

  Jing Ci said indifferently: "The teacher has done so many sins in order to heal himself."

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a second.

   "This is no crime."

  He said: "This is simply a living Buddha."



  The office building of the Heiyun Walled City base.

  Chen Bojun was awakened by a phone call early in the morning.

  He stood in front of the glass curtain wall, looked at the turbulent sea, and said in a deep voice, "Are you sure? The first batch of Omega who entered the Qilin Fairy Palace to open up wasteland are all missing?"

  In the phone, a deep voice came: "Only Lei Ting came out."

  Chen Bojun's pupils shrank suddenly: "Ying Changsheng and Mu Qingyou are all missing?"

   "Yes, Director Chen."

  The person on the phone said: "It's time for us to prepare a rescue plan..."

  【ps: This book is first published on Qidian Reading App, welcome to read the genuine version, continue to write the next update, the next update is still 5,000 words. Don't wait, it's probably quite late. 】

  (end of this chapter)

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