The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 149: cohabitation life of beautiful girls

  Chapter 149 Cohabitation Life of Beautiful Girls

  Gu Jianlin frowned, no matter how he sounded like a resentful woman.

However, when he entered to change his shoes, he was stunned for a moment, because this small house had undergone earth-shaking changes. The empty living room was covered with a white carpet, and the simple light bulbs were replaced with delicate rose-like chandeliers. There is a layer of khaki plush cover cushion, and the cartoon bear is waving and smiling.

  The dusty TV was re-cleaned, many plush dolls were placed in the cabinet below, the old curtains on the balcony were replaced with warm light white, and there were a few more tender green potted plants.

  The books on the bookshelves were rearranged, and the figurines were arranged neatly.

  Including the kitchen and bathroom have been re-cleaned, clean and tidy.

   This is certainly not considered a redecoration, but after these embellishments, it adds a warm feeling.

   It's like being lightly tapped with a magic wand, and the whole house looks brand new.

  Of course, the most important thing may not be the decoration of the house.

   It was the girl in the red suspender nightdress.

  Under the warm light, her round and white shoulders reflected light, her collarbone was slender and delicate, and her chest was slightly puffed out.

   Viewed horizontally, it becomes a ridge and the side becomes a peak.

  It's a pity that I'm wearing a mask, so I can't see my face clearly.

  At this time, the parrot in the cage was also staring at the woman, its eyes widened.

  Yueji just glanced at the parrot and ignored it.

   "You did all this?"

  Gu Jianlin looked at the cozy hut, and something seemed to be touched in his heart.

   "It turns out that this house is like a prison. Living here with you always feels like being in prison."

  Yueji turned on the Tucao mode: "And you are not a cellmate, but a prison guard."

  Gu Jianlin went to the kitchen to open the refrigerator, and there was a lot of yogurt and drinks in it.

  In the cabinet next to it, there are many snacks.

  He took out a bottle of Coke and unscrewed it, and asked casually, "Why?"

   "Because of your expressionless face."

  Yueji said coldly: "I always feel like I'm going to be caught stepping on the sewing machine in the next second."

  Gu Jianlin touched his face subconsciously: "Is it that exaggerated?"

   "Can't you just smile a little more?"

  Yueji pinched her waist with both hands and asked.

   "A person who wears a mask every day has no right to speak of me."

  Gu Jianlin went back to the sofa and sat down, and said lightly, "Also, what is a vixen?"

   "Lin Wanqiu."

  Yue Ji's voice was cold, and she sat down on his bed: "Pick me up in a super-running, mature sister-in-law's car. After all, she is a famous goddess in Fengcheng District. Enjoy it?"

  Gu Jianlin said calmly: "You think too much, she just uses me as a protective umbrella."

  Yueji snorted coldly: "Indeed, she has been investigated many times these days."

  Gu Jianlin glanced at her: "You know all about this?"

  Yue Ji didn't shy away from anything, and said directly: "The Ether Association is so big, there is no way to get rid of the ghosts. The Youying Group has planted a lot of eyeliners in the Ether Association, and I also have my own connections."

  Gu Jianlin was stunned for a moment: "You just told me this kind of information? I'm not afraid that I will betray you?"

  Yueji said lightly: "I've already lived with you, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

  Gu Jianlin choked for a moment, this girl could always hit his vitals with one move.

   "That Lin Wanqiu is a vixen, don't be fooled by her."

  Yueji suddenly became serious: "She provoked an unimaginable existence."

  Gu Jianlin had a weird look on his face, he suspected that the unimaginable existence was himself.

   "For the sake of you knowing to come back, eat."

  Yueji turned around, her long black hair fell: "I ordered takeaway. You can get it later. I'm wearing pajamas, so it's inconvenient."



  Tonight's dinner is Japanese barbecue, with meat delivered to your door.

  Gu Jianlin looked at the oily and fragrant wagyu beef in the electric pot, feeling a little emotional for a while.

  He thought of the good time he had supper with the beautiful girl at home a few months ago.

  Speaking of which, when the secret medicine was sent out during the day, Youzhu seemed not very happy, but a little angry.

   Really hard to serve.

   Thinking of this, Gu Jianlin sent a few more messages, but nothing came of it, and he just didn't reply.

   "Dinner with a beautiful girl, still thinking about other women?"

  Yue Ji held a piece of baked potato chips in her mouth, her red lips were alluring and her eyes were meaningful.

   "My sister, I used to have supper with her."

  Gu Jianlin explained expressionlessly: "She seems to be angry with me."

  Yueji rolled her pitch-black pupils and asked, "What's wrong?"

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a second, and briefly summarized what happened in the morning.

   "Spiritual secret medicine for beauty and breast enhancement? This thing is quite expensive in the market."

  Yueji took a sip: "You deserve it, your sister should be flat-chested, right?"

   After she finished speaking, she sat on the edge of the table with her chin resting on her hands, and her full chest was placed directly on the table.

  Due to the height problem, the slender calves under the long skirt dangled, and the white and tender feet were off the ground, quite tempting.

  Gu Jianlin hummed.

   "Then if you give her the secret medicine for breast enlargement, isn't that just to make it clear that you think her **** are small?"

  Yueji's bright and clear eyes were full of ridicule: "Straight man!"

  Gu Jianlin frowned: "What does it have to do with me?"

   "If she just treats you as a brother, then it's really nothing, just ordinary teasing. But if she is interested in you, then you will think that you think she is flat."

  Yue Ji Youyou said: "Your intuition should be very sharp."

  Gu Jianlin fell into silence. The girl in the family belonged to the three beautiful girls, so it was difficult to detect the real intention.

   But he did feel a lot of special feelings in it.

  That was exposed by Youzhu recently.

  However, it is normal for adolescent girls to develop feelings for each other.

   Maybe it would be nice to grow up a little bit.

   "I said before lifting the Gu family's curse, I will not consider any emotional matters."

  Gu Jianlin emphasized: "Because of family factors, this is a bit forbidden."

  He would rather not think about these things.

   "It's boring."

  Yueji curled her lips: "Looking at your serious face, I didn't know you thought you were going to save the world."

  Gu Jianlin ate his meat in suspense and didn't speak.

   "Then tell you the business."

  Yue Ji asked casually: "I heard that you beat up the little princess of the Ji family?"

  Gu Jianlin paused while eating: "You know all about this?"

  Yue Ji shrugged: "The little princess of the Ji family's notoriety is comparable to yours. I heard about it just after I came out of the Immortal Palace."

   "If you say little princess, just say little princess, don't bring me along."

  Gu Jianlin caught the key word: "Have you entered the Immortal Palace?"

   "After all, I am a member of the Youying Group on the surface, and I must go in to open up wasteland. If I don't expect it, you should also be able to observe the corresponding information on the Deep Space Network."

  Yueji hummed.

  Gu Jianlin took out his phone and logged into the Deep Space Network.

   Sure enough, the latest consultation was found on the official website interface.

   "A major discovery, the seventh team of the Dawn Operation Sequence broke through the foggy area and discovered the tombs of ancient sublimators 1,500 years ago, which is very likely to rewrite the history of human sublimators!"

   "The first echelon of the Omega sequence successfully captured an ancient ancestor in the living burial area, and continued to pursue it in depth. The secret of the Qilin Fairy Palace will be revealed soon, please wait and see."

   "It has been officially confirmed that the dimension entrance of Heiyun Walled City is the most stable, and its geographical location is relatively safe. It meets the standard of using the alchemy matrix to open the gate of time and space, but it cannot be ruled out that there are other entrance dimensions that meet the same conditions."

   "All departments, please pay attention. Many investigators have reported that there are suspected activities of members of the Youying Group in the Qilin Fairy Palace. The Demon Hunter Special Operations Group, which belongs to the Trial Court, has entered the Qilin Fairy Palace."

"The first echelon of the Omega sequence, code-named Cyborg. It was teleported back at 10:17 tonight. It was suspected of encountering a member of the Youying Group. It suffered thirteen lacerations and fell into a coma. Supervised by Wang Taisheng of the Night Watch Department, a huge reward was offered The murderer, revenge for the son. The murderer is suspected to be a way to kill ghosts, a fourth-order Shura."

  Gu Jianlin was stunned when he saw the end.

  Wang Taisheng supervised.

   "Old Bidden coming to beep Reina this morning?"

   The parrot shouted with a piece of barbecue in its mouth.

   "Wang Taisheng's son was seriously injured?"

  Gu Jianlin turned his head and looked at the girl beside him: "You didn't do this, did you?"

Yue Ji lowered her head and drank the orange juice, and said lightly: "Wang Taisheng is the most lovable defector in the night watchman department, and he almost wrote on his face that he is the dog of the court. Since the court likes to turn your father's affairs on into you, then I'll let him experience what it's like to repay a father's debt."

  Gu Jianlin's pupils shrank: "The first echelon of the Omega sequence is all fifth-order, which is too dangerous."

Yue Ji said coldly: "It doesn't matter, that guy came in through connections. Although his rank is very high, his use of extraordinary abilities is rubbish. He is a useless priest who can't be used anymore. He can't control his spirit body well. "

  She paused: "At the same level, far worse than you, you can beat him ten times."

   Well, Shensi is the most difficult inheritance path to control.

   If you don't have enough talent, you can easily become the worst class.

  Although Gu Jianlin hadn't found any difficulty in Shensi for more than half a month.

   But this is because of the gift of the power of the ancient gods.

   "No, I still have to say, it's too dangerous."

  Gu Jianlin emphasized: "They still have companions."

  Yueji continued to shake her head: "It doesn't matter, that unlucky guy is alone, have you forgotten my method? I saw the opportunity and gave him a combo in seconds, and he couldn't react at all."

   "I'm almost level five, and I'm currently preparing rituals and extraordinary resources. The strongest Omega sequences, if it's a desperate fight, only Ying Changsheng and Mu Qingyou, I'm not sure I can win."

She paused: "There is also Li Hanting. His strength is not top-notch, but it is said that he has a few very powerful mythical weapons. I can only attack him after I have reached the fifth level. As for the other people with the background of the court, Although some of them are tricky, they are not impossible to kill."

  The parrot was dumbfounded: "It's a crime."

  Gu Jianlin fell into silence.

  He just had a conflict with the inspector this morning.

   This girl beat her son to the hospital at night.

  Yue Ji's tone seemed calm, but the danger in it could be imagined.

   This girl has really tried her best to protect herself.

  The previous few times, whether it was the viaduct or the canteen of Fengcheng No. 2 Middle School.

   It's just because he can handle it by himself, so she didn't make a move.

   When she arrived at Heiyun Walled City, she was desperately fighting for it.

   After all, there were so many sublimators of the Ether Association at that time.

   If you are a little careless, you will be doomed.

  And this time, she actually hunted and killed Omega in the Qilin Fairy Palace in order to vent her anger.

   "Don't think too much, I'm not all for you."

  Yueji dodged her eyes and said in a low voice, "I just hate the Tribunal."

  Gu Jianlin sighed: "Even if you are my father's student, you don't have to be so nice to me. Now the court department doesn't dare to do anything to me directly, so it can only do some small tricks secretly, which is harmless."

   "I'm not, I don't."

  Yueji looked away, not looking at him: "Speaking of which, do you still remember the butcher? When they were plundering resources in the fairy palace, they encountered a monster from the Omega sequence."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment: "Monster?"


  Yueji said intentionally or unintentionally: "Holding a mythical weapon called Jilei, it is obviously at the same level as me, but it is extremely vigorous, and it has the combat power to fight against the fifth level."

  Gu Jianlin was stunned, he didn't expect that his tiger general had also recovered and entered the Immortal Palace.

   "Youying Group is fighting head-on with the Ether Association?"

   he asked subconsciously.

"The last time I was in Westport, I already tore my face. Before opening up the fairy palace, everyone was very restrained, but in the fairy palace, for the sake of opportunities and resources, they will do whatever they can. Not only them, but also many wild animals, big and small. Sublimators, scattered sublimator organizations, will all come to share a piece of the pie."

   "People like me will take the initiative to hunt down some Omegas of the Ethereum Association, because they have a lot of resources on them, and they may also have mythical weapons issued by the association. Killing one is blood money."

  Yueji warned: "Soon, it's time for your second echelon to go down to open up wasteland. You have to be careful."

   She said, "Put your hand out."

   Gu Jianlin was puzzled and stretched out the wrist of his left hand.

  Yueji leaned over, found out from nowhere a string of black stone beads, and tied them around his wrist.

"All right."

She raised her right hand, and there was a string of identical stone beads on her wrist, and there was a rare hint of complacency in her voice: "In this way, when you enter the fairy palace, I can sense your position inside." .”

  Gu Jianlin was startled: "Where did you get it? Did you find it in the Immortal Palace?"

  Yueji ignored him.

   But the answer is already obvious.

   "There is one more thing, I want to remind you."

Yue Ji suddenly said: "The first echelon of the Omega sequence seems to have encountered something in the Asgard. Anyway, when we came out, they had already pursued it deeply. But according to part of the strategy I analyzed, the area they entered There should be something terrible in the living burial area, and we didn't dare to go deep."

  Gu Jianlin narrowed his eyes.

   "I suspect that they haven't come out yet."

  Yueji asked: "Is there any news from you?"

  Gu Jianlin shook his head: "I haven't even seen the chief instructor until now, and I'm just taking care of the brats."

  Yueji snorted: "Are you mocking the president of the Ethereum Association? She's torturing you so much."

   "Who knows."

   Gu Jianlin said quietly.

   "The president of the ether association is very dangerous."

  Yueji said: "If possible, stay away as much as possible."

  Gu Jianlin asked: "You also know that she was forced into the palace by the high-level executives of the association, and then killed her own children?"

Yue Ji nodded: "Someone told me that the president is a well-deserved pillar of the human world, and he is ranked among the top five powerhouses in human history, but he is not a saint. And... her purpose was not from the beginning to the end. To protect the human world, she just wants to keep the organization of the Ethernet Association and her husband's life-long hard work. The president and many high-level members of the association are not in the same line."

  【ps: This book is the first reading app on the starting point, this is the only update today, I feel unwell, I will make an update tomorrow...]

  (end of this chapter)

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