The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 104: I'm going to kill him (5300)

  Chapter 104 I went to kill him (5300)

  Gu Jianlin bent down and pulled out the dagger, only to see that many people in the building opened the door and came out. The sound of the door opening and closing was mixed with hurried footsteps and some excited whispers.

   "Hurry up, the boxing match is about to end, I beat the vulture for 100,000 yuan!"

   "One hundred thousand? Where did you get one hundred thousand, you poor ghost? You won't take your wife's money for medicine, will you?"

   "Nonsense, if he wins this wave, he can change his wife. If he loses, he can change his wife."

   "It makes sense, I would have stolen my father's pension money to gamble."

  Gu Jianlin silently looked at the middle-aged man on the ground who was about to die, his raised right hand suddenly lit up with a pale will-o'-the-wisp, and then he raised his hand to touch his heart, absorbing his vitality.

  At this moment, Gu Jianlin remembered what the little boy said.

  Everyone here is not worth helping.

   Indeed, regardless of the evil these people have to do in order to survive in the forbidden area.

   You should first think about why these people have fallen here.

  Some people may be innocent, but most of the poor people here must have something hateful.

  For example, those gambling dogs who passed by just now.

  Gu Jianlin remembered that when he was a child, there was a neighbor who liked to gamble very much. At first, he got a house from gambling, but then it got out of hand, and finally he lost everything and lost his wife and children.

  In the end, he was kicked out by his creditors to live in a small earthen house in the country. Later, he heard that he was gone, and he didn't know how he died.

  This kind of person is not worthy of sympathy, because stupidity is the original sin.

  Gambling seems to be a matter of probability and luck, but in fact it is a kind of IQ tax.

  A fascinating IQ tax.

The real horror of gambling is that as long as the vast majority of people have a little bit of sweetness in gambling, they will be out of control like ingesting a drug addiction. He will gamble without limit, even if he loses badly, I firmly believe that one day I will come back from the Jedi and win back the lost money multiple times.

   So the question is, when will he stop?

  The answer is when he loses everything.

   Unless someone can get a taste of it.

   It is never luck that really determines your victory or defeat, but your capital.

  Suppose, the dealer has 100 million, and you only have 100,000, you bet until one of them loses.

  Who will lose first in the end.

  Think about it with your ass, when the capital in your hands is not equal, this is an unfair game.

  Under normal circumstances, it is basically impossible for a gambler to have more capital than a dealer.

   Unless it is a stronger dealer dimensionality reduction attack.

  The most intractable disease in the world is poverty, followed by this crazy leek.

   Gu Jianlin shook his head, and a message rang on his cell phone.

  Shu Weng: "Sorry my lord, I lost track."

  Gu Jianlin was taken aback for a moment, and replied, "Did you lose track?"

   Shuweng is also from the Ethernet Association at any rate, and he has received professional training, so how could he lose track of him.

Shuweng replied: "Sorry my lord, I'm mentally handicapped, I'm an idiot. But that kid is abnormal, he has very good anti-tracking and anti-reconnaissance methods, and his technical level is higher than mine. This proves that either he has The problem, either, is that some high-ranking elite taught him this technique."

  Gu Jianlin tapped the screen a few times: "Okay, I see."

  Unexpectedly, Shuweng sent another message: "But that kid seems to know who is following him, and he left us a note, which says—the corpse was thrown directly into the sewer."

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a second, then he understood.

   It seems that it is not uncommon in the taboo area of ​​Westport to repay kindness with revenge.

  A good person here is equivalent to a fool, allowing others to bully him.

   No wonder, the first lesson the King of Green wants to teach him is human nature.

  That kid knew it would happen, so he reminded him repeatedly.

   Taking advantage of the darkness, Gu Jianlin picked up the corpse and walked out of the dormitory building. Sure enough, he saw a sewer entrance downstairs. The manhole cover was lifted aside, and it was as deep as hell.

  He threw the corpse in casually, turned and left.

   Right at this moment, footsteps sounded from behind him.

  Gu Jianlin instinctively tensed up, holding the dagger at his waist with his left hand, and turned around suddenly.

  He saw a plainly dressed girl head-on, with a slight smile on her face and ponytails rising and falling.

   "Little Gu!"

She picked up a bag of bento in her hand: "Is there no food in the cafeteria? My dad asked me to give it to you. The rice **** and stewed pork rice bought in Uncle Liu's convenience store have just been heated in the microwave, so eat them while they are hot. "

  Gu Jianlin was silent for a second: "Thank you."

  He was very grateful to the father and daughter, but after he realized how dangerous the forbidden area was, he also murmured a little.

  He is really afraid that there is poison in the rice.

"I've been working all day today, are you tired? Seeing that you don't like talking very much, it must be the first day you come here, and you are very stiff and uncomfortable, right? I was like this when I first came here, always thinking about how much life outside is. Okay, it’s too depressing here. Hey, why don’t you take me to a boxing match? My uncle is in the semi-finals today.”

  Zhong Li pulled his wrist and said: "The underground boxing match at the Spade Bar is organized by the big shots in the forbidden area. It is said that if you stand out from the crowd, you will be eligible to enter the fairy palace."

  Gu Jianlin's body was still tense, not because he was wary of something, but because he didn't like physical contact with people.

   Among the opposite sex, apart from his mother, only You Zhu has touched him so far.

  Of course, when he was in a coma, Sister Chen Qing changed his clothes and bathed him or something...

   Fighting doesn't count either.

  He didn't intend to join in the fun, but suddenly thought that there seemed to be some organization behind the forbidden area in Westport, and it might be easier to obtain information if he entered the sight of those big shots.

  Anyway, he has the lock in his hand.

  When the human skin mask is applied to the face, it turns into another person, ready to retreat at any time.

   Like a clown.

"If uncle wins, we can buy enough medicine with our money, and we can rent a snake boat to leave here next month and go to a small country in Southeast Asia to live. But don't worry, before we leave, I will definitely teach you everything that should be taught to you, maybe you will be the next store manager."

Zhong Li blinked her eyes: "The salary of the store manager is very high. But when you go to the Spade Bar later, you should be careful not to provoke those evil stars. Let's go, let's go to my dad first, there is him You can still push forward with the cover on.”



   Spade Bar was full of people, colorful lights flickered above the dome, heavy metal roared faintly and willfully, and the hoarse singing sounded like soldiers on the battlefield roaring, rough and wild.

  The fight between the two boxing champions has reached a desperate level.

  The wild dog is a burly man with a height of two meters and a weight of nearly two hundred and fifty catties, but at the moment he was beaten with blood all over his body, his face was swollen to the point that his facial features were distorted, and his teeth were all smashed.

  He knelt on the ground panting, and he didn't know how many bones were broken in his body.

  The right hand hangs down feebly, apparently interrupted.

   And Vulture is a middle-aged man, who seems to have no outstanding height and weight, but his pupils are blood red, and his body is also scarred and covered with blood.

  A gas-torn scar pierced through his chest, and blood flowed out.

   But the advantage is that the limbs are intact.

  This is the semi-finals of the boxing match. Both the vulture and the wild dog are at the second level of the ancient martial arts path, but the former has better fighting skills and has a deeper background in martial arts, so it can naturally display its extraordinary abilities better.

  The ancient martial arts path is like this, if your research on martial arts is not deep, it is the weakest profession.

  But if you have a deep study of martial arts, you can almost sweep the same level.

  For example, Zhang Sanfeng, the patriarch of the Wudang School in the Southern Song Dynasty, used martial arts to cross the extraordinary realm. With his own Tai Chi, he beat all invincible hands in the world and achieved the rank of demigod.


   Another vicious uppercut.

  The wild dog was beaten into the air, and the mandible cracked.

  He stumbled on the fence and got up staggeringly, his eyes full of murderous intent.

   After this punch, the vulture was out of breath, and a hint of madness flashed in his pupils, but he didn't attack again.

  Because at this point in the fight, the spirituality has dried up, and it is pure hand-to-hand combat.

   The competition is about willpower!

"it is good!"

   "Good fight! Don't surrender! Keep fighting!"

   "Kill him! Kill him!"

  In the crowd, Zhong Guoqing grabbed the fence nervously, staring at the battle situation.

  Until Zhong Li pulled Gu Jianlin over, he didn't look back.


  In the noisy crowd, Zhong Li leaned over and shouted: "How about it? Who can win?"

  Zhong Guoqing was nervous, and murmured: "I don't know, don't talk! Look at the result! Look at the result!"

   "Dad, you won't buy it too?"

  Zhong Li stared at him, puffed her cheeks and said, "It's all agreed, whether you win or lose, you won't buy it!"

   "Oh, I know! Can I gamble with our life-saving money? I bet a hundred!"

  Zhong Guoqing scratched his neck to look around, and said impatiently: "Let's add a lot of money!"

  Gu Jianlin was standing in the back, among the roaring and shouting crowd, out of place.

   "Little Gu!"

  Zhong Li turned to look at him: "What is your path? Who do you think can win?"

  Gu Jianlin looked at her calmly, and asked, "Aren't you a witch path? Do you still need to ask me?"

  Zhong Li stuck out her tongue: "I dare not look..."

  As a witch pathway, she can easily judge the result as long as she releases her perception.

  But she didn't dare, for fear of predicting the bad result in advance.

  Gu Jianlin didn't say anything. From the perspective of normal people, this boxing match was indeed a vulture pressing down on a wild dog.

   But the problem is, in his sense of life...




  The vulture roared angrily, and swung three heavy punches in a row!

  Every punch is like an angry hammer, with all its strength, crazy and fierce.

   Facing this kind of offensive, the wild dogs could only hold their heads to defend, and they were beaten back steadily!


   Another punch, the wild dog's left hand was also interrupted, and the sound of bones breaking could be heard clearly!

"it is good!"

  In the stands, as the boss behind the scenes, Zhang Miao stood up and cheered.

  Zhu Cheng stood aside with a cold face and sneered.

   "It looks like the winner is going to be decided."

  Liu Sanye put his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "This vulture's fighting skills are not bad."

  Under the black silk curtain, Miss Lan asked with a light smile, "Sister Yueji, what do you think?"

  Yueji said lightly: "The wild dog won."

   After speaking, she disappeared in the darkness, turned around and left.

Beside   , the butcher froze for a moment: "Huh? Boss, what did you say?"

  At this moment, the audience erupted into excited cheers, and the roar of heavy metal music reached its climax.

  The wild dog was paralyzed in the corner of the fence, panting heavily, with both hands drooping weakly.

   And the vulture stepped forward and threw a deadly punch.

   After this punch, if the opponent does not surrender, he may be killed on the spot!

  However, for some reason, the wild dog stared at him, with a sinister smile on his lips.

  The wind of the fist roared, but it stopped abruptly at the last moment.

   Vulture's fist froze in mid-air, trembling slightly.

  The audience was dead silent, many people held their breath, extremely nervous!


   Above the head, a metal cage crashed down, covering the entire boxing ring.

  The wild dog let out a frenzied laugh, turned around and jumped down, slapping the door of the cage: "Let me out, let me out! I won! I won! Hahahaha!"

  He spat out a mouthful of blood: "Boss, I won!"

  As the metal gate opened, he ran out roaring, kneeling on the ground, roaring.

   Someone immediately came out to meet him and give him emergency treatment.

   In the stands, Zhu Cheng showed a strong smile on his face, extremely happy.

   On the other hand, Zhang Miao was petrified.

   "Tsk, what a pity."

  Liu Sanye said with emotion: "Miss Yueji's vision is as accurate as ever."

  Behind the black silk curtain, Miss Lan snorted softly: "It's really boring."



  In this boxing match, the vulture was just one punch away from killing the wild dog.

   But in the end, when the iron cage fell, everything changed.

  Because of the painful roar of the vulture on the boxing ring, the muscles all over his body were torn, and the white bone broke out until it spread to the entire upper body and eroded his facial features.

  His pupils also trembled violently, alienating into terrifying compound eyes.

   At the last moment, he lost control and deformed!

  The mechanism of the metal cage was activated, and wires shot out from all directions, piercing through his limbs, releasing a powerful electric current, controlling this alienated man.

  The electric shock made him convulse all over, excruciating pain.

   Meanwhile, the tips of those wires were coated with some kind of black fluid.

  Injected toxin into his body.

  The vulture wailed in pain again, extremely miserable.

   "I declare that in the semi-finals of the Spade Tournament, the wild dog will face the vulture—the wild dog will win!"

  The host cheered, and countless people applauded and roared.

  Especially those gamblers who beat wild dogs to win, ushered in a carnival.

  In the crowd, Zhong Guoqing retreated step by step, his face was extremely pale and his eyes were empty.

  Like a lost ghost.

  Zhong Li also froze in place, covering her mouth in disbelief, tears streaming down her eyes silently.

   This one, Gu Jianlin looked at the expressions of the father and daughter and remained silent.

  The wild dog is the winner, and the vulture is the relative of the father and daughter.

  So that's how it was, the black boxing match at the Spade Bar.

   As long as the distortion is out of control, it means losing.

   The fallen can also be restrained with drugs, and the unclean can also take natural grass to suppress distortion.

   But once the distortion is out of control, it means there is no cure.

   The reason why vultures can suppress wild dogs is actually another more important factor.

  He's about to deform!

   The power will be stronger and the speed will be faster.

   And the wild dog seems to have expected this a long time ago, so it lasted until the end.

   "Next, let the wild dog players enter the arena to rest, and we will enter the final session tonight! Trapped beasts!"

The host held the microphone and shouted passionately to the audience: "Does anyone want to try on stage? If anyone can survive under the hands of this fallen man for 30 seconds, they will be rewarded with 10,000 yuan! If anyone If you can kill this fallen man, there will be a mysterious reward! Don’t miss this opportunity!”

  He pointed to a red button in front of the metal cage: "Press it, and the challenge starts!"

  In the cage, the vulture is like a wild beast, kneeling on the ground, tormented by electric current and toxin.

   In the audience, people showed excited expressions.

   But thinking of the ferocity of the vulture just now, no one dared to go forward.

   After waiting for about a minute, no one dared to come on stage, and the host was not embarrassed, and said with a faint smile, "Well then, since no one came up to challenge, let's end happily!"

  At this moment, the people in the Spade Bar cheered again, and their passionate shouts seemed to be able to tear down the dome.

  Someone came out of the crowd and slapped a hundred yuan on the table.

   Immediately someone handed a pistol.

  The man took it and shot the monster in the cage!


  Vulture was shot in the knee, and blood spattered out, causing his roar to stop abruptly in pain.

   Another person took a hundred dollars, got a pistol, and shot him in the shoulder!




  The people here stared at the monster in the cage with cruel eyes.

  Use money to buy bullets and slowly torture them.

  After the out-of-control distortion, the vulture seems to have no human rights.

  Reduced to be animals for these people to vent their stress and dark side.

  Besides the crowd, Zhong Guoqing panicked, pulled his bewildered daughter and planned to leave.

  The old man was trembling all over, his legs seemed to be weak, and he staggered a bit when he walked.

   "Hey, don't look, don't look, it's okay, nothing will happen..."

  Zhong Guoqing's old face twitched, his lips trembling: "My dear daughter, don't look. Listen to Dad, don't look."

  Zhong Li was in his arms in a daze, like a lifeless paper flower.

  The old father took his daughter farther and farther.

  They seem to know that once the distortion is out of control, it means the end.

   But the end does not mean death.

  The things that will happen next are beyond their ability to bear.

  Gu Jianlin silently looked at the monster on the stage, and also planned to turn around and leave.

  He has no interest in this perverted torture.

   However, the moment he turned around, his pupils suddenly trembled slightly.

  In the cage, the man who had been reduced to a monster was tormented by electric current and poison, convulsing and struggling on the ground in pain, and bullets shot into his body from time to time, making him roar like a beast.

  Originally he was still the majestic boxing champion on the stage.

   But at this moment, he doesn't even have the right to die, instead he will suffer endless humiliation and torture.

   However, I don't know if it was an illusion, but his blood-red compound eyes twisted to the right.

  Looked at the father and daughter fleeing in a panic.

  Cracked lips moved.

   It seems to have said three words.

At this time, the host said: "It seems that the vitality of this monster is very tenacious. Next, we will replace it with a more powerful alchemy bullet, which can explode its limbs in one shot. I want to experience the refreshing feeling of directly exploding flesh and blood." Do you like it? The price is 500 yuan a hair, someone..."

  The enchanting and charming bunny girl walked over with a special pistol and alchemy bullets, with a charming smile.

  Many people looked at each other, eager to try.

  In the stands, Zhu Cheng was concerned about the situation of the wild dogs, smiling all over his face.

  Zhang Miao had a dark face, ready to leave with his subordinates.

   This is also the rule of the **** bar, which humiliates and tortures the fallen who become monsters.

   is also in disguise, hitting the loser in the face.

   There is no need to read any more.

  Suddenly, sharp sirens sounded throughout the audience, and all the shouts and roars disappeared.

   Someone hit that red button.

  The host suddenly froze.

   "Open the cage."

  Gu Jianlin said expressionlessly, "I'll kill him."

   The figure of the person with beads has been released. You can also go to the book review area or the character card to see in the Easter egg chapter of the previous chapter~



  (end of this chapter)

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