The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 103: this is human nature

  Chapter 103 This is Human Nature

   After Gu Jianlin agreed, Yue Ji and the butcher seemed to be pardoned.


  The butcher asked respectfully: "Can we still contact you alone like this in the future?"

  Yueji added: "The pharmacist holds the key to the mausoleum, which can lead directly to this place. But now we know that as long as we get your permission, we can still enter here alone."

   Gu Jianlinxin said that it was because I had advanced, and my control over the Qilin Fairy Palace was one step closer.

   "With your rank, you don't have to work for the pharmacist."

  He said lightly: "Especially when you develop drug resistance."

  Among the two, the butcher's rhythm of life is extremely manic, while Yueji has no fluctuations, like a dead person.

   None of them are normal.

  Yueji and the butcher looked at each other, and knelt down on the ground: "Supreme Mingjian."

"As long as we are alive, we can try to help you eliminate all those who have plans for the Qilin Asgard. In particular, our organization also has the ability to enter the Asgard when the Qilin Asgard is fully opened. At that time, we will do our best help you break free from the seal and get out of here."

  Yueji said calmly: "This is our promise."

  The butcher also said: "Old...ah no, Yueji is right, this is our promise."

  Gu Jianlin was quite surprised to hear this. It seems that the background of the forbidden area in Westport is not simple.

   Actually has the ability to enter the Qilin Fairy Palace.

"I see."

  Gu Jianlin said lightly: "Then, it's best not to disappoint me."

   "Of course, we do everything we can to create value for you."

  Yueji and the butcher knelt down on the ground, their figures rippling like water, gradually disappearing into the darkness.

  Gu Jianlin stared at the reality of their teleportation, and the mausoleum once again fell into a dead silence.

really not bad.

   In this way, the person who killed the Yan family and his wife gained two more combat power.

  A fourth-order way of killing ghosts, and a fourth-level way of ancient martial arts.

  Even if that Gu master gets in the way again, the Yan family and his wife will definitely die.

  Gu Jianlin will be waiting for them in Westport.

   Watching them die.

   Either for yourself.

   Still for Uncle Mu and the others.

   Right at this moment, the two keel-like pitch-black chains trembled without warning, each inch of ashes broke, turning into black dust and withering in the darkness, disappearing without a trace.

  After being promoted to the second rank, he once again broke free from part of Venerable Candle Dragon's shackles.

   This time, a huge roar sounded in his mind again.

  In the dark, the connection with the Qilin Immortal Palace has become closer.

"Although I don't know what will happen after I completely break free from the shackles, judging from the known information so far, I might try to control this ultra-ancient world. Although Venerable Zhulong ordered Xu Fu to build the tomb, Venerable Qilin The power of the Raiders has been eroding this space for the past millennium."

"Maybe I can do more things as the ancient gods. For example, as the venerable Qilin, I can walk out of this tomb. Although, at present, I don't know what else is in the fairy palace, and I may encounter There are some dangers, but there may also be great opportunities."

   "By the way, I don't know who owns the Qilin Wedge at the moment. Especially that Gu Master, the existence of this person makes me feel very uneasy, and I will kill him if I have the chance."

  Thinking about these things, Gu Jianlin sat quietly in this mausoleum for a long time, breathed in the air filled with the breath of the ancient gods, felt the tearing feeling in his body gradually disappearing, until he completely recovered his heyday.

very good.

  Gu Jianlin closed his eyes again, and the pitch-black world shattered in the roar again.



  The underground black boxing in Spade Bar has reached a fever pitch.

  Two second-rank ancient martial arts champions were bare-chested and fighting on the stage in blood.

  The air was exploding and roaring, and the floor had already been shattered.

   The two of them tried their best to kill each other!

  The battles of sublimators are always so fierce.

  The audience is screaming, and the adrenaline of the gamblers is also soaring.

  Currently, the vultures have the upper hand, while the wild dogs are beaten back.

  The betting game has already started, and the odds are now three to seven.

   Vulture three, wild dog seven.

   In the boxing match at the Spade Bar, there is actually a boss behind every boxing champion.

  Their boss is sitting on stage, courting a fat man.

   "Third Master, what do you think of our vulture? Are you qualified to follow you into the fairy palace?"

  Zhang Miao held the wine glass and said with a smile: "I spent a lot of money to cultivate this."

   On the other side, Zhu Cheng sneered and said, "The winner hasn't been decided yet, don't rush to show off. You vulture, I see that your mental state is not normal, maybe you are going out of control and deformed?"

  Zhang Miao's expression changed: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

At the very center of them, a fat man said with a smile: "It's useless if I say it's okay, it has to be that Miss Lan thinks it's useful. If not, even if one of them gets out of the finals, it's useless." One, it’s not very useful, understand?”

  Zhang Miao and Zhu Cheng quickly agreed.

  This fat man is the famous Liu Sanye in the forbidden area of ​​Westport.

   "Miss Lan, what do you think?"

   Liu Sanye turned his head and asked tentatively.

There was a curtain covered with black gauze on the stand, and someone inside snorted, "If Sister Yueji was sitting here, she wouldn't even take a look. Forget it, think about recruiting people again, Anyway, there is still some time. The Ether Association will come here soon, right? What these people have to do is to survive first."

  At this time, the door of the secret room opened, and Yue Ji and the butcher came out.



  Late at night, Gu Jianlin was lying in the empty dormitory with his eyes closed, breathing evenly.

  Although this dormitory building is very simple, the environment is not too bad, because the windows are open and the ventilation is maintained at all times. Apart from some humidity, there is no other peculiar smell.

   Just one room, equipped with a kitchen and toilet, with water and electricity.

  But things like range hoods, air conditioners, refrigerators, and water heaters are all gone.

  The only thing that made him feel a little uncomfortable was that the room had obviously just been used.

   There are too many traces that belong to another person.

  Dried sheets.

  Ashtray dropped on the floor.

  The cigarette **** by the bedside.

   And the fifty cents in the cabinet.

   Obviously, the previous resident died, and this room was vacated for him.

  Gu Jianlin is a person who is both physically and psychologically obsessed with cleanliness. Living in this kind of room is very uncomfortable, but he can endure many things in order to accomplish his goals.

   So he simply took a shower and cleaned himself up.

   Then I lay on the single bed made of hard wood, feeling the unique rhythm of breathing.

  Spirituality rises and falls like a tide, and the power is filled up little by little.

  Since he has decided to become stronger, and the stronger the better, then he will never give up his practice.

   Just then, he heard the sound of the door lock being turned.

   Someone is picking the lock.

  Gu Jianlin still had his eyes closed, but his right hand was already under his body, holding the dagger left by his father.

  The door opened, and a gust of cold wind poured in.

   Someone tiptoed to his side, and the cold blade was pressed against his neck.

   "Don't move, get up!"

  A voice suppressed killing intent and pain sounded.

  Gu Jianlin opened his eyes, and saw a face he had just seen not long ago.

   is the middle-aged man he helped.

"I'm sorry, but I have no choice. That little money is really not enough. My son is about to fall, and I'm going to die too. What I said is true. You have the key to the store, right? Don't make a sound , take me to steal the money from the store, I promise you nothing will happen."

  The middle-aged man's eyes were red, and he growled, "Just this time, help me..."


  A dagger sank into his heart, blood smeared on his shirt.

  The middle-aged man lowered his head with an expression of disbelief.

   "The magician path, I have dealt with it a lot."

  Gu Jianlin said softly: "Your hypnosis is useless to me."


  The man fell to the ground, blood gushing out.

  Gu Jianlin looked at him expressionlessly, the moonlight shone on his cold and hard face.

   He sighed softly.

  That's...human nature.

  Suddenly, there was a huge roar outside the window, and there was a commotion from the direction of Spade Bar.

  (end of this chapter)

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