The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 922: Mother of Filth

"He should be the priest of the local church." Sylvia said, looking at the figure of the maggots going away.

"The atmosphere here is a little weird." Leo's focus was on the people whose frantic expressions began to dissipate around him. He could feel that these people would fall into a fanatical state of worship when the maggots appeared. Go, and this state of production is mixed with some extraordinary power.

Leo wanted to turn on Lingshi to see what was going on, but his instinct told him that if he turned on Lingshi, something very bad for him would happen, which also forced him to suppress himself. Curiosity, divert attention to other places.

  Sylvia gestured to him at this time, and the two of them walked into a less striking corner before saying, "The maggot priest just looked like the priest of the mother of filth."

   "Mother of Filth?" Leo was a little stunned to hear the name, and then quickly found the corresponding content in the brain database. He was surprised: "Is the Church of the Filth Mother of the First Dynasty?"

  Sylvia nodded, the expression on his face looked very serious.

   There has always been a debate in the academic world about whether the first dynasty of the French should be called a dynasty. This statement only appeared in the official historical documents of the French empire and was not recorded in academic books.

   At the academic level, those scholars are more willing to call the first dynasty of the Français the period of the alliance of the large tribes, or the period of the former city-state.

At that time, the entire French empire was still centered on large tribes and small tribes as vassal alliances. These large and small tribes built city-states on the Weilun continent. Each city-state has its own judicial, tax, Army and so on, if you don't look at the area, these city-states can also be regarded as small kingdoms.

Under such a political system, each city-state has its own beliefs. These beliefs are from the most primitive Black Forest tribes. At that time, the churches of all city-states were no different from the Church of the True God and the Church of the Evil God. Living blood sacrifices, etc., regarded as rituals of evil churches, were normal religious sacrifices at that time.

Even some of the latest excavation and inheritance data show that even the church of the Lord of the Sky and the King of the Hill, who lives in justice, also performed sacrifices to living people at the time, but they all sacrificed by living enemies. Most churches, even their own believers, are also treated as sacrifices.

  Because of the influence of the city-state system, the churches of the entire Weilun continent have been growing for a long time. None of the churches has grown enough to suppress the strength of other churches. All churches have similar strengths and weaknesses, so their beliefs are extremely confusing.

  It was not until the emergence of the Church of the Mother of Dirty that the religions of the entire Velen continent showed signs of integration for the first time.

According to all the documents and antiquities that can be found now, including the files kept by the wizards of the tower, how powerful the church of the mother of filth was at that time can no longer be verified, but all people who study the history of religion have a consensus that filthy The influence of the Mother Church at that time was much greater than the influence of the three major churches in the Orthodox Church. Even for a period of time, all the city-state masters of the Weilun mainland must be members of the dirty mother church.

The specific teachings of the Church of the Mother of Dirty have long since disappeared with the overthrow of the First Dynasty, but there are still some things related to the Mother of Dirty that have been passed down, such as the structure of the church, the division of the clergy, etc. Waiting, in many underground churches that are classified by the Orthodox Church as the Church of the Evil God, there are more or less the shadows of the Church of the Mother of Dirty.

Among all the known materials, the identity of the senior clergy of this church has always been an argument that religious researchers cannot reach a consensus, because in the texts that can be found, the clergy of the mother of filth is called Maggots.

In the eyes of most religious researchers and church scholars in the Orthodox Church, this maggot's self-proclaiming is actually a manifestation of the belief in the future of the mother of pollution, because the mother of pollution is, as the name suggests, born in the most filthy place, and the maggot It is also mixed in the filth, so the senior clergy of the mother of filth will call themselves maggots, thinking that they are one with filth.

However, as a filthy altar building with some remaining buildings was found on the edge of the Lower Black Forest, some religious researchers and orthodox church scholars who understand the underground world think that maggots refer to maggots because In the ruins of the altar, they saw a man with maggots holding up the scepter representing the senior clergy. In their view, the senior clergy who claimed to be maggots were obviously all family members who had been eroded by the power of the dirty mother.

   It seems that those scholars who think that the senior clergy of the mother of filth are maggots are correct.

  After determining that it is related to the mother of filth, Leo and Sylvia got much more information from various details around them.

   For example, the shape of this castle is not the square castle of the second dynasty, nor the star-shaped knight castle of the third dynasty, but the round base castle of the first dynasty.

The castle as a whole has a cylindrical shape, with three layers of walls built up one layer at a time. Each layer has some fortifications. This castle had a small population in the early days and an era of scarce means of siege. It had a very strong defense. It was not until the advent of the siege car in the end of the first dynasty that the defense weakness of this castle was exposed, and eventually became one of the important factors of the demise of the first dynasty.

At present, this lord castle of Lyon is a very standard round castle, because after many renovations and repairs, from the appearance now, the materials used to build this castle can not be seen at present, but some of them are still preserved. Judging from the city wall statues, there are a lot of styles of the first dynasty.

   It can be judged from this that this castle is probably very old, so old that it may be left over from the first dynasty, and then reused by the people of the second dynasty.

   In addition, on the outer wall of the castle and all the buildings in the surrounding vassal villages, there are a large number of religious reliefs related to the mother of pollution, such as the badge of the mother of pollution and so on.

It’s just a little weird that there are no engraved statues of the Mother of Dirty and legends related to the Mother of Dirty as they are in other churches. Although it’s strange, both Leo and Sylvia subconsciously think that this may be The ancient church is different from the modern church.

In the modern church, especially in the centuries when the gods retreated and the miracles did not appear, the church will use various methods to repeatedly remind the gods of the greatness of the heart. Among them, the church building is called a miracle, and exquisite religious artworks are made. It is also one of the ways to engrave various legends of gods on church buildings.

But in the era of the first dynasty, the gods were very active, and it can even be said that the era of human beings and gods mixed together. The gods don’t need to show various legends and stories. The gods only need to show miracles at certain times, and then Hidden, keep mystery, because only if there is enough mystery, the believer's belief in gods is stronger. Because for the people at that time, all beliefs originated from fear, and all fears originated from the unknown.

"We seem to have to change the appearance to enter the city." While Leo's attention was focused on everything around the mother of filth, Sylvia observed the entrance to the castle, and after a while, said .

   Leo turned to look at Sylvia.

  Sylvia explained: "It seems that only people with obvious physical changes are eligible to enter the castle, and other normal people are not good."

After hearing Sylvia's words, Leo also looked at the direction of the city gate and nodded. Then he found a corner of the house that no one saw, and thought about it, suppressing all other strengths of the body. Only the power of the Abyssal Serpent is retained. And when he stimulated the power of the abyssal snake to be the surface of his skin, a layer of crystal-like scales immediately grew, his eyes also became a pair of snake eyes, and a flaming flame grew on his forehead. The pattern is that the flame is not red, but black.

Feeling the power of the abyss from Leo, Sylvia did not feel any discomfort. Instead, she became closer and closer, and she also began to use the power of the abyss dragon in her bloodstream. The appearance of the variation urged by the power is very similar to Leo. They are covered with scales and the eyes are snakes. The only difference is that the scales on her body are black, just like obsidian.

The reason why Leo chose to use the power of the Abyssal Serpent is because according to the data left by the towering wizard, the mother of pollution is probably from the abyss, because in the various languages ​​of the ancient Black Forest tribe, the word abyss has the word The meaning of the filthy land, so now that the mother of filth is called by this name, then how should she be related to the abyss?

  After Leo and Sylvia completed their abyss, everything around them immediately became different in their eyes.

   First of all, they can all feel that the surface of the castle is covered with a very light abyssal force, and from time to time they can see some black oily substances penetrate through the gaps in the city walls, and then volatilize and disappear.

In addition, the people around them have also become different. They can see that each body of the clan who has obvious body variations has a group of abyssal forces in different parts of the body. Obviously all of their mutations originate from the abyss, which also comes from a side It is confirmed that the mother of filth originated from the abyss.

"The power of these abyss is a bit unusual." Leo, who is extremely sensitive to energy fluctuations, soon realized that whether it was the black oil that penetrated the city wall or the power of all the family members, although they were all powers of the abyss, they were incomplete. Yes.

It is said that they are the power of the abyss, because the energy fluctuations generated by these forces are exactly the same as the energy fluctuations of the abyssal power, which is like a gene. The most important thing for the power of the abyss is the breath of chaos.

Whether it is the power of the Abyssal Serpent controlled by Leo or the power of Sylvia's Abyssal Dragon, there is a confusion in the depth of their power. If they are enveloped in this confusion for a long time, then Anyone's mind will be affected by it, and some bad thoughts and thoughts will arise.

   But these forces from the mother of filth, which are very similar to the power of the abyss, do not have the chaotic and disorderly atmosphere, but are very similar to the gods and divine powers Leo refers to, ordered, regular and stable.

Leo hardly needs to make too many guesses to be sure that the final mutation of these people with the power of the mother of pollution will be the kind of maggot, and the mutation caused by the real abyss is unpredictable and uncontrollable. Even if it is the same force, the final mutation result will be completely different.

With Leo’s reminder, Sylvia also saw some details of the abyssal power of these people’s physical strength. Although her understanding of the power of the abyss is far from comparable to Leo’s, she has two bloodlines in the abyss. The contained fragments of abyssal knowledge, these fragments of knowledge helped her easily judge where these abyssal powers are unusual.

   "How could this happen?" Sylvia said with some surprise: "Is this impossible?"

No wonder Sylvia will behave so surprised. Leo, because of himself, is no stranger to the transition between energy disorder and So this ordered abyss The appearance of force surprised him, but he was also able to accept it.

But Sylvia is different. Most of her knowledge about the abyss comes from the inheritance of blood power. In these knowledge from the abyss dragon and the faceless, the disorder of the abyss is eternal and unchanged. Yes, obviously everything she saw in front of her was contrary to her common sense, which made her wonder for a while.

"There is no need to think about it. Going to the castle in advance and looking at the altar of the Mother of Pollution may find the answer." Leo said, and then suddenly silenced, said: "I think this may not be the power of the abyss. Think about it, if this is the power of the abyss, how could the Lord of the Black Forest allow it to survive."

   Hearing Leo's analysis, Sylvia was stunned and nodded in agreement.

  Although the Lord of the Black Forest is extremely mysterious, even in the Orthodox Church, there is not much relevant information, but among all the materials that can be seen, the Lord of the Black Forest is a true god.

  The two did not stop outside the castle anymore, put down the hood of the robe, revealing their disguise, and walked towards the entrance of the castle.

  As they guessed, the mutated appearance is the best proof of identity, so the guard at the entrance of the castle just looked at the two people and put them into the castle without any blocking action.

However, even so, the mutation status of the two still makes these guards feel a little curious, because their mutation only grows a layer of scales on the surface of the skin, the eyes become snake eyes, the whole is still human form, not Like other mutants, it is completely non-human variation.

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