The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 921: Aesthetics of different civilizations

After repeated reading, Leo returned the wood piece to the old hunter, because he could not see how the energy was stably enclosed in the wood piece. He could only guess that the wood piece itself was a special object and could absorb Save external energy.

   "Sorry, we don't have this currency on hand." Sylvia also handed the piece of wood back to the old hunter.

   The old hunter quickly shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter. I just took the road. With the abilities of two adults, it's not difficult to get out of the Black Forest. It's not necessary for the two..."

"We don't like to owe human affection." Leo interrupted the old hunter's words, and then took out a Jinsa and handed it to the old hunter, saying, "So! You still hold it, if you think it is too expensive, Wait a minute to go back to the village, you help me collect some books as much as possible, if you feel that you are not feeling good, don't give me some ordinary coins."

The old hunter still wanted to return Jinsa back, but when he heard Leo, he hesitated a little. He didn’t really think Leo wanted to entrust him to collect any books or ordinary coins. These are just Leo's excuses to allow him to accept this gold coin and accept the amazing rewards from the other party.

The old hunter, who was very eager for this gold coin, saw that Leo had found a reason for him to receive compensation, and he did not be hypocritical and returned the thing. Instead, he was extremely grateful and said that he would do everything possible in Leo. Before leaving, collect enough books.

The group quickly returned to the village. People living here, like the old hunter, rarely saw people from other places. After seeing the old hunter leading two men and women in fancy clothes into the village, they were curious one by one. Standing and looking in the distance, like looking at something rare.

The actions of these villagers made the old hunter feel ashamed and immediately yelled at them to drive them away. Although the old hunter is not the village chief, his prestige in the village seems to be very high. Under scolding, everyone temporarily closed their curious eyes and refocused on the things they were doing.

The old hunter brought Leo to his residence, took out his two bottles of wine and poured them into Leo and Sylvia, then let Leo and Sylvia take a rest. He went to help Leo collect books, by the way Arrange the carriage to the castle.

   "What do you think?" Leo turned to Sylvia and asked.

  Sylvia picked up the glass, took a sip of wine, nodded slightly, and said, "The wine is good."

   "Do you know what I'm asking?" Leo smiled and took a sip of wine, nodded and said, "The wine is indeed good."

Sylvia thought for a moment, and said: "I guess the system here should be a city-state co-ownership in the early and middle of the second dynasty. The lord of each castle is a city-state lord and has great autonomy. Lanxi is The city-state co-owners have a certain influence on these city-states, but they have no absolute control."

After Leo listened, he nodded slightly and said, "I think the same way," he said, and he paused, saying: "I just found that many people here have signs of large and small mutations. It’s not a mutation caused by extraordinary power, it’s a mutation of the body itself, like alien cells."

  Sylvia heard the word, and soon came to mind, saying: "This is what the Seventh Institute is doing..."

Although Sylvia did not say the whole thing, Leo already understood what she meant. He nodded and agreed with Sylvia’s speculation, saying: "It seems that someone from the French Empire should have been here, and even here. Have had some communication."

   Talking, Leo pointed to an ordinary sieve hanging on the wall in the house.

Sylvia’s eyes also looked at Leo’s inconspicuous sieve along Leo’s fingers. For a while, she didn’t understand what Leo meant, but then Leo reported a year number, and she immediately realized, and also Realized why Leo thought that the French Empire and the Black Dynasty's second dynasty continued their civilization exchanges.

This sieve, which is very common in her eyes, is indeed just an ordinary farm tool. Its role is to screen crops. When using it, you can adjust the size of the sieve to screen out crops with different qualities, so that farmers can specify different Commodity price.

   This sieve can be seen in any farmer's house in the world of Velon. It can be said to be the most common agricultural tool, but if this agricultural tool appears here, then things are not so common.

Because the manufacturing time of this farming tool was seventy-three years ago, the man who made it was a scholar from Mozambican Continental College of Agriculture, this scholar specializes in some steam machinery to help farmers and planters in Mozambique easier. Harvesting crops, and this sieve that popularized the entire vinylon world in a very short period of time was a farm tool he made in his spare time, and this farm tool has become the world's best-selling farm tool.

However, this farming tool that was only popular in the world of Velon appeared in the civilized world of the Black Forest, and it seems that this farming tool is also a kind of ordinary farming tools, so Leo has reason to believe that this farming tool should be Velon The only people in the world who have the ability to do this in the Velon world are the Français who can safely pass through the Black Forest.

After this kind of speculation, Leo and Sylvia found several things unique to the Vellon world in the room, but these things have undergone some transformation and their appearance has changed greatly, but their core mechanical principles are not No change, and the careful Sylvia still found a steel stamp mark of a famous machinery factory in Flange on a part of an agricultural tool.

"If there is communication between the French Empire and here, then the senior people here should also know some things about the French Empire," Sylvia pointed to the clothing of the two, and Shen Sheng said: "Our costumes are so conspicuous , It is out of step with the surrounding environment, it is easy for people to see the problem and think of it in the French Empire."

"Indeed, we should change our clothes." Leo nodded, but there was no clothing store in this village, and naturally they could not solve the problem of their dress. Leo could only take out two long hoods of the Savile Kingdom. Robe, cover yourself.

  Although these two long robes still have a strong exotic style, they obviously cannot attract too much attention compared to the clothes they wear.

Soon after, the old hunter returned to his residence with a large backpack, saw Leo and Sylvia covered in a beautiful looking robe, and he couldn't help but froze, but he didn't ask. What, put the backpack in his hand in front of Leo, and said: "Adult, all the books that can be collected in the village are already here." Then, he took out more than a dozen pieces of silver. The black wooden currency was placed on the back bag and said: "This is all the black coins I can find. The value of these black coins is definitely not comparable to what you give me..."

"No, it's enough." Leo reached out and picked up a black coin and looked at it with the wood chip currency seen earlier. This black coin is more exquisite, and the number marked on it is also larger, while the black coin The special energy contained in it has not changed. It seems that the value of these currencies is not in special energy, but in wood that can accommodate special energy.

   "What about the carriage?" Sylvia asked.

  The old hunter quickly said: "Yes, the carriage is ready, and the two adults can start at any time."

   "Isn't it time to wait for a carriage to go to the castle?" Sylvia questioned.

  The old hunter immediately explained: "Of course, that's someone else. The two adults must have important things to do, so I called the old Todd guy. He also has a carriage for rotation."

Seeing that the old hunter had already arranged, Leo and Sylvia said nothing more. Sylvia picked up the coins, and Leo raised a bag of books to signal the old hunter to lead the way.

Seeing that Leo had easily picked up such a heavy backpack in one hand, the old hunter was very surprised, but soon he was relieved, because in his opinion the person from Lanxi brought up a heavy backpack It's nothing, no fuss.

So, the old hunter led Leo and Sylvia in front, and went to the end of the street at the other end of the village. At this time, he saw a somewhat old, but sturdy carriage parked in front, in the position of the driver There was already a driver on board.

   The coachman's dress was a little weird, and his whole body was wrapped tightly and tightly, and even his face was **** by a strip of cloth, only his eyes were exposed.

"Old Todd encountered a fire some time ago, and his body was burned. In order to avoid scaring others, his body was covered." Perhaps the sight of Leo and Sylvia was found, and the old hunter immediately explained: "The two adults please rest assured of Old Todd's driving ability. He is the best driver in our village and can definitely satisfy the two adults."

  After listening to the explanation, Leo nodded and pulled the carriage that was driven by the door. Sylvia followed and sat beside.

The old hunter closed the car door, then patted the driver’s seat, and told the driver to see the driver driving the cart with two weird beasts, drove out of the village, and drove for a while on the path inside the plantation. , On a more spacious road, the speed of the carriage also increased.

After Leo and Sylvia got on the carriage, their eyes fell on the light source inside the carriage. This light source is not something like a brazier or lantern, but a plant, a plant that can emit strong light. , Obviously this should also be a species unique to the Black Forest.

  Although the carriage was a little swaying, it did not affect Leo and Sylvia to read the books. After they got on the avenue, they took out a book from their backpack pockets and looked through it.

The book Leo got was very interesting. It was a book dedicated to distinguishing the collection of the Black Forest. In this book, the specific plants and animals of the Black Forest were described in a very detailed graphic form and marked. Their value is also helpful for Leo to understand the nature of the Black Forest species, but it is regrettable that this book seems to have deliberately failed to write the reasons for the value of these plants and animals, such as the medicinal value of certain plants. Wait.

Leo reads books very quickly. Within an hour, all the books have been read again. These books do not involve any advanced knowledge, and most of them are some story books, but from these books Leo can Learned a lot of daily knowledge related to this civilization, such as speaking, using words, such as dressing, food, etc.

Under Leo’s instructions, Sylvia was soon familiar with the unique behavior and deeds here. Although her learning and acceptance ability was a bit worse than Leo, she was a spy reporter and came to a place after all. Pretending to be a local in the shortest time is her best skill, and soon she found the trick, and together with Leo, experimented with the driver to see if the driver could see through their disguise.

   The carriage moved very fast. Old Todd stopped twice on the road to let Leo and Sylvia move around. The places he chose to stop were also some small villages, which were far away from the border of the Black Forest.

Leo and Sylvia found that as they entered the center of this territory ~ ~ there are more and more people with extraordinary powers, but the extraordinary power they possess is very weak, if not carefully felt The painting hardly feels, and with the emergence of extraordinary power, the variation in these people becomes more and more obvious.

Just like in a village where the carriage stopped and rested, almost half of the people had obvious variant organs on their bodies, but the normal-looking people in the village did not cast any aversion to these mutants, but instead they were Those who are obviously mutated show envy and jealousy, as if this mutation is a beautiful expression and status symbol for them.

When their carriage arrived at the lord’s castle, it was found that more than 90% of the villages outside the castle had obvious variant organs. What is more interesting is that the nobles of the Lyon lord are almost inhuman, Leo and Hill The first local nobility that Via saw when she got off was a maggot-like form, only with a human head and arms.

   The identity of this maggot seems to be quite high. All the people around him who have not mutated or who have mutated their bodies salute him when they see him coming.

   It's just that there is a difference in their etiquette. People who have no obvious changes in their bodies will kneel on the ground and look very humble, while those with variant organs just lean down.

Leo and Sylvia didn’t make any special actions, but they didn’t plan to bow down to the maggot. When the people around gathered, and they bowed down to the maggot, the two of them retreated to the crowd. In the corner of a house in the back, waiting for the maggots to pass by, they came out.

  :. :

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