If other people say this, Sylvia will doubt whether the other party has an illusion, but the person speaking is Leo, then this matter is likely to be true.

   "Is that thing harmful to us?" Sylvia asked.

   "It's unclear for now," Leo shook his head and said, "But it's best to investigate."

  Sylvia was puzzled: "How to investigate?"

Leo was silent for a while, and said, "Starting with the construction of the Winter City. I remember that the construction of the Winter City Tower Wizard has participated in it, and with the relationship between the Knight King and the Black Forest, I am afraid that the Black Forest has also participated in it, etc. After getting acquainted with the environment of Winter City and the Royal College in the past two days, I went to the library of the Royal College to look up the materials."

  For Leo’s proposal, Sylvia also agreed. Afterwards, the two didn’t pay any attention to the outside Tokyo and went to their own busy things.

  However, Leo’s spiritual web is still open, sensing the movement outside and recording the subtle changes in that feeling.

Soon the night passed, Leo and Sylvia simply cleaned up, packed their clothes, and went to the main entrance of the college. Yesterday, the student guide was already waiting at the door. Several people hired a carriage and started Continue the tour yesterday.

In the following days, under the guidance of this student guide, Leo and Sylvia not only toured the entire Royal Academy, but also visited the winter city. During the tour, Leo’s spiritual network was always open. Scan to collect the surrounding geographical, topographic and architectural environmental data. After returning home at night, the data will be organized into a complete image to form a complete three-dimensional map of Dongling City.

  It's just that this process is not smooth, because Winter City has a lot of things that interfere with the spiritual network, so the scan data collected by Leo is incomplete, and can only be supplemented by relying on some data observed by the eyes.

The thing that interferes with the Spirit Net is not only that kind of interference device, but also various strange objects with different effects. Compared with the Spirit Net, it can also interfere with the device to scan some information. Under the action of certain strange objects, the Spirit Net scans The information received is very small, or it is blank, and it may even be deceived by the illusion.

   For example, when he scanned the official residence of the Kelan family in Dongling City through the spiritual network, in his perception of the spiritual network, the place where the official residence was turned out to be an ocean.

After all, Dongling City is the capital of the French Empire. Many of the noble families living here have passed on for more than a thousand years, and they are close to the Black Forest, a place full of mysterious power, so each noble family will collect more or less some strange Thing.

   Although the Clan family is not an ancient aristocratic family with a long history, it can’t stand the money of his family, and it is not uncommon to buy some powerful wonders.

The other is the hill where the palace is located. His spiritual network is completely shielded by a force. Even this force can attack his consciousness along the practice of the spiritual network. Fortunately, he found it in time and paid the price of losing some spiritual power. , Forcibly cut off the connection with the spiritual network, before receiving the backlash from the protection power of the palace.

   Although the confrontation between his spiritual network and the power of the palace is only a momentary thing, it is enough for Leo to perceive some information of the mysterious power in the palace.

The first thing Leo perceives is the power. How strong Leo is unclear, but he can be sure that even if it is a white deer, he can’t compare with the power in the palace. Obviously the mysterious power in the palace is close to even Reached the level of omega-level higher living body.

  Second, he knew that the mysterious power of the imperial palace had no consciousness, and it was more like a field accumulated by some Turing circle or some other powerful power.

  After discovering the real situation of the palace, Leo carefully analyzed that the situation of the palace was both harmful and beneficial to him.

   The disadvantage is that the power contained in the palace far exceeds Leo's expectations. I am afraid that all the response plans envisaged before the Winter City will not be used, and it is even impossible to break through.

   But this does not mean that Leo has no hope at all. From the overall situation, he still has a way to sneak into the palace treasure trove and take the ring.

   The reason why Leo judged this way was that during that confrontation he found that the power in the palace was not controlled by others, but operated by himself according to some established procedure.

Because if his spiritual network touches the power in the palace, and this power is controlled by others, then the person who controls the power will inevitably feel and release the power to check the situation around the palace and investigate who is watching the **** Royal family.

But such a thing has not happened, which means that this force is not controlled by others. As long as it is not controlled by people, Leo can find the law of power running on its own. If he finds the law, he can find a method to follow the law. , As long as they find a way to follow the rules, they will not excite this force when they enter the palace, and may even be considered by this force to be qualified to walk in the palace. In this way, they will naturally enter the royal treasure house and take things naturally. A lot.

  For others, it may be the most difficult to crack the ban on the palace, but for Leo, it is the easiest. The only thing needed is time and information.

  After roughly understanding the situation of Winter City and the Royal College, Leo and Sylvia began to go to the college to study mysticism just like a normal advanced student.

It’s just that for the two, the so-called mysticism taught publicly by the college is as simple as telling the basic notes to a music master. They spend most of their time in the library, using them as much as possible. Borrow a variety of books.

  In the first two days, the intelligence of daily operations, including the list of books they borrowed, was compiled into materials and handed over to someone to analyze.

   However, soon this tight monitoring was relaxed, and even the agents of the Imperial Security Bureau seemed to be transferred away, feeling that they seemed to have encountered something big.

"I know what's going on!" Leo was rushed back with a few newspapers in his hand when he was out of the investigating the whereabouts of the lost items of the Belmont family when Leo was confused about the transfer of security agents. As soon as the door was closed, he raised the newspaper in his hand and said aloud.

   Leo was stunned and took the newspaper from Sylvia and looked at it.

He found that the newspaper was not a public newspaper sold outside, but a residence newspaper inside the Special Operations Department, and the most obvious report above was a large-scale mutation in the wintering tribe in Ferrute City, Northland. As for the scale, it is not clear. The only certainty is that the channel connecting with the North has been closed, and from the legions stationed near DìDū, three regiments and a knightly regiment have been transferred to the North. Secret agent.

From the various details related to it, it is not difficult to see that the mutation of Ferrute City in the North is probably not as lightly described as described in the Di Bao, from breaking off the contact channel to sending three main troops and a knight to the North. To wait for details to analyze, I am afraid that the number of mutations in Ferrute City may be a lot, and may even endanger the survival of the Northland tribes, otherwise the Empire cannot send so many people to the Northland.

  After reading all the reports on the Northland in the Di Bao, I don’t know why the things that Mister and Randall did that night suddenly appeared in my mind.

  Although he felt that this matter must be related to Mister and Randall, any information he can see now cannot prove this. Unless he personally went to Ferrute City to investigate, it would be difficult to find the connection.

  Although there is no evidence, Leo still reminds Sylvia, "You'd better find the United Kingdom agent in DìDū, let them send a message back, let people pay more attention to Mister and Randall."

   "Why?" Sylvia wondered why Leo suddenly mentioned Mister and Randall after reading those newspapers.

   Leo did not conceal, he just said his feelings and what Mister and Randall did that night.

"Is it just a feeling?" Sylvia frowned. Obviously, she couldn't see any connection between her two old colleagues and the big mutation of Ferrute City. Everything was based on the feeling. This seemed to her to be real. Somewhat absurd.

   Leo knew that Sylvia would think so, and did not persuade much, because even he himself had some doubts about the feeling of this appearance.

   And he also felt that a secret line was wasted because of such an unfounded message, which was obviously inappropriate.

In places like DìDū, it takes a lot of manpower and material resources to build each line, and even the dead are countless, and after such a line is used once, it will definitely be abandoned, so every message passed should be It is news of life and death for the United Kingdom.

  Because of a conjecture, some people are suspicious of this kind of news. Such precious lines are used to pass the past. Even if Sylvia has a high weight in the United Kingdom, it may be difficult to explain.

  However, just when Leo wanted to say that he might have made a mistake, so that Sylvia did not care, Sylvia chose to believe Leo's feeling and said, "I will try to pass the news back."

   Leo was stunned and didn't say anything, just nodded, and then seemed to think of something, saying: "Our actions may be accelerated."

   "Why?" Sylvia asked doubtfully.

   Leo briefly analyzed: "Because if the mutation over there is urgent, people like us who have advanced training will definitely be immediately activated to stop vacation and further training."

  Sylvia heard the words and nodded in agreement, saying, "My things are already in sight, I will solve them in the next two days."

Seeing that Sylvia has made progress, he is also happy for Sylvia, but he has no clue here, because all the materials he found in the library do not involve the construction of the palace. Content, which makes Leo feel that he should find an opportunity to sneak into the palace and make a field inspection.

  It was just that, before Leo and Sylvia prepared for the sudden change, officials at the headquarters of the Special Operations Department approached them.

"How did you two learn in the academy?" This official is the head of the secret service team. Although the level is not high, but the authority is very heavy, the only officially recognized team of mutants in Dongling City is in the In his hands.

  When the supervisor arrived and identified himself, Leo and Sylvia both felt that the other party wanted to recruit them both into the secret service.

   "It's okay." Despite the imagination in his heart, Leo and Sylvia didn't show any abnormalities on their faces, and they answered simply.

"Is it okay?" the supervisor murmured, and then took two test papers from the briefcase beside him, and handed them to Leo and Sylvia respectively, and said in an irresistible tone: "Now put these two I have done a test paper."

Seeing this, Leo and Sylvia looked at each other without saying anything. They each took a paper and found a place to do it.

The content on the paper does not involve too complicated and too advanced knowledge. Most of them are the knowledge mentioned in the college these days. In addition, there is some knowledge related to the rules of conduct of the special operations department. In summary, these knowledge Neither Sylvia is difficult.

The two soon finished writing the whole paper and gave it to the supervisor. The supervisor did not say anything. He started to check the answer of the two. After checking late, he looked up at the two~www.mtlnovel .com~ asked: "I heard that you all stayed in the book sense after class and borrowed a lot of mysticism books. Isn't the college professor's knowledge too simple for you?"

  Leo and Sylvia answered truthfully: "Yes."

"Well, I think so too." The supervisor nodded, then stuffed the two answers into the bag, followed by two letters from the bag, and handed them to the two respectively, saying, "Go tomorrow Reported in these two places."

   finished, he got up and walked outside.

   "Excuse me, what about our studies at the college?" Leo didn't open the letter, but asked like a normal person.

   did not return the head and said, "The knowledge you learned there is much more profound than the knowledge you learned in the college."

  Leo asked no more, and after closing the door, he and Sylvia opened the letter in his hand.

   I saw that these two letters were transfer orders. They were transferred to the Seventh Royal Institute, and the position of the Seventh Royal Institute was actually in the royal garden, close to the feast palace where the treasure house is located.

   "It looks like we don't have to leave." After seeing this transfer order, Sylvia couldn't help but smiled and said.

   Leo nodded and said, "If I am not wrong, this seventh Royal Institute is probably set up to study extraordinary powers. It seems that our luck is good."

   "However, why did they suddenly transfer us there?" Sylvia was a little puzzled, but soon seemed to think of something, saying: "Is this related to the big variation in Ferrute City?"

   "Maybe." Leo responded uncertainly, saying, "No matter what, I'll know when I get there."

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