The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 897: Smoothly into the city

In the following days, Leo and Sylvia stayed in the archives and read through the various materials within their authority. Sometimes they also applied for some information outside their authority. In general, as long as the information does not involve certain secrets, Most of them can apply successfully.

The whereabouts of the two of these days have been carefully reported to the superiors of the Special Operations Department by the servant officer. The Special Operations Department was clearly satisfied with their performance at the moment, and there is no doubt about it. Now for the people above Say, how many rewards to give Leo and Sylvia is appropriate.

  For the assessment of merit rewards and punishments, the Special Operations Department has a set plan, but this situation cannot be solved with this set of plans at present, because their merits cannot be quantified with this set of plans.

This is mainly because it is unclear how valuable the bone is in the Special Operations Department, but it is known that this bone is highly valued by Louis X. Even the main meritorious person, Colin, was broken by Louis X on the day he arrived in the imperial capital. The knighthood was given.

  Although jazz is only the lowest rank in the nobility, it is not hereditary, but an ordinary person can get the title of jazz and it is already beyond the level of identity, and its difficulty is that some people can’t even cross the life time.

And more importantly, after Louis X enthroned, he consciously idled the number of nobles. Not only did the United Kingdom establish this matter, it cleaned up a large number of nobles who were not one-hearted, but also modified the conditions for registering nobles. This greatly increased the conditions required to enclose the nobles. Even the soldiers who made great contributions, most of the time, rewarded money and the privileges of some nobles, and did not directly grant the noble titles.

From the time of Louis X's ascension to the present, he has only enrolled seven nobles. These seven nobles are all the most loyal diehards who helped him in the process of his ascension. No matter how you look at it, you are not eligible for noble status, but things often go beyond anyone's expectations. Louis X personally gave the title of Colin noble, which surprised all the bystanders and was curious about the bone.

  It is no exaggeration to say that if Leo and they are not in special operations, I am afraid that someone will have come to them to listen to specific information about the bones from their mouths.

The people in the Special Operations Department are also curious about what the bone is, but they can suppress their curiosity because they are very clear about what they shouldn’t know, and the only result is to be disappeared.

   is precisely because the value of the bones is not clear, so that the Special Operations Department does not know how much credit should be given to Leo and Sylvia for a while.

   If it is given light, it will inevitably cause a rebound at the bottom of the special operations department, because the credit enough to make the lord is only given so little reward, then how much credit do they complete the tasks? How much reward can you get? Will their credit be swallowed up? Waiting for doubts will appear in their minds. Once suspicion of the upper level arises, then various tasks distributed by the Special Operations Office in the future may appear to be passively idle, and may even be used and countered by spies in the United Kingdom. First-line members.

It can’t be given too much, because if there is this precedent, then all subsequent tasks that cannot be quantified can be used by the following people, and the most merits can be harvested reasonably and legally. Too.

   Therefore, the issue of how much reward should be given to Leo and Sylvia has become the most discussed issue in the upper layers of the Special Operations Department these days.

"Apart from upgrading their positions and rewarding them with some money, they will be given the qualifications of a Royal Academy to study separately!" An official of the Special Operations Office, who is responsible for the training of agents, suddenly proposed at the new meeting. Made a suggestion.

Everyone felt feasible after hearing his suggestions. Although studying at the Royal Academy could not directly give Leo and Sylvia an aristocratic identity, they were able to give the two another identity in the sense that one had studied at the Royal Academy. Of agents are far easier than other ordinary agents in terms of promotion and salary increase.

Almost on the day of the decision, the relevant reward notice has already fallen into the hands of Leo and Sylvia, and there is also a notice of further study at the Royal Academy, but this notice is different from the normal notice. The subject of the notice is not filled in. Obviously this is to let Leo decide to study subjects by themselves.

   In addition, the Special Operations Department has also found Leo and Sylvia in the winter city, located near the Royal College, an apartment in the lower city, they can stay at any time.

Now, Leo and Sylvia have obtained temporary residency in the imperial capital. They can live until the end of the training, and in addition to the Royal Academy advanced training, they also need to go to the headquarters of the Special Operations Department every ten days to conduct Other aspects of training, such as the establishment of management branches, the use of new weapons, the ability to learn new mutants, etc.

After receiving the notice, Leo and Sylvia immediately went through the relevant check-in procedures and filled in the mystery research in the subjects of the Royal Academy. I was not surprised by the Special Operations Department because I chose this one Things are also within their expected subjects.

As the formalities were completed, the Special Operations Department transported the two people into the city in a horse-drawn carriage, and sent them all the way to their assigned apartment, then handed over the apartment keys, living expenses, related documents, and a thick booklet After Leo, they left.

   Leo took the booklet and looked at it, then handed it to Sylvia, laughing, "This saves us a lot of trouble."

  Silvia smiled after taking it over.

It turned out that this booklet was specially prepared by the Special Operations Department for the agents who came to study in the imperial capital. Although the booklet is not large, the content above is very rich, such as the nobles, the real power officials, and the restricted areas in the emperor. Can’t go, what things can’t be done, etc. In order to prevent the agents from erroneously entering some restricted areas, they also drew a very detailed map of the imperial capital, marking which places are forbidden places and residences of the big nobles.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if Leo’s ability to collect the information in this booklet is complete, it is not only necessary to travel around the entire Imperial City, but also to avoid the eyes and ears of the special operations department monitors and avoid being blocked by the Imperial City. Secret agents in various secret services suspected that it would take a lot of energy and time.

Now this booklet can save Leo a lot of time, so that he can focus on the investigation of the Royal Palace, and by the way, he can squeeze out a lot of time to see if it can be useful at the Royal Academy of France. thing.

The apartment arranged for them by the Special Operations Department is not very large. It is a very ordinary two-story apartment. On the second floor of the apartment, in addition to the two bedrooms, there is a study room. The kitchen, living room and toilet are all downstairs. The Special Operations Office has already packed up the apartment, and the two just released the ceremony, sorted out their clothes, and left the apartment to go to the Royal College not far away to go through the admission procedures.

  Because it has been audited, the Special Operations Department no longer conducts protective monitoring on the two of them. The attendants dispatched to the two are also recalled, and they are regarded as ordinary training agents.

However, the cancellation of surveillance is only a special operations office, but the surveillance of the Imperial Security Agency has not been removed. Leo can still find some security agency agents disguised as ordinary civilians around the apartment, and they are not entirely for surveillance. Leo, they want to use Leo and Sylvia to find out who is curious about the bone and want to find out.

Because the Special Operations Department greeted in advance, Leo and Sylvia went through the admission process smoothly, without any trouble, and got the tutorials and curriculum, and the two also took the reading of the Royal Academy Library by the way. certificate.

  When they left, Leo and Sylvia hired a student under the introduction of the college admissions tutor to let the students lead themselves to tour the entire Royal College and be familiar with the surrounding environment inside and outside the college.

In fact, Sylvia spent a constant period of time in the winter city, and also studied in the Royal Academy, but she was a noble lady at that time. When she came out of her residence, she arrived in her carriage and arrived at her destination. At home, she never visited the emperor capital, not even inside the academy. She just knew the situation of some aristocratic mansions and a few college buildings, and she did not know much better than Leo about the rest of the place.

The Royal College student who was hired was obviously from a poor and affluent background. From the already washed white clothes, he can see that his family is not very good. In addition, because of the identity of the Royal College student, he also You can't just look for something outside, so you can only take some wizard-like work under the guidance of your tutor.

  In the entire Royal College, there are still many students like him who are from the poor, mainly because the Royal College opens the admission of civilian students.

At first, the Royal Academy did not recruit students from civilians, but only aimed at nobles and soldiers who made military achievements. Later, for reasons unknown to outsiders, the Royal Academy opened the number of civilian admissions, and the number is increasing every year. The number of civilian enrollment has now exceeded the sum of nobles and military meritors.

Also because of the increase in civilian students, there has been a factional struggle between the civilians and the nobility within the Royal Academy. Instead, such military actors as Leo and Sylvia disguised stand in neutrality, so this civilian student leads Leo When visiting the college with Sylvia, they will deliberately avoid the area where noble students live.

The entire Royal Academy is very large, with hundreds of teaching buildings, and more than 50 subjects of the entire Academy are taught in this 100 teaching buildings. In addition, there are a large number of faculty apartments and other living facilities, which are only the main body of the college. In addition, the college also has some branches and laboratories for subjects, which are set up in other neighborhoods of the Imperial City and other surrounding cities.

All in all, it’s difficult to walk through the whole college in just one day. In the afternoon, Leo and Sylvia just walked through the teaching building area of ​​the subject of mystics, and still led by the student, strolling in the downtown area. After a while, understand the situation in Xiacheng District.

  It was too late to see the sky. Leo and the students agreed to a time to continue the tour. After paying the guide fee, they took the textbook and returned to their apartment.

   "Are you really going to study here for a while?" Sylvia asked after Leo said there were no watchers around.

Leo nodded and said, "Old Man Rembrandt once praised the collection of the Royal Academy of France, and also said that in the subject of occultism, the Royal Academy of France has an advantage that other national colleges do not have, even the Orthodox Court. It must be comparable to it, because the Royal Academy of France is backed by the most mysterious Black Forest in the world, so I want to stay here for a while and collect some information while taking this opportunity."

   "Then our previous plan...?" Sylvia questioned.

Leo can distinguish between primary and secondary, and said: "This will not affect our previous plan, as long as the time is We will start, everything is prioritized by the previous plan." Said, he hoped Sylvia asked: "Have you checked what you wanted to check?"

   "Not yet." Sylvia shook her head and said: "Because someone is not suitable for monitoring, it is clear to investigate, but I have found the direction of doubt, I believe it will not be long before it can be found."

  Leo asked again: "Can you tell me what you are looking for? Do you need my help?"

"No need to help! Some small things." Sylvia shook her head and said: "It's not really a big deal, just a few family artifacts handed down from the Belmont family. The United Kingdom was established very suddenly, I was too late Back to the empire, the property of the Belmont family was transferred. The Belmont family was in the city of Winterhill, and it was checked on the day the news of the establishment of the United Kingdom was found. Several Belmont family artifacts stored in the house were all It was missing at that time, it should be taken by the person who was raided. I am now investigating the whereabouts of those objects so that I can take them back."

   "If I need my help, you will..." Leo suddenly stopped when he was about to say something, and then looked out the window.

  Sylvia soon realized that Leo’s reaction must have been to find something outside, but she couldn’t find anything outside, so she asked Leo: “What did you find?”

"Nothing was not found?" Leo gave a confusing answer, perhaps knowing that his answer would certainly not be able to solve the puzzle, and added: "I feel that there should be something outside, but with real eyes I don’t see any exceptions."



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