The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 895: Arrive at Winter City

"What?" The clan jumped up from the bed and walked excitedly to Leo, quickly confirming: "What you said is true? Can you really suppress all supernatural powers?"

"I haven't tested this. I can only feel that my strength will be completely suppressed in front of that bone." Leo shook his head, so he took a test and said vaguely: "The power of others The same is true. If it weren’t for the avalanche, we might all be dead.”

Leo’s words don’t have much meaning, but they are enough to make the spy of the family celebrities think that when they were killing Earl Pipero, the earl suddenly took out the bone, and then everyone’s power was limited. Stayed, the situation reversed, and then the emergence of the avalanche.

"Since the effect of the bone is so amazing, why didn't you take it away?" the family member could not help but to blame.

"Because the person who discovered the bone was not me alone," Leo explained, then glared at the family member deliberately and angrily, and said: "And the rescue I wanted did not come, sir, you think this should be Whose fault?"

Upon hearing Leo’s rhetorical question, the clan smiled awkwardly, as if to change the subject, and said, "How is Count Piperro?"

Leo was silent for a while and said, "I don't know, because in the avalanche, we are all separated."

The clan heard a word and was silent for a moment, saying: "Although I am not sure if the bone is really capable of forbidding all forces as you said, but the reaction from the empire side is at least certainly not simple."

Leo asked doubtfully: "Since knowing is not simple, why not take it away when it is at its most lax?"

"As long as the two of us are impossible to take away, my ability can only allow people within a certain range to fall into a shallow dream, and there is no way to distinguish between the enemy and you. Your ability is only auxiliary ability. Without weapons, Even the cavalry of those security bureaus, you may not be able to deal with it." The clan shook his head and said, "And even if we get something, there is no pre-arranged escape route over the headquarters, we cannot escape the empire Pursued."

Leo asked back: "Since this is the case, what do you think should be done?"

The clan considered for a moment and said, "We will do nothing. I will contact you to see what is instructed. If necessary, I will contact you."

After talking, he seemed to sense something, and then his body disappeared like a mist, and the surrounding scene collapsed instantly.

When the clan dispelled the shallow dreams he made, the power in him inevitably leaked out, and Leo took advantage of this opportunity to capture a share through the power of nightmares, and through the power The gap quickly analyzed the strength of this force.

As Leo guessed in advance, the strength of this clan is indeed the same as the power of the nightmare, all from the night god, but it is slightly different from the power of the nightmare. This difference is not a difference in grade, but more The essence of deep power, in simple terms, is that the power of the clan is not as aggressive as Leo’s nightmare power.

According to Leo's guess, the strength of this clan should come from another remnant of the Night God's Sigh. Someone should have obtained the remnant and then gained strength from it to build a church.

While analyzing the power of this clan, Leo also got inspiration from the use of this power. I believe that he will be able to create a dream that can trap the consciousness of others just like the clan.

At this time, Leo felt that someone had suddenly come to his side, pushing his body hard, and calling him to disguise his name.

Leo opened his glasses and sat up from the bed instantly, making a state of alert. It was completely awake from his sleep. After letting his eyes look at the situation inside the car, he pushed his cavalry towards the security bureau. , Asked: "Has Bellukny already arrived?"

"No." The cavalry of the security bureau quickly answered Leo's question, and then said: "Master Baron summoned everyone to pick up the carriage."

Leo deliberately looked at the night outside the car window, and grunted slightly dissatisfiedly, and said, "At this time, everyone is called? Is the Security Bureau working so casually?"

The cavalry of the security bureau did not give an answer, but stood silently and waited for Leo.

Leo packed some wrinkled clothes, stood up, and walked out of the carriage. At this time, several cavalry had stood in the carriage, and Sylvia and Colin also came out of their respective carriages. They both A blank look appeared.

A group of people walked along the narrow aisle and came to the dining car in front. At this time, Baron Rudolph and others were all in a tight array, and the expressions on their faces looked very serious.

"Did something happen?" Colin felt the atmosphere was wrong, and immediately asked in a deep voice.

"We were attacked." Baron Rudolph said with a frown.

"Attack?" Colin looked around with a puzzled look, and found no signs of an attack.

Leo and Sylvia also deliberately showed a blank look, and turned to look around.

"The attacker should have left!" Baron Rudolph explained, and then asked Collin with great concern: "Is that thing still on you now?"

"Are you?" Colin nodded, then stretched out his arms in his underwear pocket, took out the box with the bones, and then opened the box at the direction of Baron Rudolph, and saw the piece inside. Bone, and when the box opened, the mysterious force field that banned all extraordinary powers also reappeared. Baron Rudolph also had a trace of extraordinary power in his body because he had taken a special pill just now. He also felt the same .

"Does things need to be placed with you?" Colin also felt that this thing might be a big trouble, so he asked Baron Rudolph.

"No, no, let's keep things with you!" Baron Rudolph shook his head again and again, then motioned for Colin to sit beside him, and let Leo and Sylvia find a place to sit at random, saying, "Put away , But don’t close the box, don’t sleep until you reach Bellukny, and take out all your weapons."

Upon hearing the command, the cavalrymen immediately took out their weapons and placed their hands in various positions in the carriage.

Then Baron Rudolf asked his attendant to take some people to get the front of the car, and let the driver drive the train a little faster.

The night after, Baroness Rudolph's worried attack did not reappear, and the train arrived at Berukny earlier than expected due to the speed increase in the middle.

However, even though it was advanced, there were still a large number of people on the platform to meet when the train approached the station.

I originally saw that the person who responded was from the Special Operations Department. Baron Rudolf thought that this person from the Special Operations Department wanted to take credit and was prepared to refuse the handover. However, the person at the headquarters of the Security Bureau appeared, saying that this operation was a joint operation. Only then did he hand over Colin and others to these special operations personnel.

After completing the handover procedures, the team leader of the Special Operations Department and the head of the Imperial Security Service asked to see the bone in Colin's hand. After feeling the strength of the bone, Colin was closely protected and brought with him. He boarded a special small airship and flew directly towards the imperial capital. As for the members of the Special Operations Office in Leo and Sylvia's disguise, he was handed over to the general detective and drove to the imperial capital in an ordinary carriage.

After seeing the arrangement, Leo and Sylvia glanced at each other and understood each other’s thoughts. Obviously, their previously fabricated rhetoric had already worked. Colin was regarded as the first discoverer of the bone, and was specially Pay attention, and the two of them are only treated as ordinary meritorious people, which is exactly what they want to see.

The only question now is whether the false memory that Leo implanted in Colin through mysticism can be discovered?

The effect of mysticism is very obvious, and the fabricated memory is also very perfect. It can deal with almost all normal questions, and because it is an implanted memory on the physical level, even if there are traces of extraordinary power at the beginning, it has already been blocked by that piece. The bones have been eliminated, so it is absolutely impossible to check any problems with any extraordinary strength.

But this kind of forged memory is flawed because it is perfect, because his memory is like being imprinted in the brain, all the detailed questions can be answered, and even if the average person has a deep impression on something, It is impossible to memorize the details of that matter completely, so once an expert who is proficient in torture conducts a purposeful inquiry, he will inevitably find anomalies.

However, Leo and Sylvia are not worried about this, because according to their estimates, when they reach the Imperial Capital, all their attention will probably be placed on the bone, and Colin will get the bone except for the first inquiry. After the passage of time, he will be put aside, when the next time I think it is necessary to ask, I am afraid it is already a month later, and at that time Leo they have already entered the royal treasure house and stole the contract ring inside. Too.

Perhaps because all the main protection personnel are on the small airship, the number of personnel used to protect Leo is much less. In the two carriages, in addition to Leo and Sylvia, there are three special operations. Colleagues from outside, and the cavalry of the Imperial Security Service outside the car.

From the point of view of staffing, it is obvious that Leo and Sylvia are regarded as ordinary creditors.

"Your luck is good," said the man in the same carriage with Leo suddenly enviously after the carriage slowly drove on Empire Avenue.

Leo Wenyan deliberately showed a puzzled look.

"I listened to the above news, that Colin will definitely be able to rise to one level steadily. If there is no accident, he should be assigned to a minister in a big city." The person who spoke seemed to have some identity to know a lot of news that others did not know. , I saw him whispering and saying, "As for you and the woman in the carriage behind, although you are not the main meritorious person, but the credit for you is not small, it should be enough for you to upgrade. If you are lucky, you should I will be assigned to be a supervisor in a big city. I have bad luck and can also be an observer in a remote town."

"Observer?" Leo was stunned. In the class information he obtained from Colin about the Special Operations Department, there was no Observer.

Seeing Leo froze for a moment, the man seemed to have guessed Leo’s confusion and explained: "This observer is a newly created official position, mainly responsible for observing whether there are potential mutants in various villages and towns, because there is news that this The secondary mutation is due to the dense fog that appears on the sea surface, and from various circumstances, the dense fog will not dissipate in a short time, so the mutation will continue, and some potential mutants will suddenly mutate at a certain time, so it is necessary to Monitor these people. Observers mainly monitor the situation. If an abnormality occurs, they directly notify the branch to deal with it. There is no need to fight on the front line, so the danger is much smaller."

The person who was sent to protect was obviously a very talkative person. After explaining the observer, he seemed absolutely to say that these things were inappropriate, so he didn’t go on with it, and instead talked to Leo about some of the Winter City thing.

Although several other members of the Special Operations Department were very familiar with what the person said, they were all involved in the conversation because it was so boring on the road.

Soon, Leo took the initiative to retreat to the position of the listener, and while collecting a large amount of information from the members of the special operations office, he was also subtly guiding the content of their conversation. A little bit of information in their minds.

When he arrived in Winter City by horse-drawn carriage for a long time, Leo had obtained a lot of information about Winter With these information, he disguised as an imperial man who lived in Winter City for many years. , And also because of his psychological means such as implied, the fellow passengers have already regarded him as a good friend, and each has left an address, saying that if Leo wants to do something in Donglin City, just go to them .

Compared to Leo’s side, Sylvia is obviously a lot quieter. Those people seem to be cold-tempered, and none of them speak. Besides asking if Sylvia needs to eat on the way, He never said anything else.

Therefore, when the carriage entered the front floor of the office building outside the Winter City at the Special Operations, and everyone got off the carriage, Sylvia saw the people who were in the same car as Leo over the Leo's shoulder. , And patted her chest to promise to take Leo to the winter city, she almost thought that Leo used some witchcraft to confuse these people.

After getting off the bus, the person in charge of this office building placed the two of them in a small apartment next to the office building. This is just a temporary residence for the two. After going through the formalities, they will be sent to the city The headquarters here, and then under the arrangement of the headquarters, lived in the winter city for a period of time, received training, and reassigned duties.

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