The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 894: Double identity

"When did it disappear?" Baron Rudolf asked cautiously after hearing the news that his men were missing.

The cavalryman immediately replied: "Just now, he said to find something to drink, and he never returned."

The look of Baron Rudolph became very serious. The cavalry who followed him on the mission were all veterans on the battlefield. They could make these people with a strong sense of danger disappear, and the strength of the attackers should be strong.

"A few of you immediately went to protect the compartments of the agents in the special operations office." Baron Rudolf immediately commanded the cavalry beside him, and then turned around and asked the man, "What is the missing person? What position?"

"His name is..." The cavalryman was about to answer Baron Rudolph's question, but suddenly he seemed to be stuck in his throat, and suddenly stopped, opened his mouth, and didn't seem to know what to say.

Baron Rudolph, who discovered that the cavalry was not right, took two steps back and cast a glance at the attendant and other men beside him. Several people put their hands on their weapons, and then asked in a deep voice to the other party, "What's wrong with you?" Why not answer my question?"

The cavalry also noticed the vigilance of the people around them and immediately explained: "I? I don't remember, I don't remember the name of the missing person? I don't remember what the person looked like? What's going on? "

Seeing the panic and fear of his men, Baron Rudolf felt something awkward. At this time, he also thought about the team that the other party was in when he was assigned the task, but his face changed instantly because he found that he also appeared to appear. Problem.

"Do you remember how many people are in our entire squad?" Baron Rudolph immediately asked the attendant beside him when he noticed the anomaly.

The attendant was stunned, not knowing why Baron Rudolph would suddenly ask him this question, but he still remembered it seriously, and after he recalled it, he immediately realized why Baron Rudolf had such a reaction, and his face also Filled with doubts, he said: "Unexplored? The specific number of people I don't understand?"

"What about you?" Baron Rudolph immediately asked the others.

The other people in the carriage immediately recalled the sound, but they were in the same situation as Baron Rudolph. They couldn’t remember how many people were on the mission this time, and what’s even weirder is that they can remember the people around them this time. People, but they don’t remember those who are not here, not only the number of those people, but even their names and appearances.

"What's the matter?" The attendant looked at his boss with some confusion.

Compared to the cavalry and attendants around him, Baron Rudolph obviously knew more about such extraordinary events. He did not panic immediately, but immediately ordered the three cavalry to go to the carriage where the members of the Special Operations Department were placed. Bring everyone together.

However, for a long time, the three men he sent did not return from the back car, and no sound was heard. Baron Rudolph immediately walked to the door leading to the back of the car and looked at the back aisle.

Despite the lights shining in the aisle, the environment there was still dim, and he could only blurly see three people standing in the aisle.

The three people were weird. They were standing there, neither talking to each other nor continuing to walk towards the rear carriage.

Baron Rudolph stood at the door and shouted a few times into the aisle, but his voice seemed unable to reach the aisle, and the three did not react.

Seeing this scene, Baron Rudolph also knew that something was wrong.

Although the Imperial Security Bureau is not an expert in such matters, they also have a way to deal with such matters. After determining that they have fallen into the event of extraordinary power, Baron Rudolph immediately took a metal box from his pocket and opened it. Exposed some pills inside the box.

"You..." Baron Rudolph twisted one of the pills and swallowed it, and then prepared to tell others to come and take the pill, but he found that the others who were still in the same car disappeared now.

At this time, the power of the pill also began to work, and Baron Rudolph felt a cold breath spread from the stomach, spread to all parts of the body, and penetrated into the brain.

At this moment, he felt that his brain became very clear. Many questions that he hadn’t thought about now seemed to be able to find the answer. In addition, his body also had unprecedented power. He even felt that his power at this moment could stop the constant progress. Train.

However, he is very clear that these are just the illusion after taking the drug. The effect of this drug is only to allow ordinary people to gain some extraordinary power during the drug's effective time, and resist some extraordinary powers that can affect the spirit.

It's just that the pills that had helped Baron Rudolph in the past have failed a lot this time. He still can't see other people, and he can't find the reason why he fell into this situation.

Although he was in trouble, he did not show confusion. He was still sitting calmly in the chair of the carriage, observing all the movements that might be classified as abnormal, waiting for the turnaround or the appearance of the attacker.

At the same time, Leo, who pretended to be a member of the Special Operations Department, sat on the bed in the independent car at the back, watching the family with glasses and a scholar who appeared in front of him.

The reason why Leo confirmed that he is a clan, not a mutant, is not because of a mutant organ growing in him, but because of the strength in his body.

The opponent has a power similar to the power of the nightmare, but it is obviously weaker and much lower than the power of the nightmare, so that Leo can clearly feel the power in the opponent's body through the back mark Change, but the other party cannot perceive the power of the nightmare in his body.

Leo’s eyes fell on the two patterns with obvious religious characteristics on the sleeve of the other party, and then looked at the book that looked like a canon in the other party’s hand, and he also judged the identity of this person in his heart.

First of all, it is certain that this person is definitely not an empire, because since the emperor had the idea of ​​becoming a god, he found various reasons to expel all large and small churches in the empire, except for a few in the empire. Some underground churches are still completely hidden outside the towns, and most other churches have left the empire.

In this situation, like the person in front of you, the pattern with the nature of the church badge on the clothes is as blatant as it is. Basically, as soon as it appears on the street, it will immediately provoke a large number of police and gendarmerie, and even special operations.

After ruling out the empire, Leo also ruled out the United Kingdom, because if it is a person from the United Kingdom, even if he does not know about Sylvia, as Sylvia, he can definitely receive relevant information. May appear so abruptly hands-on.

After removing the two biggest speculations, only the Hannosa Alliance and the Port of Venaya were left.

After thinking a little bit, Leo removed the mixed gathering place of the Weilun mainland mutants, clan and transcendents, although the port of Vynaya is regarded as the home of the clan, gathering the most in the world. The clan group, but most of the clan are blood clan clan, inherited clan, the object of their faith has long since disappeared, they don’t even know what their ancestors believe, so naturally the badge of the object of faith will not be tattooed on the clothes .

In this way, only Hannosa Union is left.

Although the Hannossa Alliance is dominated by swamp gods, they are not particularly repulsive to other religions. As long as it is not the kind of church that shouts to destroy the world every day and screams at the sacrifices of the living, Hannossa Union comes Those who do not refuse, allow these churches to dwell in the swamps around the Hannosa Union.

Therefore, before the port of Vinaya became a shelter for the clan, the Hannosa Union was the first refuge for these underground churches and clan forces.

Although among the countries in the Velen world, the Hannosa Union has always appeared in the eyes of various countries as a subsidiary of the French Empire, and it has rarely done anything in international affairs, it is almost invisible, but this does not mean that Han The Nossa Alliance has no ambitions.

From the fact that during the split war of the French Empire, they absorbed refugees from Miriah and other places, and prepared details of the alliance army on the grounds of preventing the war from spreading to the alliance, it is enough to see that they are actually very What do you want to do in that war.

However, they obviously underestimated the fierce means of doing things in the French Empire, and even destroyed the entire city of Miria directly. All Miria refugees were used as their experiments, so that the Hannossa Union did not have any point from it. Opportunities for fishing.

Moreover, even if the Hannosa Alliance was not frightened by the means of the French Empire, as they envisioned, recruiting refugees and seeking opportunities to annex large areas of the West Coast, including the city of Milia, then the previous world change caused The big mutation will definitely make Hannosa Union the second Miria City.

Although the Hannosa Alliance still claims itself as a subordinate country of the French Empire, with the establishment of the United Kingdom of France and its stalemate with the French Empire, it must no longer be satisfied with its current status. It has become a matter of course for the Empire to send spies and the like.

"You are more calm than I expected." While Leo guessed the identity of the other party, the other party seemed to be observing Leo, and thought he knew something about Leo, he closed the book in his hand and said, "Look It looks like an earth-shattering avalanche that has made you grow a lot."

Hearing the other party's words, although Leo's face was calm as usual, there was already a bad speculation in his heart.

The other party saw Leo not thinking of talking to him, nor angered, but smiled and said: "Don’t blame me for not saving you, I was dragged by other things at that time, and such a big avalanche, I also I don’t think you can survive, so I didn’t plan to rescue you. You should be very clear that this is the rule, and I hope that you can follow this rule in the future. If you feel that I am not saved, don’t even receive my signal. Come and save me."

At this moment, Leo can already be sure that the member of this special operations department he disguised was actually an identity spy. There was an urge to scold people in his heart. Originally, when he chose to disguise his identity, in order to avoid trouble, he found a person with no identity background. It is impossible for someone who is troublesome to disguise, but it turns out that there is such a troublesome identity.

Despite the cursing in his heart, Leo's face was still calm and abnormal, and in a cold tone, he asked: "Why are you taking the risk to see me now? Are you not afraid to expose my identity?"

The other side pouted and said, "There is some danger of exposure, but if you don't contact you to understand the situation at this time, if you want to contact you again, you will have to wait a few months later. By then we will know the situation. I can't get it right."

Leo couldn't help but say too much to reveal his identity, he directly asked: "What do you want to know?"

"What was the thing you robbed from Count Pipero, and why was the Empire so nervous?" The other party immediately became serious and asked.

Leo originally wanted to tell the other party the answer directly, but after hearing what he said, he decided to bear with it, taking the opportunity to gather some information from the other party's mouth, so he asked: "Is the empire very nervous?"

The other party nodded and said quickly: "After the news from your side reached Donglin City, Donglin City's side immediately changed the processing order for you from arrest to protection, It also emphasized that you must protect the wonders in your hands. In addition, the two hostile departments of the Security Bureau and the Special Operations Department also organized a team for this matter and went to Bellukny as long as the train stopped. They will protect you from going to the Winter City, and this is the first time I have seen these two privileged departments so nervous. And the strangest thing is that although they are very nervous about this matter, the people they send are all The knights of the two departments, these knights are not those knights, they are real knights, they are the knights who have mastered swordsmanship and riding."

Leo was not surprised by what the other party said. He knew why the people sent by the empire would be knights, not those with extraordinary powers, because under the effect of that bone, any extraordinary powers would be banned, only Body strength can be used normally. If some people with extraordinary power try to intercept them, then only need to open the box that closes the bones, then a knight with a sophisticated sword art can definitely cut off any offenders like mowing the grass in this case.

Knowing this, Leo did not tentatively ask for more information about the empire or the other party, but directly told the other party the answer, saying: "That singular object is a bone, and that bone can be banned from all supernormal uses. the power of."

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