The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 871: Man-made or natural

Mister and Randall have seen from what they have seen before that Leo should be the center of three people, and Leo must have some extraordinary abilities, the kind that can make the sled move itself Ability is certainly not all of the opponent's ability, but even with psychological preparation, seeing Leo punch a big hole in the lake ice layer as thick as the city wall, they were still shocked.

The power of this punch made them coincidentally think of the latest cannons produced by the Hanosa League. They have all witnessed how the cannons slaughtered the monsters from the city of Miria. Now Leo fists The power will never be weaker than those cannons.

Just when Mister and Randall looked at the ice hole and thought about it, Leo, who had not jumped into the water for a long time, got out of the water like a fish and landed on the cracked ice. Walking towards them, looking at a piece of metal in his hand.

When walking in front of the crowd, Mister and Randall’s attention was not on Leo’s metal block salvaged from the bottom of the lake, but on Leo’s clothing, they were surprised to find Leo’s body. The clothes are all dry. If they didn't see Leo jump into the water and get out of the water just now, it's impossible to believe that the person in front of them just got into the water.

Compared to the couple standing next to them, Sylvia and Tessa Moka obviously paid more attention to the piece of metal in Leo’s hands. Attentively, they also saw some weird patterns from the metal surface. Sylvia or Tessa Moka have been seen in some prehistoric civilization ruins.

"What's this?" Sylvia asked, wondering how curious he was.

"A sign." Leo answered briefly, and the curious Sylvia continued to ask, and he added: "The symbol above is an instruction number for the Buccanciano, Buccancasso. People are a race that loves to number everything. According to this number analysis, the content of this sign is the 73 Research Center module. The role of this module should be to conduct biological evolution research."

Although Leo explained, because some nouns cannot be expressed in French and other languages, they can only be used in the Federation of the Earth. , Just know that this sign is on another thing.

Sylvia asked positively: "Is it the debris dropped by the object salvaged by the White Deer tribe?"

"Well." Leo nodded, throwing the metal plate he just salvaged on the ground, and then said to Sylvia: "We will rest here tonight, and we will continue our journey tomorrow."

Both Sylvia and Tessa Moka nodded in agreement, and then found a suitable house as a place to rest respectively, Leo expected the surrounding woods to find some dry wood for the fire.

When Mister and Randall were left, the two glanced at each other. Randall couldn't help but pick up Leo's metal plate on the ground and put it in his pocket.

They don’t understand why Leo didn’t put away this metal block. It’s important to know that in the south, the value of the metal block produced by this relic of prehistoric civilization can already be sold to high prices. If this metal plate is sold, they will settle down. The funds needed for the lives of those people will no longer worry.

In addition, the two of them also thought that Leo had salvaged things at the bottom of the lake, which means that there must be other debris in the lake.

It is extremely difficult for other people to find a piece of metal in this ice lake, but for Mister and Randall, it is very simple, as long as you have made sufficient preparations in advance , They will be able to stay in the cold lake water for a long time.

This is mainly because the mutation of their bodies gives them this extraordinary ability. They not only gain resistance to cold but also the ability to breathe underwater, that is, behind their ears Because the mutation grows an organ similar to fish gills. Normally, because they are hidden behind their ears and cannot be seen by their hair, they are able to pretend to be ordinary people and live in the Hannosa Union for a long time. They are not exposed until the church people appear come out.

For a long time, they thought that their abilities were not very useful, at least compared to most other mutants in the settlement, their abilities were too weak on land, but now they are different, they can Use your abilities to salvage metal left over from prehistoric civilization in this ice lake when needed.

Thinking of this, the two of them are full of hope for the future life of the settlement.

On the other side, Leo quickly found a relatively well-preserved house. The door of this house should have been treated with special methods. Even after so many years, it has not been completely decaying, and it can barely block the cold wind outside. And the fireplace in the house is also well preserved. After clearing the thick snow inside, Leo will set up the pine wood that has been cut and set it up to light it.

Soon as the fat in the tree burned and crackled, a unique scent of pine fat burned in the house, and the surrounding air became warm, and the sky became dark.

Several people boiled some water again and prepared the food. With the hot food, the warm environment and the exhaustion during the day also attacked. Mister and Randall ate something and found one next to the fire. The right corner, relying on each other to sleep in the past, and soon fell asleep.

The activities during the day were nothing to Leo, they didn’t mean any rest, they sat quietly by the fire and were busy with their business.

Leo took out a wizard's note and looked at it, and used it for two purposes, sorting and summarizing his psionic skills in his heart.

Sylvia was familiar with the ability of the faceless person in her body. After this period of familiarization, she found that although the strength of the faceless person is much worse than that of the abyss dragon, it does not mean the faceless person. There is no advantage.

In fact, the power of the Faceless One is far more than the blood power of the abyssal dragon in terms of change, use, and practicability, especially when the power of her is not strong enough. The power of the faceless can bring more help to her.

For example, she can become any person she wants to become through the power of the faceless person, and even be able to imitate the abilities and powers of this person. Leo is also a little surprised because of this and her nightmare. The force is very similar.

However, Leo soon demonstrated the power of the Faceless in Sylvia. He knew that the power of the Nightmare and the Faceless were still different. The biggest difference was that the power of the Nightmare’s imitation was almost There is no limit, as long as one’s own power is strong enough, and one can perceive the power details of the other party, one can completely imitate, and the faceless person needs to fully touch the other party, become the other party, and imitate the other party’s power through some unknown connection. And the power after imitation will weaken a lot.

Tessa Moka is also familiar with her current power like Sylvia. With the growth of the world tree seed, Tessa Moka can also sense the growth of her power, but unlike Sylvia, she and It’s not that she can’t control her power. In fact, she has almost perfect control of her power, as if these powers have been used by her for many years. The only thing missing is that her skills in using power are poor. Now she needs to do It is to increase the various skills of using your own power.

A little bit of time passed, and there was no sign of the blizzard outside. A lot of snow accumulated at the door, blocking the door. For this reason, Leo also had to go out to clear the snow, and he cleaned the door for the third time. With snow, when returning to the house, Sylvia suddenly said to Leo: "The survivor of Miria City has a problem with mutation."

Sylvia inexplicably said this, leaving Leo and Tessa Mocha in amazement, and then Leo asked: "Where do you see the problem?"

"The number of people." Sylvia bluntly turned his head to look at the sleeping Mister and Randall, said: "They mentioned that the city of Miria has become a gathering place for mutants, there The monsters mutated by the mutants have been pieced together into an army of tens of thousands of people. If it were not for the Hannossa Alliance, it was supported by a group of powerful weapons, coupled with the natural danger of the Black Forest Swamp and the support of the Black Forest Swamp Church, I'm afraid it has fallen." She said, she stopped, saying: "I have read a lot of documents in the Orthodox Church. Even during the prosperous period of the Evil God Church and the underground church in the Velon world, the family members inside these churches added up absolutely. No more than four or five thousand, even if you add those who accidentally came into contact with something that should not be touched, the total number of people who passively become a clan of the evil gods will definitely not exceed seven thousand. But now in a miria city Tens of thousands of mutations have emerged as monsters. According to common sense, this is impossible."

Leo heard the words and was silent for a moment, saying: "You forgot, whether it is the French Empire, your French United Kingdom, or an organization such as a medical school or a cult, all take refugees and survivors in the city of Milia Have done various experiments."

Sylvia was silent after hearing the words, and after a while, she said: "I don't know that their experiment was used to make a family."

Leo didn’t comfort Sylvia, because he knew that Sylvia must know something, she just didn’t care, and didn’t expect it to become like this in advance.

Among those who experimented with Miriah refugees, there are both malicious people like the French Empire and the Blood Wizard, and there are also many well-meaning people who hope to improve their physical fitness through the blood of such family members. After the emergence of the Great Plague, it is up to everyone to improve their physique, heal diseases, and survive, including the subject's only idea, and who can imagine what will happen in the future.

If there is no change in the Velon world, those Miriah refugees and survivors who are regarded as experimental products by various forces may not have physical changes in this life, and even because of these experiments, their bodies will become Very strong and very long-lived, but now a mutation of the whole world suddenly appears, exposing all the drawbacks. I am afraid that even the people and organizations involved in this matter cannot predict it.

"Is there a way to reverse this mutation?" Sylvia asked again after blaming himself.

"It's impossible to reverse." This time it wasn't Leo, but Tessa Moka, who seemed to know something, said: "The emergence of these variant families is not accidental, they are part of the world's transformation. Important power, unless you have the power to reverse the whole world, you can't change all this."

"What do you know?" Sylvia frowned and looked at Tessa Mocha displeasedly.

"I don't know anything." Tessa Moka shook his head and said, "I didn't say that just now."

Sylvia was stunned for a moment, and soon thought of another consciousness produced by Tessa Moka's fusion of the seeds of the world tree. He questioned: "Isn't that what you said? But you didn't have that kind of change..."

"It's not really what she said, it was just the consciousness of the world tree seed." Leo affirmed Tessa Moka's statement. If there is no world tree mark, Leo may not be able to tell who said that sentence just now. Yes, but with the World Tree Mark, as soon as another consciousness of Tessa Moka floats up, he can immediately sense it.

Tessa Moka looked at Leo somewhat puzzled. She did not know that Leo had the World Tree Mark in her So she thought Leo had some way to distinguish between the two consciousnesses.

"How could it know these things?" Sylvia asked questioningly.

Tessa Moka said in an unquestionable tone: "The world tree constitutes this world. This world is just a small place on the crown of the world tree. The world tree naturally knows what is happening here and what is going to happen."

Seeing such a Tessa Moka, Sylvia did not refute the claim that the world tree constitutes the world, because in the past two days she had already tried it, and the Tessa Moka in front of her would not listen to her any rebuttal. .

With the further integration of the world tree seed by Tessa Moka, she gained powerful power, but at the same time, she began to change her mind inexplicably, gradually becoming a witch who believed in the way of nature and shamanism. A true believer who believes in the world tree, even on these days, refuted all the doctrines and legends about the origin of the world in the churches of the Velon world, and then threw a world tree founding saying.

If it were not that Tessa Moka did not show any anomalies, Sylvia had to wonder if the other party’s consciousness had been infected by the evil spirit.

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