After the world tree mark was formed, Leo tried to become familiar with the world tree mark just as he was familiar with the other mark powers in his home.

In the beginning, after trying through various means, he found that the imprint of this world tree had no other effect except for the strong restraint of the power of the nightmare. It could not provide him with a crystal snake. This special power cannot provide him with a lot of knowledge like the mark of the weaver.

Leo doesn’t feel any regrets about this. Although the World Tree Mark can’t bring him too much power, it can effectively restrain the power of nightmare and assist him to control this commonly used power more easily. of.

But in the process of rushing afterwards, he gradually discovered that the World Tree Mark seems to have produced some changes. The original effect of restraining the power of the nightmare still exists, and at the same time, another auxiliary effect is gradually produced, that is, to enhance the real eye. Imprint effect.

Through the improvement of the world tree mark, when Leo opened the spiritual vision, the mark of the real eye was activated, and he was able to see the details of the way the world’s energy works and the composition of matter. Although the things I saw are still a bit vague, But there have been some clues.

It is precisely because of this that Leo tried to help Tessa Mocha to enhance the world tree seeds in his body, because he can obviously feel that as the world tree seeds increase, he also gains various auxiliary abilities from the imprint. The stronger.

After confirming from Tessa Moka that it was not necessary to hunt the Guta Beast, Leo went to the remains of the White Hart as suggested by Sylvia.

However, Leo’s sleigh can only sit for two people. For this reason, Tessa Moka uses her own ability to promote the rapid growth of some vine seeds, and during the growth process, the shape is adapted to the shape of a sleigh.

In the process of making the sled, Tessa Moka did not bypass the two of Mister and Randall, and these two self-conceived hidden mutations were completely surprised by this scene. Living repeatedly called miracles.

After the sleigh was prepared, Leo dragged it behind, let Mister and Randall lie in, and then opened the psionic wings. With the strong winds of the north, they quickly skidded on the snow and moved towards the Vinove Mountains. .

Although I have seen the sled move quickly without any power, but to experience the speed of this extremely fast movement still makes Mister and Randall feel incredible.

The sled was fast, and it took only one meal to reach a high mountain outside the Vinoway Mountains. This high mountain seemed to be a landmark. Randall, who specializes in geography, quickly moved this high mountain. I recognized it, and I knew my current position.

Later, after Randall pointed out the location of the site where the Bailu tribe site was located, the group continued on the road, and soon they came to the hill.

It is not entirely correct to say that it is a hill, because from the overall shape, this so-called hill is actually more like a ground arched after a huge object hits the ground. The entire shape is embracing, just blocking the wind from the north. It also makes this a perfect haven.

In addition, at the site of the impact, the ground sinks, forming a huge lake. The surface of the lake is frozen, but the water is still under the ice, and because of unknown reasons, the vegetation here seems to grow very well, surrounding the hills And lakes, a large forest grows.

Because of the forest barrier, the wind speed is much smaller, and the plants here are very densely grown, which is not suitable for skiing fast. So when a group of people came to the periphery of the forest on the south of this hill, they no longer use the skis, but stepped on Walk forward in the soft snow.

While walking through the forest, everyone obviously felt that the cold wind became very small and the temperature naturally increased a lot.

Tessa Moka felt that there was a strong vitality that was not found in other parts of the Northland. Looking at the thriving Northland pine woods around, he could not help wondering: "The environment here is so good, why no one came here to settle down? Just because of this place It used to be the settlement of the White Deer Tribe. Did you give up such a good place in order to respect the White Deer Tribe?"

"It should not be because this is the settlement of the White Hart tribe," Mister, who has studied the Northland tribe, immediately answered: "In the Northland, there are many tribe settlements that are the settlements left by the White Deer tribe. Now The Northland tribes still live there, so they should not give up here because of the White Deer tribe."

"Perhaps it is related to the location of this settlement," Randal speculated: "This is located in the western part of the Northland, and there are few surrounding forests. In the past, it was the Black Forest Swamp. No more than five, if any tribe settles here, it is equivalent to breaking off contact with other Northland tribes, and the Northland tribes are all social, and a single tribe can never survive in a cruel environment like Northland. Go on, so no tribe chooses here as a settlement."

"Maybe!" Tessa Moka felt that Randall was right, but she always felt something was wrong there, but she did not intend to invest too much interest in this matter, so she did not continue to ask.

A group of people quickly passed through the forest. Although there were also a lot of northern creatures sheltering from the snow in the forest, there were some fierce beasts in these creatures, but after entering the forest, Tessa Moka had a random distribution. An invisible force emerged, which was peaceful and stable, and was transmitted to every tree in the forest through the connection of trees, soothing the restless creatures in the forest, so that these creatures did not regard them as prey.

After passing through the forest, a huge lake surrounded by forest appeared in front of everyone. The surface of the lake has formed a thick layer of ice, just like a mirror. It can be imagined that if the weather is fine, then the smooth lake surface It can definitely reflect the dazzling light, and the site of the Bailu tribe is located on the edge of the lake, with the hillside behind.

When I first heard about the site of the White Deer Tribe, including Leo, the scene that came out of everyone’s mind should be some simple mud houses, only tent houses on the ground, some low stone walls, etc. Wait, anyway, the scene in my mind is primitive and backward.

However, the ruins of the Bailu tribe that I see now have some surprises for Leo, because this ruin is like a kind of civilized building. The stone houses built on the mountain are neatly arranged like a chiseled one layer. The layers piled up on the mountainside. The majestic temple was at the top of all buildings, all made of large stones, and there was a square in front of the temple. There were some stone columns around the square, but those stone columns have now collapsed. Too.

In any way, the site in front of it looks like a legacy of a highly civilized building, which is completely inconsistent with people's impression of the Northland tribe in the past.

"Is this built by the White Hart tribe?" Tessa Moore always thought that the Northland tribe was the same as those uncultured primitive tribes deep in the wasteland, but now seeing the scene in front of her actually subverted her past views.

"It should be." The person who answered Tessa Moka was not Mister and Randall, but Sylvia. She saw her looking at the ruins in front of her and said, "The White Hart tribe had long ago Unify all the tribes in the Northland, know that the people in the southern Black Forest were also tribes at that time, and did not build a country. The White Deer Tribe can unify the Northland Tribes, and it can certainly promote the development of civilization to a high position. It’s not difficult to build such a building."

"What happened to the White Deer Tribe?" Leo, who hadn't spoken all of a sudden, asked suddenly.

Sylvia didn't think much, and replied casually: "The White Hart tribe later decomposed into the various tribes in the north."

"Don't you think it's weird?" Leo frowned and said, "A white deer tribe that unified the entire Northland should be very powerful, and all the big and small tribes in the North have regarded themselves as white. The descendants of the Deer tribe are proud, so the White Deer tribe should also be very popular. From the perspective of the architecture here, the civilization of the White Deer tribe has also developed to a very high bottom, not only exceeding the southern part of the Weilun mainland, but even other continents. The ancient civilization that can compare with it is also one of the few. Such a civilization that is extremely strong and has no disputes within it should logically establish a country. How could it be re-dispersed into some small tribes? What must have happened in the middle?"

Hearing Leo’s words, everyone was stunned, because they really did not think about how the White Hart tribe was dissolved. They just knew from the literature left that there was a White Deer that unified the entire Northland. Tribe, this tribe is the source of the entire Northland tribe, etc. As for the doubts mentioned by Leo, they did not think about it at all.

However, after Leo’s inquiry, they also felt something was wrong, because Leo’s doubts were too obvious and too important. Anyone who is engaged in the research of the Northland tribe should see the relevant It’s only right to have this kind of doubt when it comes to information, but they have completely ignored this matter, which is too suspicious, as if there is some force in the world that is affecting their thinking, letting them actively ignore the questions about the White Deer Tribe .

Leo did not continue to question when everyone was stunned. Instead, he turned to look at the lake next to him. His eyes seemed to penetrate the ice on the lake and saw the scene at the bottom of the lake.

Sylvia noticed Leo’s move and couldn’t help but ask, “Did you find anything?”

"There should have been something at the bottom of the lake, but it was salvaged, and only some debris remained." Leo said what he saw, and then looked at the temple on the hillside and said, "The temple I'm afraid it was built for something at the bottom of the lake, let's take a look."

After he finished speaking, he walked towards the temple on the hillside, and he did not have any interest in exploring other houses around him.

Seeing this, other people followed, and the question just now was still in my mind.

A group of people soon came to the temple on the hillside. Although the temple has been built for many years, because of the special environment of the Northland and its location, the temple is generally well preserved, only the stone pillars of Qianping Strong winds and other reasons collapsed.

However, the patterns on the surface of these stone pillars are still intact, and they can clearly identify what is engraved on them. For Mister and Randall, who are engaged in the research of the White Deer Tribe, these stone pillars are definitely the study of the White Deer The best information, if they are usually they can't wait to get it together, carefully record every identifiable pattern on it with a portable notebook.

However, now they are more interested in the thing at the bottom of the lake in Leo's mouth, because in their view, even people like Leo and Sylvia will be so centered on the things in the lake, then the thing at the bottom of the lake must be Very important.

However, things were destined to disappoint Mister and Randall. When they entered the mystery, there was nothing worth noting. The only thing that attracted the attention of the entrants was a weird pedestal in the middle of the temple.

If you look at the altar, this irregularly shaped pedestal obviously does not meet anyone's aesthetics. If someone makes the altar like this, the producer will definitely be caught to live sacrifice.

But now such an irregularly shaped altar hall and the emperor placed in the center of the temple, then this altar is obviously in line with the hearts of the people here, which made Mister and Randall wonder what the role of this altar is.

However, it didn't take them long to wonder, and soon Sylvia spoke out the answer, saying: "Is the thing salvaged from the lake placed on it?"

"It should be Leo walked around this altar, reached out and wiped some parts on the altar, said: "When the White Deer tribe abandoned here, things should have been After being removed, things may now be in the Royal Academy of the French Empire, or they may be collected in the royal secret treasure house. "

"Do you know what that is?" Sylvia asked.

The problem of Sylvia made others feel a little inexplicable, because even Leo knew that there was something at the bottom of the lake and was salvaged and worshipped as a god’s item, but these things had happened many years ago. Not to mention Leo, even those who specialize in the research of the White Deer Tribe can't know, unless it is the royal family of the French Empire who is very closely related to the White Deer Tribe.

However, what made them all stunned was that after hearing Sylvia’s question, Leo nodded and said, "I know what that is, but it should be of no use to a primitive tribe, unless……"

Leo suddenly thought of something, and quickly walked out of the temple and came back to the lake. Under the watch of everyone, he punched the ice on the lake and jumped into the lake.

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