The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 853: Queen's life experience

"Are you specially prepared Leah Venistan?" Leo asked suspiciously.

Leo’s language was Deliyat when he raised this question, and Sylvia on the side could understand it. Although Sylvia was not sure what Leo and the phantom were talking about before, Leo This question is enough to make her have a strong interest.

Tally calmed the surprised look slightly revealing on her face, neither acknowledging nor denying, but asked rhetorically: "Why do you think so?"

"She attaches great importance to this engine compartment, and even sends a team of very elite soldiers to stay here for a long time, and also sends a large number of scholars to study here." Leo calmly explained: "But it is strange that she is not in a hurry Digging out here completely is just a little temptation for the person who sent her. Before, I thought it was the armor defense of the engine compartment that prevented her from starting, so I had to research all the debris on the bottom of the lake for a while, and then look for opportunities. Dealing with the cabin problem. However, the armor of the cabin is only the isolation armor and it is not so difficult to break, even if I can also break the armor, Leah Weinstein naturally can, but she did not do it, but it was so slow Extensive research on salvage, this is really unreasonable, unless she has concerns about this, and now this concern is only possible for you. Imagine Leah Venistan’s past carefully, it is not difficult to find her The record before adulthood was almost zero, plus her first appearance appeared to be in the small town of Belenstein not far from here, so I have reason to doubt your relationship with her."

Leo said slowly the information he had just sorted out and analyzed. Sylvia on the side was stunned. Obviously she was also shocked by these things Leo said. In fact, in the past so many years, From the unwilling people in Deliyat to the governments and underground forces of foreign countries, they have investigated the history of Leah Weinstein before her youth, but none of them have been able to investigate, even even Leah Weinney. It is not clear who Stan’s parents are, but only from the ancient blood test ceremonies, it is known that Leah Venistan owns the blood of the Venistan family and is the legal heir to the throne.

However, what Leo said is obviously related to the birth of Leah Venistan, and her birth seems to be related to the remains of civilization from the starry sky. If this news is spread, it will definitely make the entire Velen world sensational.

For Leo's analysis, Tally just smiled slightly, turned around, and walked towards a wall, then the wall shone with some light patterns, a wall disappeared, revealing a passage, and Tally also walked into the passage.

Seeing this, Leo gestured to Sylvia, and the two of them also followed.

After walking through a short passage, Tally opened another door, and the two entered and found that it turned out to be a garden with a lot of space. The garden was planted with a large number of plants commonly seen in Deliyat, and in the middle of the garden There is also a traditional Dilyat chalet, and at the top of the garden, the summer weather of Dilyat is simulated.

"This is the place where Leah lived when she was a child, and where she studied." Tally pointed to the room and also said in Deliyate.

Despite the guesswork, Leo and Sylvia were still a bit surprised.

"That's her parents." Tally followed her hand and thought only of an open space at the corner of the garden. I saw that the open space was filled with two incubators. The box was filled with liquid, and the two bodies were soaked in the liquid. .

Although it seems that the two bodies were soaked for a long time, and judging from the dust around them, they should have been placed here for a long time, but the bodies did not swell and rot. They still maintained the appearance of the previous life, and they looked like Just like asleep, you can wake up with a little stimulation.

"Prince Tankaran, Princess Betty!" Seeing the two bodies, Sylvia, who was familiar with the adoptive politicians, immediately revealed their identity.

And while Sylvia said their identities, Leo's mind had also emerged with their identity information.

Prince Tankaran is the crown prince of the Savile Kingdom. He is reckless, but he is very close to the people, and he is extremely brave. He once concealed his identity and joined the army, participated in the war, and repeatedly made military achievements. It is the next well-deserved King of Savile.

Princess Betty is the daughter of the previous generation of Queen Deliyat. Although she has an older sister, not the first heir, the older sister is weak and sick, and the condition is not cured for a long time. Almost no one thinks she can sit on the throne too. For a long time, and because of her illness, she was unable to have children, so Princess Betty was basically the next candidate for Queen Dialyt. ,

And the two heirs to the throne eventually merged into a couple due to an unexpected encounter, acquaintance, and love, which was as perfect as a fairy tale. At that time, almost everyone thought that Delyat and Savile might eventually become a country because of this marriage. , And even later will annex the Kingdom of Marais, so that there is only one country in Minsk, becoming an empire like France.

However, at this time, the two heirs to the throne disappeared at the same time during an outing. This incident was shocked in the entire Velon world.

Both Dialyat and Savile sent people to investigate, and the entire Minsk continent, and even the entire Velen world, were turbulent because of this incident.

However, no matter how they investigate, there is no clue, nor can he find the two heirs to the throne, and even their bodies have not been found, and the relationship eased by the marriage between Deliyat and Savile has broken down again. Enter the hostile state again.

In fact, when Dialyt and Savile were investigating, not all information was not investigated, but they were hindered by too many people in the process of investigation, from the domestic forces of the two countries to the forces of foreign countries. They are trying to create obstacles and create false impressions, so that the original clues become chaotic. Investigators simply cannot distinguish which clues are true and which are false. And more importantly, in the investigation teams of the two countries, the vast majority of people are opposed to the combination of Prince Tankaran and Princess Betty.

The reason why so many people oppose it is mainly because no one wants to see a unified and powerful country like the French Empire in Minsk.

Other countries do not want the unification of the Minsk continent because they feel that a French empire is enough to cause headaches. If a Minsk empire appears on the Minsk continent, the situation they will face in the future will be even worse.

The French Empire, which has already begun to decline, also does not want an empire like him, even more powerful, to appear on other continents.

The Kingdom of Maris is arguably the least willing of all countries to see the marriage between the Kingdom of Savile and Deliyat, because after the marriage of these two countries, they will inevitably unite to deal with the Kingdom of Maris and face the two Together with the Kingdom, the Kingdom of Marais is difficult to resist, and the final destruction of the country is the only result.

Facing the situation of Zaoga, the Kingdom of Marais also made some countermeasures. Before the two crown princes were ready to marry, they constantly sent people to destroy the marriage, and even fabricated rumors that Princess Betty was a slut. The lover, and already pregnant with a lover child, as for Prince Tankaran rumored that he likes men and rumored with the military comrades in the army camp, so when the two heirs have an accident, everyone will doubt the object The Kingdom of Marais was approved.

In addition, there are many forces in the two countries that oppose marriage. In addition to worrying that the merger of the two countries will affect their own civilization, they also worry that the marriage of the two royal families will become stronger and squeeze the living space of the nobles of the two countries.

In the end, under the obstruction and interference of various forces, the investigation did not even have a result, and the disappearance of the two heirs of the kingdom became an open case.

Now, the bodies of the two protagonists are placed here, and it is pointed out that they are the parents of Leah Weinstein. This far-reaching world unsolved case has also been solved, and also confirmed about Leah Weinie. Some rumors of Stan.

In fact, a long time ago, there have been rumors that Leah Venistan is the daughter of Betty Venistan, because Leah Venistan looks almost the same as Betty Venistan. When the identity of the heir to the Nestin family appeared in front of everyone, they believed her words and were willing to hold blood ceremonies because of her appearance.

The appearance and the blood of Venisten are not enough to prove that she is the daughter of Betty Venisten, only to prove that she is a descendant of the Venistin family, and more importantly, even Leah Venisten has never Admit that he is the daughter of Betty Weinstein.

"Why are they here?" Sylvia asked with a curiosity in her heart.

"Because they died in the ice lake, and their bodies were recovered by me." Tally looked at Sylvia and said, "But at that time, the woman had already had fertility in her body, and the embryo had signs of life. , So I took out the embryo to cultivate, let her grow up, teach her knowledge."

"You are nurturing the body!" Leo Shen said.

Talli did not deny that she said to herself: "Leah's body is very special and has a power similar to the psionicist," she said, looking at Sylvia, and said with emotion: " It’s very similar to yours. When you showed up, I almost thought Leah was back.” Then, she went back to the topic and said, “When a child grows up, he always looks forward to life outside, so I let her go. , But when she was let go, there was a little accident, which inadvertently cleaned most of the memories of her life here."

"Wait!" Sylvia suddenly thought of something, interrupted Tally's words, then looked at Tally in surprise, and said, "You are the ice goddess in Leah's mouth?"

"Ice goddess?" Leo and Tally looked at Sylvia in doubt.

Sylvia explained: "Lia once said that she lived in the shrine of the goddess of ice before her adulthood. The goddess of snow and ice was her foster mother. Plaything, she has seen the ice goddess controlling the weather in Deliyat more than once."

Tally replied calmly: "If the forecast weather is also regarded as controlling the weather, I think I should be the ice goddess in her mouth."

After the mystery was solved, Sylvia felt a little weird. She never imagined that the ice goddess that Leah Venistan said was like this.

Speaking of which, Leah Venistan and Saran the king choose to become enemies because of the ice goddess.

Leah Venistan believes that the Shrine of the Snow Goddess in her memory should be in the Axel Forest, and that the gatekeeper who holds the entrance to the Axel Forest is Saran, and she wants to get the entrance from Saran. The authority makes it easier for her to enter the place in Axelly Forest to find her memory, instead of being able to enter once after a long time, and the time of entry is also limited.

The king-selector Saran will naturally not hand over the authority of the entrance to the Axel Forest, and the two will therefore be wicked, and eventually become so incompatible.

Now it seems that this fact is a bit absurd. The two witches fought for a thing that does not exist in the Aristocratic Forest, and even caused the division of the witch group. This makes people feel ridiculous.

"She doesn't seem to want to come back here?" Leo on the side suddenly said: "Otherwise, she will not only explore outside."

Talli smiled and didn't answer. It seemed that she was very sure about Leah Venistan's return. Obviously she should have done something on Leah Vinister.

Leo also questioned: "Since Leah Vinister is not suitable for you to parasitize on her, how do you leave here?"

"Of course I am prepared," Tally said with a smile. "But do you think I will tell you?"

Leo also felt that he had asked an extra and then looked around and said, "I can take you away, but you need to pay a little in advance."

After thinking for a while, Tallie said, "I can answer you a question first. Of course, this question is a question I know. If you ask a question that I don't know, then even if I tell you that I don't know, then I am also Answered your question."

Leo was silent for a moment, nodded, and then returned to the Commonwealth of Earth, asking, "Why is my coffin here?"

Tally thought Leo was going to ask about the world, but what she didn't think was that Leo's question turned out to be his coffin. This made her stunned for a moment. After a while, she confirmed: "Do you really want to ask such a question?"

"Yes, I want to know." Leo nodded without hesitation.

Tally thought for a moment and said, "The reason why your coffin appears here, although the reason is mine, in the final analysis is because you are a special body, a special body that has never been seen in a biohazard."

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