The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 852: Artificial Intelligence

Chapter 852 Artificial Intelligence Tally

"Are these iron monsters really as powerful as you said?" Sylvia crouched down and picked up a robotic arm to look at it. Perhaps the spare energy on the robotic arm had not been cut off, and the robotic arm moved again. Suddenly, Sylvia quickly lost the robot arm.

"You must be careful when you meet these robots in the future. There are a lot of robots that deal with people like us. They will die in their hands if they are not careful." Leo warned Sylvia very seriously Throughout his life, he experienced countless battles, and saw how a large number of powerful psionicists died in the hands of some special-function robots because of a little careless negligence. He did not want to be one of them. First, I don't want to see Sylvia encounter that danger.

Seeing Leo rarely show such a serious expression, Sylvia nodded cautiously.

Later, the two also focused on the entrance of the control room. When they found that there was no way to open it cleverly, Leo did not think about it any more, and directly used the sacrificial knife to cut it.

Although the metal plate is a little thick, it is obviously harder than the outer armor. It is obviously more fragile. Just like cutting butter, it cuts a gap that can be accessed.

Leo motioned to Sylvia to follow up. He first stepped in and directly turned on the lighting on the universal recorder. With him as the center, the entire room was illuminated.

Just like the control rooms Leo has seen in the past, the main console is in the center, and various secondary consoles are distributed around it.

Leo went straight to the main console and sat down, preparing to bring out the universal tool plug-in, making some energy-body tools that he could reach, when the chair he sat suddenly released a strong voltage and invaded his body inside.

Sylvia, who was not far away, only saw a flash of lightning suddenly appearing on Leo. At first, he just thought that Leo was using his thunder gun skills. After all, Leo’s thunder gun skills were similar. But soon he saw something was wrong from his coat lit by lightning, and immediately wanted to step forward to save Leo.

"Don't move, I'm okay." However, Sylvia had just taken a step, Leo stopped her action, and was not affected by the current on her body. She was still steadily using the plug-in on the universal recorder. Various tools needed.

Soon, all the tools he needed were made, and the winding current on his body gradually decreased and gradually subsided.

Feeling the weakening of the current on his body, Leo showed a regretful expression, because when the current invaded his body just now, he felt that the second nervous system began to fuse with the blood vessels automatically under the impact of the huge current energy, and began to blend in. Into the system of blood power.

This is definitely a good thing for Leo. His blood power has some gaps with other extraordinary powers of the body. When using the blood power, it takes a lot of power to call other powers. If the second nervous system can Both are fused with the vascular nerve, so in his inference, he can use various powers more easily while using blood power, and he can also easily use blood power when using this power.

However, it is a pity that this fusion has almost stopped when the current disappears, and the fusion has not been completely completed.

However, Leo is not frustrated. Since he already knows that current can promote the fusion of the second nervous system and the power of blood, then he only needs to make a generator in the next step, although with the existing industrial foundation, He can't make a high-power generator, but it's not a problem to make a small wind generator.

"No. 74328, you shouldn't do this!" I used the tool to open the lower panel of the console, found the motherboard where the central chip is located, and inserted the universal adapter made with the universal tool into it, ready to use the universal When the recorder was connected to the main control system, a sound suddenly sounded in the room, and the sound of Leo's name made him feel inexplicable.

Once upon a time, this number was his name and the only value of his existence. For any biochemical man, losing his name is equivalent to losing everything, and his destination will also be a biochemical man's recycling base for a few planets. Or garbage that always floats in the stars.

Just when Leo was stunned by the name, he saw a beam of light coming out of the projector on the roof, and in front of Leo and Sylvia formed a woman wearing a federal military costume.

"Tallie!" Leo said in surprise when she saw the female projection.

Sylvia also showed a surprised look. The reason for her surprise was that she knew that the woman in front of her was obviously fake, but the overall temperament displayed by the other party gave her the illusion that she was a real person.

The reason why Leo was surprised is because the main brain intelligence of this engine compartment is a person he is familiar with, or a companion.

In the Earth Federation, every biochemical person will be placed into a root chip from the moment of birth. This chip is not only a master chip, but also a research chip. Federal scientists will use this chip to graduate students in various Physiological and psychological changes in this situation, and then collect a lot of data to create a more perfect biochemical person.

Leo is no exception, and when it returned to the manufacturing base for the second upgrade, it was added to an experiment for biochemical people. That is to introduce a smart program in the biochemical human root chip to cultivate intelligence through biochemical people. Program, a smart program has also been imported into Leo's root chip.

In the following days, until Leo died in battle, this intelligent program always accompanied him. Similarly, he also cultivated this intelligent program in the life experience of the bioman.

At first, this intelligent program was just an auxiliary program. Later, it evolved into a fully intelligent program. In the end, it even evolved into an unreasonable humanoid intelligent program. Therefore, it also has the name Tali and the present female human appearance.

Thinking that his coffin was found nearby, and now his intelligent program became the master control program of the engine compartment, Leo was surprised, feeling that things were a little strange, and I was curious why this happened.

"Do you know who I am?" Leo asked in a deep voice to Tally when he calmed down.

"No. 74328, or my father." The intelligent program Tally answered Leo's question and said it with a slightly human touch.

"Father?" Leo raised his eyebrows without showing any happy expression.

Although he and the intelligent program in his root chip can cooperate perfectly in battle, he is very clear that there is no ordinary emotion between each other, let alone the father and daughter, even if the feelings of friends do not exist, Because the underlying code of this intelligent program is monitoring and clearing, this intelligent program is essentially a more advanced monitoring program.

Aside, Sylvia heard Leo and the unreal person talking in a language she didn't understand. Although neither of them showed an emotion, she could still feel the atmosphere was tense, so She also prepared her weapons to deal with possible attacks at any time.

"No. lisn4987u55796ea-zg228795e8rg..." Leo reported a series of code numbers. This is the initial number of the smart program. Just like the smart program is monitoring him, he also obtained the above command for the smart program. Monitor the evolution of the software and use the original code to control intelligent programs when necessary.

Tallie walked to Leo and said calmly: "No need to report! No use, my original code has been cleared, and you are not a biochemical man with the number 74328, even if my original code has not been cleared, Without your root source program, it is impossible to be excited." Then, she took two steps back and smiled: "I am not malicious to you."

"Not malicious?" Leo sneered, squeezed a piece of clothing that was charred by the current just now, and said, "It doesn't seem to be malicious."

"That's just what the stress defense program does. You should be very clear that after an emergency, the control authority of the stress defense program is above the main control program. I can't control it at all." Talley explained with a smile: "If I What I really want to do, I don’t need to wait for you when you come here, I can do it when you enter the installation field of the force field equipment. However, when you report your permission code, I feel Some curiosity has allowed you to pass the permission check and entered it. It was not until you tried to enter the control room by modifying your ID card that you just touched the stress defense program."

"How do you know it's mine, just because of the permission code?" Leo asked suddenly.

"Of course not. The permission code is just one of the analysis data for my judgment. The main judgment condition is your behavior logic. To know that all your behavior logic has been recorded by me, it is not difficult to just compare it a little bit. Analyze your identity."

"Aren't you surprised?" Leo couldn't help asking, and thought he asked a nonsense and was surprised when asked about an intelligent program.

However, Tally replied calmly: "Since I can complete the five-level intelligent evolution, what a surprise you can become a human psionicist."

Hearing Tally’s answer, Leo couldn’t help but show a shocked expression. He was not shocked that Tally knew how to answer emotional questions, but was shocked by the five-level intelligent evolution that Talli said.

In the universe, the classification of artificial intelligence is different in all civilizations. The Earth Federation also has its own classification. They divide artificial intelligence into five levels, of which the lowest level of artificial intelligence is similar to the stress defense program. Procedures, and the highest level of artificial intelligence is the fifth level of artificial intelligence, that is, artificial intelligence with self-thinking and self-evolution. This type of artificial intelligence is also artificially prohibited by the Supreme Council of the Universe. Once discovered, it will be the first time. Its destruction.

So when Leo heard that Tali said that he was already a Level 5 artificial intelligence, he naturally inevitably showed a shocked look.

Leo calmed his shock, and asked Shen Sheng: "Why are you here? How could you become the master control program of this engine compartment?"

"You don't actually want to know why I became the master control program here. Your real purpose is to know where it is, or what happened after you died?" Leo's mind.

Leo did not deny it, nodded and admitted, "Yes, I think so."

Tally was silent for a while and said with a smile: "Although I don't know much, but I know the key. I can tell you what I know. What about you? How will you return me."

Hearing Tally’s words and seeing her words and deeds, Leo suddenly felt like she was facing herself. At this time, Sylvia also noticed Tally’s behavior and was keenly aware of what she was looking at. Leo and Talley went back and forth twice.

"What do you want?" Leo asked quietly.

"You should know exactly what I want." Tally said with a smile.

Leo was silent for a moment and said: "You want to leave here, so you will continue to emit contact signal light waves when you sense the search signal."

"Yes." Tally nodded and said, "Although the energy here is very sufficient, there will be no energy crisis for at least ten thousand years of fighting, but I don't like it, it's too deserted, I want Change place."

"Why don't you leave in this case?" Leo questioned: "There should be a lot of engineering and guard robots here? You can transfer them to leave here."

"After leaving here? I don't just want to leave here." Tally shook her issued the condition: "I don't just want to leave here, I also want you to provide me a good one Residence, I believe you should be able to find it." Then, when Leo asked to speak, he added: "When I move to the new residence, I will tell you what you want to know."

Leo closed his mouth, as if facing another himself. He also knew that he couldn’t let Talli say what he wanted to know in advance. As for hacking into the system, reading data was even more useless. General Not to mention the five-level artificial intelligence of the recorder, even the three-level artificial intelligence may not be able to invade.

"If I didn't show up, what are you going to do?" Leo Shensheng asked.

"Wait, I will continue to wait." Tally answered.

At first glance, this answer didn't seem to matter, but when I thought about it carefully, Leo felt something was wrong, because Tally was too sure, that is to say, even if she didn't show up, Tally was very sure that there would be another one to help her leave here. , The opportunity to find other suitable containers.

Thinking of this, Leo couldn't help but look up at the sky, and the moment Leo looked up, Tallie's face also showed a little human surprise.

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