The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 786: Are you a monster?

    After identifying the flaws in Leo’s knowledge, the old man immediately found a set of professor programs that he had previously developed but never implemented, and then began to seriously teach Leo’s more advanced warlock knowledge.

Leo can feel the change in the old man’s emotions. After answering those questions, the strong repulsion of the old man also quickly dissipated. Although it is still very indifferent, the attitude has been less hostile, and The old man is somewhat similar to the old man of Rembrandt.

  Teaching and learning one by one, Leo and the old man spent several days in Flinjella's study. In the practice of these days, they seem to be fully invested in knowledge.

Leo naturally greedily absorbed the various knowledge of the warlock, mage, and druid taught by the old man like a sponge to draw water, and the old man was completely immersed in this knowledge. While teaching to Leo And also sorted out the knowledge I had learned before.

Flynn Gila has made several trips in the past few days, mainly to see how Leo's learning is going, but just left for a while and immediately left. Apart from being hit by Leo's learning ability, It is also because the smell in the room is really bad.

Leo and the old man are immersed in knowledge, without grooming, Leo is still good, it has been cleaned a few days ago, and when needed, it can pass the dirt and dust on the body of the psionic plot, and the smell on the body is not strong. .

However, Aalto of the Blue Mountains was different. He couldn’t use the spell to clean it himself. In addition, he originally did a test for more than ten days at his residence. During the test, there was no time for any cleaning. After that, he was called here until Today, apart from wiping his mouth with a napkin after dinner every day, I have never groomed again.

   So a sour odor has already filled the entire room, and Flynnila, who has a slight cleansing in itself, was completely smoked out.

The arrival of Flynn Gila did not affect the teaching of the two. Leo is still good. He can moderately control his learning progress. The learning, memory, and absorption cycle pass without any problems, and Aalto has become somewhat He struggled because he found that Leo’s learning talent is too strong. As long as almost any knowledge is taught, the number of times does not need to be too much. Once again, Leo can quickly grasp the key points of that knowledge and integrate it. To become your own knowledge.

At first, Aalto felt that it was very good. He didn’t need to tell the same knowledge repeatedly, but soon he felt something was wrong, because the learning progress he set was far behind the speed of Leo’s learning, and soon he The level of knowledge needs to be changed, and these have not been prepared in advance, so every time Leo has completed a knowledge point, he will need longer time to think about what the next professor is, and Leo can only be quiet on the side. Can't do anything while waiting.

  For this reason, Aalto took out the large parts of his backpack, and when he was thinking about what to teach, he let Leo pass the time to read these books.

Books that can be valued by Aalto are naturally very important. These books are some of the most valuable books that were rescued from the library by the experience of the Sinide Island incident. Most of them are It is regarded as a forbidden spell, but there are also taboo studies, such as studying gods, studying resurrection, etc., the content is extremely obscure, and most people don’t understand it, even if it is reading, it is difficult to read.

However, reading these books is not difficult for Leo. Instead, he is happy to read these books, because he found that most of these so-called forbidden spells are contrary to the spells used by warlocks and mages. Borrowing power from the outside world to cast powerful spells, but relying on its own power to cast, this is very similar to psionic power, so these forbidden spells may have a great chance to modify it into psionic skills.

On the ninth day after Leo and Aalto learned the extraordinary knowledge of the world, snowflakes fluttered outside, and the people of Tao Sent were both novel and very worried about this scene, because of the snow in Tao Sent, They knew that the past had never happened, and it was because of this that the vast majority of people were not adequately prepared for supplies such as cold.

Fortunately, the wood in these materials is that there is wood available for logging around Taosent, and the food is also used by the Duke of Taossen in the past. The problem was quickly solved, but the clothing used for the warmth was not fully prepared throughout the Taosent, and even the Duchess's wardrobe did not have a winter suit.

However, at this point, Sylvia, who had a lot of winter experience, had already thought of it. She began to buy a large amount of various materials for winter weaving, such as hemp cotton, on the day she was registered as a Taoist knight. At the same time, a large number of weaving craftsmen were recruited with prestige, and a large number of ready-made clothes were produced according to the simple winter clothes she designed.

Although Maribo’s Grace, who assisted Sylvia in managing the Knights, had great respect for Sylvia, he also bought a lot of materials for Sylvia’s winter clothing and found someone to knit clothes. Most people think that this cold wave coming to Tao Center will soon pass, and then Tao Center will become a wine country favored by the sun, so the funds required for the formation of the Knights are still insufficient. Next, it is too wasteful to make so many winter clothes.

However, this questioning sound disappeared instantly as the snowflakes fell from the sky. The only thing left was the worship of Sylvia, thinking that she must have been inspired by the fairy in the lake, so she would definitely snow. .

Later, in the name of the Church of the Lake Fairy, Sylvia dispatched his knights to villages to deliver winter clothing to the people in need for free, thereby making her once again reach the limit of her reputation. Ascension, the prestige of the folk alone has far exceeded the duchess.

However, at this moment the conspiracy against Sylvia also began to appear, and some nobles began to abuse around the Duchess, saying that Sylvia’s purchase of people’s hearts was actually a conspiracy, and wanted to encourage the Duke to Sylvie. Asian sanctions.

However, I do not know what kind of conditions Sylvia and the Duchess had discussed on the day. The Duchess did not care about these accusations. Instead, she praised Sylvia’s good deeds in various public places and expressed her continued support for Sylvia As a result, a conspiracy against Sylvia ended before the start.

  Because of the support of the Duchess, both the Knights and the Church of the Fairies in the Lake were quickly formed, with people and land.

At the same time, in Flinjela's study, Aalto of the Blue Mountains carefully checked the design of the magic circle in his hand. Since yesterday, he has tried to find any holes in the design. And flaws.

Despite the support of special sober medicines, and teaching knowledge around the clock for eight or nine days, Aalto's body seems to have reached the limit. He just drank a bottle of specially adjusted nutritional medicine to supplement the body's wastage. But even this still does not compensate for mental fatigue. From his bloodshot eyes, two dark eyes, and messy and pale hair, it can be seen that his spirit has already begun to overdraw, even if he is using a psychoactive agent. Can't make it up.

Finally, after the thirtieth inspection, Aalto put down the design of the magic circle in his hand, and looked at Leo with a complex eye and said, "I can't find any holes. You have graduated, and I have nothing to teach. Here you are."

   finished, he lay directly on the ground, and fell asleep.

Although Leo was also somewhat tired, he did not sleep like this. He stood up and found a quilt to cover Aalto, and then activated the constant temperature magic array in the study to isolate the cold from the outside. He went out and ordered the servant who was at the door to take him to the guest room and prepare bath water and food.

After coming to the guest room, Leo ate the food brought by the servant and finished it quickly, then instructed the servant to keep taking the food up until he called to stop, so he kept eating for more than thirty minutes and ate It was enough to feed the food of ten big belly men before stopping.

At this time, the servants in the magician’s manor were already frightened by Leo’s amazing food, especially after finding that after eating so much, Leo’s stomach showed no signs of bulging, which made them all in their hearts. I wonder where Leo has eaten these things.

After digesting a large amount of food with the chaotic stomach pouch and replenishing the loss of the body, Leo took off his clothes again and directly made a quiet bath in the tub filled with hot water. The maid on the side served him for cleaning Hair, beard cleaning, etc.

At this time, Flynn Gila came and heard that Leo was naked at the moment, so she came in and asked Chao Leo, full of curiosity, "I thought you would stick to it for a few more days. I can’t help it anymore, what about the old guy Aalto?"

   "Already asleep!" Leo did not care about his current state, and signaled the maid to continue to clean the beard, and at the same time said: "I will go to Josh Manor tomorrow, do you want to go?"

   "Tomorrow? So fast?" Fringila froze, saying, "Are you learning enough now? Do you need to learn a few more days, and let Aalto go with you?"

   Leo shook his head and said, "No, Aalto has nothing to teach me. I know everything he understands, and he certainly doesn't understand what I understand. It doesn't make sense to follow me."

  Fringe Gila heard Leo saying that the whole person was completely stunned, his face filled with surprise, and confirmed: "What did you say? Alto has nothing to teach you?"

   Leo looked at Flynn Gila, nodded, and said calmly, "wet."

   "How is this possible? How is this possible?" Flynnila murmured incredulously.

   No wonder she would look so, because this answer is so shocking, let alone her, even if other people in the sorceress assembly hall heard the news, she would show the same expression.

Normal warlock knowledge requires nine years to complete all the learning. Even if all the non-learning time such as entertainment, benefits and rest is subtracted, 24 hours of continuous learning will take more than two years. In order to complete all the studies, this is just the normal study of an ordinary warlock.

  After graduating from a warlock, it takes a long time to accumulate knowledge before becoming a formal warlock and having your own mage tower. This time may be several decades or hundreds of years.

Aalto has long served as the librarian of Sinide Island. He has read countless books, and the amount of knowledge stored is huge. Not to mention Sinide Island. Even the entire Warlock world, he is the first. .

The reason why Flynn Gila used all kinds of relationships to save Aalto was because of the knowledge in Aalto's mind, and she did get a lot of benefits. At least several powerful taboo spells were from her. It is because of these taboo spells that she was able to obtain a certain position without being a founding member of the sorceress assembly.

But now Leo told her that Aalto had no knowledge to teach her. This was only nine days in the past, so her first thought was that Aalto was lying. In fact, Aalto still has a lot of knowledge without a professor. But he didn't want to teach anymore, so he lied to Leo.

But soon this speculation was dismissed by her, because if Aalto did not change a person, or the Aalto she knew ~ ~ then he would never say that this has no knowledge. Professor of such words.

   Then there is only one possibility, that is, Leo has learned all the knowledge of Aalto, and within nine days.

It takes nine days to learn all the knowledge that others need to learn for decades. Such exaggerated things have not even been the most nonsensical and ridiculous legends circulated in the people. It is no exaggeration to say that such things are even Speaking, I am afraid that even a fool would not think it is true.

   But now she knows this kind of ridiculous absurdity, what happened without any credibility, and the parties are still in front of her.

"Are you a monster?" Flynn Gila stood in front of the bath for a while. She didn't recover from the shock until the maid had taken care of Leo's hair and beard, and couldn't help but be The question in her heart came out.

   And at the same time, she realized that she was wrong, and quickly covered her mouth.

  However, Leo did not care about Flynn Gila, put a towel on her head, and rested her head on the edge of the bathtub, saying, "If there is nothing, you should leave!"

  Although Leo's behavior was very rude, Flynn Gila didn't feel angry at all. Following Leo's instructions, she walked out of the room and closed the door.


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