The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 785: Learning talent

The books that Flynnila gave Leo were some of the most basic knowledge about wizards, warlocks, etc., as well as the most basic knowledge about the extraordinary power of the world. Most of this knowledge was before Regil and Geralt. I have taught him, but the content is not as complete as it is now, so Leo still read these books seriously.

Although each of these books can be regarded as a big part, for Leo, after reading all of them, it will not take long. After less than an hour, these books have been completely read by Leo. Finished.

  He didn't go to Flynn Gila, but stayed in the study, read the books there, and constantly accumulated to supplement his database.

Flynn Gilah’s collection of books is very rich, because she believes that magic is supreme, and the power of mastering magic is based on knowledge, so she uses her resources to collect all kinds of magic-related books. Some of the books that are considered the lowest and least important, and the really important books are collected by her in her secret library.

Although the books here are considered by Frin Gila as unimportant books, for Leo, these books have extraordinary value, because these books record the underlying knowledge related to magic. Further understanding of the magic principles of this world is of great help.

  The following day, Leo was in the study, starting from the first floor to the fifth floor at the top, and nearly three thousand books were all included in his brain in one night.

  Although he is not a warlock master in this world at the moment, as far as the basic theory of magic is concerned, it is enough to hang all warlocks and mages in this world.

After learning that Leo had just finished reading all the books in her study in just one night, Flynn Gila was very surprised, but Sylvia seemed very calm. She had seen Leo reading and studying. Speed.

  In fact, they did not know that Leo was also a little surprised that he was learning speed now. He found that as his physical potential continued to develop, his learning ability also increased rapidly. In the past, he might only be able to remember the contents of these books, and when he needed them, he would be taken out from the brain database for integration.

But now while he is recording books, he has already integrated the knowledge in these books, that is to say, even if he does not specifically call these materials, he can instantly understand the content related to these materials and the various contents corresponding to the content. Knowledge.

There is no doubt that as his life form gradually changed from a pseudo sixth-level psionicist to a true sixth-level psionicist, he also acquired some of the talents and abilities that a real sixth-level psionicist should have. Ability is naturally one of them.

Trying to pick out a few complex spell basic questions and asking Leo testically, Leo not only gave the answer at the moment she said the question, but he also gave the answer more than Flynn Gila's answers are richer and more standard.

Seeing that Leo’s learning ability is so powerful, Flynn Gila has the urge to impart all the spells she masters to Leo, and wants to see where Leo’s learning limit lies, but at the same time there is a strong jealousy The heart also spontaneously made her extremely jealous of Leo's learning ability. Eventually she gave Leo a deep look, then turned around and left, until the Alto of the Blue Mountain came, she just sent A servant led Aalto to Leo and did not personally introduce them.

Leo feels a little inexplicable about Flynn Gilah’s sudden change of attitude, but Sylvia can see the other party’s thoughts from the strong jealous eyes of the sorceress, and she can understand this, after all, even if she is a couple In the face of Leo's learning ability, it is also unavoidable to produce jealousy, not to mention Flynn Gila, an outsider.

Because there are still many things to be dealt with by the Knights, Sylvia did not accompany Leo in Flenjella’s manor, just remind Leo that if Josh Manor really has Vigoforte’s arrangement, then it must be Be careful.

It’s different from the world where I first came here and contacted the transcendence here. She has learned a lot about this transcendence world these days, much more than Leo. Among them is the world warlock, mage and Druids and other extraordinary individuals are the main personal experience, so she is very clear about how powerful Vigo Foz is.

In her eyes, such a role is placed in the world of Velen, and her talents will never be worse than that of Saran, so she knows how dangerous it is to fight against such people. Even if she knows Leo’s strength, she will inevitably Some worries and concerns arise.

   Leo did not say that Sylvia’s concerns were superfluous. He responded very seriously to the words of care from his female companions, saying that he would be careful.

  After a few moments of warmth, Sylvia rode away from Flenjella’s manor, and at this time a servant led an eccentrically dressed old man to this side.

The old man looked like a beggar. The clothes on his body were covered with various pockets. It was old and gave off an unpleasant smell, and there were various small bottles in the pockets of the clothes. It will give people a range of medicine.

   In addition, he was carrying a large backpack. The backpack was covered by a cloak, and the weight of the backpack was so heavy that the old man had to bend down, so if he did not look carefully, he would think that the old man was a hunchback.

Although the old man is dressed like an ordinary old wanderer, Leo’s spiritual network fully reveals the real situation of the old man. As far as energy fluctuations are concerned, the energy fluctuations of this old man have far exceeded Flingila. .

If it was before, Leo will definitely think that this old man is more powerful than Flynn Gila, but now after learning the basics of the world's spells, Leo found out that his theory of energy fluctuations in the past is completely Wrong, the strength of energy can only represent the state of the body of others, but not the strength of strength.

   For example, strong energy fluctuation means that this person can accept that more energy is fused, energy quality is better, and development potential is greater, but this kind of advantage needs to be transformed into a substantial combat power. For example, although Flynnila has a much weaker energy fluctuation than the old man in front of him, if the two fight, the old man can be said to be a sure loser, because from the various conditions of the old man's body, he does not often fight with spells. Experience, he does not have the ability to turn his potential into combat power.

  At the same time, the old man was also looking at Leo, and was suddenly summoned by Flinjella here, which made the old man a little unhappy, because he was conducting a very important experiment at the time.

However, even if the old man is buried in the book pile all the year round, it does not mean that he does not know foreign affairs. He knows how important it is for him to be a life-saving benefactor, a receiver, and a gold lord. After pulling the communication, I rushed over immediately.

The old man thought that this was another time when Flingila got a new alchemy formula to make him experiment whether it was feasible, but after meeting Flingila and talking with Flingila, he realized that Flingila had called He came over because of the devil.

   has always been engaged in the study of demons on Sinide Island. The demons he studied are not monsters like monsters, but a higher level of extraordinary life, just like gods.

Although there are a lot of records about this kind of demon in the library of Sinide Island, almost all the records are of legend type, which means that no one has actually seen the devil, or it can be It is said that no one can live after seeing the demon, so his research on the devil is just talking on the paper from beginning to end.

But now, Flynn Gila told him that someone had killed a demon, and the demon escaped to a container before he died, and the container was in the manor, which shocked him a lot. It is doubtful whether Flingila is playing tricks on the devil.

It's just that when he was going to ask Flynnila for more detailed things, Flynnila asked the servant to bring him to Leo, and said that the devil's container was there, and he asked him to teach Leo She needs to pay for the various spells of the warlock.

Before he saw Leo, he thought Leo was also a warlock or mage, but after seeing Leo, because of Leo's burly figure, he thought that the other party should be a knight, and a knight actually killed the demon. The imprisonment of the devil is like a bad joke.

It's just that because of the golden master Flingila, the old man, after the servant left, endured the unpleasant emotions, and some wanted to dismantle this bad joke, asked Leo: "I listen to Flingji La said you have a container with a demon in your hand, can I take a look? Or does it say that the thing does not exist at all."

Leo can feel the old man’s rejection and displeasure of himself, but he doesn’t know what caused this negative emotion, but even so, he doesn’t care much. In his opinion, as long as the other professor wants what he wants Knowledge, how the other party views itself, and their attitude towards themselves are not very important.

   So after the old man issued a questioning question, Leo did not open a rebuttal, but took out the peculiar eyeball and put it in front of the old man.

  The old man has studied the devil for a lifetime. In order to study the items he used, he has collected many items used by the demon and went to many places where the legendary demon once appeared. Therefore, he is naturally very familiar with the devil's breath.

The moment when the eyeball of Jade Monster was taken out, he recognized that the eyeball was from Jade Monster, but the invisible breath emitted by the eyeball was really demon with the places he had been to. The places that have been there are very similar. They are all the strange powers that can induce various negative emotions in others, and the breath of power exuded in the eyes is stronger than any breath he has felt in the past.

   "This, this is really..." The old man was speechless for a while, and didn't know what to say. After a long time, he asked Leo: "How did you do it?"

"I'll talk about it later," Leo didn't say too much to the old man. He returned his eyes to the storage space, and then calmly faced the old man, said: "After you have done what you want to do, Let’s talk about this devil again, what do you think?"

Hearing Leo’s words, although the old man couldn’t wait to know about the devil, he still tolerated his curiosity and thirst, took a deep breath to calm down, and then came to the study room with Leo and gave a brief introduction After a bit of identity, he began to officially teach Leo about warlocks.

  Although the old man was anxious to know whether a demon was actually contained in his eyeballs, he did not intend to teach Leo some warlock-related knowledge at will, even if he had fulfilled his promise to Flynnila.

He asked Leo very seriously and wanted to test Leo’s mastery of the Warlock’s basic knowledge, but the result was beyond his expectations. He found that Leo’s mastery of the basic knowledge was very complete, even he let Leo casts spells common to several warlocks, and Leo can also cast it easily, which makes him wonder that Leo is also a warlock and a powerful warlock, which also makes him believe more about Flynnge. Pulling juggling his ideas.

But soon, he discovered that he might be wrong to blame Flynn Gila, because he then tested more than a dozen questions, and Leo in addition to a few questions involving basic knowledge can be successfully completed, the rest usually involve higher He has been thinking about the problems of the level warlock knowledge for a long and then used basic knowledge to solve these problems. Although the answer was finally answered, and the answer is not wrong, there is still a gap between the answer and the old man’s heart, so the old man can already be sure that Leo has a very good grasp of the basic knowledge of the warlock, but a higher level of knowledge You have limited control.

However, even the old man was a little surprised by Leo’s ability, because Leo’s answer was unexpected and the content was all basic knowledge, but the answer was right, even if it was not perfect, in his opinion It is absolutely impossible for someone who has not completely mastered the basic knowledge.

This is very different from the mage warlocks he saw on Sinide Island, because the mage and the warlock, without exception, are all in a hurry to touch some basic knowledge that must be mastered, and can't wait to learn a higher level Knowledge and spells, few people will master the basic knowledge to this degree.

When the old man was on Sinide Island, he was a person who believed that basic knowledge was very important and had to master it completely, even if he could not fully grasp it himself, but the wizards and warlocks of Sinide Island obviously did not eat his set. As a result, he has never held any teaching position and has never practiced his own ideas.

   The emergence of Leo undoubtedly made the old mage see an opportunity to realize his ideas for many years, which also made his curiosity about the demon weakened a lot, and began to think about teaching Leo seriously.


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