The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 753: Inference to the main messenger

"Sir Capello, why did you encounter so many bandits?" Just when the old knight Capello sighed for everything in front of him, Leo had already come down from the horse and walked in front of Capello and asked. Road.

"We don't know this either." Hearing Leo's question, the old knight's thoughts were pulled back, looked at the bodies of the bandits around, and said.

"I don't think this is easy." Sylvia also came down at this time and said, "It stands to reason that this area has entered the middle of Taocente, and there should not be such a large-scale bandit group. "She said, she turned to Leo again and said: "Remember the two gangsters we saw on our way over? There are three groups of robbers of different sizes appearing on such a short distance at the same time. This is definitely not the case. Ordinary things, the two gangsters are more like intercepting people who might interfere with the fighting here. If I expected it, this road in the past should be able to meet another gangster or two.

"Do you mean that someone has deliberately targeted this caravan?" Leo said following Sylvia's thinking.

Hearing the dialogue between Leo and Sylvia, the look of the old knight Capello's face became very ugly, because the incident happened suddenly, he did not have much time to think, but now the matter has passed, plus Leo and Sylvia Analysis, he can't see the weirdness.

So, he turned around and called the caravan leader who was only able to sort out the wagon cargo, and asked, "Adot, I ask you, is there any special cargo in your wagon?"

When the caravan leader was called over, his attention was completely attracted by the gorgeous armor on Leo and Sylvia. He didn't pay attention to the old knight's question for a while, and did not return until the old knight asked the second time. After a moment of commotion, he quickly shook his head and said, "No! Lord Capello, you know that my caravan is just an ordinary caravan, and it is also transported by some ordinary goods. Where will there be special goods, if there are any I don’t have to work so hard every day to lead the team around every day. Not only do I eat and sleep, but I also worry about encountering robbers."

Seeing the caravan team leader answer so affirmatively, the old knight Capello couldn't help but show his doubts. Then the caravan team leader asked why the old knight had to question him like this, and then just sent Sylvia and Leo's Guess told him.

After listening to the words of the old knight, the caravan leader immediately showed a shocked look on his face. Obviously, this matter was also unheard of for him, but after being shocked, he seemed to have thought of something and couldn't help but watch it. Look at the old knight.

And this small movement was easily captured by Leo and Sylvia. Sylvia asked: "Mr. Adot, did you think of any clues?"

Hearing the question of Sylvia like a Valkyrie, the caravan leader quickly lowered his head and said, "It's a clue indeed."

With that said, he turned to look at the old knight.

"This clue is related to His Excellency Capello?" Leo asked clearly when he saw the caravan team leader.

"What? It has something to do with me?" The old knight was also confused, staring at the caravan leader, and asked, "How could this matter have anything to do with me?"

The caravan leader narrowed his neck and reminded carefully: "Master Capello, have you forgotten the sealed box that Lord Count Britta told you to bring back to him?"

With the reminder of the caravan team leader, the old knight soon thought of something, first froze for a while, then his face was so dull that it was dripping, and he could not speak for a long time.

Seeing this situation, Sylvia asked the caravan team leader about the situation, and the caravan team leader did not hide it, and carefully told what he knew.

It turns out that the time of the wine conference is approaching day by day, and the disappearance of the Britta Manor has not yet been resolved. If the wine stored in the cellar of the manor is left unattended, there will be a high probability that the wine will smell bad.

Therefore, Count Britta felt that he might be defeated at this wine conference, so he decided to prepare with two hands. On the one hand, he was still looking for a solution to the disappearance. On the other hand, he had secretly sent people to buy in other countries at a high price. An extremely advanced wine-making recipe has arrived, and the wine prepared with this recipe in the coming year will stand out at the wine conference.

In order to avoid letting people know about this, Count Britta did not use his own men, but let the newly arrived Capello take the opportunity to patrol the border and bring this recipe back, which is also correct. A test of Capello's ability.

The caravan team leader feels that if there is anything else in the team worth remembering, or even colluding with the bandits to attack them, this wine recipe is the only one, and the person doing this is probably the enemy of Count Brittany.

"Just for a wine-making recipe?" Leo felt a little weird when he heard the caravan leader’s narrative, because after he gradually gained ordinary people’s emotions, in the three views and ethical common sense he built, the caravan The things in the leader's mouth completely violated his cognition, which can be described as absurd.

"Yes." Sylvia replied without waiting for the caravan leader to respond: "Never overestimate the lower limit of the nobles. They can do everything to achieve their goals. The so-called noble spirit is just one. It’s just a disguise. I’ve seen more of these things in France."

"But this is too ridiculous! What is the use of a wine recipe?" Leo still didn't understand this kind of thing. At least he just broke away from the absolute rationality of the bioman and re-established the emotional cognition. Understand such things.

"You have forgotten that the country of Tausent is also called the kingdom of blood and wine. Although blood can be said to be the blood left by the elven kingdom, it can also be said to be wine, which shows the importance of wine in this country. "Sylvia turned to the caravan team leader and the old Cavaliers Capello, said: "If, I guess right, the winners and participants of the annual wine conference can not only get money and reputation benefits, It should also be able to obtain other benefits, such as promotion of status, etc., right?"

The caravan team leader and the old knight Capello nodded.

"Involving such a huge benefit, it is not so difficult for those nobles to do this kind of thing." Sylvia smiled disdainfully, then looked at the robbers around him, said: " Being able to gather so many robbers silently in the center of Taocente to form a bandit group, the secret planner obviously has a high status and rights in the Buckland court, you better rush to the nearby town as soon as possible to inform you The boss, let them send someone to respond. Don’t think about separating, because the behind-the-scenes principal will definitely think you are a gang, if you separate, it will only make him think that you all have the suspicion of carrying the formula. But as long as you reach the town It should be safe, after all, as long as the man still has a little reason, he will not do anything that will allow the bandits to attack the town."

Hearing Sylvia’s suggestion, both the old knight and the caravan leader nodded. This is when the old knight Capello suddenly asked: "Can I hire two..."

"Sorry, we still have our own things to do!" Before the old knight finished speaking, Sylvia immediately refused, and then gestured to Leo, turned his horse, and said: "Since the things here have already Solved, then we will continue on the road, hoping to see two in Buckland."

Having said that, after waiting for Leo to mount, the two immediately drove the horse away from this small battlefield, and did not give the old knights and caravan leaders the opportunity to save.

After the two walked a distance, Leo couldn't help but wonder and asked: "Why didn't we accept Capello's employment just now? We directly helped Capello deliver the formula to Earl Britt , Should I be able to get the gratitude of Earl Britt and get his guarantee?"

Sylvia looked at Leo eccentrically and asked, "Are you going to intervene in the game of power within the noble Toscent?"

Leo puzzled: "Aren't we still involved now? To know that we killed the bandit group, ruined the plan of the principal behind the scenes, and we also took the task of Earl Britt."

"Of course not." Sylvia shook her head and explained: "We killed the bandit group only because we occasionally met people in need to rescue them. This is one of following the rules of law and virtue. There is nothing to do with who is standing, who is supporting, or who is not. And our task of taking Earl Britt is just to accept an ordinary employment task, it does not mean that we support Earl Britt. But if we continue to **** Capello back to Buckland and safely deliver the formula to Earl Britt, then this means that we are completely standing in Earl Britt, and the nature is completely different."

"It's really complicated." Leo shook his head, feeling that this aristocratic game was not suitable for him, and he didn't think so much. Then he asked about the use and problems of Sylvia's weapons and armor. .

"Dragon hunting guns are very easy to use, making them very easy to use." Sylvia patted the box containing the dragon hunting guns with satisfaction, and then raised his arms again, said: "But when the arms are moving, Du Jia It will cause a little obstruction when the arm is raised, in addition...

Hearing the problems of Sylvia, Leo also solved these problems one by one, because he considered the problem of adjustment when designing the armor, so they all reserved some adjustment space and devices, after a series of After adjustment, this dragon hunter armor fits Sylvia's figure more.

On the way down, the two were not in trouble.

However, they noticed some small details on the road. For example, not long after they left the abandoned manor, they met two groups of robbers on the road. Like the other two groups of robbers they encountered before, they also felt thunderous. Ou and Sylvia are not easy to provoke and did not attack them, and Leo also found through the Spiritual Network that the two gangsters seemed very surprised and surprised that they could come over from the other side of the road, and the appearance of these robbers just confirmed Sylvia's guess.

Because they drove in the middle of the night, and deliberately avoided some villages and towns when they drove, there were not many people who saw Leo and Sylvia, but anyone who saw them was covered by their armor. I was attracted, and even some mythical associations appeared in my mind. By the next day, the village and town from Vidette Valley to the foot of Gaogong Mountain had a story about the light knight and the dark knight chasing each other.

Although Capello’s caravan also passed on Leo and Sylvia’s elimination of the bandits, the scope of the spread was too small, and the story of the two exotic knights does not sound like How mysterious, so quickly submerged in other more magical stories and legends.

In the early morning, Leo and Sylvia had rushed through the night and had reached the outskirts of Earl Britt's manor.

Compared to the sunny and climate-friendly Sansredo River, the west bank is only illuminated in the morning because of Gaogong Mountain, and the sunlight is blocked by the high mountain in the afternoon, and the cold air flowing on the top of the mountain In the early morning, it will be swept down by a cold wave, which is enough to kill the young grape seedlings, so for a long time, this land cannot grow grapes, and it is all abandoned.

It wasn't until a druid found a cold-resistant grape seedling that was grafted onto a local grape branch in Tausent, so that the local grape seedlings had the ability to withstand cold, so the vast land at the foot of Gaogong Mountain could play a role.

The manor of Count Britta is in the middle of the foothills of Gaogong, which is the only gentle slope. The original manor was built at the foot of the hill, but it was built halfway. It is found that there is a natural cave at the top of this slope, which is very suitable for storage. Wine, so the main house of the manor was moved to the top of the mountain, and the unbuilt manor at the foot of the mountain became the residence of the workers.

At that time, many nobles believed that although the decision of Count Britta had lost a certain amount of money, it was very correct.

Because the vineyard of Earl Britta is very close to Lake When the manor moved to the highlands, standing on the small tower built by the manor, you can easily see Serra in the distance On the lake surface of Weihu Lake, you can even see the legendary lake fairy island inhabited by the fairy. When the early morning sun shines, the lake surface flashes waves and the scenery is pleasant.

If the weather is good, a blurred image of the Bokran Palace in the distance can be seen in the manor.

It is precisely because of the scenery and environment of the Britta Manor that the land around the manor is fancy by many nobles. They bought the surroundings and built the manor not only for making wine, but also for the summer season. Provide a place to escape the heat.

However, due to the disappearance of the Britta Manor during this period, the estates in this area became panic-stricken. Although the disappearance was limited to the Britta Manor, the people around the manor were already scared, considering whether they should give up here Work, leave here.

It is for this reason that the owners of the surrounding estates also whispered about Count Britta, bringing invisible pressure to Count Britta.

The mysterious world under steampunk

The mysterious world under steampunk

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