"It seems that we still have to consider the issue of money." Sylvia looked at the shattered bag of broken stones and smiled bitterly, saying.

"Let's go! Go to the tavern." Leo suggested a little silence.

The two rode on horses and arrived outside the tavern. At this time the tavern was still brightly lit. A large number of drinkers and passengers who did not fully enjoy the day still reveled in the tavern. When Sylvia and Leo appeared, everyone was attracted by these two sets of gorgeous and exquisite armor.

Knights are not uncommon in Taocent, especially during the Cavaliers Conference. Cavaliers from all countries will rush to Taocent to participate in the conference. They will wear their beautifully-crafted gorgeous armor and appear at the conference. 'S vision has long been raised, and it is difficult to reappear the armor that shocked them.

However, at the moment, the two armor of Leo and Sylvia are undoubtedly like two shining treasures, attracting everyone's eyes, and many people have a thought in their minds. It is armor that gods can possess.

In fact, the reason why these people produce such senses is that, in addition to the exquisite and gorgeous armor itself, Leo uses the psionic hammer when forging the armor, and these psionics from the sixth-level psionicists are also Contains the life information on Leo's body, which is integrated with the armor, which virtually suppresses the life forms of psionicists below level 6, which makes these people's senses of awe and shock magnify infinitely.

However, the costumes of Sylvia and Leo are not without defects. The horses under their feet are obviously not worthy of their armor, and it is a pity that some people have seen them.

Leo and the two ignored the attention of the people around them. In fact, when they made these two sets of armor, they already considered the fact that they would attract attention. This is what they need. Only in this way can they quickly gain a reputation. .

Leo dismounted and walked to the bulletin board, and soon found the announcement issued by Earl Britta.

He tore off the announcement, turned and entered the tavern, walked to the bar, placed the announcement on the bar, and rushed to the tavern owner, saying, "Check me in, I will take this task."

The people in the tavern were drunk, but after seeing Leo, the armor of the abyssal rambler, they still felt awe from their hearts, and their dull mind regained a little sobriety, looking at the bar counter curiously. The movement of the side, the originally noisy pub quieted down instantly.

The pub owner behind the bar was already shocked when Leo, who was two meters tall, came to the front. He did not dare to neglect when he heard Leo’s command, and quickly recorded the information of the mission announcement, and then printed The announcement paper of the above stamp was given to Leo, and he did not dare to breathe out loud until Leo left.

After Leo took the notice paper and left, the tavern resumed its liveliness, but everyone no longer talked loudly as before, but quietly discussed the identity of Leo and Sylvia with the people around them, and said this time The Cavaliers Conference may have a very exciting performance.

Leo finished registering the mission, and then asked the locals where he could buy a simple map, then he transferred the horse head with Sylvia, went to the grocery store in the village, bought a simple map, and found the cloth in the mission announcement. The foot of the Gaogong Mountain where the Earl Rita Wine Estate is located.

Their current position was near Vidette Valley, and they walked a distance south and crossed the Sansredo River from the Pregmon Bridge to reach the foot of the Gaogong Mountain on the west bank.

"It looks like we still have some way to go." Leo said to Sylvia.

"Let's go all night! Try to get there tomorrow," Sylvia suggested.

Leo accepted the offer, rode the horse, and followed the route indicated on the map, heading south with Sylvia.

Although Taosent’s roads cannot be compared with those of the Vellon world, the road directions here are very good. There are clear signs at almost every fork, and as long as you walk along the main road, almost no There is a risk of getting lost.

The horses of the two are really average, and no matter how driven, they can't run fast, but the endurance of the old horse is also good. It can always maintain a certain speed along the way, so the actual speed has not slowed down much.

On the way, they also met two gangsters who were blocking the road, but after seeing the armor worn by Leo and Sylvia, they all lost their courage, and they hid in the woods on both sides until they had no choice. The two dared to come out after leaving.

Sylvia was very stern about the two bandits because she couldn’t wait to open her weapon, but she didn’t get the opportunity to do it twice, which made her really depressed,

However, the opportunity for her to do so soon came. After they had walked for more than three hours in a row, there was a sudden fire light in front of them, and there were a lot of screams.

Seeing this, Leo and Sylvia realized that a caravan that had been driving overnight had encountered a robber, so they didn't say much, and they drove their horses to catch up.

While rushing up, Sylvia had assembled the dragon hunting gun, Leo Leo also pulled out two abyss swords, but because of the weight of the abyss sword, he was slower than Sylvia step.

Soon they overwhelmed the battlefield, only to see that one side of the fighting should be robbers, and the other side turned out to be their acquaintances, that is, the old knight Capello and other wandering knight teams and their protected caravans and travelers.

At this moment, there were so many robbers and there were nearly a hundred people. They were already considered to be a large bandit gang. They surrounded the caravan in an abandoned manor. There was no strong attack, but it was ignited with a continuous throwing tool. The charcoal was thrown into the manor, and at this moment an abandoned house was lit.

The caravans and wandering knights in the abandoned manor are not in good condition. Although they chose this manor that was easy to defend when they took a rest at night, the night raids of those robbers did not succeed and the robbers were resisted outside the manor.

But as the robbers surrounded the manor and threw fireballs inside, the situation turned sharply and became more and more unfavorable to them.

Just now, the old knight Capello has put on his armor with the help of the servants, and he is preparing to find a chance to charge with several other wandering knights to kill the leaders of the robbers outside, and then see if they can use this to combat the morale of these robbers. , Let them escape without fighting.

However, the leaders of these robbers are obviously very cunning, and they are always hidden among other robbers, and there is no opportunity for the old knights to start.

Just when the old knight Capello thought he should take a risk, he suddenly saw a light appear on the main road not far away. This light rushed down the hillside towards the thieves outside. He rushed past, and then saw that all those who were in contact with the light fell to the ground, and a wave of painful wails came from the bandit camp, and soon the light penetrated the bandit's encirclement and washed down the abandoned manor. In front of, stopped outside the manor.

At this time, the talents in the manor clearly saw that this light turned out to be a knight in golden armor. When everyone saw this golden knight, they couldn't help but forget the present plight because of this golden knight The armor is so gorgeous, full of majestic lion helmets, covered with mysterious patterns of fierce armor, a cross-shaped spear that looks extraordinary, all of which emits golden light under the fire light, making this name The knight looks more like a god.

Although this golden knight killed the bandit group, it did not mean that the bandit group was safe. They hadn't slowed down from the slaughter of the golden armor, and they had another night butcher.

I saw that a group of robbers suddenly flew into the air. The body became two sections in the air, and blood spattered around, and this situation was not over yet. A black shadow rushed into the crowd under the cover of the night, flashing on both sides of the black shadow With two beams of light, sweeping around, every sweeping will take away some life. Just a few moments, the Kung Fu bandit group was reduced by more than half. At this time, the golden knight hadn't stopped and drove the horse into the bandit. In the regiment.

Faced with the siege of the two killing gods, the people with the best mentality would probably collapse, and the living bandits would flee wildly, and they just wanted to escape from a distance.

When the two knights stopped chasing down the robbers, only a dozen or so robbers who had besieged the abandoned manor finally escaped into the forest. More than 20 robbers turned into corpses and lay on the ground.

Two god-like knights walked around the battlefield, giving the robbers who had not completely died a final blow, and then drove the two seemingly poor horses to slowly walk outside the manor.

At this moment, the people in the manor can see exactly what the other knight hidden by the night looks like. I saw that this knight was wearing a very exquisite set of black armor, and the mysterious pattern of moonlight shining on the armor but emitting a silver light , So that the armor adds a sense of mystery.

The most striking thing about this knight is not his armor, but the two big swords in his hand. These two big swords are longer than the ordinary knight sword, both in the handle and the body. Even a well-trained knight has a lot of effort holding and waving with both hands, but this knight has a hand in hand. From the battle just now he can see that he used it very easily.

While Capello Cavaliers and others were in awe of the two godlike knights, they were also extremely nervous about their approach, because although the other party killed the robbers who besieged the caravan, they still did not know that the other party was an enemy or a friend . Now it looks like the other party is helping them repel the robbers, but in the next moment the other party may treat them as prey.

When the people in the manor were uneasy, the black armor knight inserted the big sword in his hand into the scabbards on both sides, and the gold armor knight broke the spear into two parts and placed it beside the saddle. In the long box.

"Sir Capello, are you okay?" Leo took the wolf helmet off his head, hugged the wounded, and shouted to the manor.

"Are you... Lord Leo?" Capello stood on the elevated ground and looked out through the fence, seeing Leo with his helmet shouted in disbelief.

The cries of the old knight also aroused the curiosity of others, and they approached and stepped on their feet to look out.

Sylvia also took off the helmet and capello, who protruded a head towards the wall, asked, "My Excellency Capello, I think you should get out of this abandoned manor better, and see that the fire inside will soon spread. The caravan’s goods will be burned."

"Sir Sylvia?" The appearance of Sylvia once again greatly shocked the people in the manor. Although Leo mentioned more than once that both are knights, most people do not think that A beautiful, noble woman like Sylvia would be a knight, but now all the doubts in their hearts have disappeared. Many people have seen the process of the Golden Armor Knight just fighting outside, and such a powerful person is not a knight. , Then who else is qualified to claim to be a knight.

At this time, the fire inside the manor, as Sylvia said, was out of control, and the caravan of the caravan would be affected at any time. The old knight Capello immediately opened the manor door and took people out to evacuate.

The wandering knights and attendants also left the manor with the crowd. They did not dictate on the spot, but circled around the battlefield and carefully checked the bodies of these bandits.

Undoubtedly~www.ltnovel.com~The tragic death of these robbers shocked and frightened them. The people who died under the rifle of Sylvia returned blood, most of them were stabbed or stabbed. , At least one whole body can be kept after death, but those who died under Leo’s sword are all broken into two or several sections, the bones are incomplete, even if some servants and knights have seen the dead body more than once, but they saw the death This is the first time such a tragic body, and they all couldn't help but vomit.

Although the wandering knights were a little far away, their vomiting sound was a bit loud, and many people heard it. Those who had not seen the scene looked at the knights and servants contemptuously, thinking that they vomited when they saw a little body. This is really awful.

The old knight Capello frowned, because he knew that although these knights who followed him were not veterans, they were also people who had experienced the battlefield and had seen blood. They should not be so embarrassed.

However, the old knight is not in the mood to care about his unbearable staff. His attention is now focused on Leo and Sylvia, because the shock they brought to him is too great. At noon They just separated, and at night they appeared in front of them in a near-godlike posture, saving them. This kind of scene that only appeared in folk tales now appeared in front of him, making him kind The illusion of being in a dream.

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