The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 647: Chasing subspace

On the third day of entering the Guga Desert, Leo was about to interpret the book called Genesis in his hand.

Although at the beginning, the author of this book was not familiar with the lower lingua franca, and Leo did not learn the lower lingua franca created by the Veja people, it was a bit difficult to interpret.

However, as more and more content is interpreted, Leo has mastered the writing rules and corresponding meanings of the lower lingua franca, which makes the interpretation of the content of the book much faster.

Although the corresponding content of this book has been deciphered, it will obviously take some time to really understand this book, because the writer wrote this book in a prose poem style.

The prose styles of prose are well-known prophetic styles on the Weilun continent. They are usually written by a prophet or a religious person who has received enlightenment after entering the trance-like state of prophecy. The form of the sentence is recorded, and there are special interpreters in the church to interpret these prose, and obtain the desired prophecy or revelation information from it.

However, in many cases, the interpretation is wrong. Therefore, whether the Weilun mainland has been from the folk or the church, it has maintained an attitude that is neither affirmative nor negative.

However, the difficulty of interpreting this book in Leo’s hands is more difficult to interpret than those of the prophet and the nagging of the church people, because the quotation objects borrowed from the prophecy are all some known events or character stories in the Velon world. Wait, there are more or less traces, but the quotations used in the prose in this book are all synonymous with everything in the universe and the stars, and are also used by the Veja people.

There are countless kinds of things in the universe, even if Leo knows more about the things and attempts of the universe, it is just a drop in the ocean. I can imagine how difficult it is to find the corresponding content.

Fortunately, these essays did not quote those cosmic events that were too biased, which made Leo look smooth, but it still made Leo start to miss his second brain that had disappeared, otherwise, there was a With the help of second-brain analysis, it will be much easier to parse the meaning of these prose sentences.

Although it is difficult to interpret, Leo still fully interpreted the first chapter of the whole book, and also found some rules of interpretation. I believe that the speed of interpretation will become faster and faster.

The writer used two quotations when writing the first chapter, one is the stellar fluid phenomenon of the Gutais Sanxing Group, and the dark nebula experiment of the cosmic civilization Moss.

This phenomenon and an experiment are regarded as two very famous cosmic events in the universe. They have been written into the source code of the Supreme Council. Almost all civilizations in the universe will mention these two events when they impart cosmic knowledge to their respective races.

The phenomenon of astral fluid is a unique astronomical phenomenon of the Gutash Di Samsung Group. How many years have it been in the past, it has been irrelevant, but it is certain that this phenomenon is not naturally formed, but artificially made , And the manufacturer has been unable to verify, but the vast majority of omega-class advanced living organisms believe that it may be the light of origin that has long since disappeared.

The condition of the stellar fluid phenomenon is that when the thirteen main planets of the third Samsung group are arranged into a dozen specific symbols, the thirteen main planets will produce a special substance called star fluid.

The manifestation of this substance in the energy of the universe is just a flow of inert energy, and it cannot react with any matter, so it has been ignored by various civilizations of the universe for a long time, and it is classified as an unavailable energy source, even Omi Gamma-level higher organisms do not like this strange energy, because they will hinder the transmission of psionic energy. Therefore, few Omega-level higher organisms pass through the Gustadi Samsung Group, and the civilization of this constellation also There has never been a psionicist.

Because of the inert energy effect of star fluids, no civilization will be interested in this energy, and no one will be willing to actively study this energy.

Until the civilization produced by the Third Samsung Group, because they had to fight against a psionic civilization, they wanted to see if they could collect these star fluids and use them as weapons against psionicists.

As a result, this civilization was very surprised, because they found that although this inert energy could not produce any effect in the universe, it could produce a very special kind of energy in subspace, which can promote the growth of life in the universe.

We must know that after entering the subspace, the life characteristics of all life in the universe will be in a stopped state. When leaving the subspace, the life characteristics of these creatures will start to function again.

This does not mean that cosmic life can achieve that kind of pseudo-time travel through subspace, because although the life characteristics of subspace are in a state of time stop, but after entering the normal universe, the time flow regenerates on the characteristics of life, then in subspace The period of time that is missing within the period will accumulate on the characteristics of life, allowing life to drain quickly until the time flow stabilizes.

That is to say, if there is no special protection measures to stay in the subspace for ten years, then returning to the normal universe, ten years of time will have an effect on the creature in an instant, and ten years of aging.

This is not the most serious. The most serious thing is that if this creature has any deadly germs, the germs will grow for ten years in an instant, and the creature will die in an instant.

Therefore, for a long time in the past, after the spacecraft entered the subspace, it will be handed over to the spacecraft’s wisdom brain for control. All the creatures in the spacecraft will enter the freezing cabin and be frozen. Freezing technology is used to avoid the disadvantages of subspace flight. .

However, the effect of the stellar fluid in the subspace has enabled various civilizations in the universe to discover that subspace can also allow life to grow. For a time, the major civilizations of the universe began to conduct more detailed research on the stellar fluid and put it into practical use, and the universe has also opened up. The era of sub-space development.

Therefore, it has been recorded in the history of the universe of all civilizations that the discovery and application of stellar fluids represents the use of subspace into a new era.

As for the Moss dark nebula test, it is an important event after entering the subspace development, and its importance is equal to that of the star fluid.

The Moss is a higher civilization of the universe. Although they also have psionics, they do not take psionics as their fundamental civilization. Their civilization is fundamentally on the level of science and technology, and the growth of their technological tree is somewhat deformed. Not even the technology to produce daily necessities, all need to be purchased from other civilizations. Ninety-nine percent of their advanced civilization's technology is used in the subspace.

When the development of subspace fell into a bottleneck period, a futuristic hypothesis emerged in all civilizations of the universe. This hypothesis was translated into the subspace colonization theory in the language of the earth.

Because after years of research, almost all cosmic civilizations know that subspace is very large and infinitely large. Even according to estimates, even the universe cannot be compared with subspace, so many of them have a bad living environment or master The resource planet has been unable to withstand the development of civilization began to consider whether it can colonize the subspace.

It's just that although the argument of colonizing subspace was put forward very early, there has been no substantial progress, because there is no space environment in subspace that is suitable for the survival of cosmic creatures. All spaces suitable for ordinary humans are like bubbles. This happens suddenly, and will be destroyed in the next second, and those stable spaces, without exception, are all chaotic. Ordinary people will die or become part of the chaos when they enter there.

This kind of bottleneck didn't turn up until the Moss dark nebula test, which was mainly due to the accidental discovery of a scientist when the Moss was still in the early stage of cosmic civilization.

This scientist discovered that the galaxy produced by the Moss civilization had a shadow galaxy, just like the surface world, but not subspace.

Because this discovery was an accidental discovery, this experiment cannot be reproduced, and only a data stream recorded by Zhinao can prove the authenticity of this experiment.

In the case of other civilizations, such discoveries will be temporarily shelved. After other people have similar discoveries, restart this project.

But the Moss are different. Not only did they not question this discovery, but they decided to gather scientists from the entire civilization to study this discovery together, and named this project the Dark Nebula.

At that time, other cosmic civilizations felt a little weird, but no one paid too much attention to this matter. After all, there are so many cosmic civilizations, and it is not impossible for a civilization to do anything strange.

However, no one thought that the reason why the Moss would make the entire civilization go a long way is because the Mosang discovered the so-called shadow discovered by this scientist. In fact, the scientist accidentally projected the real world into the subspace during the experiment, and In the subspace, a slowly shrinking, but stable internal space is formed.

It is precisely because of this discovery that Moss talents will mobilize the scientists of the entire civilization to study this projection method, because at that time all cosmic civilizations knew that the future of the universe was in subspace.

With the study of subspace, the Moss subspace technology is becoming more and more powerful. Almost half of the spacecraft in the universe have their subspace stabilizers installed, and the first complete subspace navigation map is also the Moss. Recorded.

When the research and development of cosmic civilization on subspace fell into a bottleneck, so was the research of the Moss, so they wanted to find a breakthrough, that is, to reproduce the experiment of the scientist that year.

The process of this experiment was very complicated, and it was extremely tortuous, but the result was unexpectedly good. In the end, the Moss created a stable space in the subspace that will not shrink, even if the space is only the size of the nail cover .

This incident also disturbed the Supreme Council, and even caused the Omega-class higher living bodies in the Supreme Council to not move all the year round. They also came to the Moss star field through the method of consciousness, to understand the situation, and finally the Moss The entire data of this experiment was contributed to the Supreme Council, thereby obtaining a seat in the Supreme Council.

At the moment of Leo’s death, there were already rumors in the universe that some higher civilizations successfully opened up a large stable space in subspace for human survival.

Now in the book called Genesis in Leo’s hands, the author praised the star fluid and dark nebula experiments in the first chapter with prose poems, which undoubtedly shows that the formation of this world is related to these two things. In this way, the Velon world is in subspace, not the devil nebula that Leo had guessed earlier. Of course, it may also be that the devil nebula is also a part of subspace, but the premise of all this speculation is that the content in this book is all it is true.

"It's here! We're here! Our place of origin!" Just as Leo began to interpret the content of Chapter 2, a loud shout suddenly came from outside the tent, and the carriage slowed down.

Leo stood up, lifted the curtain, and looked out. He saw a black line appearing at the top of the hill in the distance. As the carriage crossed the hill, he saw the black line gradually. Extending downwards, it becomes a dark wall that is more than a thousand meters wide.

As long as someone with a bit of intelligence can see that this square black wall is certainly not a natural product, and the only thing that can be thought of in the minds of the Kaka tribe is that only gods can create such a huge match. , And such a neat building, and they even thought of the patriarch's frequent mention of them as descendants of gods. They all used this statement as a joke at that time, but now they already have some belief.

The original tribes of the Kaka tribe often heard the patriarch’s Although they were surprised by everything they saw in their hearts, they were able to quickly stabilize their emotions, and those who were later bought as tribesmen Married female slaves do not have the experience of being nagging, and they can't help but see a regular black giant wall in front of them. Some people kneel on the carriage and recite similar prayers in their native language. s things.

"Giant wall? Valley?" Leo was stunned when he saw the giant wall, because he remembered that the place of origin he mentioned in his book talking with Ilya was the valley, so the black giant in front of him The wall puzzled him a little.

But he soon wanted to understand, because he found that he had made a mistake. In the flash language, the valley also means a magnificent city surrounded by high walls, but because few people use it, this deep meaning has been No longer a universal meaning.

After a period of commotion, the team gradually stabilized and accelerated, moving towards the striking black wall.

Leo also turned back to the tent, preparing to continue reading the books, but he suddenly felt something was wrong around him, and these things were not bad, because he felt that the surrounding environment seemed to be like the underground pyramid in the forest , Psionic activity has increased a lot, and other powers in him are not restricted.

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