Ilya said that the ancestors of the Kaka tribe loved to record things. Whether it was a patriarch, a desert guide, or other people who held important positions in the tribe, they like to record everything that they think is important.

Therefore, the Kaka tribe has always had a habit, that is, the clan will hand over the notes she recorded to the scribes in the clan before death, and the scribes will copy the content down, edit it into a volume, and store it.

In this way, the Kaka tribe has an amazing collection of books. When the Kaka tribe was still strong, there were many kingdom scholars who came to the Kaka tribe to borrow those manuscript books in order to compile the Kingdom Chronicles.

Although the Kaka tribe suffered disaster, a lot of property was lost when it fell, but the books left by these ancestors are still well preserved by the Kaka tribe. All the books are carried in five sand carts, and all the books are Placed in elaborate boxes, these boxes are not only waterproof but also insect-proof.

Leo’s reading of these books is very slow, because he not only needs to recognize the different notes on the books, but also needs to analyze and infer a large number of Savile local slang and proverbs among them.

Because the writing style adopted by the writers of the Kaka tribe at that time, most of them were spoken words mixed with a large number of slang and proverbs that only Saviles and Saviles could understand at the time, and these slang Proverbs are very important in some places, so Leo must repeatedly infer to get an answer. Even this answer may be wrong because of the content of other books, so he always needs to read these books repeatedly.

However, these are not the most troublesome. The most troublesome thing is that although the Kaka tribe has a tradition of collecting ancestral books, they have no idea of ​​organizing these books. All the books are put together randomly. Perhaps Leo just read it. This book written by the ancestors of the Kaka tribe a hundred years ago, and then picked up the next one, the writing time of this book became two hundred years ago.

This disorganized way of storing books also creates difficulties for Leo's reading, which makes Leo have to actively help the Kaka tribe to sort out the books.

The Kaka tribe spent two days on the edge of the Guga desert and captured three desert creatures. These desert creatures were all made into dry goods and piled up with two pack cars.

Originally, according to Abahan Kassa’s plan, he was prepared to stay in the desert for a month, and he had sufficient supplies and a pack car for the month.

However, Ilik’s ability is too effective. Three times, he emptied an area of ​​desert creatures, and then continued only those scorpions and sand snakes in the state of larvae. Abahan did not want to let the Gujar and other deserts. That creature was extinct, so he had to change his plan and move to the next capture point half a month early, which is where the Kaka tribe originated.

Ilya also informed Leo, and brought someone to help Leo pack up tents and books, and specially prepared a pack for Leo.

Ilya’s pack car for Leo is very large, and the whole body is shown in a ship. It can easily put a complete big tent, and a short-legged sand lizard with eight legs drags in front, although it is not very fast , But it is very stable.

Leo is very interested in the next destination of the Kaka tribe, because he not only knows from Ilya’s dictation that the next destination is deep in the Guga desert, the origin of the Kaka tribe, also I have read about the description of the place of origin from the book.

According to the description of the tree, the place of origin is in a valley surrounded by high mountains in the Guja desert, where there is an oasis and lake that can support the daily water use of thousands of people, and there are ruins built by Guja civilization there .

And more importantly, according to Leo’s inference, it should be not far from the space civilization base or warship from the Kaka tribe.

Among the books Leo read in these two days, one book was written by the Kaka tribe who was still in the place of origin at that time. The person who wrote this book was the leader of a hunting team.

As can be seen from his books, the Guga Desert was not completely desertified as it is now, and there were trees and large animals living in the depths of the Guga Desert. The Kaka tribe relied on these large animals to get in Guga The desert has survived for decades.

Most of the things that person recorded were some of his personal experiences and some brave hunting activities, but there is an article in his writing that said that when he was hunting an extinct silver sand fox , Far from the camp, went deep into the desert, trapped for three days and nights.

In these three days and three nights, he inadvertently entered the land of the gods mentioned by his ancestors, saw some indescribable great miracles, and believed that only gods can create such miracles, so he firmly believes that their Kaka tribe is Descendants of gods.

If it is estimated according to the content written by that person, then the cosmic civilization base that the Kaka tribe ancestor left was within two days of the Kaka tribe's origin valley.

On the way to the place of origin, Leo still stayed in the tent and looked at the book. He was very agreeable to Leo’s behavior. After all, even if he agreed with his daughter’s proposal, he took Leo to the place of origin. But he did not want Leo to know the exact location of the place of origin, even if the place of origin has been abandoned for hundreds of years.

During the prosperous period of the Kaka tribe, there was a custom of offering sacrifices to the place of origin of the ancestors. Almost every year, people were sent back to the place of origin to perform such rituals.

However, after the desert guides of the Kaka tribe were slaughtered as a witch, this ritual has never been carried out, because in the absence of the desert desert guides, even the Kaka tribe People who enter the Gujia Desert will also face fatal danger.

Ilya camped on the edge of the Guga Desert to capture desert creatures. In addition to preparing for trading goods, it was also to test his ability to see if he could affect the Guga Desert like his ancestors and let his own people in the Guga Desert. Pass smoothly.

As a result, the confidence of Ilya was greatly increased, and this was the decision to go directly to the origin of the deep Guga desert.

The itinerary on the first day was very smooth. Ilya easily influenced the energy around the convoy through her psionic energy, allowing those dangerous creatures lurking in the sand to disappear from the convoy. The only thing you need to pay attention to is not to step on the floating sand Fortunately, the sand lizard itself has the ability to determine the location of the floating sand, so the team easily avoided all dangers and found a water source before the night to settle down in the camp.

The people of the Kaka tribe have also forgotten that this is the Gujia Desert because of the relaxed environment of this day. This is the most dangerous desert in the world, with deadly danger lurking everywhere.

So the next day, after the tribe was on the road, there was a tribe kid who saw a shiny thing on the dunes slightly away from the tribe convoy and ran out of the convoy to pick it up. Because he took it lightly and didn't care, let the child run out.

As soon as the child ran out of the convoy, he was immediately attacked by a sand snake lurking in the sand, bitten in the calf, and quickly died of poison.

After this incident, the atmosphere of the whole team was more tense than sad. No one dared to leave the range of the team defined by Ilya and walked carefully on the sand.

In the carriage, Leo didn't care about what was happening outside. He had just obtained a book from Ilya that was said to be written by the first generation of desert guides of the Kaka tribe.

The reason why Ilya handed this book to Leo is mainly because she found that Leo’s knowledge of words is very amazing in recent days. Many books that she can’t understand, Leo can easily read, so She hopes that Leo can also read this book like no other tribe book, but no one can read it except the author, and according to her description, this book is said to describe the mystery when the world was first formed .

Leo didn’t care about Ilya’s rhetoric at the beginning, because he had read too many books about the origin of the world. Among them, the church had the most books. Almost everyone in the church would claim that their **** was the beginning of the world. The gods that appeared when they were formed are also the original gods.

However, it is strange that no matter how fiercely contested for the status of the original god, there is no scripture for every church, big or small, claiming that the spirit of his church is the **** of creation or participated in the creation of the world.

But the cover of Ilya’s book to Leo wrote Genesis, which is absolutely taboo in the world of Velon. If it is seen by any church, even the church of Evil God, the Kaka tribe will also be The book perished. I have to say that Ilya gave this book to Leo, a stranger who had just met for a few days. It was really stupid.

However, this should not blame Ilya, because she does not know the two words written on the cover of this book, and she does not know the content, not to mention Ilya, I am afraid that the entire Velon world, except for those who may have accepted the wisdom of cosmic civilization and wisdom Outside of Saran the King and her brain, no one will know the above texts. These texts are the subordinate lingua franca specially invented by the Veja people for vassals and slave races, and they are also regarded as a branch of the universal lingua franca. One.

Leo understands the Veja cosmic lingua franca, but he does not understand this subordinate lingua franca. He can only recognize the meaning of the two words on the cover from some variations, and as for the content in this book, Leo It's a bit difficult to interpret.

Not only does he need to infer the corresponding meanings of these lower-level linguistics inversely from the Weiya universal lingua franca, but he also needs to judge whether there are errors in these languages, because obviously the person who wrote this book also masters this lower-level linguistics. Not very good. There are a lot of obvious writing and grammatical errors. Undoubtedly, it is a big project to organize this manuscript book into text that can be read smoothly.

Because Leo felt that this book might contain a big secret about the world of Velon, he was also very interested, and set aside other books for the time being, devoting himself to dealing with this book.

However, when he began to analyze and study the next lingua franca, there was an episode.

At that time, he was analyzing the meaning of a symbol. At this time, the scene in front of him suddenly became dark, and the whole person seemed to enter a void, followed by a bright spot in front of him, and quickly expanded and turned into Hill The look of Via.

I saw that Sylvia's expression was very nervous at the moment, but when Leo appeared intact in front of him, the expression on his face immediately relaxed and he was relieved, and then asked anxiously: "Leo, you are now Where? Why did you not send you back to the exit when the Aixali Forest was closed? Did you encounter any accidents?"

As a series of questions from Sylvia blurted out, Leo also felt the tension of Sylvia, so he raised his hand to signal Sylvia to relax, and then carefully took him after Sylvia and others left After seeing White Deer, and having some conversations with White Deer, I was sent out of the Axel Forest by a force, to the Kingdom of Savile, and so on.

After listening to Leo’s narrative, Sylvia also froze for a long time, and then came out a sentence, saying: "That is to say, you are in the Guga desert now? No wonder, no wonder I am so difficult to find you. "

Leo frowned slightly and asked, "How did you find me? What's going on now?"

"Ah!" Sylvia was stunned, then suddenly exaggerated and exaggerated. "Oh, there is power disturbing the connection. I can't hear you now, I can't see you..."

With this series of exaggerated performances, Sylvia's figure also quickly disappeared in front of Leo, and at the same time the shadows before him disappeared.

Seeing the childish behavior of Leo couldn't help laughing, but he didn't care about what Sylvia left his mark on himself, Because he didn't feel dangerous.

The episode quickly passed, and Leo put his mind back on the books in his hands.

"How are you? Did you find him?" At the moment, in a luxurious manor house in Biniba, a seaport city on the west coast of Minsk's mainland, Seran stuffed a berry in his mouth and saw Sylvia recover from a state of meditation. When he came, he asked.

"I found it." Sylvia gasped slightly, then wiped the sweat on his forehead, and said, "He is in the Guga Desert in the Kingdom of Savile."

"What? The Kingdom of Sevier?" Sylvia's words just fell, not only Suran was stunned, but even Saran, who was sitting not far away and closed his eyes, showed a surprised look.

"Aixel Forest will take the initiative to send a person out, and will it be sent as far as the Guga Desert in the Kingdom of Sevier?" Sylvia turned to look at Saran, who knew the Axel Forest best, and asked Road.

Saran thought about it for a while and said, "Maybe! After all, the location of the Acheri Forest was originally in the Guga Desert."

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