"It shouldn't be very far from Pandel Harbour." Leo, after observing the surroundings, used small information such as the temperature and the smell of the ocean in the wind to determine his current location should still be in Pandel Within the territory of Hong Kong.

At the same time, he also activated the spiritual vision skills and spiritual network to check the surrounding conditions, and soon he was shocked by the thick energy fluctuations in the surrounding forest.

As far as his sight is concerned, within the scope of the spiritual net, each tree contains a very strong energy fluctuation, as if these trees are psionic creatures, but the strange thing is the psionic energy in the body of these trees It was all sealed in the trunk, as if the bark of the tree was a barrier wall that could block the psionic energy.

It is for this reason that Leo just did not notice any abnormal energy around him.

Obviously, the formation of these trees did not grow naturally, and this forest is probably created by man.

The environment here makes Leo think of the Black Forest, but the Black Forest is completely natural,

"Someone's coming again?" Just then, a voice rang out from the woods next to it, and Leo's spiritual web sensed the situation there at the same time.

I saw a woman with long green hair coming out of a tree. Because of the energy fluctuation of the tree itself, Leo’s spiritual network could not perceive the details of the operation of the other party’s ability. The only thing she could perceive was this woman. The energy fluctuations are exactly the same as the surrounding trees. Obviously the surrounding trees with special energy fluctuations are also created by this woman.

"Witch?" Leo asked Shen when he saw the woman.

"This kind of address is very impolite, I prefer you to call us a new woman." The green-haired woman smiled, then walked to Leo, looked up and down Leo, and said, "You want more than the previous ones. It’s a lot more powerful. Even without any clues, I can find it through a little guidepost that I left in the lighthouse, and it still appears directly in my forest area. How did you do it? You..."

The other party asked Leo curiously, but only halfway through, her eyes fell on the locator in Leo's hand. She seemed to recognize what the locator was, and was surprised and suddenly said: "It turns out That's it. It turns out that you own this thing. No wonder you can pass through my barrier silently and appear inside my forest."

Leo also wanted to know what the locator was from the other person's mouth at the moment, but he was not suitable for asking, so he temporarily suppressed curiosity and turned his attention to the witch in front of him.

Although the witch group can be said to be a well-known force in the dark world, it has always been a mystery as to who the witch group is. Except for a few people who have revealed their identities, most of the other witch groups are hidden. Even if it is the best intelligence system in the black market, it does not know the specific number and identity of the witch.

Someone once inferred that there should be only two people in the world who know the identities of all the witches, one is the leader of the mysterious witch group, and the other is the ice queen of Dailyat.

There is still a lot of disagreement about whether there is a leader in the witch group. Most people who know some rules of the witch group know that there will be a mysterious promoter every witch group rally. They think that the initiator should be the leader of the witch group.

But there are still some people who analyze the personality of the witch itself, with each witch’s strong character and various rules of conduct, wanting them to support a witch at the same time as their leader, it is impossible, even as strong as the ice queen That way, the powerful witch who has been venerated as the **** of the world by the Kingdom of Deliyat still has not won the conviction of all the witch.

The witch with long green hair is obviously not recorded in any information, but Leo has some other information to judge its identity, so he said tentatively: "Demon Lin?"

"Did you even know Lin Yao?" The witch looked at Leo in surprise, surprised.

Hearing the other party's surprised voice, Leo also understood that the other party was tacitly approving that he had the blood of Lin Yao on his body, and he was no longer surprised by the ability of the other party and the special forest around him.

There are many folk legends in the world that record the legend of Lin Yao, but most of them confuse Lin Yao and the tree monster, and finally integrate the forest monster into the tree monster race.

However, in the books of the Wizard of the Tower, which records some magical creatures around the world, these two races are not confused, but are very clearly defined as two magical creatures, or more correctly, one is a magical creature, The other is a magical and intelligent creature.

Lin Yao is a magical and intelligent creature. No one knows how they appeared, but only knows that Lin Yao has only females and no males, and each Lin Yao is a beautiful woman with long green hair. During the breeding season of the demon, these forest demon will seduce the humans who inadvertently broke into their habitat. Eventually, after the relationship between the two, the forest demon will eat the human and then breed a new forest demon.

In the legendary stories, there are many legends of knights fighting against some forest demons. Those forest demons refer to forest monsters. In those stories, the knight finally won, killing the forest demons who were in trouble, and got money, Rights, even love, but in the real world, the actions against the demon are undoubtedly all suicidal actions.

The reason for this is also recorded in some books written by the wizard. Almost all wizards in the tower believe that the forest demon in the perching forest is invincible and immortal. Even the gods cannot kill a forest demon in the perching forest. Each tree in the perching forest is equivalent to one of Lin Yao’s monsters, and after being killed, Lin Yao will be instantly resurrected on other trees, and

Even so, it does not mean that Lin Yao is invincible, because the gods do not need to enter Lin Yao's perching forest at all, just destroy the entire perching forest and Lin Yao completely.

When the witch's green hair came out of the surrounding tree trunks, Leo thought of a smart psionic creature like Lin Yao. After all, its shape and iconic environment are obvious reminders. The only problem is the other party. The blood on the body.

"Hybrid?" Leo asked again.

Leo hadn't seen it at first, but he quickly determined from the shape of the other person's ears that the other person had a part of Lin Yao bloodline, and he had never been a Lin Yao mixed blood.

"It seems that you know a lot, and I start to know who you are." The witch felt that she was passive with the question and answer, and she didn't like the question about her blood, so she changed the topic abruptly. Road.

"How did it happen?" However, Leo did not let the other party go, but like a cold researcher, said: "According to the research of the high tower wizard, Lin Yao eating a partner is a physical and psychological The psychological needs are due to Lin Yao’s psychological distortions in the pleasure of his partner this time. As for the physical needs, that is, if they don’t eat the partner, they will not be able to reproduce.”

The witch frowned, and there was a trace of displeasure on her face, saying, "Do you want to know? As long as you kiss me, I will tell you."

Leo heard this sentence, hesitated for a moment, then thought for a moment, and walked to the demon Lin.

Lin Yao was also stunned by Leo's move, and a tense expression appeared on his face instantly.

However, Lin Yao’s expected kiss did not appear, Leo just reached out and wiped her lips, then put her finger under her nose and sniffed, saying: "Pheromone, your lips can emit a kind of female Pheromone, this kind of pheromone only needs to be in contact with the skin through saliva, that is to say, it does not need to kiss your lips of the opposite sex, only you need to kiss any skin of the opposite **** exposed, you can pass this Pheromone affects the opposite sex's physiology, which indirectly affects the other's psychology.

Leo’s analysis and explanation of the pheromone on Lin Yao’s lips revealed that the other party was stunned, and he didn’t even understand what was said.

"Haha!" Suddenly a burst of laughter came from the woods next to it, and then saw Sylvia in a hunting suit and another woman covered in flames embroidered with black yarn laughing. Come out from the woods.

"Denise, I said that you will suffer. You don't believe it and you have to try it, now?" Sylvia said as she walked against the demon Lin with some tit-for-tat.

The witch's face became very ugly. She gave Sylvia a fierce glance, and Leo glanced fiercely, then snorted, and the whole person retreated into the trees, and the trees in front seemed to grow. Same legs, separated left and right, gave way.

"You came earlier than expected," Sylvia looked at Leo with a happy face, and said, "I was going to go to Pandel Port these two days to destroy those guys. Rehabilitated, I didn’t expect you to arrive earlier, and found it without any useful clues, and broke into the inner layer of the assembly hall silently. It seems that this time I invite you as my partner The right decision." After talking, she looked at the king and queen inserted in Leo's waist and asked curiously: "How are these two weapons transformed? Is it powerful?"

Although I haven’t seen Sylvia in a while, Leo didn’t feel strange because of it. Instead, he just met yesterday, and he said casually: "You haven’t tested it since you transformed the king and queen. ?"

Sylvia pouted and said, "I tried it, but the power is very poor. According to Jean Valjean, this pair of weapons is no longer a simple psionic weapon. They all already have a certain amount of wisdom. Identify who is their master, and only their masters can exert their full power."

"Their masters?" Leo looked down at the king and queen, and then said to Sylvia: "The power is much larger than expected, but I haven't tried the limit of this weapon, just a normal shot. It has already destroyed a small hill."

"Can you destroy a small hill? It's so powerful?" Sylvia didn't doubt Leo's words, his expression shocked.

At this time, the black gauze woman who watched the conversation between the two coughed gently, apparently dissatisfied with the conversation between the two.

Sylvia realized that he still had a companion beside him, immediately smiled embarrassingly, and then introduced to Leo: "This is my good friend Thurland."

"The Fire Bather Celan." Hearing this name, and then seeing the other party's special dress, Leo immediately thought of the few public witches in the witch group's profile.

Hearing Leo say his identity, the fire-bearer Thurran was stunned, but soon thought of where Leo’s data came from, he said, “You’d better not trust the black market’s information, otherwise you will lose money. ."

Leo asked: "Those data are unreliable, the Mi Luo burning incident, or the seven-day fire incident?"

In the materials bought on the black market, the information about the fire bather Seran is often accompanied by fires, huge casualties, and huge losses. Almost all of them are the process of city destruction. Therefore, the fire bather Seran also has city destroyers. Title.

The fire bather Seran said quietly: "Those things are true, I am talking about my ability."

"Some exaggerated or reduced?" Leo asked again.

The fire bather Thuran didn't answer but just smiled.

"Okay, let's stop talking here, go inside better," Sylvia interrupted the temptation of the two, and then looked around, saying, "This always makes me feel a little uncomfortable~www.mtlnovel .com~ Maybe the woman Denise is peeking at us under a tree?"

Just as Sylvia's voice fell, a branch above her head suddenly broke open, and fell silently, just hitting her on the head. It was not difficult to avoid this fallen branch with Sylvia’s ability, or Leo grabbed the branch before it hit her head. It’s very simple, but it’s such a simple thing Not done, because the surrounding environment not only made their reaction a bit slow, but also made the branch fall without any abnormal movement.

Sylvia touched the place where he was hit, raised his fists around, and said nothing more of cursing, he led the way with Thran the Fire Bather and led Leo toward the real witch’s club. Go.

Leo, who walked behind the two, looked at the trees around him. His expression was a little serious. Although it was just a little contradiction and friction between the witch, the atmosphere inside was not harmonious.

And this also shows that Lin Yao’s control of his forest is indeed as strong as the legend. If it is not a branch that fell, but other attacks, Leo is not sure to be able to defend in advance. After all, his spiritual net is always shrouded in All around, the supernormal perception is in an excited state, but even this still did not find that the branch fell in advance.

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