The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 599: Lighthouse, ruins

Under the guidance of those weak energy factors, Leo returned to Long Palm Street. Although the energy factor he found out has three strands, the directions of the three strands extending are all the same. Obviously these three should be from A clue was found in the archives and returned to Long Palm Street, looking for the one or three or seven that did not exist.

Soon the path guided by the energy factor came to the entrance of the Coast Garden at the northwest corner of Long Palm Street.

This garden is a public garden. It is very large and occupies a coastline. In the peak tourist season, here is the only public beach among the golden beaches. The other beaches belong to the owners of the corresponding luxury villas.

In addition to a part of the public golden beach, this garden is most worthy of visitors' attention to the lighthouse on the garden's long sword corner.

Long sword horn is a protruding cape on the garden coastline, shaped like a long sword, with a lighthouse built on top of the long sword horn. No one knows who built the lighthouse and when it was built. The only thing that can be confirmed is that the lighthouse already existed before the construction of Pender Harbor began, and what is the lighthouse for? It is not clear what the ship is going to do.

After entering the garden for a while, Leo has no need to turn on the spiritual vision to determine that the final destination is this ancient lighthouse, and at this time he is also finding relevant information in his mind.

However, there is not much information about this lighthouse. Even the most detailed travel guide records only point out the ancient and construction characteristics of this lighthouse.

This lighthouse is made of a very special kind of black steel rock, which is extremely hard. In ancient times, it was even known as an indestructible rock. The nobles of the Kingdom of Maris all owned a handful of black steel. The stone chair made of rock is proud of, even in this age of steam machinery, it is very difficult to cut black steel rock.

However, the lighthouse in Pandel Harbour is completely made of black steel rock, and the shape of each piece has been carefully designed and polished. These black steel rock blocks of different shapes are nested and superimposed on each other. , Grab each other and form a whole.

There was once a member of the Pandel Harbor MP who proposed to dismantle the lighthouse and use the black steel stone of the lighthouse to lay the floor of the city hall’s parliament hall. But it turned out that unless they smashed the whole lighthouse, they would not want to take a piece of black steel rock from the lighthouse.

It is precisely because of the special construction technique and stone construction of this lighthouse that architects from all over the world have come to Pandel Harbour to study the construction technique of this lighthouse, and in the end they all reached very similar conclusions. It is impossible to restore this lighthouse with current technology.

However, this conclusion also puzzled many people, who wondered who built this lighthouse and how it was built. It is important to know that when Pender built the port, it was still the pre-reign period of the Kingdom of Marais. The vast majority of the citizens of the Kingdom of Reis are only semi-primitives living in shabby tree houses. At that time, there were technologies that could build such a perfect building, which is really confusing and shocking.

At the same time, it also reminds people of the desert of the Kingdom of Savile, those who lie quietly in the sand and do not know how many years of prehistoric civilization.

However, speculation about prehistoric civilization was quickly refuted by evidence, because the huge steel lamps at the top of this lighthouse have a very obvious style of the pre-reign period of the Kingdom of Marais, and the main load bearing of the lamps and towers The columns are perfectly nested and connected, not added by later people, so it is basically possible to judge that this lighthouse was built in the centuries before the pre-Wangzheng period.

After Leo thought of the information about the lighthouse, there was only one noun that came to mind: the wizard tower. In his view, during the period of Wang Zheng, only the tower wizard was able to build such a lighthouse, and this lighthouse was probably a wizard tower.

With a guess in his heart, Leo came to the lighthouse. Because the Marius Kingdom blocked the sea, no ships could be found on the sea, and the lighthouse was temporarily closed, except for the broken door lock on the door. Show that someone has entered the lighthouse before.

Before entering the lighthouse, Leo had carefully checked the inside and outside of the lighthouse with the spirit net. He did not see anything related to the wizard on the lighthouse. There were neither Turing roots nor wizard magical objects, except for its own material. For special accidents, there is no more noteworthy.

But Leo did not doubt his previous speculation because nothing was found in the spiritual network, because he is now very sure that the lighthouse in front of him is definitely not an ordinary place, even if he is not a sorcerer’s tower. It was found that the energy factors that had led before disappeared after approaching the lighthouse, as if erased by some force.

At this time, Leo also found the broken house number at the gate of the lighthouse, and could vaguely recognize the number one three seven from the top.

"It seems that this is the number one three or seven, but the test seems to be not over, I still need to find the right place for the witch meeting." Leo looked at the door and murmured.

Leo felt that the torn data in the previous archives must have hidden important information about finding the real witch meeting point, and this information should be in this lighthouse, but now there is no clue. He can only find it through his own ability Too.

Thinking of this, Leo opened the sight-seeing ability, observed all the movements around him, and pushed open the gate of the lighthouse and walked in.

There is no dust in the lighthouse, and it can be seen that there are people cleaning it every day, which also makes him unable to judge what the people who came in before have done through the traces left on the dust.

However, Leo did not give up looking for traces, but instead took it more seriously. Starting from the bottom of the lighthouse, he always found the bronze mirror and brazier at the top of the lighthouse.

The only thing the whole lighthouse felt might have something to do with the wizard’s wonder was this bronze mirror and brazier, because there were only two objects with patterns that seemed to have unclear meaning, but the problem was that Leo couldn’t get two objects Found any traces of the existence of extraordinary power.

Similarly, he did not find any useful clues in the lighthouse room below, but in the process of searching for clues, he still found something wrong.

When he was under the lighthouse, Leo judged from the clean floor that some people came here to clean frequently, but now he found that through various kinds of found information, he thought that it was not people but the power that cleaned the lighthouse.

The reason why I think so is because every place in the lighthouse is too clean, almost spotless, and even the gaps that some people can’t reach are clean, obviously unreasonable, the only explanation is that this is There is a power in the lighthouse that can clean itself.

Thinking of this, Leo quickly walked down the lighthouse, came to the garden, and then grabbed a few pieces of soil directly from the ground and returned to the lighthouse, throwing the soil in his hands into the room on each floor of the lighthouse until the top floor .

After doing these things, Leo did not rush to find clues, but instead found a place to lie down at will, while the spiritual net completely enveloped the lighthouse and locked the deliberately placed dust.

The time passed slowly, and the sky quickly darkened. Although the brazier at the top of the lighthouse did not ignite the bonfire, the flat bronze mirror still reflected the strong moonlight, so that people in the distance could see clearly.

And while the bronze mirror reflected the moonlight, Leo suddenly felt a wave of energy from the lighthouse, followed by a whirlwind generated in the sky from the sky, and then walked around every place in the tower. , Suck all the dust off the ground and move it out of the lighthouse.

At this moment, Leo also clearly felt that the source of the abnormal energy generated in the lighthouse turned out to be the broken door of the lighthouse.

However, what really attracted Leo’s attention was not the energy fluctuations that appeared in the lighthouse and the gate that produced energy, but the energy fluctuations that were generated by the locator from the tower wizard in his storage space. movement.

I saw that the various positioning lines on the locator began to move, but this movement soon ended. The positioning line did not compare with one point, pointing out where it wanted to point.

After the locator got the hand yesterday, Leo repeatedly checked the situation, but no matter what method he used, he could never cause any movement of the locator.

But now a weak force on this lighthouse has directly penetrated the space barrier, affecting the locator in the storage space, or the locator has penetrated the space barrier and sensed the power that can affect it in the Weilun world.

So Leo took the locator and put it in his hand, but at that moment the effect of that energy seemed to have disappeared, and the locator could no longer produce any response.

Thinking of this, Leo quickly descended to the bottom of the lighthouse, reached out to push the door, prepared to leave the lighthouse, and then grabbed a handful of soil in the garden outside the door and sprinkled the lighthouse, causing energy fluctuations in the lighthouse.

However, just when his hand touched the broken gate that produced energy, the locator, which had no movement at the moment before his hand, suddenly turned rapidly and produced a strong and irresistible pulling force, Directly pulling Leo's entire person into a subspace plane.

When Leo didn't realize what was happening, he felt an energy shock wave hit him, and he instinctively used psionic energy to continuously arrange several energy shields around his body.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a variety of light suddenly shining on the transparent energy shield, and the light was mixed with lightning-like energy.

Although this energy shock is very powerful, the coverage is too large. The scattered energy can only disperse the layer of psionic shields that Leo does not know on the outermost layer, and the layers of psionic shields behind are well preserved. Leo did not suffer any harm.

This psionic energy came suddenly and quickly, but within a few seconds, it passed quickly.

Leo did not rush away the energy shield, but under the protection of the shield, looked around.

When it comes into Leo’s eyes, it is not a very large subspace plane. The plane as a whole is like a meteor suspended in the void of the universe, but the meteor is somewhat flat, and there are mountains and lakes, at least in the past. Have.

It’s just that now the subspace plane is going to death, or more correctly, it is falling into the abyss, because he has felt a very strong abyssal force here, and the snake eyeball in the abyss in his arm is because of these abyssal forces. And just about to move.

And the power of the subspace plane itself has not disappeared. They seem to be doing their final dying struggle, resisting the erosion of the abyss. The two forces are fighting each other in this plane. The energy wave just now is one of them. The aftermath of a collision.

In such an environment where energy shock waves can be generated at any time, there can be nothing naturally intact, mountains and forests are completely destroyed, lakes are evaporated into deserts, and a ruin beside the lake can prove to Leo, an outsider, Someone once lived here.

Leo did not intend to go to the ruins to check the situation, because around that ruin is the area where the most frictional fighting in the entire plane space.

If Leo has a complete psionic skill system, and he reaches the sixth level of psionicists, he can still bear this energy frenzy.

But the problem is that he is now only at the level of psionicists who have reached the level of sixth-level psionicists. He does not know the skills of advanced psionicists who have experienced hundreds of millions of years of continuous improvement in the universe.

According to the combat strength, at this moment, his combat strength may not even be comparable to the fifth-level psionicists in the all, the fifth-level psionicists have begun to assist the fleet in the universe. .

Perhaps the ruins contain valuable things, but it is also possible that those valuable things have been destroyed in these turbulent energies that do not know how long they last. Leo did not intend to risk his life to verify This possibility, so when the second burst of energy swept over him, he decided to leave this dangerous place.

He doesn't know how to control this locator, he can only try to inject psionic energy. If psionic energy doesn't work, then he can only try other powers.

However, fortunately, he had good luck. For all forces in this world, cosmic psionic energy should be the most fundamental supernatural force. He easily activated psionic energy to activate the locator in his hand.

With the rapid rotation of the positioning lines on the locator, the pulling force that Leo couldn't resist appeared again, and Leo returned to the Velon world from this subspace plane towards destruction instantly.

Because of one experience, Leo quickly adapted to the discomfort of the body when the pulling force disappeared, and checked the surrounding situation for the first time, but the result of the situation was that he was no longer in the lighthouse. It's in a jungle in one location.

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