The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 596: Disaster is blessing

When Leo recalled the information about Ms. Shen Li, Di Lisi, Di Lisi raised her hand and waved gently, and saw that the surrounding image instantly became a manor hut, and the outside window could be seen scratching. In the snow, the house is lit with a fireplace, and the table is filled with various foods, so that the people in it can feel the inexplicable warmth.

Although I know everything in front of me is an illusion created by Dilith's own power, but if Leo does not use the real eye or the power of the nightmare, it is almost impossible to distinguish the true and false by other powers alone.

Moreover, Dilith's use of this dream power has been so skilled as to breathe, and there is no trace of deliberately throwing his hands, which makes Leo even if he wants to find the correct way to use the power of the nightmare from the other party. Can be found.

"Please sit down." Dilith sat on a soft sofa near the fireplace, and then picked up the teapot on the coffee table in front, and asked Leo: "Pine needle tea, or hot juice?"

"Pine needle tea." Leo answered next to Dilith.

"Yes." Dilith poured a cup of tea, and the very pure cedar needle tea smelled from the cup. After she put down the teapot, she pinched a piece of sugar and a few pure creamers from the jar next to it, put it in a teacup and stirred it, then handed it to Leo, saying: "Try it! I don't know Deliyat The pine needle milk tea is not suitable for the taste of the English people."

Leo took the tea cup and tasted it lightly. He soon felt something abnormal, and the look at Dilith became serious.

He knew that the tea that Dilith poured out was all illusion, it was fake, but when he drank this cup of tea, he felt that he really had a sip of pine needle milk tea, and the chaotic stomach pouch was still digesting this. The pine needle milk tea that should be an illusion makes him feel even more incredible. He even felt the weak energy that the milk tea transformed into after the digestion of the chaotic stomach pouch. That is to say, this milk tea that should be an illusion turned into a reality.

"How did you do it?" Leo asked Shen Sheng without concealing his surprise and curiosity.

"You can do it if you want to," Dilith replied casually. "It's as natural and easy as breathing and walking."

Although Dilith's words sounded like they were showing off and boasting, Leo was able to feel that the other party was telling the truth, without any boastful ingredients, he also knew that the real meaning of the other party's words might be that This ability to use her is probably innate.

Dilith suddenly asked, "Are you going to the witch party this time? As an assistant."

"Yes, if nothing else happens, I should be Sylvia's partner." Leo nodded and asked, "How about you? Madam, will you go to the witch party?"

Dilith shook her head and said, "No! Not everyone likes to attend those parties, and such parties are not mandatory. If it is not absolutely necessary, otherwise I will not attend any witch party. "

Leo was able to hear from the other party’s words that Ms. Shen Mian did not have much sense of belonging to the witch group, and it was not difficult to hear from her words. She didn’t even want to have any relationship with the witch group.

However, this makes Leo wonder why the relationship between the other party and the witch group is so bad, because in his intelligence, the relationship between the other party and the witch group is not intimate, but it is not very bad, at least not as he looks now. This is bad.

"I feel a power similar to mine in you." Dilith seemed unwilling to say too much about the witch group, so she changed the subject: "But you are obviously not a witch, you can tell me your power. How did it come?"

"My strength comes from a book." Leo can feel that the other party's inquiry is definitely purposeful, he is also a little curious about this, so he didn't hide it, he directly said the origin of the power of nightmare, It only conceals the process and details, so as to elicit the topic below the other party.

"Night God sighs this book?" Ms. Shen Mian quickly said the part that Leo didn't say.

"Did your strength also come from that book?" Leo was able to guess something.

"Yes, we are all victims of this book." Dilith smiled bitterly.

From the other party's words, Leo heard two things. One thing is that Dilith obviously doesn't like her power, and can even be said to be disgusted. He thinks that getting this power is a kind of crucifixion, and he is a victim.

If you think about it carefully, Leo is not difficult to guess why the other party has this emotion. After all, not every witch can be as comfortable as Sylvia. Many witches often stimulate their own power. Will not be able to control the power to cause some damage or injury, and therefore will be hostile or hatred by the people around, and even life-threatening, so this kind of witch did not live well in the same year.

Leo thinks this may be the main reason why Ms. Shen Mian is so tired of the demon girl group and unwilling to have any relationship with the witch group.

As for the second thing, it was a misunderstanding. Obviously, Ms. Shen Mian regarded Leo as her own kind. She believed that Leo was the same as herself because of the power of creating dreams and affecting dreams. For the victim, this also made Leo realize that Ms. Shen Mian might know the night **** sigh, or a part of the night **** sigh.

Because it is not difficult to hear from Ms. Shen Mian's words, the power of this dream in the other party was obtained by the influence of the night **** sigh.

"You also participated in this witch party to sigh for the night god?" Ms. Shen Mian said to herself again.

Leo was a little stunned after hearing this. He hadn't thought that this witch party had anything to do with the night **** sigh, and the lady Shen Meng in front of him should know some inside story.

Although Leo wanted to know the content, he did not ask, but snorted vaguely, then nodded slightly.

After seeing Leo’s vague response, Dilith assumed that her guess was right, so she continued to use a mocking tone and said, "They still haven’t changed their way of doing things. Ways to attract others to become thugs, and even become scapegoats afterwards. If I were you, I would not go to the witch party now, but how far I would go."

Leo heard the words and was silent for a moment, then said ambiguously: "How much attraction should the fragments of the night **** sigh have for us like us."

Dilith didn't speak. After a while, she said: "If you are still alive at this witch party, you can come to Moss Ice Lake to find me. I will tell you where the rest of the sighing pages of the night **** are. "

"Why?" Leo Shensheng asked.

Dilis said with a smile: "Because that thing is just a burden for me, if you can take it away, I will be very grateful to you."

"I shouldn't be the first invitee, right?" Leo asked again.

"You are the thirty-seventh, those people who died in their sleep before the end." Di Lisi did not hide, said: "But you are special, because you are like me, maybe you can succeed."

After she finished speaking, she saw her raise her hand, and the scene in front of her changed. Leo was no longer in the farmhouse surrounded by snow and snow, but outside the abandoned castle. The blaze of the campfire shone from the damaged place of the castle Escaped, there was some conversation with the light.

"It's really powerful." Leo observed the surrounding through the spiritual network, and then checked it again with the real eyes and the power of the nightmare. After confirming that he had returned to reality, he said to himself quite feeling.

Dilith's ability left a deep impression on him, letting him understand that the witch group can continue to grow in the process of being suppressed by the Orthodox Court for so many years, and it really has its extraordinary features.

When Dilith raised her hand just now, he had concentrated on observing every energy fluctuation in the other person's body, and the reception was still the same as before. The process of converting dreams into reality was no exception, and he could not find any power to use. Mark of.

However, after carefully recalling the process of entering the dream world made by Dilith, and now returning to reality, he also discovered some defects in Dilith's ability. This defect is that Dilith cannot create alive. s things.

In Dilith’s dream world, there are only three living people. Dilith and Leo both appear in this dream world through the power of dreams, and Dilith’s husband Raleigh Jon should rely on Dily The power of silk can maintain her body and thinking in the dream world.

This shows that Di Lisi can create a perfect dream world, and become the master of that dream world, but her dream world has no living creatures, this huge flaw should also be Di Lisi's ability. So even if Dilith had it, even Leo was amazing, controlling the power of dreams, but her status in the witch group had never reached the apex.

Leo returned to the airship. He found through the Spirit Net that the Diris and his bodyguards had left. The other people on the ship, including the passengers, seemed to have lost their collective memory. They could not remember that the passengers on the ship had a couple of businessmen and bodyguards.

Obviously, when Dilith left, she made some gestures in the memory of these people, and she should seem to be related to her spy husband.

After making a guess, Leo did not continue to pursue this matter. Compared with what Dilith's spy husband wanted to do, he was more concerned with the part of Diris's mouth.

There is no doubt that Di Lisi's ability should come from that part of the night **** sigh, but it is worth playing is that Di Lisi's attitude towards this part of the night **** sigh is really strange.

Although Dilith is very disgusted with her power, her experience should be very clear. If she does not have this power, then her life will be more difficult and more difficult, so according to normal circumstances, Dilith should To protect her source of power more carefully, so as not to be acquired and mastered by others, thus depriving her of power.

But now the situation is that Dilith is afraid that others do not know that she has a part of the whereabouts of the night **** sigh, and has found more than thirty people one after another to take away that part of the night **** sigh, and even hesitate to pull the stranger Leo. Came in.

This eagerness to get rid of the night god's sigh gave Leo a feeling more like fear. She seemed to be afraid of the source of her own power, so it seems that the part of the night **** sigh that is closely related to her may be hurting her, and this The damage is continuous.

"When you stare at the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you." Leo could not help thinking of the words he heard in the past when he was in the Earth Federation.

If you think about it carefully, all the things related to the thirteen books of ancient **** knowledge collected by the madman have no good result. Whether it is the person who gains power from it or the person who only has knowledge access to this knowledge, in the end, either death or madness , And now Ms. Shenmian Di Lisi may also be adversely affected.

However, in addition to thinking, Leo was also puzzled, because no matter whether the madman is the three volumes of ancient **** knowledge, or the knowledge of the present gods, even the most erosive abyssal force can not cause adverse effects on him. This made him more curious about his body.

All night, Leo was quietly thinking about things in his cabin. Nothing strange happened to the airship or the castle. In the morning, the airship took off on time, and the people on the ship, except for Lei No one outside Europe realized that the airship had fewer passengers.

As the airship continued to fly north, the airship's route just passed over Guiwu Lake. In the restaurant, the airship staff introduced Guigu Lake information to passengers who had adapted to the high-altitude environment through this window.

Leo also stood by the window and looked down. He did not know whether it was an illusion or the real situation. He could vaguely see the lady dancing in the fog on the lake.

Early in the The southern airflow started to go north. The wind was very strong. Even if the airship did not turn on the jet propulsion device, the speed of the downwind flight was still very fast. At noon, it had reached the sky above Vince County.

Vince County is next to Pandel Port, a small agricultural county common in the Kingdom of Marais. When the war did not erupt, the main agricultural area here was produced, and the agricultural products produced were exclusively used to supply Pandel Port people. Everyday needs.

However, after the start of the war, the residents of this small county had already escaped, some of them fled to other areas that were relatively stable to the inland areas of the Kingdom of Marais, and another part of them fled to the port of Pender. Now the Revolutionary Army and King each occupy a part of this small county, using Vince County as a battlefield to start a tug of war that has lasted for more than a month.

In order to build fortifications and camps, and in order to prevent enemy sides from sneaking through the dense woods, both sides chose to do the same thing in their occupied areas, cut down the forest trees to make fortifications, and build high in each forest The tower is used to monitor each other.

It is also for this reason that after the airship arrived here, it was easily discovered by the opposing parties and caused a riot. At the same time, the commanders of both armies also invariably guessed who the airship belongs to. What to do.

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