The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 595: Shen Mian, lady

"Another mark of the gods?" With Leo's understanding of the mark of the gods, he recognized what it was when the light merged into his right hand.

But when he checked the new divine mark, he found that the divine mark was slightly different from his previous deities.

In the past, most of the divine imprints were pure divine imprints, which are pure sources of divine power. There is no way to use divine power. Even the divine power itself is incomplete, but now this divine imprint is not only full of divine power, And there is a complete system of divine use and promotion.

To make an analogy, the previous spiritual imprints in his body are a simplified version of the spiritual imprints, but now this spiritual imprint is a complete version, and may even be a way to become a god, provided that it is based on its divine system Raising the divine power is just like increasing the psionic level.

"Justice?" Leo groaned in disdain after feeling the large amount of information passed from the mark of the gods.

Through those messages, Leo knew that it was the imprint of the righteous spirit that was incorporated into his right hand, and that some things that he needed to do to improve it were no different from those of the Knight of Justice, and Leo naturally could not follow this principle of conduct.

What's more, Leo's psionic development potential is not worse than these divine marks, and even far exceeds it. After all, except for the justice divine marks, no matter how these divine marks develop, it is impossible for him to become an omega-level higher living body.

However, this imprint of justice is not useless. Leo found an interesting phenomenon after trying to use the divine power in the imprint through the second nervous system. This kind of divine power can actually change his overall temperament and the whole person. Being righteous and awe-inspiring makes people think from the heart that the person in front of him is an upright person, which makes people feel convincing involuntarily.

This also reminded Leo of the reason why the lady of the lake in the transformation of the righteous evil **** was able to win so many people's conviction. Under the suppression of the hill king church, he can still become a powerful church in a short time, and Gaining the conviction of many knights, I am afraid it is because of the special temperament that justice divine power can be called the charm of justice.

After understanding this, Leo also has several places in his mind that use this charm. Although he cannot directly enhance his strength, he can help him solve problems quickly in some troubles, such as persuading others and bargaining. Kind of thing.

However, this is not the most useful place for this imprint of justice. The most useful place for this imprint is actually Leo found some secrets related to the disappearance of the gods.

In fact, Ms. Huzhong just revealed a little news in the conversation with Leo. The gods of the sky and the king of the hill can still exist in the Velon world, and they can also show miracles because they successfully transformed into the gods now. Identity.

If Leo didn’t know from the Dibia Mountains where the sky’s past identity was the eagle god, I’m afraid I couldn’t understand the hidden content of the lady in the lake.

However, Ms. Huzhong did not seem to grasp the success of transforming the identity of the god, so he created countless avatars similar to the one in the ghost fog lake by some method, and then used these avatars to transform the identity of the god, just like the **** of justice. .

Now it seems that Ms. Hu Zhong's approach should be successful, but success will definitely pay some price, and the price is unknown.

It can be seen that the other gods in the Velon world that can no longer appear in the world are probably those gods who failed to change their identity. As for whether they died after the failure, or were they expelled by the power of the world in the Velon world, these are It is unknown, the only thing that is certain is that there will be fewer and fewer gods in the Velon world in the future, and there will be fewer and fewer churches with true gods.

However, compared with the fact that in the end the Velen world can still retain several churches with true gods, he is more concerned about what caused this kind of thing to happen.

It is important to know that not only the false gods who have not actually entered the Omega-class higher life form, but even the true gods such as the Lady of the Lake who are believed by believers are also affected.

Leo, who was in deep thought, stayed by the lake for a while, feeling that the power in the lake was slowly weakening, and the thick fog on the lake began to gradually dissipate.

After thinking that nothing would happen again, Leo turned away from Ghost Mist Lake and walked back towards the abandoned castle.

Because he was already familiar with the route, Leo arrived in less time than when he came, and returned to the abandoned castle, but when he arrived outside the castle, he felt something was wrong, turned on the spiritual vision, and let go of the spiritual net, while Walk inside the castle, while covering the entire castle in the spiritual net, carefully searching every inch of land from the inside to the outside.

I saw that there should have been many people gathered around the bonfire in the center of the castle square, but at this moment I only saw the lit bonfire, and there were some baked and unbaked foods placed on the table, under the table There are a few pieces of ordinary food on the ground, and there are some charred food around the campfire.

From the current situation, Leo is not difficult to judge that the airship staff and passengers in the castle have disappeared at almost the same time.

However, what surprised Leo was that he did not find any residual energy fluctuations from the surroundings, nor any traces of walking out of the castle. All traces left on the ground indicated that they all disappeared suddenly.

Without finding any clues from the ground, Leo thought of the airship in the sky, so he quickly climbed into the airship, and the result was a bit unexpected. The staff and other people in the airship also disappeared. Only the name is Lei. Lee Jon’s businessman is still there, except that he is currently studying the steam engine on the deck.

Leo walked directly to the deck. Lei Li's attention was all on the study of the steam engine. He didn't realize that Leo appeared, or that he never thought Leo would appear. He seemed to have disappeared to the crew on board. Without any doubt, Leo had some conjecture in his mind.

Later, he sensed his body and found some clues, and these clues also made him understand why the people in the castle and the ship disappeared? Why would I be fine? It's just that Rayley, who is a businessman and a real spy, is fine. It makes him a little surprised and curious.

Leo did not disturb the other party, but stood quietly in a shadowed corner on the deck, watching the other party shut down the steam engine after there was no way to study the particularity of the steam engine from the outside.

At the moment when the steam engine was shut down, a weird thing happened. The normal situation should be that the body slowly stopped running, and the furnace was still burning, but as the other party pulled down the switch, not only the body suddenly stopped, even in front of the furnace The flame that was still violently burning for a moment also extinguished instantly.

Without the furnace producing feather gas, the buoyancy of the airship's airbag should be weakened, and the airship will gradually land. However, the airship is still firmly in the air, even if there is wind around it, it will not shake.

Immediately after that, a more amazing scene happened, and the businessman Rayleigh stepped back a few steps, then the steam engine that had just been shut down before him was vacated, and then all the parts were automatically decomposed into countless parts at a very fast speed, and according to The original parts were neatly arranged into the air.

Seeing this scene, Leo almost felt like being in an assembly workshop of the Earth's federal supermagnetic field.

"How could this be? This is just a modified version of the ordinary Taf-5 steam engine? How could it be able to prevent bird attacks after invading the bird's airspace?" The businessman Raleigh seemed very familiar with the steam engine, seeing these After the messy parts, he immediately recognized the model and function of this steam engine, so he was more puzzled.

Leo's voice sounded on the deck at this time, saying: "Perhaps he can dispel those birds not because of the steam engine, but because of other reasons."

"Indeed, it's okay..." The immersed thinking businessman Raleigh didn't realize that there was an extra person on the deck. He was about to echo Leo's words. Suddenly he realized the situation now, and his voice stopped abruptly. Horrified Zhao Leo looked over. When he saw Leo's appearance, he immediately said in shock, "You, why are you here?"

"Since you can be here, why can't I?" Leo replied with a smile.

"No, you shouldn't..." The businessman Raleigh immediately refuted, but the follow-up words were not spoken, he immediately stopped vigilantly, and then stared at Leo with alert, Shen Sheng said: " Not an ordinary passenger, who is your Excellency?"

"Don't be nervous, I'm really just an ordinary traveler, but you are not so ordinary, sir." Leo said in words.

"Dispel!" The businessman Raleigh suddenly reached out at Leo at the moment Leo's voice fell and shouted loudly.

However, what he hoped to see did not happen, Leo still stood steadily in front of him, which made his behavior just look more like a fool.

"Why? How are you okay?" Raleigh's expression was incredible, and his face looked very ugly.

It’s just that Raleigh didn’t know that when he shouted to dispel, the power he expected had actually been generated, but this power had no effect on Leo, because he had such a purer power than the other party. He was also curious about why the other party could have this power.

So at the moment when the other party was stunned, he rushed directly in front of the other party, reached over, wanted to grab the other party, and slowly studied why the other party could use this power.

But just when he was about to catch the businessman Rayleigh, Rayleigh suddenly disappeared from him, as if he had never appeared.

This situation caused Leo to be a little surprised, but he quickly inspired the vision skills and looked around through the real eye. His eyes finally fell on the decomposed steam engine not far away, and some unexpected Said: "I didn't expect it to be you?"

I saw that when Leo's voice fell, a woman in pajamas appeared out of sight, and this woman was the lady of the businessman Rayley, the innocent lady who seemed ignorant.

"He is such a fool, he always thinks that he is a very special one, in fact, he is nothing." The woman changed the image of the noble lady, like a mature and charming woman in the wind and dust, did not care about the graceful charm. 'S body emerged from the gauze-like pajamas, and slowly walked to Leo's front, saying: "I apologize to him for you, I hope you do not blame him for his actions."

"Witch?" Leo looked at the woman in front of him, not paying any attention to the graceful posture of the other party, but seeing the energy fluctuation of the other party through the power of the real eye, and said: "What should I call you ?Dream Witch or Nightmare Witch?"

"Just call me Didi." The woman said her name casually, and then looked up and down Leo, said: "I have heard of you, I have heard of you from other sisters, Leo Dodd ."

"I have also heard of you, Ms. Shen Mian Di Lisi." Leo immediately found the corresponding information from the information about the witch after hearing the other party's self-introduction.

Compared with the core members of the witch corps, such as the ice queen Leia Venistan and the night lady Su Stewart, Ms. Shenmian Dilith is a marginal figure of the witch corps. From the data, she rarely participates in the witch corps In the activities, most of the time I live my own life.

But This does not mean that Ms. Shen Mian's strength is weak. In fact, in the witch group, everyone who has been named the lady's name has a very strong strength. According to their own words, they can One person contends against an army.

There is no relevant information about Ms. Shen Mian’s ability even in the black market. It is just speculation about things like hypnosis. There is no record of what Ms. Shen Mian has done, but even so, the black market is in the witch group’s information. , Still listed her as one of the most dangerous characters.

Black Market’s judgment on Ms. Shen Mian’s strength, Leo agrees, because he also has the power of nightmare, he knows how powerful it is to use this power proficiently and correctly, and he also has self-knowledge and his own use of the power of nightmare. Definitely alien, not the correct method of application, and the dignified lady Di Lisi in front of her should be someone who really knows how to use this power.

For example, now, Dilith can use her ability to create a dream world that is completely mirrored with the real world, and pull Leo into the dream world without realizing it.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this dream world, as long as Dilith has enough power to maintain, then she has divine power, and if Leo also has nightmare power, she can be immune to the power of the other party. Perhaps the other party has just been expelled from this dream world just now.

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