The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 286: Artificial half plane

"Master Crow, I don't think my power can cause harm to you.~~щww~suimеng~lā"Although it was just common sense, Leo already has the power of this psionic creature transformed by witchcraft. With a general understanding, at least in terms of sensitivity, this crow exceeds any psionic creature he has ever seen.

"Qua! That is of course, Master Crow is very powerful." The Crow took Leo's words as a compliment, raised his head proudly, and then fluttered his wings, said to everyone: "Go away! Those little guys Waiting for you."

In the crow's urging sound, the crowd entered the hallway behind the door, and the two non-human gatekeepers were so powerful that they slowly closed the wooden door that didn't seem heavy.

Immediately after the wooden door was closed, the few black robe people with strong Orthodox knighthood who had noticed before gathered together, although their actions were a little weird, but they acted more here than their weird people. Many, so no one will pay attention to them.

"Who are those two? The crow personally came out to meet?" One of the people who looked like the leader asked the people around him while lifting the hood on the opening.

If Leo is still here, then he will definitely be surprised by the orthodox knight he judged, and realize that his judgment is wrong, because there is a pair of insect-like compound eyes in this person, that is to say, this person is also Dependant family, and it is a dependent family with obvious physical changes.

As two dead enemies of the family, the night watchman and the orthodox court have completely different ways of doing things. Although the night watchman kills the clan, it is only aimed at those clan who have been eroded by the blood power, lost the last point of humanity, and turned into a monster. Most other clan families choose to ignore them, and even to supplement the power of the night watchman, they will also selectively Recruit some family members, even if those family members have already clearly dehumanized.

But the Orthodox Court is completely different. They absolutely do not allow any family members with dehumanized mutations in their bodies, even those who belong to the Orthodox sect in the Orthodox Church, who are affected by divine power and have alienated bloodlines. Change, it is impossible to enter the Orthodox Court institutions such as the Knights and the Trial Court.

This means that these people cannot be knights of the Orthodox Court. However, the imprint of the church knight on these people is very deep, so the only thing that can be explained is that these people are all knights of the underground church.

With the weakening of the influence of the Orthodox Church, the strength of underground churches naturally began to increase. Governments of various countries did not recognize the attitude of underground churches, but they did not suppress it. As long as underground churches did not violate the laws of various countries, they did not do anything outrageous. Governments of various countries will acquiesce in the presence of this shady force.

The underground church is also very clear that governments in various countries regard them as a free coolie to check and balance the Orthodox Church. Even if they are extremely reluctant to this, they have to accept their status as a free coolie.

"What shall we do now?" A female knight next to her raised her brim slightly, revealing a scaly face in the dim light.

The leader of the underground church asked coldly: "What should I do?"

The female knight was stunned for a moment, puzzled: "What else can I do? Just do it?"

"Who told you to start?" The knight leader raised his eyebrows and said to the others: "Do you receive orders to holy blood?"

"of course not."

"I haven't received any hands-on orders, I just asked for surveillance."

The other knights shook their heads again and again.

"You..." The knight is not a fool, naturally realizing that the orders she received were different from others, her face immediately became somber.

"I don't know if someone deliberately framed you, or your greedy snake church really likes to treat those guys as dogs. In short, don't drag us into trouble because of things in your church." The chief said coldly. He said this to the female knight, and then said to the people very seriously: "Our mission is to monitor here, and report on the situation of the Holy Blood and the Port of Venaya every three days. As for other things, you don’t need to pay attention to it. It’s better to suppress your emotions. I don’t want to attack the members of the Holy Blood. Once I am disturbed by something that cannot be provoked, I will definitely give up the troublesome guy and run away."

"Got it." Everyone had no opinion on this. They thought the same. Who made mistakes and who was unlucky, don't drag others into the water.

The leader asked the thinnest person again: "Beto, did you write down the appearance of the two?"

"Remember." The man didn't look up, he only responded with a hoarse voice.

"That's good, you pass the images of the two to a church and investigate their origins," the leader immediately commanded, and emphasized: "Especially the man."

No wonder this knight leader of the underground church will react this way, mainly because the moment Leo looked at him, he felt like he was being stared at by a beast, and at that moment his body did not dare to move at all. Even the breathing stopped.

Sensing the strength of others is the ability that the knight leader gets from the blood after deep alienation. This ability also helps him survive the deadly battles, so he trusts his perception very much, and at this moment he It is very certain that Leo is a dangerous person. If it is not necessary, it is best not to conflict with it or even have any contact.

At this moment, Leo was led by Brown into a small conference room-like room. At this time, there were already a few people wearing robes and waiting for their faces to be covered.

These people haven’t spoken yet, Leo laughed abruptly and said: “It’s clearly standing in the sun, and the way of doing things is still sneaky. Do you have to cover your face to show mystery and coercion? Feeling?"

Although Leo's voice is not very loud, the room is very empty, and the sound echoes in the room, as if it is equipped with a loudspeaker, it is easy to be heard by people around.

This remark made Brown, who was originally preparing for the introduction, do not know what to say for a while, and the few people seemed to be unhappy with Leo's words.

The crow was somewhat happy, flapping his wings and saying, "quack! I told them not to wear this ugly costume long ago, but they just didn't listen, and now some people are telling the truth."

If only Leo spoke, some of those people might refute Leo’s words, or take more drastic action against Leo, but now the crow has spoken, as the crow is in the status of the Holy Blood, those few are not good What are you talking about?

"Professor Aisha, please come with us. You need to take some tests to join the conference. I believe that your ability should be easy to pass." One of those people seems to be very old, with a hoarse and old voice. Aisha greeted and completely ignored Leo.

"Uh! Do I still have to test? But I didn't make preparations, I'm afraid..." The difference between the things and the prediction made Aisha a little nervous. As she said, she looked at Leo, who she thought was the most reliable Seems to want Leo to help her make a decision.

"Don't worry," Brown waited to explain before waiting for Leo to say: "Professor Aisha, this test is just a simple physical test to assess how well your blood vessels are stimulating, so as to help you Find a suitable bloodline practice method."

Although there was still some uneasiness in her heart, Aisha felt that she had already come, no matter how uneasy, she would not change anything, so she didn’t wait for Leo’s response, took a deep breath, and wore a burqa towards Brown and the others. The person nodded, and then walked with them to another passageway in the room, which soon disappeared from Leo's sight.

"This kid greeted me, you leave!" After Leo, Brown and Crow were left in the room, Brown didn't know how to get along with Leo, which made the atmosphere awkward. The crow just opened his mouth at this time to ease This embarrassment.

"Mr. Dodd, I hope you will have a pleasant stay here." Brown politely greeted Leo and walked out of the room quickly.

"You shouldn't have spoken just now." After only one person and one bird left in the room, Leo turned his head to look at the crows with feathers on his shoulders, and said coldly.

"If I don't say anything, those little guys are going to suffer!" The crow turned to Leo and said, "Do you have any hatred with those little guys? When you see them, you will deliberately provoking."

"There is no hatred, I just want to try how strong the core power of the Holy Blood Society is." Leo casually compiled a reason to hide his true thoughts.

In fact, the reason why he suddenly provoked those core members of the Holy Blood Society was because his tattoos suddenly responded to him, making him aware of the objects on the other side that could enhance the power of his nightmare.

After hearing Leo's answer, a curious expression of humanity appeared in the crow's eyes. It was clear that it did not believe Leo's words.

Leo did not struggle with the reasons that caused the night **** tattoo reaction to those people, and he was not prepared to take any action against the family members. Since the crow had noticed him, doing excessive things would only cause some Unnecessary conflicts, and he has no certainty that he can deal with this crow, so he can only temporarily forget this matter to see if there is a chance to do something in the future.

The decision-making Leo turned his attention to his main purpose of coming here, and asked the crow seriously, "Don't say this anymore, you said yesterday that you know about my bloodline, and I want to know that it's just your casual A joke, do you really know?"

"Of course I really know that I wouldn't joke about that bloodline." The crow jumped on Leo's head in an insulting manner, deliberately stepped on a few feet, and then flew to the table in front of Leo, Looking up at his head with pride, he said, "I'm sure no one in this world will know your blood better than me except for a few guys in the Black Forest."

"How many powers do I have?" Leo did not fully believe the crow's words, but said a simple question.

"Several powers?" The crow jumped back and forth on the table, and said with some embarrassment: "You have a lot of power, and it is messy, and it is difficult to distinguish clearly. For example, if you have the strength of the tower wizard, you should have learned The special wizardry of the high tower wizard, you also have the power of the imprint of the net weaver, the power of the night god, the power of the chaotic fool, and the power of the lord of turbidity and light spirit...God, you It’s a miracle to be able to survive with so many different forces in the body, and still survive intact! It must be said that the blood in your body is indeed strong enough that even the gods will feel envious and jealous.”

Now Leo believes that the crow can indeed see the origin of the unknown blood in his body, so he can't wait to ask directly: "What is the blood on me?"

"Don't worry, this is not a place to talk, come with me." The crow did not answer immediately, but flew to Leo's shoulder, urging while pointing at another entrance in the conference room.

Leo did not object. Under the crow's instructions, he opened the door and walked into the aisle behind it.

The moment he entered the aisle, Leo felt that the aisle was a bit unusual, so he opened his eyesight, and the sight in his eyes made him stunned.

It turned out that in his eyes, the walls he walked on were all dense Turing roots, and the complexity of the Turing roots made him unable to see the truth for a while, and these Turing roots were not in an unexcited state. , But all shine with psionic light. It's just that these lights are firmly in the roots of Turing, and there is no trace of it, so that even if Leo is at such a close distance, he can't feel any fluctuation of psionic energy.

"How about not bad?" The crow obviously knew why Leo suddenly stopped, raised his head and raised his chest, and said proudly: "This stuff and that door are from the ruins of the tower. There are no more than ten pieces in the world."

"What's this?" Although Leo couldn't feel any psionic fluctuations, the psionic rays emanating from the Turing roots were enough to judge how powerful the psionic energy contained in these Turing roots was. It is an exaggeration to say that the psionic energy contained in it bursts out once, which is enough to destroy the entire city of Wieneraya.

"This is the highest wizardry essence man-made half plane of the towering wizard." The crow said with great respect.

Leo could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. With a deep understanding of witchcraft, he naturally knows what a half-plane is. In a sense, a half-plane is a stable subspace debris, but according to his knowledge, all half-planes are naturally produced. However, the crow now says that the walkway in front of him is a half-plane created by the tower wizard, which means that the tower wizard can create subspace when it is the most powerful.

Thinking of this, Leo couldn't help but shook his head, because as far as he knew, even the mythical Omega-level higher creatures in the universe where the Earth Federation is located, they had no possibility to create subspace, and the tower wizard was stronger. It is also impossible to compare with those powerful creatures that cross the universe.

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