The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 285: Orthodox people

Cage City, when I saw this spherical underground space, the first thought in Leo’s mind was Lanxi’s Cage City, because the buildings on the walls around this space had the same style as Cage City, which was simply copied from Cage City Building style. WWW.SUIMENG.lā

The steel-built corridor covered the stone walls around the underground space, linking the developed living spaces. Each corridor was linked by criss-cross steel bridges, and some shops were built on the bridges.

Compared with the commercial street on the ground, the business atmosphere here is very lively. Although the shops on the ground are very high-end and the products inside are extremely expensive, the people who enter and leave those shops are not rich but expensive, and they don’t even buy the price. Ask, even when talking about the price, it is always a whisper, which always gives people a feeling of no popularity.

But here, noisy voices filled the entire underground space, everyone was talking loudly about the price of the goods, and even for some goods, two guests would fight, plus the merchant’s own screams, making any one Everyone who enters here can feel an explosion of excitement.

Aisha, who had never experienced this kind of scene before, was stunned by the sudden sound, her body swayed a bit, and the iron frame on the side helped stabilize her body.

Brown looked at Aisha with a smile, and said with great pride: "This is the underground market managed by the Holy Blood and the largest distribution center of mysterious objects in the entire Velun continent. As long as you have money, you can buy anything here. "

"Can you buy something from the first dynasty of Maris?" Aisha, who had recovered, asked loudly after hearing Brown's introduction.

"Of course you can buy it," Brown said, and raised his finger to a store with bronze lamps hanging on the second floor below. "You can take a look at the old William's store. There will always be some out there. Unexpectedly good things are all antiquities of the ancient dynasty," he said, and he said again: "However, there are also a lot of fakes, if you have insufficient eyesight, it is best to see more and buy less." , Otherwise it’s easy to be fooled."

"Is it possible to buy the tower wizard's items here?" Leo also asked at this time.

Brown replied without thinking, "Able to buy."

The reason why Leo will ask so is mainly because Brown’s sentence can be bought here. He just asked it casually. He never thought of any useful answers, but he never thought that Brown gave it. He gave a very unexpected answer.

Later, Brown waited for Leo to continue to inquire, and pointed to a very luxuriously decorated bronze gate on the top wall and said, "There is a black market. It is said that there is a high tower witchcraft item and a patterned piece. Metal plate, no one knows how this metal plate is made, this metal is a metal that has never been seen before, it can be said to be unique, so the price of this metal plate is also very expensive, participated in three auctions , Have not been able to sell, and now it has become the treasure of the black market town shop."

"Isn't Rupert Fitz interested in this metal plate?" Leo Shensheng asked: "I remember that he has a large number of steel plants in his name, and he also sponsors a large number of groups specializing in various metals. He should Only interested in this new type of metal."

Brown explained: "It's really interesting, but the price is beyond his bottom line, and this metal is said to be impossible to imitate, so the big Rupert didn't buy it."

"How much is that thing?" asked Aisha, who was listening quietly, couldn't help but wonder.

Brown opened **** and said, "Twenty million Wieners."

After hearing this, Aisha could not help but take a breath. She had only more than seven thousand Maris coins when she had the most assets, and only about 42,000 to convert to Venaya, which was already considered one in her eyes. It's a huge sum of money. Now there is something that costs 20 million Wieners. Such a huge number is as huge as an astronomical figure in her mind.

However, compared to Aisha, Leo showed a thoughtful look. He felt that the reason why Rupert did not buy this metal plate was probably not because of price issues.

Although 20 million Wienerayas sounds a lot, but if calculated according to the current 19 to 1 exchange ratio of Wieneryayan and Gold Flange, this metal plate from the tower only needs more than 1 million Gold **** only. The nineteen to one exchange ratio is the current exchange ratio of the two currencies. In the past, when the Viana was issued, the ratio between the two was forty-five to one, which means the money Rupert needs to pay. Less than now.

These tens of millions of dollars seem scary. For ordinary people, it is astronomical, but for Rupert, it is just a pocket money. Not to mention the world’s rich merchants like Rupert, even Leo, who just made a fortune from the gang leader of Miria City not long ago, can easily take out the money, so Rupert does not The reason for buying this metal plate is definitely not because of the price, as Brown said.

As for the fact that the metal cannot be forged, this is not the reason, because this metal may not be forged now, but it may not be impossible in the future. Collect a unique rare metal and keep it for future research when it is needed and the technology is credible. This is the best way to deal with this metal plate, so another reason Brown said is not true.

Leo thought about it for a moment, and soon discovered an important point, and then asked Brown: "Is the requirement to trade this metal plate in the black market only be able to trade in Vinaia?"

"Yes." Brown nodded and asked, "Is it strange?"

"No, it's nothing." Leo asked no more about it, because he already knew the answer.

As a new currency issued by the region, Wieneryacoin itself is not very liquid, and only circulates within the urban area of ​​Wieneraya Port, and most of the trading of the Chamber of Commerce here is at the port exchange, using other currencies When the transaction is completed, there is almost no need to use Wieneryacoin, so the issuance of Wieneryacoin is very small, which is why the currency value of this currency will double in just a few years.

Therefore, according to Leo's inference, there are probably not many Vanaia coins issued by the United Kingdom General Chamber of Commerce in these years. It is still unknown whether there are 20 million, and the actual circulation of Vnaia may be less than 20 million.

The reason why he made this judgment is because he has not used Vanaia many times during his stay in the hotel in these two days, but he will use Vanaia when paying for meals and tips. As for other times For example, room rents are mostly paid directly in cash.

However, the transaction request for the metal plate turned out to be 20 million Wieneraya, which is equivalent to hollowing out the new currency issued by the General Chamber of Commerce in Wieneraya Port. Once the transaction is completed, then the pair All business operations of the Royal Chamber of Commerce in the Port of Venaya are a major blow, and may even collapse the financial order that has just been established in Port of Venaya.

With the wisdom of Rupert Fitz, it is impossible to see the traps inside, so he will give up this high-tower item worth collecting.

As for the issuance of a large amount of Wienerya currency, it is not feasible, and it is not said whether this Wieneryacoin can be produced at will, even if it can be produced like other currencies, the General Chamber of Commerce under the control of Rupert Fitz may be afraid It won't do it either. Because once the excessive amount of Wieneryacoin is invested, it will surely cause the depreciation of the Wieneryacoin, which will cause a great panic among the people of the Port of Wienerya who use the Wieneraya currency as the main currency, and eventually sell the Wieneraya currency. Asian currency becomes worthless currency.

Therefore, Leo feels that the owner of this metal plate may not only aim at Rupert Fitz’s commercial control of the Port of Vinaia, but also go to the Church of the Goddess of Commerce, because once Vanaia loses its role The value of money, then the belief in the conversion of business transactions naturally does not exist.

Thinking of this, Leo felt the seemingly calm and stable port of Vinaya, and the dark tide might be surging in the dark. Now that some forces have begun to secretly calculate Rupert Fitz, then the others are attached to the underground of Port of Vinaya I am afraid that forces and organizations have also been eyeed. According to this estimate, the risk of the port of Vinaya is probably not much lower than the current city of Milia.

Perhaps in order to confirm his guess, Leo felt that many of his surrounding sights were full of malice. Most of the malice was that of seeing prey, as if Leo and Aisha were two delicious fat sheep. But there are a few malicious sights that are pure aversion and hostility, as if they were natural enemies.

These malices are not just aimed at Leo and Aisha, they are more aimed at Brown leading the way.

Because of the surrounding environmental problems, as well as the interference device for the spiritual network, Leo could not confirm the correct position of those lines of sight, and could only feel a few approximate directions.

Leo did not deliberately turn his head to look at the replacements, but when Brown introduced Aisha to the surrounding shops and commercial companies, he followed Brown's introduction and randomly scanned those places.

Soon Leo found out the reasons for these sights. It wasn’t Leo’s excellent ability to find people, but the temperament of those people was too obvious. Even if they were far apart, they could feel it. The blood in several people. Although the people around them are not as sensitive as Leo, they can instinctively feel discomfort and avoid these people subconsciously, which makes an empty space appear invisible around these people. It is difficult to think about it without paying attention.

"Orthodox court." Leo hardly needs to do any analysis, and can see from the standardized stance that these people are knights trained by the orthodox court, but they can't be judged because of no close contact. Not a paladin in the Orthodox Court, nor can they judge the strength of these people. It can only be seen from some clues that they have undergone very rigorous sword training, no matter what their standing position is, their hands are always placed The position of the sword can be drawn at any time.

"Do they know?" Leo looked at Brown, who was leading the way, and there was a question in his heart.

It’s not beyond Leo’s expectations that the Orthodox Chamber would send people to Port Viña. On the contrary, if the Orthodox Chamber didn’t send people, it would surprise him, because whether it is the emergence of the Church of the Commercial Goddess or the gathering of families Disturbed the Orthodox Church.

Although the influence and power of the Orthodox Church are far from being comparable to those of ancient times in the current Velon world, governments of all countries are subconsciously suppressing the teaching power, but even if it is so suppressed, the Orthodox Church still has extraordinary powers. For example, the current Church of the Goddess of Commerce, once recognized by the Orthodox Church as a heretic or evil sect, then Rupert Fitz no longer has influence, no matter how powerful the power and financial resources, it is impossible to let the Church of the Goddess of Business appear again. In the sun, it can only be turned into an underground church like other churches of evil spirits.

Just when Leo was thinking about things. Brown ordered the two to a simple wooden door on the uppermost floor of the underground space near the black market, and then beckoned the two to wait for a while, followed up, picked up the knocker and knocked.

Although this wooden door looks simple, Leo does not underestimate the defense of this wooden door at all, because he can feel very strong psionic fluctuations from the wooden door. After opening the spiritual vision, he can see the surface of the wooden door. The magic array of dense Turing roots.

Leo soon analyzed the structure and connotation of the Turing magic array on the wooden door. Although this magic array is different from the rune magic array of the dream world, the structure of the magic array is very similar. Soon he will Find out the real root hidden under some false Turing roots.

By analyzing these Turing Leo can infer that if someone tries to open the door forcibly, the intruder will be subjected to a strong mental attack, and the soul will be extracted by the magic circle to let the invader The entrant becomes a plant without soul.

"Attacks against the soul can at least pose a threat to level 4 psionicists." Leo quickly made a judgment. This Turing magic array is very complicated. He can only analyze it from some key Turing roots. The approximate strength of the magic array, and the degree of threat that this magic array poses to itself through the perception of fuzzy sense, so as to determine the range of the intensity of the magic array.

Of course, Renault will not take his judgment seriously, because he is well aware that the magic circle on the door may also hide other more powerful forces. If he breaks the door hurriedly, he will only encounter a stronger attack than expected.

At this time, Brown announced his identity through the microphone installed outside the door, and then the wooden door opened from the inside with a crunch. At the moment of opening, a black shadow drilled out from inside and flew in front of Leo.

Leo immediately reacted and sold it directly to the black shadow, but the black shadow was extremely flexible. A small move in the air, avoiding Leo's hand, and then fell on Leo's shoulder, while using The beak combed the feathers and said to Leo: "Boy, you have too much strength. Lord Crow can't stand your catch."

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