Unlike Dior Browno, who has been doing research in the college all year round, he is different from people who know nothing about the outside. Diago, who was born at the bottom of the civilian population, walks among the crowds of all classes all year round, looking far away It is not comparable to a pure scholar like Dior.

It doesn't take much time, Diago can see that Leo is definitely not a pure scholar, his strong posture all exudes a tough atmosphere, and the unique temperament of the other party, he is only in Mo It has been seen on adventurers and slave-hunters who have penetrated into the wilderness all year round, and those people are all covered with blood without exception.

"You honestly told me, are the ruins you found the remains of the civilization of Wakkanha?" While Diago was observing Leo, Dior Browno ignored the matter of his assassination, but was very concerned about another matter , Asked anxiously.

"It's unclear for now." Diago said truthfully: "An adventure team funded by the Good family brought back some slabs of ancient ruins from the wilderness forest. The topographic patterns I gave you are from those slabs. I want to To confirm whether it is the remains of the Wakkanha civilization, only to go deep into the wasteland."

   "I really want to hurry to the Mosang continent." Dio Browno, who was completely immersed in the ancient civilization, heard what Diago said, whispering, unable to hold back the yearning in his heart.

"Relax, you can set foot on the land of Mozambican continent for at most a month." Diago reassured his old friend, then took a bottle of wine and three glasses from the wine cabinet, poured them up, and pretended In a casual look, he asked tentatively: "When did you accept a student? This matter was not mentioned in previous correspondence with me."

"Haha! You certainly can't think of it. Leo is the student I collected on the way here." Dior unreservedly appreciates Leo. He took Leo to Diago and said, "Thank you very much. Arrange me to do that stowaway train, otherwise, I would not be able to meet him." He said, and introduced: "Leodord, he is my new student, and he has a deep knowledge of Gamore language. ."

"Gamorey?" Diago was stunned. He knew that he was an old friend. Although his character looked like a good old man with no personality, he was actually very proud and very strict with his students. So many people who have truly become Dior students for so many years, and there have never been students who can be so admired by Dior.

  Dior's attitude also caused Diago's curiosity, he couldn't help but ask: "How does it compare to you?"

  Dio Browno thought for a moment, and said: "I am not as familiar with basic radicals as I am, and Turing radicals are slightly stronger."

   "Teacher, you are exaggerating!" Leo shook his head and said, "I still have a lot of basic radicals that I haven't mastered. As for Turing radicals, I just just started."

"You don't have to be so humble, all you're missing is some accumulation of knowledge." Dior Browno patted Leo's arm, then said to his friend Diago, "You must not think of it, my student is still another A student alone."

   Diego could see that his friend seemed to be very respectful of another Leo teacher, and he could not help asking, "Who is that person?"

   "Old Rembrandt." Dior Browno didn't sell it, and said his name directly.

   Diego was surprised and confirmed, "That Rembrandt?"

   Dior Browno laughed: "In addition to that Rembrandt Mist, what other Rembrandt can be in this world."

  After receiving the confirmed response, Diago's look at Leo also became slightly different.

It's no wonder that Diego's mentality will change so much. After all, the identity of the old man Rembrandt is there. He is not only a master in academia, but also has an extremely deep network of people in various countries. Anyone who has a close relationship with him Definitely a big figure who can't be sniffed at.

It’s just that it’s strange to Diego that he has never heard of Rembrandt receiving a student named Leodord, but he knows his friends well, if it’s not certain that Leodord is Rembrandt If the old man's student is speaking, the other party will not say it.

   Just when Diago was puzzled by Leo’s identity, Leo’s attention was on a painting on the wall.

I saw this oil painting is a ruin of ancient civilization buried in dust, the whole picture is very realistic, and the painter's painting skills are also very good, even if Leo, who does not know how to appreciate art, see this painting I will involuntarily immerse myself in the artistic conception contained in this painting, and feel the painter's nostalgia, sadness and despair for the ruins of this civilization.

Dior Browno noticed Leo’s sight, so he actively introduced: "This is Francisco's painting "End of Civilization", which is not a public painting. Although his paintings are too realistic, people will feel very much after reading them. Uncomfortable, not liked by the general public, but I have to admit that his paintings are absolutely master-level." Then, he added, "Francisco is not best known for his words, but for his The absurd novel "End Point."

   "What is that book?" Leo asked with interest.

"He created a magical place in the book. He called that place the end of civilization. After all civilizations disappear, buildings representing the characteristics of civilization will pile up and form the tombs of civilization." Francisco’s masters of painting are highly respected, saying: “Although some of the ideas in the book are ridiculous, but the ruins of civilization piled up at the end point described by Francisco in the book are very good, as can be seen from his description of the ancient Civilization has a very deep attainment, you can casually make up one based on your knowledge of ancient civilization.

The new civilizations I have seen, even when I read them, I thought that the civilizations in the book had really existed. "

"Unfortunately, he died too early and died at the age of twenty-seven." The topic about Francisco also aroused the interest of Diego, and he was also very respectful of this person, saying: "The content of his paintings Most of them are the civilizations he wrote. The civilized buildings in the paintings have provided me with a lot of inspiration. Unfortunately, in recent decades, the prices of Francisco’s paintings have been rising. They have become a popular collection for rich merchants and nobles. It’s not necessarily available.” He said, not without complacency: “I found this painting in the black market. Because the boss didn’t recognize the goods, I thought it was a copycat’s painting, so it only took less than fifty. You can buy Golden Flange."

Among the two people who were discussing the paintings of Francisco, Leo calmly listened to their introduction to the master painter, but his heart was already uproarious, because from the paintings in front of him and the so-called absurd novels he did not see Judging from this, this Francisco has obviously been to the end of the world, and the place reached is probably the land of ashes, the tombs of countless civilizations.

   Leo showed an interested look and asked, "Can you tell me about the life of Francisco?"

   Diego once collected the details of Francisco, and naturally became the best introducer.

"Francisco is from the United States of California, his mother is a native of Mozambique, his father is an adventurer in the Kingdom of Maris, and he was a slave from birth. The owner of Francisco is a good person, not only allows Francisco to learn with his children, After discovering that Francisco has excellent drawing skills, he hired a professional painter to teach Francisco to paint, and later gave Francisco the status of freeman, and even married his daughter to him."

Talking, Diego pointed to a sketch of the country under the oil painting and said: "Although Francisco was born in a humble state, he had good luck and did not suffer much, even better than other ordinary people. Moreover, his life is worry-free and his family is happy, so most of his early paintings are based on light-hearted subjects and cheerful pictures, with bright rural villages or family portraits. However, a slave riot suddenly swept his state. He His wife and children all died in the riots. If he could not bear the blow, the whole person would be crazy."

Dior Browno also accepted Diago's words, saying: "After that, he spent three years in the local mental hospital, and in these three years, he became an expert of ancient civilization, and his painting style became Realistic, decadent and even strange. With this unique style of painting, he became one of the few recognized masters of painting in the world in just two years. However, when his career reached its peak, he suddenly found himself The wife and child committed suicide by the grave."

Diago seemed to think of something and said: "Actually, he is really dead. There is no public opinion, because according to the medical records at the time when he was found, there are still signs of life, but it is very weak and there is no possibility of treatment. After the death appraisal was made that night, his body disappeared mysteriously. Legend has it that he was stolen by his followers."

   "A believer? Does a painter still have a believer?" Leo puzzled.

Diego explained: "When he was in a mental hospital, he created a secret church called the End of Eternal. Not only the patients in the mental hospital became his believers, but even doctors and nurses joined his church. But After his death, the church soon disappeared, and I don’t know if it still exists."

   Dior Browno suggested: "If you are interested in Francisco, you should go to his former home in the United States and California to see a lot of items related to him, as well as his diary."

"If there is a chance, I'll take a look." Leo has already confirmed that Francisco has been to the ashes of the waste capital, and has seen all the scenes of the end of civilization. Perhaps some relevant information can be found in his diary. The secret of the waste capital.

At this time, the door knocked suddenly outside the door, and then a waiter at the club opened the door and his eyes fell on Diago, saying, "Mr. Diago, the guest in Room 707 wants to see you ."

   After listening to Diego, he said calmly: "I will go right away, and you go to the wine cellar to get a bottle of Jinshan lion and deliver it to room 707."

   "Yes." The waiter retired.

"I still have things, so I won't greet you." Diago turned to Dior Browno and said, "You will live here during this time. We will be able to leave after the five-day Good Ocean Chamber of Shipping freighter arrives." . In addition, there will be some academic salons here at night, if you are bored, you can go to participate."

   "Okay, go for it!" Dior Browno responded casually. Suddenly he thought of something again and asked, "Oh, I have something I want you to help the Goode Chamber of Commerce."

   "What's the matter?" Diego asked.

   Dior Browno asked Leo: "Is there a ship to the Inge Kingdom recently?"

"Go to the Kingdom of Engel?" Diago froze for a moment, and soon realized that Dior was asking for Leo, so he thought about it and said, "There is no boat going directly to the Kingdom of Engel. But there will be a class tomorrow. The material freighter heading to the port of Vinaya is now in the control area of ​​the three kingdoms of the Inge Kingdom, the French Empire and the United Kingdom, where there are ocean passenger ships leading to various continents and countries."

   "What do you think?" Dior Browno turned to look at Leo.

  Leo did not think about it, and made a decision: "Then trouble Mr. Diego, help me arrange, I will take that boat to the port of Vinaya tomorrow."

   "This thing is easy." Although Diego was surprised that Leo wasn't walking with Dior Browno, he didn't

How many questions, after all, this matter is also a good thing for him, in case there is really an extra Leo Duod, which may be unknown, may cause some unnecessary trouble on the way to the mainland of Mozambique.

After Diago left, Dio Browno immediately walked to the bookcase in the room, quickly pulled out more than a dozen books related to ancient civilization from the bookcase, and then put it on the table, said to Leo: " Tomorrow you are leaving, I can just take advantage of the present to teach you some more knowledge and language of ancient civilizations~www.ltnovel.com~ I think it is not a good time to study now, do you forget that Wakanha killer? Leo said solemnly: "This time their assassination failed, so what about the next time? I think we should go to Port Lyon to investigate this matter..."

"No, you can investigate what alone." Dior Browno said indifferently: "This matter is still left to the Goode Chamber of Commerce to do a good job. They have a great influence in the Port of Lyon and investigate the killer. This kind of thing should be more suitable than you outsider."

   Leo thought about it, and did not persevere again. He walked to the table, took the book Dior handed him, and read it while listening to the other party's explanation.

At the same time, Dibia came out of room 707, knocked on the door, and after hearing the response inside, opened the door and walked in. When he saw Spikegood sitting on the sofa, he immediately left Go up.

   "Boss, you are here!"

   "Hmm." Spike nodded and said, "Professor Browno has been settled?"

   "Yes, it has been settled."

  Spike asked again: "What is the killer?"

  Dibia immediately told what he knew carefully.

   "Wakanha's killer?" Spike was stunned, and soon thought of what the family is doing now, his face gloomy: "Damn, I know this command will cause me great trouble!"

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