The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 272: Goode Chamber of Commerce

   The layout of the port area at the beginning of Lyon is very chaotic. The civilian area, the dock area and the rich area are all mixed together. There are no street parks or city squares. Although the business here is very developed, it is very unsuitable for people to live.

However, with the expansion of the deep-water terminal, the port area has also undergone large-scale renovations. The urban areas such as civilian areas, commercial areas, wealthy areas, and garden areas have been re-planned, and more The perfect sewer system makes the port of Lyon no longer has the cross-flow of sewage as before.

  The wealthy area is located on the south side of the port area, next to the garden area, backed by a large area of ​​virgin forest, and has an independent wealthy wharf, which can be said to be the best residential area in the port area. The vast majority of people who buy and live in this area are not locals in Port Lyon, but more of the directors or rich merchants of various chambers of commerce in Port Lyon.

Although the overall national strength of the United Kingdom, after losing the area north of the Dibia Mountains, not only did it not weaken, but also increased a lot, as if to lose a large burden, for ordinary people, the United Kingdom has no resistance to lose With such a large piece of land and such an important city, it was a defeat that shook the country. And this emotion also affects foreign businessmen.

The port of Lyon, which is dominated by foreign trade, is most affected. The villas and apartments in the merchant area are almost ten rooms and nine empty. The rest are just some servants who are responsible for cleaning and maintenance. Most supervisors have temporarily left this with various names. Countries, it seems that they will not return here until the situation is completely settled.

   It's just that there are also some adventurous and business-minded businessmen who stayed because they knew that the more turbulent the place, the more opportunities to make money and make big money.

The Goode Chamber of Commerce is such a chamber that is good at obtaining huge benefits in wars. In order to avoid conflicts with those snakeheads and cause unnecessary losses, the Goode Chamber of Commerce has not been involved in various types of strategic material transactions with the greatest benefits like other chambers of commerce. , But focusing on those who escaped, focusing on the wealth of those who escaped.

Before the city of Milia was completely blocked by the imperial army, the rich and scholars of the city of Milia fled to the south to take refuge in the port of Leon on the west side, preparing to wait for the situation to calm down before returning to the city of Milia .

However, when the empire showed determination to completely destroy the city of Miria, these rich people and scholars all chose to leave by boat, and the port of Lyon facing north and south of Lyon became the most suitable refuge landing. point.

   Except for a few people who have relatives in the county of Lanxi and other states can leave smoothly, other native Melia merchants and scholars are restricted to the Port of Lyon because of the control of the United Kingdom.

  Fortunately, as long as you have enough funds on hand, you can do some small business in Port Lyon with your previous contacts, and temporarily establish a foothold in Port Lyon. Those scholars are miserable. Apart from doing academic research, they hardly know any other skills for making a living, which makes their lives more difficult.

The good business opportunities of the Goode Chamber of Commerce are in these fleeing businessmen and scholars. The purchase of valuables on hand from the fleeing merchants at a low price is the first sale, and then, with the convenience of the chamber of commerce, doing business with these fleeing merchants, The funds for the purchase of valuables were collected again, and these businessmen were also borrowed into the influence circle of the Goode Chamber of Commerce by using a closer business relationship to strengthen the inside of the Goode Chamber of Commerce.

  Although those businessmen who escaped are now disappointed, they are just out of luck for a while. Once these businessmen are given the opportunity, these businessmen can quickly recover their vitality, and investing in these businessmen is definitely a profitable industry that is profitable.

As for those scholars, they are the best commodities themselves. In the United Kingdom, a large number of businessmen are willing to pay a large price to hire a Miriam city scholar to serve as their own tutor, business consultant, etc., and the Good Chamber of Commerce is An intermediary company for escaped scholars was established for the first time, and even before those scholars were not hired, they were willing to provide free loans to those scholars to maintain the lives of those scholars.

  Through some means to narrow the relationship between the Chamber of Commerce and these scholars, and then let these scholars indirectly influence the merchants who hired them, thereby expanding the influence of the Good Chamber of Commerce.

Although this has been operating at a loss for a period of time, the potential benefits are enormous. At least, the Good Chamber of Commerce, a foreign chamber of commerce that has just established itself in Port Lyon, can reach high-level officials such as the United Kingdom General Chamber of Commerce in a short time. Obtain some business opportunities with huge profits from these high-level.

Spike Good, the decision maker of the Good Britain Chamber of Commerce in the United Kingdom, led the Chamber’s business development plan in the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom branch, which was regarded as a burden by the Good family, was successfully operated, and From the perspective of development momentum, it will not take long to become one of the best branch chambers of the Chamber of Commerce of the Good family.

It’s just that Spike Good is in a bad mood today, because he has just received news that he sent to Wuwan Town to receive guests and found that he died in a forest not far from the city, and has died for more than one. It's been a long time, so long that he has no chance to send someone to remedy. He can only sit in the office and wait for the bad news.

   Ten days ago, the Goode Family Headquarters in Mosang mainland sent an order. This order is printed with the exclusive seal of the Family Presbyterian Church and is the highest order of all family orders. The order was simple, asking Spike to help a scholar leave the United Kingdom and travel to Mozambique to assist the family's ongoing monument research.

As one of the members of the family's New World school, Spike is obsessed with the family's old man indulging in ancient family legends, the remains of ancient civilizations and so on. He and other young people in the family think that the family's prosperity depends on more modern thing,

For example, the latest steam engines such as steam ships and steam locomotives.

   So he was not very concerned about the order. He didn't find it unexpectedly difficult until he wanted to help the scholar get a pass to leave the United Kingdom.

The United Kingdom seems to be carrying out some secret research, and it is protected very tightly. Even if he just sends someone to inquire, he has lost three of his best men and has been implied by a good-looking United Kingdom executive. Gave a warning.

   The scholar who was the target of his mission happened to be involved in this research.

  After feeling the unexpected difficulty, Spike had to pay close attention to this matter personally, and used all the relationships to make secret contact with the scholar, reach a cooperation agreement, and then take the scholar out secretly.

  Although it was troublesome, it was very smooth. In order to avoid being noticed or even found to be related to himself, he did not dare to send someone to approach this scholar, and always only contacted it indirectly through the client. Late in the night, after the client in Button Town took the person to the train, he used the latest telegraph machine to deliver the news. He only needs to pick up the person in the past.

Originally he was going to pick up the person in person, but in the early morning, he suddenly got an important news. There was a big client coming to talk about a hugely profitable transaction. There may be a leap in the promotion, so he had to stay in the Chamber of Commerce and wait for the arrival of the big client, and he just sent two hands to meet the scholar.

Looking back now, he feels that the so-called big business is probably just fake news, in order to divert his attention, otherwise if he travels in person, there will be five or six bodyguards around him, and there will be no such accidents now. .

Spike sat in the office and waited for the bad news to arrive. After his mission failed, the family punished himself. The best case is to lower his support level, and the worst is to find someone to replace him. Position, and transferred him back to the family headquarters of Mozambique, so that everything he has done in the United Kingdom in the past six months has been in vain.

  Just when Spike was uneasy, the office door was knocked.

   "Come in." Spike adjusted his sitting posture and clothing. Although his heart was full of uneasiness, his face remained flat, even if he heard bad news, he did not want to appear abnormal before his hands.

The door of the office opened and Assistant Spike came in and said, "The boss, Mr. Diego sent someone to deliver the letter. He said that Professor Dior Browno has arrived in the safe room successfully. He asked you what other arrangements you have. "

   "Ah?" Hearing the news, Spike felt for a while that he had auditory hallucinations, and immediately confirmed: "What did you just say? Professor Dior Browno has successfully arrived in the safe house?"

   "Yes." Spike's assistant looked at his boss a bit puzzled, and handed over the note he had just received.

   "Don't he meet those disguised killers?" Spike, who got a positive response, couldn't help but wonder. He took a note and looked at it, and soon he realized that things were not what he thought.

The content on the sticky note paper said that Dior Browno went to the safe house by the Good Chamber of Commerce steam engine, but the driver who arrived with him in the safe house was not the one he sent, nor did he kill him. The killer in disguise, but a person who has never heard of it, a student of Dior Browno.

   "The student of Dior Browno?" Spike's face was full of doubts. It stands to reason that if there is a person like Dior Browno student, then the client must be mentioned in the previous communication, but the client has not mentioned this person from beginning to end. This made him imaginative, wondering if this so-called student would know him on the train.

  Although this guess seems ridiculous, Spike can't think of any other reasonable answer.

   Moreover, he wanted to think more, such as why the professor and the so-called student would drive to pick up his car and come back? This undoubtedly means that the killer who killed him failed, and what is the reason for the failure? Whatever I think, it should not be the scholar and professor who only knows how to study ancient civilization, but only the mysterious man who suddenly appeared and became a professor.

   "Silver mask." Spike immediately thought of the silver mask of the secret service of the United Kingdom, guessing that the act of secretly taking away Professor Dior Browno had alarmed the silver mask, so they sent someone to investigate the matter.

But then he rejected this guess, because according to his understanding, if it is really stared at by the silver mask, the other party will never appear in front of him like this, and conduct a blatant investigation, and will only secretly collect evidence and be silver. The moment the masked person appeared in front of him was when the other party started.

Spike couldn't help but be curious about this mysterious student, thought about it for a moment, stood up, and said to the assistant: "All meetings this morning will be moved to the afternoon. If you have a date, arrange another time, unless it is a very important document. , Otherwise let the department heads decide for themselves."

   finished, he picked up the coat on the hanger, put it on his body, walked out of the office, and got down to the prepared carriage and drove towards the safe house.

  The Goode Chamber of Commerce has installed a total of five safe houses in the port of Lyon in case of emergency. Four of them are located in the dock area, and only one is in the rich area. This safe house is a private club. On the surface, the business is to provide a meeting place for scholars funded by the Good Chamber of Commerce. In the past month, it has become a rare cultural exchange place in Port Lyon. Fame.

   This safe house is personally responsible for But now

In charge of the safe house is the architect of Diego de Mosang, who was specially hired to receive the scholars who escaped.

In the family mission he received this time, Diago also contributed a lot, because it was very coincident that Diago and the target of this mission, Dior Browno, were actually friends for many years. Some problems with the decoration of classical architecture in Diago Will ask Dior Browno, and Dior Browno will also ask Diago to help him find some unique ornaments with civilization characteristics on ancient buildings.

  Because of Diego’s help, Spike was able to find enough chips to attract Dior Browno’s promise to travel to Mosang to participate in the family archaeological mission, so in terms of reception, Spike also handed this matter to Diego.

Diago didn't know about the accident at the reception, but the person who sent Dior Browno to the safe house was not the Good Chamber of Commerce, but the student of Dior. The vehicle that he could ride was the Good Chamber of Commerce. Of this steam locomotive, I felt something was wrong.

   So, after sending someone to tell Spike Good about the mission's safe arrival, he came to the room where Dior Browno was installed and asked what happened.

  Dior Browno didn't hide his friend, and told the other party what happened on the road.

"What Wakhan people want to assassinate you?" Diego also felt a little surprised, and he also glanced at Leo, who was enjoying the oil painting in the room, both surprised Leo as a student and also he Surprised by the ability to deal with the killer.

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