The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 267: Tightly regulated united kingdom

"What's your name?" As the train station's freight sorting supervisor, Bucky Bailey looked at the note written by the old shoe upper, and did not immediately say that he planned to take the train to Lyon, but pretended to be casual. Asked the tall, strong man.

   "Leodord." The strong man replied expressionlessly.

  Bouya asked, "What did you do before?"

"Is it necessary to ask in such detail?" Leo replied coldly: "I just want to spend a lot of money to buy a ticket to Lyon. After leaving this country, your lord is just a ticket seller. You and I traded this time. After that, it is impossible to meet again if I want to. Is it necessary to know what I used to do? Do you know that I used to be a criminal, would you not sell me the ticket?"

Yuya Bailey was silent for a while, and said angrily: "Boy, you are right, I am just a ticket seller. It is useless to know so much, but I don't like your tone, so I sold it to you. Tickets are ten times more expensive than others. One hundred gold flanges, if you want money, don’t just roll it."

  Leo did not say much, and directly took out a cash check with a hundred gold flanges.

Seeing Leo so arbitrarily withdrawing such a large sum of money, Hanya Bailey couldn’t help but feel a trace of greed, but in the end he still suppressed the greed in his heart, because he knew that his sale would be What is credibility is that once the rules are broken, his credibility will be gone, and naturally this sale cannot be done.

  Compared to the wealth accumulated by this long-term business without a book, the present windfall is obviously less attractive. What's more, the other party's ability to take out a hundred gold flanges does not mean that there are more gold flanges on the other party. In the event of a move, there is nothing on the other party's body.

   So after repeated weighings, Yuya Baili still decided to act according to the rules and keep his head intact. Afterwards, he snapped his fingers to the people who were staying there, then pointed to Leo, and said, "Send this guest to the No. 9 high car."

Yuya Baili's men stepped up, raised their heads towards Leo, and then led Leo through some container trains parked on the platform for a while, and came to a very old container train with rhythm Knocked on the door with a secret code.

   After the door was opened, the people inside put down a small staircase to signal Leo to come up, and then immediately closed the door. The whole process was very fast and very skilled.

  Yi Baili's men randomly pointed to the seat in the container and said: "I can find a place to sit, there is a toilet, I can buy food here, you can't leave until you get to Lyon."

  After he finished yawning, he turned and walked to the simple bed by the door and continued to sleep.

Leo looked at the inside of the container. The situation inside was completely different from the outdated outside. Hou Baili changed the inside of the container into a passenger cabin with 20 rows of seats, which can seat 60 people. They are ordinary wooden seats, which are very simple and not comfortable to sit on, but for those who want to leave this country, whether the seats are comfortable or not is less important.

At this moment, there are already more than a dozen stowaways like Leo in the cockpit. From their clothes, they should have some assets. Because they are in a strange place and on the way to escape, everyone is vigilant. The hearts are very heavy, no one intends to talk, and the cabin is very quiet.

   Leo casually found a place to sit down, opened the lampshade on the table, and the old-style lamps made of cheap fluorite emitted a faint light. Then, he took out the war wizard’s notes and read it again, while the left hand under the table controlled the various forces in the body to condense into a faint light spot in the palm of the hand, and maintained the light spot immortal, Then it rotates according to a certain regular orbit.

  After Su left, Leo escorted the refugees away from the Dibia Mountains all the way. He did not leave until the refugees entered a town outside the Dibia Mountains and was taken care of by the town guards.

  Although there will still be attacks from some Black Forest clan and monsters on the road, compared with the scale of the attack that night, it is almost worthless. Leo didn’t even shoot it himself, and directly created a shadow clone to solve them.

After this trip across the Dibia Mountains, Leo had a new understanding of the use of his own power. When facing the enemy, he reasonably used his own power, used various witchcraft and psionic skills, and finally got The effect is far more than rushing up to fight directly like a melee fighter.

Take the siege of the Black Forest clan and monsters on the camp of the refugees under the guidance of the last divine clan of the Dark God. If he used the previous fighting method, no matter how powerful he was, he could only keep one place. Even besieged by those monsters and family members.

But he changed the way of fighting, cleverly using traps made of magic runes and other organ traps, not only blocked the siege, but also killed nearly two hundred clan and monsters, and he was like Is as relaxed as a bystander.

Having tasted the sweetness, he naturally deliberately studied the use of the four powers of psionic power, shadow power, gluttony power and nightmare power, and eventually he found that he wanted to use various powers for combat, and No mistake will occur in the battle, it does not depend on the strength of various forces, but on his control of various forces.

In the notes of wizards that Leo had seen before, there is no method specifically for improving mana control. All wizards are familiar with the witchcraft and mana they master through a step-by-step method. There has never been a power like him. They are all leaping, and there is no one with as many as four types of extraordinary powers.

  Although there is no suitable method from the wizard’s side,

However, from the psionicist data of the universe where the Earth Federation is located, Leo can find some methods for improving psionic control, and some methods are also specifically for multiple psionics. For example, the method used by Leo’s left hand is one of them. This is a control exercise method specifically for a variety of psionics.

   This method does not originate from the Earth Federation. In fact, the psionicists possessed by the Federation of the Earth Federation are all single psionic powers. It is not necessary to use this method to improve psionic control. The reason why the Federation of the Earth records this method in the psionic data disclosed to ordinary people is only because this method is more famous in the universe, and this psionic training method is a completely public method.

This psionic training method originated from a cosmic psionic creature named Pab. This psionic creature naturally has multiple brains and multiple hearts. According to records, there have been more than 30 brains and hearts. Prabhu.

   Prabhu itself is not strong, the body is very similar to the jellyfish of the old earth, slightly harder objects will cause fatal damage to them. But when Prabhu stimulated psionic energy, they instantly possessed many different types of psionic energy, and the number of psionic energy was the same as the number of brain and heart.

It is precisely because multiple kinds of psionic energy are stimulated at the same time, so that the spiritual pressure and impact of Prabhu's body are several times that of ordinary psionicists. Too. Only a small number of surviving Phra Prabhu follow their ancient psionic training method to train their psionic control to avoid the occurrence of psionic rage and death.

Because the Pabhu are a well-known group of wandering merchants in the universe, their clan is distributed in the various galactic regions of the Milky Way. Means to inform other tribes in a short time. Therefore, the Pabuk simply expose their own psionic training method to the Galaxy Public Network and let anyone learn. Anyway, there are very few psionicists in the entire universe like them who have multiple psionic powers. They are not afraid of other races using their psionic powers. The psionic training method surpasses them.

In the psionicist materials known to Leo, there are more than thirty kinds of recorded Papuan psionic training methods, the oldest one is more than 4,000 years ago, and the latest method is the two before Newly announced methods only in 2014.

Leo did not use the latest psionic training method, but chose a psionic training method that appeared more than 3,000 years ago and is considered to be the most suitable for all plural psionic owners, because the latest methods are often It is the most suitable psionicist of the Pabu tribe, while psionicists of other races practice this method with less effort.

Leo is only using this training method for the third time now, but he has been able to feel that this training method has been laughed at least. At least he has reduced the time required to change when using various witchcraft by at least one second, and The change of power has also been smooth.

For example, he used the normal psionic witchcraft air hammer the previous moment, the next time he used the demon hunter’s seal, and the next moment he used the original shadow power, and he could also arrange a simple rune magic trap. In the process, he only needs to use his own various strengths to exert it, and does not need additional neutralization impact and power lag caused by the power conversion during the nightmare.

However, because the power conversion is not yet familiar, the power conversion between witchcraft and shadow witchcraft takes a relatively long time, but the conversion of the Demon Hunter's Seal and other powers imitated by the power of the nightmare does not. Obstacles, so Leo uses the Demon Hunter's Seal as the intermediate connection point, so that the conversion of witchcraft and shadow witchcraft looks like there are no obstacles.

  In the car, about an hour later, the door of the car knocked again according to the secret code. After opening the door, two men wearing ordinary workers' clothing and carrying a simple backpack came up.

   After these two men came in, they glanced inside the car, and soon fell on Leo. Then the two sat one after the other, sitting on the front and rear seats of Leo, pretending to be casual, waiting for the train to drive.

The two men’s actions were so obvious that Leo didn’t need to raise his head to feel them, and the people in the United Kingdom’s intelligence service regarded him as a surveillance target, which he expected, and did not care about him. Two people monitor themselves.

  In fact, when going to the old shoe pub to ask about the train to Lyon, Leo had already expected to be included in the watch list. However, in order to be able to reach Lyon more easily, even being monitored is not a big deal for him.

  After escorting the refugees to a safe place, Leo was ready to go directly to Lyon. Only then did he discover how strict the United Kingdom’s control over his jurisdiction is.

  Not only requires identification for entering and leaving towns and villages, but also for hotel accommodations. Even for carriages and trains, identification is required, and for cross-city trains, special ticket purchase certificates are also required.

  In addition, on each road connected to various towns, there are some temporary checkpoints that will randomly check some passing vehicles.

  Although this kind of strict identity control measures will cause some trouble to residents in the United Kingdom, it can control the penetration of spies and spies.

   It’s just that Leo’s tight control is obviously not conducive to his unidentified person walking in the United Kingdom, and this is only some unimportant towns, and the inspection of large cities like Lanxi will be more rigorous.

  Although Leo can confuse others and confuse others through the demon hunter's seal, after being awakened, the person who is deceived by the seal will still remember the previous things. In this case, trouble will follow.

   In addition, Leo also thought of avoiding the main road altogether, moving in the forest on both sides of the road, and relying on himself directly

Walked to Lyon's legs.

   But he had just crossed the Dibbia Mountains and he didn’t have any interest in the didn’t want to drill into the forest again.

   For this, he could only find other ways to go to Lyon more easily.

  Through some methods, Leo heard from some ground snakes that the old shoe pub in Button Town had a way to leave the United Kingdom, so he came to Button Town.

   It's just that at the moment when he entered the old upper tavern, Leo easily found out that the waiter and the boss in this tavern were spies, but he didn't know which spy.

  For him, the spy of the old shoe upper is not important, he just wants to get a way to Lyon from the old shoe upper.

  However, when he left the old shoe pub, the conversation between the old shoe upper and his men was heard in his ears, so he naturally knew which side of the old shoe was the spy. Although he knows that he will be included in the suspicion, it is only suspected and monitored, and will not have any impact on him leaving here.

About two hours later, the car slightly vibrated a few times, slowly traveling on the track for a distance, followed by a slight collision with another car, and then heard two calls from the station staff, the car There was a clear lock sound at one end.

About ten more minutes passed, accompanied by a loud whistle, the car slowly moved again, and the speed gradually accelerated. The air blown in from the gap of the car also blew away the dull atmosphere in the car. Everyone was the same. Relaxed.

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