The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 266: Old shoe upper

   "Did you hear that? A group of refugees from Miriam City fled to Jiugong Town."

   "Isn't the gang of guys blocking the tunnel?"

   "I heard that they crossed the Dibbia Mountains."


   "It seems there is a secret passage."

   "I think there is a problem here, there may not be a secret word, but the empire deliberately put these people over!"

"Why do you say that?"

"Don’t forget that Miriam City seems to be plagued now, so that some Miriam fled to our side, will it be the guys in the empire who deliberately put the people infected with the plague, so that we can also be plagued infection."

   "I am afraid that those big figures have thought about this too. I heard the delivery of Jason say that Wang has blocked the barrel town, and now he is sending some doctors to check where the plague is."

   "Why not just kill them, isn't this much simpler?"

   "I heard that some of those people came from some big families."



  In the old upper tavern, this group of porters was drinking cheap cider and chatting about the hot topic recently. They were the only entertainment activities during their break. They needed to relax and regain their energy as soon as possible until the next whistle sounded and the train entered the station.

   Button Town is located to the north of Lanxi. Because a button town opened by several merchants has gradually formed a small town, it is named after Button Town. It's just that the button factories have moved to other places. Most of the town's land has been built into cargo compartments, and almost all the original factory workers have become porters at the railway station.

The change in Button Town started half a year ago when the French team launched a surprise attack on the city of Milia. The United Kingdom built a fortification in the Dibbia Mountains to resist the imperial team’s victory over the southern invasion, but Lanxi was too far from the front line. To support the front, the United Kingdom transformed several towns near the Dibbia Mountains north of Lanthi into paramilitary towns that supported the front.

For example, nearby Musaizi Town was transformed into a recruit training base, Bison Town was transformed into an equipment repair center, and Button Town, because of its geographical advantage, is located at the intersection of several railways, so it became a material. center.

At the beginning, the people in Button Town were very dissatisfied with the transformation of the town. In their view, the status of their workers was much higher than that of the porters, and the work of the porters was much more tiring than the craftsmanship of the button workers. What savings, the residents of the town may have already gone.

   It's just that with the completion of several new railways, the newly built railway station started to operate, and there were more trains coming and going. A large number of materials were transported here for centralized distribution. The original desolate towns also became prosperous. Residents with industries in the town quickly realized the benefits of the town’s renovation. The rise in house prices was one of them. The arrival of a large number of new residents also made the originally vacant rooms available for rent collection, and those button factories that became porters The workers also found that although their work was a bit tiring, they earned more than ten times as much money as before, and the original disgust and dissatisfaction also disappeared.

It’s just that prosperity brings not only money but also chaos. In the past, the most serious crime in the town was just fighting in the tavern, but now in less than a month, the town Four homicides occurred, which made some people in the town unable to adapt. Many people have decided to move away after earning enough money.

  Some people want to leave, they can leave, but some people want to leave, but can't leave. The old shoe pub owner Peter Peter is such an unlucky guy.

   The old shoe upper used to be a soldier of the United Kingdom. He had to retire because of a leg injury. However, he was taken care of by his former comrades in arms and received a quota of civil servants from the Kingdom government.

The old train station in the past is incomparable. Now, there is only a freight train passing here in about two days, and a special train for the button factory only stops here for loading in three days, so the station manager at such a train station can only take a little civil servant. Wages, there can be no extra oil and water.

   Until the renovation of Button Town, the old train station began to expand, and several new tracks were added. The old shoe upper felt that the train station was going to flourish, and his stationmaster's pockets should also become fat.

It’s just a pity that he didn’t wait for the old shoe to think about how to use the position of stationmaster to collect oil. His position as stationmaster was replaced by another person, and all he got was a fair amount of compensation.

The old shoe upper is a clever man, and he did not do his best to pursue the post of the stationmaster. Instead, he took the compensation and loaned a sum of money to the bank. He opened a pub near the train station and specialized in supplying some porters. Affordable cheap cranberry wine.

Because the location is so good, you don’t have to stay away from the train station when you rest, the price of wine is low, and you have enough food throughout the day, making the old shoe tavern quickly become a favorite resting place for porters and nearby civilians .

The old shoe upper originally thought that he could rely on this pub to live some peaceful life, but never thought that more than a month ago, the next secret department of the Royal Government found him, recruited him to the department, and let him become this pub. An intelligence station was also equipped with three low-level intelligence officers to assist him in collecting intelligence.

The old shoe upper himself did not want to be such an information station master, but he could do nothing in the face of the strength of the Royal Government, but also benefited from his station master identity, which made him know some secret things that ordinary people did not know. And these things can even save his life at some point.

   For example, those sealed warehouses built in the town

In the library, there is no material at all, all the materials are disguised.

From the perspective of the United Royal Party, if the French team prepares to formally attack the defense line of the Dibia Mountains, it will inevitably send an airship to fly over the Dibia Mountains first, and directly destroy the material distribution towns that support the front line like attacking the city of Miria. Therefore, the Kingdom deliberately set up a fake material center, Button Town, to attract the attention of the empire. The real material center is actually located elsewhere.

Although the old shoe upper was very dissatisfied with the Royal Government’s practice of putting the residents of Button Town in jeopardy, he also knew that he could do nothing, because the three low-level intelligence personnel were nominally his men, and they actually concealed surveillance. Meaning. As long as he reveals a little bit of dissatisfaction, maybe a dagger that cuts his throat waits that day.

The old shoe upper cannot use his information to rescue the civilians in the town. All he can do is use the prophecy to save himself, so he pays special attention to the various news that the porters and civilians talk about in the tavern. There may be some signs of war in the news.

   At the same time, he also paid special attention to some new faces, because he knew very well that if the empire wanted to launch an offensive, he would definitely send a spy to investigate the town of Button in advance. After confirming that it was a material center, a series of devastating attacks would be launched.

  The rumors circulating in Button Town in the past two days, in the eyes of ordinary people, are just some after-meal talks, but to the old shoe uppers, these rumors are the signs before the war. Because if the secret passage that allows ordinary people to cross the Dibia Mountains is true, then a defensive front on behalf of the United Kingdom has a fatal loophole, and the army of the Empire can bypass the defense of the Dibia Mountains and attack directly. In Lanxi area, the famous material center Button Town is naturally the first target of the imperial attack.

To this end, the suspicious old shoe upper paid special attention to the new faces who had just appeared in the town during this time, and eavesdropped on their conversations. This approach actually made him discover a few spies, but these spies were not imperial. , But some mysterious forces he did not know.

  To the old shoe uppers today, it’s the same as usual, taking the bartender who left behind last night at the counter, pouring a glass of cider wine to the night shift porters who just got off work, and then eavesdropping on these people to complain and chat about rumors.

  After the drinking porters changed two batches, a tall figure who had just walked in from outside the door attracted the attention of the old shoe upper, and also made the old shoe upper appear vigilant.

   "Military, it must be a professional soldier." The old shoe upper quickly made a judgment.

Although the intelligence collection and sorting ability of the old shoe upper is average, his vision is excellent. As a child, he has a long period of begging career, so that he has the ability to judge the identity and career of a person from his behavior. He never told anyone about this skill.

   The tall figure that came in no matter the walking posture or the temperament of his body, the old shoe upper immediately thought of the soldiers, and then he habitually guessed whether the spies sent by the imperial team.

The reason why the old shoe uppers did not think about the United King is because in the United Kingdom, in addition to soldiers with disabilities like him, any other soldiers, even free mercenaries trained by sergeants and caravan guards, are all The United Kingdom was called. After some training, these soldiers are arranged in some key areas outside the Black Forest, in order to prevent the French team from relying on the Black Forest as a special barrier to play a surprise attack.

  When there are no current professional soldiers in the United Kingdom, it is doubtful that the professional soldier wearing worn clothes to cover his identity suddenly appears in an important material center town such as Button Town.

  As he became suspicious in his heart, the old shoe upper also tapped the secret code with his finger to notify other intelligence personnel in the tavern to pay attention to the strong man in front of him.

However, what the old shoe upper did not think was that after this strong man entered the tavern, he walked directly to the bar, and then placed a new Kingdom gold **** of the United Kingdom on the table, saying, "Give me a glass of wine, stop by Eat a little, and I will get a message for the rest."

   The old shoe upper took the gold flange, brought a cup of ordinary wine and a white bread set meal, and then casually asked: "What are you asking?"

  The strong man took a sip of wine, and while eating a bread set meal, he asked: "When is there a train going to Port of Lyon?"

"Go to Lyon?" Hearing a question that was very different from what I had in mind, the old shoe froze for a while, but soon returned to normal, said: "If you go to Lyon, it is best to go to the central station of Lansing, where there is a special open The train to Lyon is three times a day, or you can just take a boat. There is no passenger train for Lyon in Button Town, only trucks."

"It's okay to take a truck." The strong man took out a gold **** and put it on the table, explaining: "I heard that Lanxi's Central Station was affected by the wartime system, so the ticket needs a certificate issued by the Royal Government. It may take some time to get the voucher. Sometimes when I go to Lyon, there is not so much time wasted, so I can take the freight train."

The old shoe upper was silent for a while, then took the gold flange, took out a coaster, wrote a few words on it, and handed it to the strong man, saying, "This afternoon there will be an empty bus going to Lyon, you can go to the train station Find Hou Baili, give him this, he should be able to get you in the car, but the price is not cheap."

   "Thank you." The strong man took the coaster, put it in his pocket, quickly ate the set meal and ale in front of him, and turned and walked out of the tavern.

   "It looks like a fool scared by the Empire!" An intelligence officer disguised as a pub waiter walked over to the old shoe upper and said disdainfully.

   In the past few months, people who were frightened by the offensive of the French Empire

Countless, many people secretly transferred their property on hand, and then made various camouflage, fled the United Kingdom and fled to foreign countries to take refuge.

At the beginning, the United Kingdom also paid special attention to this matter, and even issued a series of wartime laws with a ban color, but they soon discovered that this did not effectively prevent those who wanted to leave from leaving ~www.mtlnovel. com~ will only cause some trouble to people who do not want to leave, so many temporary wartime laws and regulations have been cancelled, leaving only a few targeted laws and regulations.

  Obviously, the intelligence officer regarded the strong man as a cowardly and cowardly deserter. In his heart, he thought that the behavior of the old shoe upper was a little fussing.

The old shoe upper did not accept the judgment of his own man, and still ordered as he thought: "Send someone to follow him, contact the railway side, and Lyon, and monitor him until he leaves the United Kingdom. ."

   Seeing the old shoe upper make this decision, the intelligence officer couldn't help but whispered: "You are crazy, wasting manpower..."

   Waiting for the end, the old shoe uppers froze and said to the intelligence officer: "Don't forget, I am the person in charge here, you just need to listen to my orders."

"Of course, you are the head, you have the final say." Even if the intelligence staff disdain the old shoe upper, but he still dare not have any resistance in the face of the upper and lower relations in the system. He honestly went according to the old shoe upper command. do.

Seeing that his men were suppressed, the old shoe upper was also relieved. Although he insisted on monitoring the strong man, he judged the strong man's behavior in his heart in the same way as his men did. I think that the other party is not a spy, but an ordinary person who wants to leave here one by one. But his instinct told him that this person is a little weird, so he will make the decision to monitor. As for whether his proposal will be implemented, it is not his business.

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