The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 239: Asylum seekers

The Dibia Mountain Range is the dividing line between north and south of West Francia. Although it is not the highest mountain range on the mainland of Velon, it is the most difficult mountain to climb over the entire Velon or even the entire world.

The starting point of the mountain range is deep in the Black Forest, and the ending point is on the west coast of the Weilun mainland. Although the mountains are not high, but they are not ups and downs, they are always above the snow line, so all the peaks of the Dibia mountain range are covered with snow all year round. In addition, these peaks are steep cliffs from the mountainside, so it is almost impossible for ordinary people to look through the mountains.

At that time, in order to build a train around the mainland, the French Empire spent a lot of manpower and material resources to cut through the Dibia mountain range, the shortest and thinnest mountain, and built a mountain tunnel, which allowed the north and south of the West Flanders region to be able to Pass directly.

During the construction of the railway, the railway company invited many adventurers to survey the Dibia Mountains to find the most suitable place for the construction of tunnels. Those adventurers traveled almost the entire Dibia Mountains and completely recorded the conditions of the mountains. At the same time, I also found some canyon roads that are not suitable for building railway tunnels, but can allow a small number of people to pass through.

Barak is an hunter living in the Dibia Mountains. His village is located in the deep mountains of the Dibia Mountains. The people in the village are all hunters. They have little contact with the outside world and are not interested in the outside world’s war. Who rules. West Fran did not make any sense to them. Because even tax officials who are so greedy for money will not risk their lives and travel long distances to the depths of the Dibia Mountains to collect taxes in such an oil-free Orion village.

Unlike other hunters in the village, Barak used to leave the Dibia Mountains with a merchant who came to buy fur in the village and lived in Miria City for half a year. I saw the prosperity and wealth of Miria City and what I saw. It is luxury. When he came back to his village and saw this old and humble wooden house, he felt a strong desire involuntarily.

Driven by desire, Barak used various methods to control the Orion team in the village, and then monopolized the fur production of his village, and also controlled the fur of several other nearby Orion villages in his own hands in the next few years. Obtained a lot of benefits from it and became the richest and most powerful person of this generation.

Although Barak has lived a life he didn’t dare to think about before, he is still not satisfied, because he has opened up his horizons and he does not want to be taken forever in this small village to rule the king, he wants to live the kind of big Only the rich in the city can live a life and become the kind of superior nobility.

It is a pity that the identity of Barak, who came from a deep mountain hunter, is a natural obstacle in itself. Even if he has a lot of wealth to go to those big cities, it is just a barbarian in the woods, let alone live the luxurious life of the rich in the city. Even if you are not eligible to buy a house in the city.

When Barak gradually felt that his wish was impossible to realize, the news that the city of Milia was destroyed by the imperial army came out, a large number of refugees flocked to the mountain to take refuge, and some merchants who once bought fur at Barak also came. In the village of this deep mountain, the people who came with these merchants included ordinary people as well as dignitaries who had no time to evacuate.

For ordinary hunters in the village, these asylum seekers are troublesome, because they not only broke the peace in the village, consumed a lot of food in the village, and put great pressure on the village to pass the winter. Even these asylum seekers may lead The army of the French Empire brought the whole village into a crisis of life and death.

According to the meaning of these hunters, it was initially prepared not to accept these asylum seekers. Some people even thought that they would simply kill these asylum seekers, take away their belongings, and send the corpses to the mountains to feed the beasts, so that no one would know.

But these ideas were stopped by Barak, who was the leader, and Barak not only accepted these asylum seekers, but also provided them with housing, even food supply was sufficient, and the price did not take advantage of the fire.

Although this behavior caused Barak's reputation in the village to suffer some losses, it made him a rare kind-hearted person in the eyes of these asylum seekers and gained an extraordinary favor.

The reason why Barak made such a decision that harmed the interests of the village was mainly because he saw from these asylum seekers the opportunity to realize his wishes for many years.

Through the introduction of an asylum dealer, Barak recognized several powerful families in the asylum crowd. After some means of making friends, their relationship also became very good.

Later, Barak learned from the conversation that these powerful families had already retreated to Lanzi in the south before the French army attacked the city of Milia, and several of them had some private property in Milia. It needs to be dealt with in person, so I can't walk together. By the time they had finished handling their private property and were ready to leave, the secret forces of the French Empire had crossed the city of Milia and conquered an important station on the northern end of the Dibia mountain range of the mainland train, cut off the north-south railway, and also blocked the journey to Leon The waterway and land traffic in the port trapped them in the city of Miria.

After that, these dignitaries promised that once the war subsided, they returned to the family and would definitely repay Barak's care during this time.

Barak, who has been dealing with various businessmen for many years, is very savvy. He does not fully believe in the words of these dignitaries, so he secretly obtained some information from other asylum seekers, which confirmed the identity of these dignitaries and the family. Didn't lie. Similarly, he never expects some verbal promises of repayment, because after losing some money, he knows that the verbal promises will never be counted, so he thinks of a way to enable those powerful to complete their promises.

In the following months, he took as much as possible to take care of the asylum-seekers who had escaped from Miria City, and from time to time guided the dignitaries to make some promises in front of these asylum-seekers, leaving all asylum-seekers with them deep impression. After the war is calm, he will let these asylums go back. Once he has not obtained the promised things, then these asylum-seekers who have been taken care of by him will help him to create public opinion and force these dignitaries to complete the things they promised, otherwise , And who would be willing to cooperate with someone who does not even repay his own life-saving grace.

However, as some new asylum seekers brought all kinds of new news from Miria City, Barak felt that his investment might be in trouble, because the army of the French Empire and the army of the United Kingdom were always in a state of confrontation. It seems that the war will not subside in a short time.

Moreover, the army of the French Empire began to orderly eliminate the British people at the northern end of the Dibia Mountains. Several groups of people who fled from the city of Milia to the deep mountains were intercepted by the army of the Qing Dynasty, depending on the situation. Sooner or later, the Qing army will come to the Orion village in the deep mountains.

By that time, these asylum-seekers who have been taken in by him will become the bane, and their villages may also be destroyed as British people.

When Barak felt that the situation was not good, he also moved the idea of ​​secretly solving these asylum seekers, but now there are more than 300 asylum seekers in the village, more than half of them in the village. The few are even more powerful fighters. If you do it, it will cause devastating damage to your village, and some people will even escape to spread the news. Perhaps he will face endless revenge.

So he can only think of other ways to solve this crisis, and the best way is to help these people cross the Dibia Mountains and send these people to Lanxi in the south.

The idea of ​​crossing the Dibbia Mountains was not thought of because of the emergence of this crisis. In fact, he had thought of it from the beginning when he wanted to realize his wishes from those powerful people.

In the beginning, Barak waited until the emotions of those dignitaries fell into frustration or despair, and then put forward the plan, gave these dignitaries hope, and then took them through the mountains to Lanxi , So that the other party can be more grateful to themselves.

It was just because the time had not yet arrived that he had never planned to implement it. The current situation forced him to take out the plan he had prepared.

The reason why Barak is so confident that he can lead people across the Dibia Mountains is because he knows a secret passage through the canyon of the Dibia Mountains, and he borrowed this secret passage in the past few years to smuggle a lot of things, So it was not difficult for him to cross the Dibia Mountains.

Barak's ancestors were one of the adventurers employed by the Continental Railways for geographic exploration, and during the exploration, discovered a canyon pass through the Dibia Mountains. Unfortunately, it was too late for him to find the secret passage of the canyon. The railway company has started to dig a tunnel in the weakest mountain in the Dibia Mountains, and has invested a lot of money. It is impossible to modify the tunnel plan.

Barak’s ancestors did not return to a civilized society, but stayed in the mountains and started a family business, and borrowed this secret passage to smuggle some items and earn money and materials, so this secret passage is a big secret of the Barak family. , And now this secret will help him realize his wishes.

"Mr. Barak, do you mean you know a secret passage through the canyon of the Demia Mountains?" When Barak summoned the leaders elected by the dignitaries and asylum seekers to his house, he told the secret passage. When it was given to everyone, the pot immediately exploded and everyone repeated the same sentence.

"Be quiet, everyone be quiet!" Barak raised his hands to indicate that everyone was quiet, and then nodded very positively, "Making me aware of such a secret way, can help you leave here and go to Lanxi."

After getting a definite answer, everyone couldn’t help crying because the recent news from Miria City really made them feel depressed. Everyone has a sense of despair that will be destroyed at any time. Now Barak The news given undoubtedly became their only hope of saving lives.

After a period of ecstasy, the crowd began to calm down, and one of the active businessmen couldn't help but wonder, asking: "Mr. Barak, since you know there is such a secret road, why didn't you..."

This question has not been fully expressed, and someone immediately reprimanded the trader: "Kron, what are you guys talking about? Do you still suspect Mr. Barak's special intentions?"

Others around were also stunned for a while, and they all scolded the trader for their rude suspicions, causing the trader to blush and open his mouth, not knowing how to explain it.

In fact, although these people are accusing this trader of rude suspicion, but their heart is actually the same as this trader, with suspicion, but Barak is now their only hope of leaving this ghost place, they dare not offend Barak didn't dare to annoy Barak. He could only express his attitude to Barak by accusing the trader.

"Don't blame Mr. Kron, in fact, if it is me, there will be doubts." Barak had already thought that some people would question, and he was already prepared to speak. After he made the siege for the merchant, he followed He explained, "In fact, this canyon secret road is just a legend of my family. I don't know whether the secret road really exists, so I didn't say it. Now I have confirmed that the secret road really exists, plus The situation here has deteriorated recently. Your continued stay here will not only put you in danger, but will also bring disaster to our village, so I will decide to lead you through the Dibia Mountains from the secret road."

After listening to the explanation, the suspicion in the mind was reduced a lot. Although there was still a trace of doubt, it no longer affected their trust in Barak.

One of the middle-aged and wealthy middle-aged people had a stable personality. After calming down the excitement and doubts in his heart, he began to think about what happened next, and asked with concern: "Mr. Barak, may I ask if there is any danger in that secret passage?" ?Shall we go?"

This middle-aged nobleman is the younger brother of is also a member of the Lanxi Chamber of Commerce, and he is the focus of Barack's days. So in the face of this problem, Barack also answered patiently. : "Most of the secret road is in a long narrow canyon. There is a section of the road that needs to pass through an abyss edge, so it is more dangerous. As long as you are careful on other roads, there will be no accidents. Only other dangers are mainly Beasts, because they are in the mountains, some beasts may be encountered on the road. I will lead a team of hunters to protect you. As long as your people do not leave the protection circle, there will be no accidents."

"Are we the only ones leaving?" someone asked at this time.

"No, all the asylum seekers are gone." Barak responded: "The more people there are, the less dare to encounter the beasts on the road, the less dangerous we are, and if there are many people, as long as we are well prepared, even if we encounter an accident It’s also much easier to care for each other. If only a few of us are involved in any accidents, such as injuries, it is difficult to take care of in such an environment, and finally can only leave the injured in place and wait for death."

Hearing Barak’s words, the crowd’s originally relaxed mood became tense. After that, they asked about more specific matters such as what to carry, and left. They were ready to bring the news to other asylum seekers. And those dignitaries again expressed in front of everyone that if they reached Lanxi, they would definitely repay Barak's promise.

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