The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 239: Heal the Church

"Damn! Damn! What the **** are the lunatics? Damn Rupert, I must impeach you in Congress!" After Leo Shu said what he had investigated, Sylvia couldn't help cursing again and again. , Fists clenched tightly, green muscles appeared on the arm, and walked back and forth in the same place, apparently extremely angry.

Hearing Sylvia's roar, everyone else in the cave was startled and couldn't help but look over here.

Leo ignored Sylvia's anger, but noticed some small details in Sylvia's words and said, "Do you know who the medical school members in Milia are?"

Sylvia didn't even think about it, she blurted out: "Who else? Apart from the lunatics who healed the church, who else would do such a crazy thing!"

"Cure the church?" Leo hesitated for a moment, because he heard the name for the first time, and there was no record of any medical school materials he had seen before.

Seeing Leo's incomprehensible look, Sylvia also noticed that she took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart, and then carefully explained the details of healing the church.

After Leo heard about the healing of the church, he couldn't help but feel a little absurd. In a place where the medical school is full of rigorous biological sciences, there should be such an underground church that is hard to tell. And from the words of Sylvia, it is not difficult to hear that although the foundation of this sect is in medical school, its influence is not limited to the internal medical school, and even other outside forces have many secret members who heal the church.

The basic idea of ​​healing the church originated from a very pure medical book, which was compiled by dozens of biological experts in the medical school. The main content of the book is to record the living habits and medical value of various living things. And artificial cultivation methods.

Just like the vast majority of other medical-related books published by the medical school, this book is also full of various medical articles written in professional terms. It is very obscure to read. Except those who are devoted to medicine, I am afraid that others Very few people will turn this book.

It is only in the preface of this book that an interesting point of view is elaborated. This point of view anthropomorphizes the entire Velon world. It is believed that the Velon world is gradually dying for various reasons. It needs human careful care to make the Velon world healthy. Carry on. All in all, this preface co-authored by more than a dozen medical school scholars is to elaborate a very popular environmental protection idea in the early days of the Earth Federation, and this idea is not complete yet, it is just a prototype.

At the beginning, the preface of this book did not attract any attention. Not many people even read this book until the medical school and the Orthodox Court cooperated to train church doctors.

Because it is more and more difficult to communicate through prayer, meditation and deities, the divine art of getting gods is getting less and less, and the power is gradually weakening, especially with some of the most beneficial therapeutic therapies that are most missionary. Among them, most of the healing divine arts only have some light and shadow illusions, and only more advanced priests, priests, or bishops can play a part of the healing effect.

To this end, the Orthodox Church had to make some changes, pay some price, in exchange for medical school support, to train some church doctors for each church.

The medical school is happy with this, because it will allow the medical school's influence to expand more with the help of the church, and naturally bring more additional benefits.

However, the influence is often two-way. While the medical school began to influence the thoughts of various churches, the church’s spiritual beliefs also penetrated into the medical school. Even in the medical school, some small churches of church gods were established for people to pray. ,worship.

It is precisely because of this special atmosphere that church doctors have begun to try to combine the basic beliefs of their respective denominations with the natural medicine of medical schools, and try to establish a new sect that combines science and faith. However, all such attempts failed, and the resulting denominations were nondescript, and even the church doctors could not see the past and took the initiative to destroy these failed products.

Until Joshua, a church doctor who believed in the mother of plants, accidentally obtained this book from the medical school library, or more correctly, the preface of this book, he seemed to have received divine revelation, The content of this preface was quickly religiousized and deified, and in less than three days, a complete set of core thoughts and sect systems were compiled, and the healing church was formally established.

The core idea of ​​healing the church is the same as that of the preface. They all believe that the Velon world is now sick and needs treatment, and the treatment methods are completely different. The treatment methods in that article are mainly to protect the environment, maintain the ecology, and cure The church blamed the disappearance of the Velon world on the disappearance and slumber of the gods, so they believed that as soon as the gods returned, the Velon world would return to order.

Just like other secret societies and underground churches in the Velon world, there were very few people who joined the healing church at the beginning, only 13 people. The medical school people laughed and called them thirteen disciples, and Joshua was ridiculously called Son.

In the first few years of the establishment of the Healing Church, there was nothing strange about what they did. What they did most was to nurture or find some herbs that can help church members enter the state more easily during meditation and prayer. At the same time also excavated some monuments and so on with the archaeological community.

Until one day, the Church of the Lord of the Sky in the Kingdom of the United States and the United States suddenly arrested Joshua and executed it before the medical school responded. His thirteen disciples, one betrayed and twelve fled, The healing church appeared in the eyes of all countries in the world.

However, at this time, more attention was focused on the religious lawsuit in the Orthodox Court of the Sky Church and the medical school, because this lawsuit will become a standard case, legally addressing religious canon and judicial occurrence in various countries. The problems encountered during the conflict.

As for Joshua, who healed the church, more people remembered his crazy act of trying to steal the relics of the Lord of the sky, and remembered the speeches of the kingdom of God on the earth before he was burned to death by the church. He lived in the name of his son who sounded ridiculous.

Everyone thought that the healing church would completely disappear after this incident, but it was unexpected that the healing church gradually developed after a few years, and was much larger than the beginning, forming a cross-church The special religious organization of cross-learning is like an orthodox court. Moreover, with the increase of members, its influence has gradually expanded, and the internal system has also been improved, forming the current twelve patriarchal system, and eventually developed into the current huge scale.

The vast majority of people who joined the healing church were attracted by Joshua’s speeches before the death of the kingdom of the earth. Both the clergy who were unwilling in the church and the mechanics who admired science, almost all people in all industries Standards for healing the church can be added. The blood wizard Lawrence Hillman used to be the one who healed the church. Anne Eve, Rupert Fitz, and Sylvia were all members of the church healed, but later withdrew.

The reason why Sylvia they will withdraw from the healing church is because the healing methods of the church are becoming more and more extreme.

The original healing church was still a very gentle academic sect, discussing some philosophical ideas such as people, gods, and the world, but as people from all walks of life continued to join, sect ideas became more and more chaotic, and The more extreme. Like the blood wizard Lawrence Hillman, what he did when he implemented blood therapy was absolutely not allowed in the healing of the church. For this reason, they actively exposed Lawrence's evil deeds and expelled them from the sect. But now, what the Healing Church did was the same as Lawrence Hillman's back then. It can be seen that the Healing Church has been completely occupied by extremists, which is the main reason why Sylvia will curse those people as lunatics.

"Are you sure healed the church?" Leo asked in a deep voice after listening to Sylvia's introduction to the healing church.

Sylvia, who had calmed down, sighed and said, "I can be sure, but I certainly have no use. There is no evidence to prove that they intervened. Everyone will only think that it is the medical school. "

"Isn't the cure of the church a medical school?" Leo asked puzzled.

"Of course not." Sylvia immediately corrected Leo's wrong view, saying: "Although the healing church originates from the medical school, and the members of the healing church are mainly medical schools, the healing church itself is not a medical school. Part of the same, although it’s called the church, it’s not part of the Orthodox Court. How can it be said? It should be an independent organization that parasitizes the church, medical school, and governments like parasites. Their only purpose is to create Create a new deity to rule the world and make everything under the control of the deity into a peaceful order."

Leo asked curiously, "Why did you join such an organization?"

"Their claim to the kingdom of God on the ground is too confusing, and people can't help but fall in. At the time, the situation of our witch group was not very good. It also has great benefits for the Witch Group." Sylvia explained briefly, but then listened and said, "In addition, I was also young at the time and wanted more insight, as long as it is a dark world organization. , I can join almost all of them, and healing the church is just one of them."

Leo asked: "What are you going to do now?"

"Waiting." Sylvia sighed and said, "Only waiting to see how things will develop." Then, she suddenly abruptly confirmed to Leo: "You just said that inside the old mine pit. The magic of it will make people feel involuntarily scared after contact, Vasqi said that it is a secret realm, right?"

"Not everyone can feel this kind of fear, Vasqi can't feel this kind of fear, and she really said it was a secret." Leo asked a little puzzled: "Why? Is there anything wrong with the secret?"

"No, there is no problem?" Sylvia shook her head, but there was a very serious expression on her face, obviously not consistent with what she said. Perhaps it was because she also felt that her expression was a bit wrong, so before Leo asked, she changed her mouth and said, "I may know what is inside."

"What is it?" Leo asked with interest.

"It should be the source of fear," Sylvia explained.

However, just one noun does not lift Leo’s doubts, so he asks again: "What is the source of fear?"

"I also want to know." Sylvia looked dignified, and did not continue to explain, but deliberately divert the topic, to: "What are you going to do? Are you still in Miria City?"

Leo looked at Sylvia and asked, "Do you need me to stay?"

Sylvia heard such a direct question, stunned, a slight blush on her face, but she hesitated a little, but did not want Leo to stay, but took it out of a box I have prepared some documents for a long time and said: "You are better off leaving here. There are some things where your identity is not suitable for intervention. In addition, my latest information shows that the situation in the port of Leon has some problems, except for a few black market vessels. Other ships can’t go out anymore, so you’d better cross the mountains and go to the port of Lyon on the other side to take the international cruise ship Inge Kingdom. These documents and money are prepared by me to keep you on the road.”

Leo did not immediately reach out to pick it up, but looked at Sylvia, with an inexplicable look in his eyes, and asked slightly seriously: "Are you also involved?"

"How do you ask?" Although Sylvia's expression did not change, Leo was able to notice that her pupils contracted slightly.

Leo did not answer Sylvia’s rhetorical question, but reached out and took the ID and money, put it in his coat pocket, and then handed the psionic firearm that he had never used to Sylvia, some Plainly said: "This gun is for you, you should need him more than me."

Sylvia hesitated for a moment, UU looked at, looked at Leo, reached for his gun, and said, "After your gun is repaired, I will let someone send it to you."

"Trouble you." Leo nodded, not staying here any longer, and quickly walked out of the cave.

Sylvia stood silently, with a blank expression on her face. She didn’t know what she was thinking. After a while, she saw that she suddenly swept everything on the table beside her to the ground. Even the table was overturned, and with her anger, her body also changed, gradually becoming the look of Baron Mopossant.

"Head, you..." The men next to it were obviously the first time they saw Sylvia showing this change in front of them. They were all very surprised and shocked. They were speechless for a long time.

"According to the original plan, continue to monitor them." Sylvia, who had become the baron of Maupassant, said fiercely. "Once they have achieved results, they should start immediately and don't wait any longer."

Hearing Leo’s words, Sylvia squeezed a little smile, nodded and said, "I know."

"Yes, head." The hole sounded everyone's response.

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