In the universe where the Earth Federation is located, there are as many civilizations as bright stars, and the Earth Federation is not the most powerful among these civilizations. It is only moderate. There are several civilizations that divide the control area by galaxies. The true imperial overlord, the high elf civilization is such a civilization.

The high elf civilization is just what the people of the Earth Federation call this civilization, because the main race of the high elf civilization is very similar to the elves in various myths and legends on the earth, regardless of their appearance, culture and architecture, making them see them for the first time. Everyone wrongly regards them as elves. In the end, there is such a name that only circulates inside the Earth Federation. In fact, they call themselves Ya Gu, which means the source in the language of the universe.

As one of the oldest races in the universe, the high elf civilization is also the earliest civilization involving subspace. It is rumored that the high elves even built psionic fortresses resident in subspace. These fortresses are both cities and lighthouses, and they are also resistant to subspace. Space frontier position.

Although the Commonwealth of the Earth has already come into contact with subspace, the research on subspace is still very shallow, only the fur. Most of the knowledge about subspace comes from several higher civilizations in the universe, and the deepest exploration of subspace The high elven civilization is one of them, and the subspace guide they published every 1,000 years can be said to be the vane of the exploration of subspace by the universe civilization.

The argument about the existence of creatures in subspace first appeared in the subspace guide published by the high elf civilization. After several thousand years, the high elf civilization finally named the subspace creatures as strange, and introduced some common differences in detail. Strange, and the fear monster is one of them.

Whether there are creatures or strangeness in subspace, there has never been a conclusion in the medium civilizations such as the Earth Federation. Those medium civilizations surrendered to the high elf civilization are extremely convinced of this statement, while other independent civilizations such as the Earth Federation He doubts this statement, because these civilizations have sailed countless times in subspace, but have never seen the legendary strangeness.

However, Leo is different from others. His experience of subspace navigation allows him to be sure that subspace strangeness is real, and because of this experience, he actively collected a lot of information about subspace strangeness. Among these materials, the dreads are the most abundant.

There is no mention of the appearance of the fear demon in all the materials. There are several civilized materials that the fear demon does not exist at all. It should be some kind of sub-space psionic wave, which can affect the thoughts and emotions of living things It makes people have a fear that is too strong to control, and then go crazy.

However, all data believe that fear is the basis of the existence of fear demons. The strength of fear demons is also related to the emotion of fear. The stronger the fear, the stronger the power of fear demons.

The reason why Leo believes that the massacre in Yucheng District is related to the demon is because the form of the massacre is surprisingly similar to some cases recorded in the materials he has seen in the past. A series of similar tragedies occur every time in the same area.

"It seems necessary to see the murder scene again tomorrow!" Leo lay on the cleaned table, thinking as he closed his eyes and rested.

Nothing happened. Leo was awake when he woke up. The defensive measures around the station were intact, indicating that no one was close to it.

Leo was near a pond outside the house, cleared the dust on his body, packed up the traps arranged last night, and set off for the murder scene in Yucheng District.

Although the city of Milia is already in dilapidated condition, millions of refugees are trapped here and are struggling to survive, but the morning market in Yucheng District is still the same, even busier than in the past. The empire blocked all entrances and exits of the city of Milia, but it was unable to completely close the river, and it was impossible to restrict the movement of fish, so the fishermen along the river were still able to catch a large number of catches every day.

In addition, the river channel is also the main route of smuggling channels such as the black market. The pier in Yucheng District has almost been occupied by various smuggling objects. The gangs, black market and various underground forces are gathered here to collect their own living things. A large number of refugees are also Gathered here, just want to see if there is a chance to buy some cheap items from here.

Leo drilled through the crowd and entered the alleys of Yucheng District, and soon came to the house where the previous murder occurred.

Although one night has passed, the number of curious people around has not decreased, and the people in the black market are still guarding the house, and others are strictly prohibited from entering.

Leo looked at the black market guards around him, and then walked to a person who was obviously above him and said to him: "I want to go in and see."

The captain of the guard was stunned for a moment, an angry look appeared on his face, and he reached out and grabbed the short stick around his waist, and was ready to call his men to teach the arrogant stranger in front of him.

But Leo did not have any hands-on moves, just reached out and made a gesture in front of the captain, the captain's look immediately changed, his eyes became a little confused, and said according to Leo's previous request: "You Go in and see!"

Although the captain's voice was not loud, it was enough for other guards to hear. The guard standing at the door also moved away and gave way.

Leo Mai stepped into the room, and silently recorded the entire process and consumption of the Demon Hunter Akxifayin, which was just cast using the power of the nightmare. Although the hunter spell seal requires the power of nightmare, it has to be said that in terms of immediate effects, the hunter spell seal is more obvious than the casting action and spell form, and it needs a lot of time to prepare the witchcraft.

After entering the room where the murder occurred, Leo did not use the spiritual network or psionic energy to perceive the surrounding psionic fluctuations, because according to his understanding, the dread demon is the subspace strangeness that is best at psionic camouflage, as long as it does not reach the real world Omega level, even as strong as the ninth level psionics, it is difficult to see through the psionic disguise of the dread.

The only clue to looking for the fear demon is to observe with the naked eye. In several documents that Leo has seen, there are some methods for judging whether this ritual murder is caused by the fear demon. Through these methods, the fear demon habit can be found to stay. Mark of.

Leo walked to the corpse that had not been removed, and used a twin sacrificial knife to peel off the scalp of the corpse, carefully scraped off a thin layer of fat under the scalp, leaked the skull, and then looked carefully on the skull trace.

"Sure enough..." Leo's eyes quickly fell on the skull near the back of the head, and carefully wiped the fat and blood covered on it, revealing a mark that looked like a scar.

The mark of fear, which is the name given to it by the cosmic civilization. The fear demon will leave an obscure mark of fear on the skull of the prey before starting, but this mark does not necessarily appear. Just like Leo's other corpses that were to be dissected next, there is only one body with this mark.

At this moment, a sound of footsteps came from outside the door. Leo checked it with Spirit Net and found that someone was going upstairs, but he did not evade, but stayed in place because the person who happened to be his acquaintance. , Is also the person he came to see in Miriam City.

I saw that the sound of footsteps stopped outside the door, and then someone pushed the door in. The first thing I saw was a three-reel thick tube revolver. This type of gun was only popular in the dark world in recent months. , Because of the use of more powerful special bullets, it also has a very strong damage to some powerful dark world people.

With the door fully opened, Yong Baili Weiai with a messy hair and a tired look came in, but when he saw Leo standing beside the body, the whole person froze for a while. After recovering, he tried to suppress the shock in his heart, walked into the room, put the gun away, and closed the door again. Then he said to Leo: "I didn't expect you to be alive?"

"You are not the first person to think so." Leo responded.

Yong Berry asked again: "The people who went in with you..."

"It's not clear, maybe it's dead or it might be alive." Leo gave an answer before Yongberg finished, and asked back: "Is there a night watch among those people?"

"The students of the Wasteland Shaman are the night watchmen." Yong Berry explained: "Since the Wasteland Shaman entered the 9th Golden Oak Street, he has been to Miria City many times."

"Well." Leo simply responded, and did not tell Yongberg about the situation of the wasteland shaman. After all, even he didn't know the true situation of the wasteland shaman.

Seeing Leo did not intend to say anything, Yong Berry was also very interesting and did not ask, nor did he want to ask about the matter of 9 Golden Oak Street. In his view, this kind of thing is not much more important than the things he deals with today.

"This case is the same as it was then." Yong Berry looked at the scene of the murders around him, and quickly gave an answer with rich experience. Then he asked Zhao Leiou: "Are you here to investigate this case?"

"No." Leo responded: "It's just by the way."

"Any clues?" Yongberg asked directly.

Leo did not mean to find it, and pointed to the two skulls that had just found the mark of fear.

Yong Baili followed Leo's finger position, walked over and looked closely, and also saw the mark. Although he did not know what the mark meant, the same mark appeared on both skulls, which was obviously very unusual and was a clue worth pursuing.

"Do you know what the mark is?" Yongberg turned around and asked Leo.

"Fear Mark of Fear." Leo replied.

"Fear of Demon?" Yong Baili was stunned when he heard this strange name, and then he remembered the monsters and family members hidden in the crowd recorded in the night watchman's manual, and did not find the answer, so he could not help but reveal his doubts. The color, asked Leo: "What monster is that?"

Leo also didn't mean the answer, and told Yong Berry about the fear demon, but the content about those universe civilizations in these materials was deleted by him.

"Subspace?" Obviously, there are still some things in the materials that I don't understand.

Leo did not intend to explain it to Yongberg in accordance with the scientific terminology of the Earth Federation’s scientific community to interpret subspace, but after a little thought, he said: "Some space is like a world leading to No. 9 Golden Oak Street ."

Hearing Leo’s explanation, Yongberg was even more surprised, because he had obtained a big secret about 9 Golden Oak Street, but he did not continue to ask, because he knew very well that there were fewer secrets, right The less harmful you are, it is not a good thing to be too curious.

"Is there a way to catch this monster?" Yong Baili asked in a deep voice.

Although Miria City is now in chaos, and the forces of all parties have cut Miria City into small pieces like a cake, but Miriam City is still intact in Yongberg's heart, and this is also the future The cornerstone of the Republic of Melia is that he is absolutely not allowed to have monsters doing things here.

It is a pity that the data in Leo's hand only mentioned how to judge whether the murder involved a demon, but it did not involve how to catch this subspace strange, so I can only shake my head with anticipation Yong Baili, and then think a little After a while, he said: "It can only wait for its next crime. It needs to arrange a ceremony during the crime, torture the victim, and make the victim have a strong fear, so it will definitely take some time, as long as we can find it during this time It is possible to catch it."

Hearing Leo’s proposal, Yongberg also nodded in agreement, and then asked: "Since you came back to Miria City for this case, why?"

"I came for the plague ring." Leo said.

"I'm also investigating this matter." Yong Baili's face became very gloomy, and said: "There are already some clues."

Leo guessed: "Wouldn't your clue point to Lawrence Hillman, the blood wizard?"

"You found it too." Yongberg froze, saying, "Although I think the clues are somewhat unreliable, think about the things Lawrence Hillman did in the past, and think..."

"Not Lawrence Hillman." Leo shook his head and said, "I went to see him last night. He didn't take the plague ring, and he knew he was framed by someone. He is investigating this matter now. Also entrusted me to investigate this matter."

Yongberg did not fully believe Leo’s words. UU read but he did not refute it. It seems that he should continue to confirm it and not directly. Then he seemed to himself, asking, "Who would it be if he weren't a blood wizard?"

Leo pondered for a moment and analyzed: "The person who first obtained the plague ring must definitely profit from the plague that was created, and then must not be suspected, and finally must be able to put an end to this disaster, otherwise it is really When it became a major plague, things became unmanageable, and no matter how great the interests were then, I am afraid that they would not be able to resist the anger of all countries."

After listening to it, Yong Berry couldn't help but smiled and said: "When you say this, you think the medical school seems to be the murderer behind the incident."

"Medical school?" Leo was stunned, staring at Yong Berry, and a very likely guess appeared in his mind.


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