The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 220: Inquire and trace

Leo bent over and picked out what he had just found out of a pile of rubble, put it in his palm, and looked at it seriously. The surprised look on his face became stronger and stronger, and finally reached the level of overflowing words.

I saw that the thing placed on Leo's palm was a crystalline body of rice grain size. Although it was small in size, it radiated a real light. In this dark environment, it was particularly eye-catching.

"It turned out to be a negative energy crystal?" Leo looked at the crystal that made him feel familiar, and couldn't help but be surprised.

In the universe of the Earth Federation, although the subspace is full of unpredictable dangers, all cosmic civilizations and nations, including the Earth Federation, have never stopped exploring and researching subspace, and negative energy crystallization is one of them. one.

Negative energy crystal is a special ore produced in subspace. Before Leo came to the world of Velon, scientists of the Earth Federation could not find out the reason for the formation of negative energy crystal. But ignorance of the source of negative energy crystals does not prevent the use of this subspace ore by civilizations in the universe.

In fact, the various civilizations of the universe used the negative energy crystallization very widely at the time. For example, star destroyers used for weapons, antimatter bombs, etc. all need negative energy spars. The most widely used place is actually the navigator of the subspace ship. If there is no negative energy crystal as the navigation material, any spaceship entering the subspace may be disoriented. The final arrival may be tens of even different from the expected arrival. Millions of light years.

However, now that the cosmological problem that plagues countless scientists in the universe where the Earth Federation is located, Leo seems to have inadvertently found the answer. He has vaguely discovered the secret of the formation of negative energy crystals.

Obviously, this negative energy crystal is the product of the soul bonfire rune just now, and its raw material is probably the negative spirits left after the bonfire purifies the soul, such as despair, pain, regret, etc.

At this time, Leo couldn't help but think of the scene of the tragedy he had seen before. Several of the dead were tortured so violently in his life. Originally, he thought it was only a necessary part of some kind of evil **** ritual. In order to increase the negative spirits of fear, pain and despair, the murderer then condenses into negative energy crystals through the runes from the abandoned capital.

Thinking of this, Leo felt that he needed to go back to the scene to check it out, perhaps to find more useful clues, and his strong curiosity also made him interested in the murderer who had been hidden for many years.

After temporarily ignoring the use of negative energy crystals in his storage space, Leo observed the negative energy crystals in the storage space, and then tried to use it to touch several other important items in the storage space. Items, such as feathers, did not cause any abnormalities.

Leo slightly disappointed and turned his attention to the real world. He stepped over to the three unconscious church members of the True Eye Church and checked the items on the three. Two of them are just ordinary scavengers, and most of them carry some items that the scavengers always have. The other member of the family who is clan-based should be the true believer of the True Eye Church. Not only did he find the True Eye The badge of the high-level missionary, and a sacred book of the true eye.

Leo ignored the two ordinary believers, but carried the clan believers up and walked towards a habitable ruined house he had found before.

This ruined house is the first floor of a small building. The upper part has been destroyed by the bombing, but the first floor of the house is still standing. It is suitable for a temporary shelter from the wind and rain. The reason why such a good place will remain vacant is mainly because it is located on the edge of the bow area. Although it is not within the range of the psionic magnetic field, no one dares to live here, or even no one dares It's close to here, so it's also very quiet, and you won't be disturbed by anything.

Leo threw the clan members on the ground, used a cleaning technique to clean up the dust in the room, and then sat on a well-preserved chair, lying on the ground, and said: "How long will you lie down?"

The people on the ground did not react.

Leo continued: "A person may be able to disguise the breathing rate when he is asleep, but it is difficult for him to disguise his heartbeat. Your heartbeat frequency tells me that you are now awake and you are nervous and frightened."

Hearing Leo’s words, this family member could no longer pretend to be comatose, opened his eyes, stood up from the ground, and took off the hood on his head, revealing his appearance with obvious family changes, Said: "Bayes has seen Master Wizard."

Leo looked at the mutated organs of the clan in front of him, and saw that there were some tentacles with scales on the corners of his eyes. There were no pupils in the eyeballs, all were white eyes, and they looked very strange. Although the fluctuation of psionic energy in the other party is still very weak, Leo can clearly feel that this pulsation fluctuation is exactly the same as the psionic fluctuation of the real eye at that time, so Leo can't help but think of the reality that has become a lake Bury the eye.

"That was given to you by the real eye?" Leo said, pointing at the other person's mutated eyes without turning around.

"My Lord's gift." Bayes knew his current situation well, so he dared not hide anything, and responded honestly.

Leo asked another key question, saying: "Has the True Eye Church been incorporated into the Serpent Mother Church?"

Regarding this issue of relationship and belief, Bayes quickly explained: "My Lord is only an alliance with the source of the snake, not being annexed."

"Have you not been annexed?" Leo slightly smiled contemptuously: "A person like you who gains the true eye grace should have a certain position in the true eye church? But a common member of the snake mother church can Directing you to do things, this kind of alliance is a bit novel."

Bayes' face immediately became extremely gloomy, and he couldn't hide his eyes in a hate, but he didn't know whether this hatred was aimed at Leo, who exposed the scar, or the snake mother church who bullied them.

However, Leo is not in a mood to pay attention to Bayes’ emotions. He has obtained the clues he wanted from the conversation just now. The body of the real eye should be taken away by the snake mother church, and it seems that the snake The mother church also used the real eye. Not only can it control the believers of the True Eye Church, but it can even give the believers divine grace and make the believers family-oriented. This is almost equivalent to the snake mother church mastering the power of a higher creature with eight levels of spiritual power.

Bayes quickly quelled the hatred in his eyes and lowered his body. He looked like a humble servant and asked Leo: "Your Excellency, grab me, what do you want me to do?"

Although he had obtained the desired information from Bayes, Leo felt that he might be able to extract more useful information from the members of this underground church, so he thought about it a little and said, "I don't need you What are you doing, just have a few questions to ask you, after answering, you can go."

"You ask! I will answer truthfully." Bayes nodded quickly.

Leo Shensheng asked: "Which of the observer churches that are now also part of your underground church? Why have I never heard of it?"

Hearing Leo’s question was not related to the secret of his church, Bayes immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said truthfully: "These churches are not part of our underground church, and I have never heard of this before. There are several churches. However, there is news from the Shemu Church. Don’t easily enter the refugee city controlled by these churches. I heard that because of the imperial support behind these churches, if there is a conflict with them, it may attract the imperial team. ."

"What is your opinion?" Leo asked.

"My opinion?" Bayes asked puzzlingly: "Is this the opinion of these emerging churches?"

Leo nodded.

Bayes was silent for a moment, and said: "I think these churches should be the tools sent by the empire to differentiate Miriah refugees. As long as they join these churches, those Miriah refugees will become the vassal of the empire. People, with plenty of food and safe accommodation, as for others who are unwilling to take possession, once the front-line war subsides, the empire will definitely clean up those who are unwilling to take possession."

Hearing the views of Bayes, Leo also has a certain understanding of the real-eye clan in front of him, knowing that the other party should have learned a little knowledge from the True Eye church and can carry out some analysis of current affairs, but it is hampered by vision, etc. Problem, the analysis result has no reference value.

Seeing that he couldn’t get more information about the ancient god’s emerging church from Bayes, Leo asked another question he wanted to know: “Do you know where the plague ring is?”

This question made Bayes silent for a moment. Obviously this matter has involved the secret plan of the True Eye Church, and Leo did not make any rhetorical questions, but just looked at the other side quietly, and his body also distributed arbitrarily. The bursts of power created a certain amount of pressure on the other party's psychology.

"The plague ring is in the hands of the blood wizard." Bayes finally could not bear the pressure, and said the answer he knew.

After hearing this answer, Leo was stunned, but he soon wondered why the underground church thought that the plague ring was in the hands of the blood wizard, but he did not intend to explain for Lawrence Hillman, but instead On the topic, I asked the third question: "Do you know the massacre in Yucheng District?"

"Massage?" Bayes was stunned, a little dazed. After all, the fish city is the safest place in Miria City, but that is only relative to other places in Miria City. There are also many people who die because of various reasons, and there are countless things that can be regarded as tragedies, so he was not clear for a time what Leo said the tragedy was.

"Skin, sacrifice." Leo gave a hint.

After Bayes listened, his face immediately changed, and his expression was full of fear and panic. He quickly excused and said: "This is not what we did. We are not preaching the sacrifice set now. That was a long time ago. Now, there is no difference between our missionary methods and those of the churches in the Orthodox Church. It’s just because the propaganda of the Orthodox Church makes us bear the reputation of being cultists."

It is not difficult to see that Bayes regarded Leo as a bounty hunter or night watchman who hunted down evil gods and quickly defended his church. It’s just that he is obviously not a high-level church, and he does not know that the core high-level church of the Real Eye Church will still make some large-scale sacrifices from time to time to please their masters, just like the sacrifice that was destroyed by Leo and others. same.

"I know it wasn't you who did it." Leo refuted the other's excuse, indicating that he didn't have to panic and said, "I just asked, do you know who did it?"

Bayes’s emotions stabilized a little, and I recalled carefully, saying: "I heard the old man in the church say that the murderer who did this case did not appear recently, and has appeared in the past, and has appeared. After committing several such cases in the future, they will be hidden, and after a few years, when everyone forgets this matter, it will appear again..."

"Wait!" Leo suddenly stopped Bayes, seemingly inspired by Bayes's words, a contemplative look on his face, and after a while, he said to himself: "Could it be This is his purpose in doing these things?"

After saying this, Leo raised his hand to signal that Bayes could leave.

Seeing Leo's gesture, Bayes was a little stunned. Some could not believe that the other party let him go easily, but he soon realized that Leo did not continue to ask other questions. So he walked back carefully out of this ruined house, and did not turn around until he walked a long distance away. He ran away in an unrecognized direction like escape, quite a sense of escape.

Bayes's departure did not affect Leo's thinking. He has now got some inspiration and clues from Bayes's words just now, and he can vaguely infer who the perpetrators of these **** crimes were.

Just now Bayes said that this murderer is not the first crime. He will take action again every few years, when people are about to forget those murders, to create murders, to evoke people's horrible memories of the murder.

This inadvertent sentence may seem to Leo’s purpose as the murderer. Then the murderer wants to create a long and strong This kind of emotion is just like other human emotions. Too much experience will numb this emotion, and even more will no longer feel fear.

However, when fear is temporarily forgotten and there is still a trace of impression, the fear is reawakened, then the fear emotions generated in people's hearts will become more intense and the duration will become longer.

And for the murderer, not all fears are useful, because in the current city of Melia, the emotions of fear are always occurring. If the murderer only needs fear, there is no need to do this kind of murder, so the murderer needs Fear can only be a fear of him.

Such an obviously incomparable feature made Leo quickly think of a strange dread that should not exist in the world of Velon.


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