When Qiao An activated the implant to gain the power to see the real world, the empty stone house in front of him instantly disappeared, and he suddenly found himself on a huge stone platform. .

This platform seems to be suspended in a void, the sky and the surroundings are full of darkness, and that darkness does not know the darkness of the night, but a kind of indescribable deep darkness. Long-term gaze will produce a kind of being sucked out by the soul. The illusion of the body.

On the platform, there are towering obelisks erected. At the top of the obelisk is a crystal that emits a strong light. These crystal lights illuminate the platform and are also placed like barriers. The surrounding darkness penetrated.

Under the obelisk, the stone ground was neatly divided into grids, and a large metal-like table was placed in those grids. There was a person lying on many of the tables, and some people had become corpses. Some people are still alive, and there are some mechanical tentacle-like devices around the sitting position. These devices are controlled by strange monsters.

Qiao An soon discovered that these monsters were not monster phantoms he had seen through the power of implants, but real monsters.

While seeing these monsters, these monsters also found him, and they all looked at him in unison.

A strong sense of crisis was generated in his mind, which made him instinctively respond to self-help, stop activating the implant, and withdraw from the state of being able to see the real world.

However, his movements are obviously a little slow, and a tall monster with a tentacle head and a height of three meters, who is not far away from him, has stretched out the long arm that can easily touch the ground and grabbed it towards him. , And before the power of his implant completely disappeared, the palm of the suction cup composed of a dozen slender fingers would have grabbed his arm.

When the power of the implant was blocked, Qiao An instantly broke away from the platform and returned to the stone house in the upper resident. It was just that not only he would come, but the tentacle monster that grabbed his arm.

Just when the monster hadn’t understood what was going on, Petunia, who was waiting by the side, had already come from shock. The well-trained casually took out a bottle of special potion from the hanging bottle on her waist. The monster that appeared threw it over.

Unsurprisingly, the potion bottle hit the monster, and the special thin glass of the bottle shattered instantly. When the liquid inside encountered the outside air, it immediately volatilized into a mist, filling the entire room.

Before the mist filled the room, Petunia had already drunk a bottle of antidote and quickly retreated to a safe place. As for Qiao Ann, she did not immediately step forward to rescue him from the monster's palm.

When the aerosol filled the whole room, I heard two dull sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground. After the concentration of the aerosol reached its peak, it did not last for too long, and it quickly dissipated. Petunia could also see clearly in the room. condition.

I saw that the huge monster was fainted by the power of the potion at this moment, fell to the ground and fell asleep, and under it was the same stunned Qiao An.

Petunia immediately stepped forward and dragged Qiao Ann out from under the monster, then took out a bottle of antidote and poured it into Qiao Ann's mouth, and immediately asked after seeing Qiao Ann wake up from her drowsiness. "What happened just now? How could that monster suddenly appear next to you, still holding your hand? Fortunately, I have received special training from the teacher and I have not been scared, otherwise..."

"Monster, yes, it's a monster! I saw a lot of monsters." Qiao An hadn't recovered from the side effects of the drug at first, didn't understand what was going on, just like someone who was forcibly woken up from his sleep. With a dazed expression, he didn't remember what he had just done until he saw the monster in front of him, and quickly said: "There are still many monsters on that platform, here and that platform are connected, they may come back here at any time, we You can't take it here, you must leave immediately!"

Petunia didn't quite understand what Joan said, but she didn't ask Joan to explain in more detail until Joan's power was able to let him see what most people couldn't see. Instead, she followed Joan's advice and stood up. Come and prepare to leave.

"Wait!" Joanne stopped Petunia, then pointed to the monster lying on the ground, and said, "Bring it back, too, and show it to Mr. Leo."

Hearing Qiao'an's suggestion, Petunia nodded and directly used the psionic technique of controlling objects to lift the monster from the ground. Although the interference power of the stone house also had some influence on psychic energy, it was not like a spiritual net. It was so strong, but much weaker. Under this kind of interference, Petunia was able to hold up a three-meter-high monster with psionic skills.

The two quickly left the stone house and found a carriage with a shoe upper near the stone house. They stuffed the monster into the carriage. They did not pretend to be members of the shoe upper, so they jumped directly into the driver's seat of the carriage and drove the carriage. , Drove out of the upper fortress.

Compared to the process of entering the upper station, leaving the upper station is much easier. Those who are stationed outside the high wall of the upper station see the carriage coming out of the station, and then see the carriage clearly through the lanterns hung on the carriage Put on the badge of the shoe upper, and didn't care whether the coachman on the carriage was his own person and let him go easily.

However, on the way they left the shanty town, they almost encountered a car accident, because there was only a narrow and winding road from the city to the shanty town. At a corner, a double-storey shed blocked Qiao Ann’s The line of sight, and the carriage on the opposite side of the road was also blocked. The two carriages met at the corner and directly collided.

Fortunately, Petunia reacted in time, using psionic skills to forcibly twist the direction of travel of the two carriages, just enough to make the two carriages pass by, and the accident did not happen.

After staggering, the carriage stopped under the control of the coachman. The people in the carriage walked down in disorderly clothes and cursed loudly. It was obvious that the violent movement of the car just now caused the people in the carriage to encounter a collision and suffered. Suffered a little injury.

And Qiao Ann did not stop the carriage, still controlled the reins, and allowed the carriage to move forward, but Petunia, who was sitting next to him, turned around, stretched out and threw it, and looked at the situation of the carriage behind the carriage, and she saw the slave The person who got off the carriage immediately retracted his head, and whispered to Joan next to him, "It's Staf."

Hearing Petunia’s words, Joan immediately speeded up and drove away from here. He could guess that Staf must have gone to the upper, so what they did on the upper would be discovered soon. Before Staf's people began to search the city, they sent the monster in the carriage to Leo, and then dealt with the carriage and all traces left by them.

Because it was late at night, the road conditions in the city were very good, there were no people, and there were no horse-drawn carriages. The horse-drawn carriage driven by Qiao An soon arrived in the city where Leo's apartment was located.

However, they did not go directly to Leo’s apartment. Instead, they slowed down and drove the carriage into a dark alley after Leo’s apartment that no one passed by and was unlit, and passed by. When Leo's apartment was behind, she didn't stop either, but Petunia used the psionic support to lift the sleeping monster in the carriage, and jumped off the carriage together, and then the monster moved to the shade of the tree on the side of the road.

In this way, even if the people in the houses on both sides of the road hear the sound of a carriage running over the slabs on the road, they will only think that a carriage is passing by, and will not feel that something is coming off the carriage.

When Joan went to deal with the carriage and wipe out the traces, Penito held the monster and entered Leo's apartment from the back door. Without disturbing the servants of the apartment, he went straight to the study room with the lights on and knocked outside the study room. Knock on the door.

"Come in!" Leo's voice came from the door.

Petunia opened the door and walked in. Leo was not asleep. Instead, she sat next to the stove, holding an academic version of the history of religions in mainland China and looking through it. Sylvia was not in the study, so she should go to her. Those underground intelligence organizations under control have dealt with things.

When Leo saw the monster lifted by Penny’s psionic energy behind him, his face showed a little surprise, but the surprise did not last long, so he subsided, followed him to stand up, and motioned to Penny to place the monster. On the floor, he stood beside the monster, looking up and down, his eyes seemed to show memories.

"Have you seen such a monster?" Petunia asked speculatively after seeing the change on Leo's face.

"Monster?" Leo looked at the ignorant and fearless Petunia, smiled, and said: "He is not a monster. He should be a smart race higher than humans in terms of life form."

"Wisdom race? It?" Petunia pointed to the monster on the ground with some surprise, obviously there was a big gap between this and the Wisdom race in her mind.

Leo said slowly: "His race is named Nordahan, which means children of water in their own language. They live on a special ocean planet, and the entire planet has evolved more than fifty different types. In the end, they became the only one, and their race also evolved into a unique higher civilization in the universe."

"Planet?" Petunia had learned this word from Leo, and she didn't know what the word meant, so she said with some surprise: "This monster comes from the starry sky civilization?"

"Yes." Leo nodded, and did not continue to tell about the Nordahan, but his mind quickly sorted and recalled all the information about the Nordahan.

As Leo said, the civilization created by the Nordahan people is an advanced civilization in the universe, which is not accessible to a medium civilization such as the Earth Federation, and more importantly, the Nordahan people have come into contact with other people as early as the Earth Federation. The alien civilization had disappeared from the universe before. As for why the Nordahan civilization disappeared, there was no accurate answer until Leo died in battle.

Although the civilization of the Nordahan people has disappeared, the products of the Nordahan civilization are still used by other civilizations in the universe, especially the medium civilization of the Earth Federation that needs to use water to change the climate of the colonial star.

The Nordahan people invented a planetary transformation device that can create an ocean on a barren planet with suitable gravity, and then change the planet's environment and climate through the ocean.

However, after the Nordahan civilization disappeared, no one understood the manufacturing principle. In the end, other advanced civilizations produced a much less effective imitation. The Earth Federation used to spend a lot of money from others. A more advanced medium civilization rented three such planetary transformation devices, and with these three devices, the Earth Federation saved hundreds of colonial stars whose environment was deteriorating and declining.

For this reason, the Earth Federation has been collecting information about the Nordahan people for a long time. It does not say how much the Earth Federation worships the Nordahan people, nor is it because of the three devices that saved the colonial stars. For Naodahan’s Aiwu and Wu, their main purpose of collecting data is to try to analyze some Naodahan’s civilization and technology from the data, so as to study the manufacturing methods of those modified devices. After all, they rent three devices. The cost of it is too huge, even a medium civilization like the Earth Federation will not be able to bear it after a long time.

It’s a pity that until Leo died in battle, the Earth Federation did not research any useful content. It was even heard that a device was destroyed due to research. This has evolved into an extremely serious diplomatic event, and more. It may develop into a conflict between two medium civilizations.

It is precisely because the Earth Federation attaches great importance to the Nordahan people, so there is a large amount of information about the Nordahan people in the federal database. These data are some information that can be made public, such as the appearance of the Nordahan people, such as civilization Shape and so on, UU read www.uukanshu.com so Leo was able to recognize the origin of Petunia at first sight when he saw the monster brought by him.

If it is in the Earth Federation, with this living Nordahan, he can switch from the Earth Federation to a colony star. In the Earth Federation, the Nordahan people represent wealth, but now, this Nordahan People are just a trouble in Leo's eyes.

Leo checked the Nordahan and confirmed that his vital signs were normal, but he fell into a deep sleep under the action of the medicine, and he did not have any positioning devices or abnormal energy characteristics on his body, and then asked Penny about them to go to the upper station to perform the exploration. During the mission, what happened and why did he come back with a living Nordahan.

Faced with Leo's question, Petunia also sorted out her words, and then carefully said how they went to the upper station.

Leo didn't pay much attention at first, but after hearing the decision of the two of them outside the stone house, he couldn't help being stunned. Leo didn't expect that these two guys would make such a decision. They went to investigate the upper resident and found out the source of interference in the stone house, but they turned out to directly slaughter the people in the upper resident. This was beyond Leo’s expectation, and he couldn’t help but re-examine the abilities and abilities of the two. Way of thinking.

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