At the moment Qiao'an performed the magical skills of the pseudo-palad knight, he felt like he had become a monster with countless eyes and countless tentacles. Under his control, those tentacles stretched out to the surroundings and covered them silently. Around the stone house, and penetrated into every guard and hound.

He tried to extend the tentacles into the stone room, but felt that there was a force in the room resisting it. He did not forcefully break through, but inspired the next steps of the pseudo-palladin magic skills according to his previous thoughts.

I saw that all the guards and hounds that were infiltrated by his tentacles were as dull and stiff as manipulative puppets, and their necks were instantly twisted twice by an invisible force, like twine. .

When Joan stopped activating the implant and exited that peculiar state, the guards who twisted their necks all fell to the ground, no breath, and the hounds did not fall because of the tail barbs, but they looked like It is a piece of meat hanging around the eaves, swaying with the wind.

"Are you okay?" Petunia didn't look at Qiao An's magical skills, but looked at Qiao An with some worry.

Although Qiao An has withdrawn from that state and stopped stimulating the implant, the negative effect still exerts its effect on him. Not only is his face a little pale, but his expression is also extremely distorted, as if pain and pleasure appear at the same time. The same on his face.

"It's okay, it's okay!" Qiao Ann gasped in a low voice and waved to indicate that Penny didn't have to worry, and said: "It's just the first time to use this ability to deal with so many people. Some of them exceed the limit. It's okay. Just take a break."

Seeing this, Petunia took out her bottle of sober potion used to calm the abnormal mental state, and handed it to Qiao Ann. Qiao Ann was not polite. She raised her head and drank it after receiving the potion. Soon he was abnormal. The state gradually disappeared under the action of the medicine, and his uncontrollable distorted expression also returned to normal.

Seeing that Qiao Ann had returned to normal, Penny’s attention shifted to the stone house again. She looked at the corpses all over the floor and did not feel much discomfort. She was just a little worried. Will it be too big?"

Qiao An also looked at the corpses, frowned, and said, "I just wanted to faint them, do you believe it?"

Hearing the words, Petunia rolled her eyes at Qiao'an, clearly expressing her thoughts.

Qiao An didn't explain it anymore, but the expression on his face looked a little serious, and seemed to be more worried.

In fact, as he said, he really wanted to faint these people and hounds at first, just as he did control exercises with small animals in front of Leo. This is not difficult for him. .

But just now, when he controlled the tentacles that he had transformed with the power of the implants, and penetrated the targets in front of him, an uncontrollable strong desire came out instantly, driving him to change his mind and directly target all the targets. Twist the neck and kill them all.

What puzzled him even more was that after he stopped activating the implant, the extended tentacles did not disappear directly in the air as before, but remained for a period of time, making a retracting action, and shrinking. There was a vague shadow at the end of the tentacles that came back, and these shadows felt like the souls of the targets he had killed.

Thinking back to that scene now, he couldn't help but wonder if those shadows were really souls, and those souls had been eaten by implants. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little worried. He felt that he should talk to Leo as soon as possible. We met and told Leo about the incident. It seemed that Yu knew the problem.

However, the idea of ​​telling Leo about this matter was quickly replaced by another idea in his mind. This idea was that he felt that even telling Leo was useless, because the image just now was probably an illusion, he There is no problem with Leo's body. Now telling Leo there will be no results. It is better to wait until the body shows obvious discomfort.

Just as Qiao Ann was considering whether or not to tell Leo what she had just seen, Petunia on the side pushed him a little bit and said impatiently: "What's the matter with you? At this moment, you are distracted."

"What?" Qiao An was stunned, and soon returned to normal, said.

Petunia took out the mechanical crossbow that Leo had built for her and said, "I ask you what to do next? Do you go in directly, or just solve the other people in the upper, and then go in. Anyway, you have already started. Just be straightforward, lest you encounter any accidents after entering, and get caught in and out of the upper man."

Qiao Ann looked at Penny for a while and didn't know how to answer. He didn't expect that Penny was more murderous than his, and he would instinctively deny her proposal.

It was just when he was about to speak, he inexplicably had an idea of ​​identification in his heart. He felt that Petunia’s proposal was not unreasonable, because they didn’t know what was going on inside. If a warning device was triggered, they would definitely be. They may be in trouble when they encounter a double-sided attack.

The appearance of this thought changed the words that had already reached his lips. Qiao An nodded and said: "You are right. Since you have already started, you can just do it a bit bigger. Anyway, the reputation of the shoe upper is also here. Stinky enough, killing them won't make you feel guilty at all."

Hearing that Qiao Ann agreed to her proposal, Penny looked excited. Because she was with Leo before, Leo could easily solve anything she encountered, and she couldn't fully use the various abilities she had learned. , And there is no way to know how much stronger she is compared to the past. Now that there is a task that provides her with a suitable opportunity, she naturally doesn't want to just complete the task just plainly.

In fact, there is a more important reason that she has inquired about some things about the shoe upper in the last two days, which made her feel that the people in the shoe upper are all beasts. As Qiao An said, these people are treated as mountains by her. Hunting like those wild beasts did not make her feel any guilt.

Petunia also proposed: "Separately move faster, what do you think?"

"Can you do it alone?" Qiao An asked questioningly.

Petunia patted her backpack very confidently, and waved the mechanical crossbow in her hand. Unlike Joan, Petunia got a lot of hunting weapons and tools customized for her from Leo, just these. She had never had the opportunity to use tools and weapons before.

Qiao An looked at Petunia with some envy, and didn't say anything. Compared to Petunia, he only had a knight sword made by Leo for him. Leo didn't give him other tools. If you don't count those special pseudo-palad knight magic skills, most of his own combat power is in the swordsmanship of the church knight, a knight sword is enough, and he can't use other tools for him.

"Wait," after deciding to split up, the two agreed on a round time and they were about to separate, but Joanne suddenly stopped Petunia and said, "You give me a bottle of more sober potion, I might Need to be used."

Petunia hesitated for a while, still took out a bottle of sober potion, handed it to Qiao Ann somewhat reluctantly, and said: "This is what you borrowed."

Joanne reached out to hold the bottle and wanted to take it from Petunia, but Petunia didn't let go, so she didn't pick it up at once.

Seeing this, Joan knew that it would be impossible for Penny to let her go if she didn't agree to Penny's request, so she nodded helplessly and said, "Okay, I borrowed it."

Penny released her hand when she heard JoAnn agree to it, and then she didn't say anything, she quickly got into the shadow on the side, and moved along the wall toward the place she thought might be the resting place for the uppers. .

Qiao An did not leave immediately, but after putting away the sober potions, he walked outside the stone house, quickly dragged the corpses to the dark, hid them, followed him to look at the stone house, and felt the stone house. There was something inexplicable in it that was attracting him, but he was not affected by this attraction. He still moved towards another place where the shoe upper patrol would pass, as discussed with Petunia.

A silent massacre took place at the upper resident. Because of the protection of the high wall and the large number of people outside the high wall guarding the access roads, even the upper members in the resident were performing their daily vigilance. Tasks, but their vigilance is much smaller than that of people outside the station, and even some people in the fixed checkpoints are dozing off or doing other things, and they are not worried about being attacked.

It was under the influence of this unsuspecting mentality that when they faced a deadly attack from the dark, they didn't even have a chance to resist, and they died inexplicably one by one.

Some people were directly pierced by crossbow arrows shot from there, while others were walking on the road and were suddenly cut off by a blade that bounced on the ground. Some people’s necks were inexplicably covered in smaller than their hair. The tough silk thread of the steel cable was hanged alive on the tree next to it.

Without exception, these people died silently, and even the corpses were completely melted into blood under the action of some special medicines.

If during the day the blood water may be very conspicuous, but under the cover of the dark night, the blood water is merged into the darkness, even if someone walks by, it will not feel any abnormality.

On the other hand, the rules of death for the upper members are very simple, all of them twisted their necks to die.

Qiao An didn’t use his knight sword at all, but activated the implant from beginning to end, and then used the pseudo-palad knight’s magical skills to control the implant’s power to form tentacles, and then used the tentacles to control the Nassia target, using the target’s own power. Wrench their necks.

Because he was maintaining the activated state of the implant for a long time, while using the power of the implant, he also found some phenomena that he hadn't discovered before, but he didn't know that this phenomenon was a pseudo-creation created by Leo. The effect of the Paladin's magical skills is still the effect that the implant power originally possessed.

For example, he found that the tentacles that control the target only need to touch the target, even if it touches a little edge, and does not need to penetrate in, they can control all the target's actions. The target cannot make any resistance, even if it has extraordinary powers. People cannot resist this kind of control.

In addition, he is also very sure that those tentacles will draw something from the body of the killed person and absorb it, but whether the extracted thing is the soul in some story or something else, he cannot be sure for the time being, he can be sure. The thing is that after the implant has absorbed these things, there is no change. The ban imposed by Leo on the implant is still working, and he himself did not feel any changes in his body after absorbing these things. Those tentacles just absorbed some air.

There are many people in the upper station, more than 500 people, accounting for almost one-third of the total number of all members of the upper.

However, when so many people faced the assassinations of Petunia and Joanne, they did not last too long. In less than an hour, the people in the upper station were slaughtered and cleaned by the two, and they died under Petunia. People were turned into blood, and the people killed by Qiao An still had corpses.

After the two reunited outside the stone house, Petunia seemed unconscious and suggested: "Just solve the guys outside the wall?"

"Our task is to investigate the situation here, not to kill." Qiao Ann seemed to be very calm, denied Petunia's proposal, and then added: "The Sober Potion has been drunk, and my endurance has reached its limit. If you continue to use the power of the implant, problems may occur."

Hearing this, Petunia didn't say what she had originally planned to propose to do her own hands. She turned to look at the stone house and asked: "What should I do now? Just walk in like this?"

Qiao An turned to look at the silent shoe upper station around him, shrugged, and said, "Do we still need to worry about anything?"

Petunia gave the other person a white glance, took the mechanical bow and crossbow, inserted the new arrow box into the ammunition port, then gestured to Qiao An, then cautiously pushed open the door of the stone house, and walked in cautiously.

Although they had settled on the people in the upper resident and felt that there was no need to worry, after entering the stone house, they were still cautious and did not rush forward. Instead, they carefully checked that there was no danger around them before moving on.

But, UU reading www.uukanshu. After they checked the entire stone house, a puzzled look appeared on their faces, because they found that the stone house was empty and there was nothing, which was obviously the same as Leo observed. The situation does not match.

Petunia couldn't help the confusion in her heart, and said solemnly, "Could it be that they knew in advance that we would be here and transferred everything?"

"No, Mr. Leo mentioned that the Staff had just learned from him that I had appeared near a special place like the upper station, and then we set off. In terms of time, it was impossible for the Staff to notify. Move things here." Qiao An shook his head, and then proposed: "You can try your ability. Mr. Leo said that this is the source of interference with his power, so your ability may also be affected. So that you can know here..."

Before Qiao Ann finished speaking, Petunia tried to use similar psychic techniques to detect psionics. As a result, like Leo’s spiritual network, she was also affected.

"It seems that the source of interference is still here, but we haven't found it." Seeing this, Qiao An thought of a way, so he activated his implants, and wanted to see if the power of the implants could make it possible. He discovered the secret hidden in the stone house.

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