The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1451: West Point College

The middle-aged man hurriedly walked out of the bank, boarded a carriage parked in front of the bank, and then ordered the coachman to go to the old tower, but he stopped the coachman again when he was halfway there. After a moment of contemplation, he commanded again. : "Go to the Holy Prayer House."

   So the carriage turned a direction on a crossroad square, and drove in the opposite direction to the old tower.

   At the same time, at the square where the carriage turned around, Leo, dressed in ordinary wealthy local costumes, and Sylvia, dressed as a veil and noblewoman, watched the carriage leave without continuing to follow.

   "What a clever guy, he could guess that he was being followed." Sylvia couldn't help approving as he watched the carriage disappear in a corner.

The moment Hereza left the pet, Leo and Sylvia were already behind, although Hereza did not make any concealment of his destination or misleading the stalker that might appear before meeting with the transferee. They were a little surprised by his behavior, but after thinking about it, it’s not difficult to understand Hereza’s thoughts. His task is only to deliver things to the handover. As for what happens after the handover, it has nothing to do with him, so The most important thing for him now is not to do the more than things, but to hand over the things as soon as possible, take himself out of this thing, and get the remaining part of the money.

After that, what Hereza and the middle-aged people did in the bank were monitored by Leo’s spiritual network. Although the bank was filled with the guarding powers of different churches here, they obviously did not expect that there would be anyone. I really have the guts to spy on the bank. All the guarding magic and power are used in battle, which makes Leo even able to easily grasp all the movements in the bank without using some extra means.

When the middle-aged man inspected the box, he found the traces he had left on the box deliberately as Leo thought. Leo did this to make the middle-aged man worry about whether the box was opened. Hold the box for a while to find someone who can open the box and know what's in the box.

But the subsequent development made him a little surprised. The middle-aged man actually forgot about the problem on the box when he learned that Qiao An was also Doting and came to Source Continent, and his attention was directly transferred to Qiao An. Obviously, in his mind, the importance of Qiao Ann is more important than that of the box, which makes his behavior after leaving the bank turn to Qiao Ann.

Leo knew the middle-aged man’s behavior well, so the middle-aged man’s change of destination did not affect his judgment. After hearing Sylvia’s words, he turned his head and looked west at Yangjiao. The direction of the tower, said: "However, it doesn't matter, we already know his original destination."

   "The next step is how to find the person who was connected to him in the old tower?" Sylvia also looked at the old tower that was not too eye-catching.

   "This is not difficult." Leo said confidently. The reason why he said so was not without aim, but he really found some clues that could be used as markers.

   Then, the two stopped a carriage by the side of the road and ordered the coachman to go to the old tower.

Although the Old World is a society controlled by gods, churches, and secular feudal nobles, it does not mean that you cannot learn any advanced scientific knowledge in this society. In fact, because of the abundant funds, as long as it does not involve sociology and theology The disciplines that will shake the church and the rule of the dignitaries, and other disciplines, including some physics and chemistry that may deny the existence of gods, have studied the depths of the Old World far beyond the New World.

In the large cities of the Old Continent, basically all have colleges in their own cities. Although these colleges are under the management of the church, the learning of all kinds of knowledge has not been affected too much. Some church members are regularly sent to the college to study, so it is not surprising to see a person wearing the costume of a senior clergyman holding a book explaining basic physics knowledge to read and study in the college. This There is a sharp contrast with the almost opposite existence of the colleges and churches in the New World.

The Port of Ocean Pointe has undergone four expansions. Each expansion will create a new urban lighthouse, and the old lighthouse will be demolished the moment the new lighthouse is built and opened, but an old tower has been preserved. The old pagoda was built when Xiwang Yangjiao Port was a fishing village, and it represents the past of Xiwang Yangjiao Port.

   The surrounding area of ​​the tower was originally built as a park. However, when the Chamber of Commerce in West Point Ocean Point offered to fund the construction of a city college, the land was immediately assigned to the college by the municipal council.

The reason why the municipal council made such a decision so quickly is mainly because the relationship between the people of Cape Cape Verde and the management of the port has become like water and fire, and the old tower representing the people of Cape Cape Verde has become those dissatisfied. It is a spiritual symbol of the scholar, so the management hopes to demolish the old tower when building the college to take the opportunity to blow down the morale of the people in West Point.

However, the Chamber of Commerce organization that took over the construction of the college is not a fool. Naturally, they will not follow the idea of ​​the city council. Instead of dismantling the old tower, they will renovate and reinforce the old tower that has been crumbling due to disrepair. , And then built the Saiwangyangjiao College with the old tower as the center.

The current West Point College can be said to be one of the most famous colleges in the southern part of the Old World. It is famous not because of its amazing academic achievements, or how large the college is, mainly because West Point College has gathered almost half of the sociologists, thinkers, and philosophers in the entire Old Continent. Therefore, at least half of the people studying in this academy are members of anti-power organizations like Barefooters, so other countries It is also referred to as the Rebellious College.

   The reason why such an academy that is so hostile to the powerful forces of the entire Old Continent still exists, mainly because it has two important funders, and these two funders have blocked the pressure from the outside world for the academy.

A funder is a real funder. They are all chambers of commerce organizations that are dissatisfied with all kinds of exorbitant taxes and the aristocracy's solidification of the status quo. Most of these chambers of commerce have money, but they do not have the power corresponding to their wealth. Those powers are firmly in the hands of the nobles, so the wealth they hold cannot guarantee their safety. The nobles can take away the wealth from them for various reasons at any time, so they hope that there will be a bottom-up revolution. The aristocratic class that has been solidified for countless years will be completely shattered so that they can replace it.

As a result, the various anti-power organizations in the Old Continent were the targets they used. They secretly funded these organizations to engage in various anti-power movements and armed uprisings. Then sometimes this anti-power fire would burn on themselves, but They still have no plan to give up, and still secretly fund low-level organizations like the Barefoot Party that hate the rich and the rich.

Nearly 90% of the funds of Cape West Point College come from anonymous donations, and these funds ensure that Cape West Point College can operate normally even without any tuition income or other additional income, and will not be affected by funding problems. Discontinued.

   The protection of funds is one aspect, and the other aspect is real protection, and this protector is a special church organization Holy Prayer House.

  The Holy Prayer House is simply the United Theological Institute where all the churches in the Old Continent participate. It gathers the theological knowledge of all the True God Churches in the Old Continent and provides corresponding clergy for each church.

The people who study in the Holy Prayer House are not ordinary people who actively want to join the church. Those people have already had their own objects of faith. They only need to believe in the church to accept the ceremony and become believers. People who study here They all come from the orphanage built in the town by the Holy Prayer House.

   Those who become orphans due to different reasons will live in the orphanage to a certain age and then go to the Holy Prayer House for related theological studies until they complete their studies in adulthood and join the corresponding church according to their gods.

For the church, this kind of orphans who have been nurtured by the church since childhood and have no concerns are the backbone of the church. Therefore, the position of the Holy Prayer House within the churches in the Old Continent is also very important, and it can be appointed as a place for Holy Prayer. The dean of the academy must be at least a bishop-level figure of a certain church, and must be a moderate without any prejudice, and the Holy Prayer House in an important port city like Cape Westport must be an archbishop-level figure. Characters can serve.

After the establishment of the Western Cape College, except for the first generation dean who was a prestigious earl in Western Cape Port at that time, all subsequent deans of the College were concurrently the deans of the Holy Prayer College. , With such a special big figure concurrently serving as the dean, no matter how hostile the rich and powerful are towards the Western Cape College, they dare not do anything out of the ordinary.

What’s interesting is that the dean of the Holy Prayer Academy, who is the representative of the church, should have prohibited the academy from teaching various sociology, political science, and philosophical thoughts, but in fact they did nothing to stop them. When an accusation of treason is filed, it will take the initiative to defend it.

Under the effect of this behavior, those who study in Cape West, no matter what they think before coming to study, after they study, they will more or less have a good impression of the church, and then return to their respective In organizations, goodwill will also subtly affect certain decisions of these organizations. This may be the purpose of these abnormal supportive behaviors on the part of the church.

   Regardless of whether the church’s support has a special purpose or not, the benefits of the support have actually been implemented in the Western Cape College. This is also a good thing for those who study in Western Cape.

There is a special tradition at West Point College, that is, there are open classes for the general public every day. The content of these open classes varies and the length of time varies, but there are no restrictions on the qualifications for the class. Basically Anyone can come to the class, including the beggar on the street.

In order to make it easier for ordinary people to listen to the class, the gate of the academy has been removed decades ago, so anyone can easily enter and leave the academy. Because the church knights of the Holy Prayer are responsible for the security of the academy, it will not There are too many public order problems.

In the college, the academic importance of a scholar is directly proportional to the popularity of the scholar’s ​​public lectures. Therefore, the public lectures given by some lesser-known scholars may only be listened to by dozens of people, and most of them are electives. The students of the course, and those famous scholars are crowded with people, and need to use the academy's round outdoor theater to be able to accommodate it.

When Leo and Sylvia came to the entrance of Cape West End Academy, they happened to meet a very famous scholar who was going to give a public class, and today was a rest day, so many free people in the city ran over While attending the class here, the carriage was stopped far from the entrance of the college, because there were too many people, the carriage could not go inside.

   "Should we go to the class too?" Sylvia couldn't help but become interested when seeing the crowds flocking to the academy, and proposed to Leo.

   Leo nodded, he was also interested in what the scholar said.

The scholar who started the course was named Ranco Byronville, a nobleman. He was a well-known thinker before coming to Ocean Point College. He once explained anger and anger to people at a noble gathering. Because of his behavior, he slapped a crown prince, and not only did he not enter the prison because of this, but he convinced the crown prince with his knowledge and became his student.

Although he is from aristocratic, Ronco Byronville himself does not have any malicious intent towards anti-aristocratic organizations such as the Barefoot Party, nor does he have any good feelings. The reason why he will serve as the philosophy department at Western Cape College The professor, mainly because of the open attitude to philosophy, theology, and sociology, allows him to conduct unrestricted academic research that is regarded as heretical behavior in other places.

Leo and Sylvia didn’t just hear the name Ronco Byronville just now. In fact, when they were in the Otter Federation, they already knew about this person and read his works, but they didn’t expect it. But this scholar turned out to be teaching at Western Cape College.

The book they have read is called "Man, God, and Life". Most of the content is about the difference between the thoughts and life forms of man and God. In their opinion, the content of this book is not just the old one. The mainland is now, even in the New World, it is definitely a banned book severely cracked down by various churches. If found, it will be destroyed as soon as possible. Only countries like the Otter Federation with little church influence will keep their collections.

Therefore, they also think that the author who wrote this book may have encountered an accident, but what they did not expect is that Ronco Byronville is still alive and even able to publicly teach his academic thoughts, which really surprised them. This is also the main reason why they are interested in attending classes.

   Of course, there is another reason that Leo suspects that this man Ranco Byronville possesses psionic powers.


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