"Is this the Source Continent?" When the Barbarisas were picked up by the church people, Sylvia stood on the bow watching them leave, and said to herself: "This is completely the same as the New World. Two worlds."

"This is a continent completely ruled by the gods, so naturally there is a difference." Leo stood by and replied: "Actually, the environment has changed after leaving the Otter Federation, but the change is very weak, unlike It's so obvious now that it can be clearly seen."

When    spoke, he saw him slightly looking up into the sky, and the faint light flashing in his eyes showed that he was using his spiritual vision to observe the sky at the moment.

   I saw that there was nothing strange about the sky in the eyes of ordinary people, but in his eyes there was an extra giant net composed of countless gods' laws covering the entire source continent, and extended it toward the sea and the new continent.

The scene in front of us is just as Leo said, this is a world completely ruled by gods, everything in this world is operating according to the laws set by the gods, maybe people living in the source continent did not feel it What an abnormality, but in fact their words, deeds, and even thoughts are generated under the guidance of the laws of the gods.

For example, the barefoot party movement that is emerging in some countries near the coast in the southern part of the source continent looks like it has been influenced by the New World Otter Federation, and it has produced an anti-power movement, but it is actually just a certain or a few people in this world. The aftermath of the skirmish between the gods is nothing.

   Leo also told Sylvia what he saw. After listening, Sylvia couldn't help but exclaimed: "I didn't expect the gods of this world to use this method to fight against the laws of the world."

Although Sylvia could not easily see all the details of the giant network of the laws of the gods like Leo's vision ability, she could still keenly feel the power of the laws of the gods covered by the sky, and after listening to Leo's description, It is easy to guess that the role of the giant net of this law is not to imprison the creatures of the source continent below, but to fight against the law of this world. Within the law of this world, a **** can move freely. A special environment suppressed by the laws of the world.

I have to say that the gods of this world are very successful. At least Sylvia and Leo can clearly feel the suppression of them by the laws of the world is almost close to nothing at this moment, unlike in the New World. Being suppressed, the use of one's extraordinary power will appear to be weakened to varying degrees or expended doubled.

Precisely because of this, there are definitely more people in the Source Continent who have extraordinary powers than the New World, and even the extraordinary powers possessed by those people are definitely much stronger than those in the New World. This is what Leo and Sylvia have already received from just now. The senior clergy from different churches that the Barbarisas left felt overwhelmed.

   Although the clergy are the elites of their respective churches, their positions have not reached a fixed point, and the highest-ranking people are only the bishops of the diocese.

   However, it is such a group of middle-level churches. The energy fluctuations of any one of them far exceed those of the top clergy of the church like the Archbishop of Purification Fire that Leo and Sylvia have seen before.

Don’t look at these people wearing the most popular shotguns, but in fact these shotguns are more misleading. Once a dangerous situation arises, the means these people use to deal with the enemy will definitely be obtained from the gods. All kinds of power, because they are much happier than their counterparts in the New World, they can use these gods and magic arts freely and unrestricted.

"We have to be more careful when we do things here. Everything here is under the supervision of the gods. As long as we leave a trace, we can definitely be traced by divine magic." Leo retracted Lingshi, and then turned towards Sylvia. Reminded.

   Sylvia also nodded, agreeing.

At this time, the captain of the petting ship, Heresa, walked over to them, took off the captain's cap from a long distance away, then poured the two people back and forth, and saluted them very respectfully, saying: " Mr. Leo and Ms. Sylvia, what are the arrangements for the two of you next? Will you disembark at the Port of Xiwangyangjiao, or continue to take the Chong Ai northward?"

Although due to special reasons, the relevant memories of the black reef sea area were completely erased from the minds of people who were in the eyes of the bitter water that day, and they were completely erased and could not be restored, but the erased memories were produced Additional effects still exist, such as the awe of Leo and his wife.

   "Which ports will you pass through northward?" Sylvia asked.

Hareza answered honestly: "We will pass Xiayuzui Port and Shangyuzui Port, which are close to the coastline, and then go to Libertador Bay, where we will replenish some goods and return to the New World from the original road." He also suggested: "If you two want to go to the inland areas of the Old Continent, it’s most suitable to disembark here. This is the southern end of the Continental Highway. There is an Old Continent Traveler’s Commune. Their carriages are very convenient. Comfortable and safe, it can transport passengers to any big city in the Old Continent. However, it is not so convenient to disembark in other port cities, especially in Libertador Bay, where you almost have to cross a dangerous spider forest to reach a relatively safe place. Town, change to a carriage."

   "Are there no steam trains in Source Continent?" Sylvia asked again.

"Yes." Hereza replied: "It's just that because of the ownership of the church diocese, and the land use of the lords and nobles, the rails of the steam train are scattered, and they are not connected to the continental railway like the New World. The carriage is still the main means of transportation in the Old Continent, but it is capable of ensuring the safety of passengers, and the carriage and carriage shops that send passengers to any major city in the Old Continent are only available to the Traveller’s Commune."

   Leo said at this time: "We haven't decided yet. The Petting will be docked here for two days, right? We will decide when we sail!"

   "That's fine." Heresa said nothing, bending over and leaving.

   Watching Hereza's figure disappear at the entrance of the bottom cabin, Sylvia couldn't help but smile and said: "He seems to be in a hurry, and some can't wait to rush us off the ship."

Leo also smiled and said: "Smuggling is not suitable for us outsiders with low eyelids. Now it seems that the trading location of the box should be the Port of Western Cape. We only need to wait for the trader to appear. That's it."

Although there are a lot of smuggled goods accumulated in the cabin of Petting, those smuggled goods should not be disembarked in places like West Wang Yangjiao Port. They will only disembark in relatively remote ports or the semi-open smuggling place in Liberty Bay. Only there can it be sold at a good price.

   Now that Hereza's performance can be seen in the eyes of Leo and Sylvia, it is easy to guess the other's plan, and the two of them are just waiting for this to happen, and naturally they will not disembark immediately.

   While talking, Petunia, who was staying in the cabin to take care of JoAnn, rushed over, panting, and said: "Teacher, JoAnn has changed."

Hearing Petunia’s words, Leo’s spiritual net swept across the cabin at the same time, quickly learned about Qiao An’s situation, and then calmly said: “Take out the prepared potions and let them be ordered according to the time I wrote. He drinks it."

   "Okay, teacher." After hearing this, Petunia ran back hurriedly.

   Sylvia asked at this time: "Is it a vain heart?"

   Leo shook his head and said, "It's not clear yet, but I prefer his implants to mutate."

As Petting became closer and closer to the Old World, Qiao An began to experience some abnormal reactions. At first, he felt unwell. Some skin rashes similar to allergic reactions appeared on the surface of the body. But soon this slight discomfort worsened. It became more and more serious, the body organs were inexplicably exhausted, and now they have fallen into a deep coma, and the reason is not even detected by Leo's mental network.

   The only thing that can be determined now is that there is no trace of extraordinary power on Qiao An's body, only his implants show some signs of disease and shrinkage like other organs in the body.

Now Leo has not found any good way to treat Qiao Ann. He can only make some specially targeted wizard potions. Through the stimulation and recovery of related organs, watching Qiao Ann's overall changes, we can judge whether it is Qiao Ann. Which organ in An's body has problems, or all organs have problems.

   Although everything is still unclear, Leo has instinctively felt that the cause of Joan’s lesions is likely to be the implant, because the difference between Joan and ordinary is only the implant.

   As time passed, a new guide ship sailed from the direction of the dock, and then guided the pet to the corresponding dock in accordance with the normal procedures.

   After the petting ship docked, Heresa uncharacteristically did not release the crew off the ship, but let them stay on the ship, seeming to consider that if something went wrong during the transaction, someone around him could call it.

Although the crew on the ship were a bit dissatisfied, they did not dare to say anything. They also knew very well that the more critical the time came, the more likely it was that something went wrong, so they did not idle one by one. They took out their weapons and cleaned them up. Ensure that it can be used immediately in the event of an accident.

   The actions of the crew made the atmosphere on the Petting a lot more tense, and at one time Petunia felt that the reason for these crews to polish their weapons was Leo and the others.

Nothing happened that night, everything was calm. At noon the next day, a porter working on the dock suddenly came to the pet and gave a letter to Heresa. After Heresa read the letter , Took out the box that Leo put back to its original place, and equipped all the weapons that could be equipped, leading his most powerful men to leave the pet.

   After entering the port city, Hareza did not detour to confuse the possible stalkers. After getting into a carriage, he went to the Continental Bank in the center of the city.

   The Continental Bank was jointly established by the strongest churches and countries in the Old Continent. It has established a business office in almost all cities in the Old Continent, and is the financial bloodline of the entire continent.

The bank branches of the Continental Bank established in those big cities have the strictest protection in the world. Several major churches will send their own paladins to lead church knights to station in these branches to maintain bank safety and even the church of the God of Wealth. The church was built directly next to the bank. Once the bank had an accident, the church would inspire the magic power to protect the entire bank under the power of the God of Wealth.

After Hereza arrived at the branch of the Continental Bank in Cape West, he directly handed a bronze medal to him along with the letter to the waiter in charge of reception at the door. The waiter did not see the bronze medal. Asking any questions led Heresa and his party to an empty room, and let Heresa wait there for a while.

After a short while, the door of the room opened, and a middle-aged man wearing ordinary traveler's clothes walked in. He did not speak either, but directly made a gesture to Hareza, took out a token of the connector, and then After Heresa checked the token, he signaled to Heresa to put it on the table.

  Heresa didn't say anything, but took the box out and put it on the table as instructed, and then took his men back a few steps, leaving enough room for the other party to check.

The middle-aged man did not check the box according to the usual inspection methods. He took out a palm-sized crystal ball from his backpack, then pointed the crystal ball at the box, and then saw the crystal ball. A grating was shot, and it was scanned repeatedly on the box several times. After the grating disappeared, some symbols like text appeared on the surface of the crystal ball.

After seeing the text on the crystal ball, the middle-aged man couldn't help but frowned, turned his head towards Hareza, and said for the first time after entering the house: "Apart from you, has anyone else touched this thing?" ?"

Hearing the question of the middle-aged man, Hareza also showed an unpleasant look on his face, saying: "This is not the first time we have traded. You should know who I am, otherwise you will not deliver the things to me. Now, what does UU reading www.uukanshu.com mean by saying this? Want to wrong me for not abiding by the rules, and then go wrong?"

   "We believe in what you are, but your ability is not enough to convince us." The middle-aged man said unceremoniously: "Something may have been moved without your knowledge."

   Hearing the middle-aged man’s questioning, Hareza still wanted to refute, but he suddenly thought of something, his mouth opened and he didn’t say anything, and the look on his face became a little abnormal.

   The middle-aged man also noticed the changes in Heresa, and immediately asked in a deep voice, "Did you think of something?"

  Heresa hesitated, and then told the middle-aged people about the Leo couple and his party.

   After hearing this, the middle-aged man couldn't help but was stunned, and then asked in a somewhat hasty tone: "Where did the knight Joan of the False Heart Church you mentioned board the ship?"

  Heresa was taken aback when he was asked. He didn't expect that the middle-aged man's focus was not on the Leo couple he mentioned, but on Qiao An, who he mentioned casually.

Although feeling a little puzzled, Hareza told the other party Qiao'an's boarding location. After hearing this, the other party did not pursue the problem of the box. He directly received the box in another black box that he took out of the backpack. Then he hurriedly walked out of the room, making Heresa and the others bewildered.


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