During the period of the world map surveying and mapping period, Seaview Point was defined as the southernmost point of the source continent by map surveying and mapping experts organized by various countries at that time. It was the continent's South Pole. People at Seaview Point were also proud of this name and often referred to as Antarctic people. Self-possessed.

But this title, which they are proud of, was changed a few decades ago because of the second continent map surveying and mapping, or disputes, because someone in the surveying team suggested that the southernmost point of the source continent should be Xitong Bay. The cape where the lighthouse is located.

   So, West Wang Yangjiao and Xitong Bay started various open and secret battles for the title of the continent's Antarctic, and people in the two places have almost become deadly enemies.

   The reason why they attach so much importance to this title is not only because it represents a kind of reputation, but also because of the huge benefits hidden behind the reputation.

  Before the title of the mainland and Antarctica, Xiwang Yangjiao was just an ordinary cape, and Xiwang Yangjiao Port was just a small fishing village with a population of less than two hundred. Poverty and suffering were the only themes of this small fishing village.

   However, when they got the title of Antarctica on the mainland, this small fishing village received various investments. In just over a decade, it became one of the most important ports in the southern part of the mainland, and the people of the small fishing village became wealthy.

In addition, there are also a huge number of tourists from all over the world coming to the Antarctic of the mainland every year. The net profit generated by the various consumptions brought by the tourists even exceeds more than twice that of the cargo transit at the terminal. Now the West Wang Yangjiao Port is almost 7% More than ten families are engaged in tourism-related industries, and the tourism industry of Western Cape Yangjiao Port is closely linked with the name of the mainland Antarctica. Once the reputation of the mainland Antarctica is lost, the tourism industry will inevitably suffer devastation. Blow.

Even if the port’s freight industry does not necessarily suffer too much due to this, the benefits are all in the hands of the big chaebols and nobles who invested in the terminal earlier, and has nothing to do with the local ordinary people. They don’t care about the mainland and the Antarctic. Name attribution.

So when Xiatong Bay began to compete for the title of the mainland's Antarctic, almost all ordinary people in the Western Cape Yangjiao Port were making various efforts to defend the name, while the port managers and vested interests appeared very calm. They did not use their status and power to do anything to protect the Antarctic continent in Cape West.

   This has caused the social situation of the entire Saiwangyangjiao Port to show a fragmented change. The low-level people are like enthusiasm, while the high-level officials and business are like stagnant water.

   This kind of social cleavage did not show any abnormal changes in the beginning. After all, everyone's attention was focused on the battle for the continent's South Pole.

But when the battle for the continent’s Antarctica did not win the victory expected by the people at Cape West, it turned into a vague suspense. This title has fluctuated between Cape West and Xiatong Bay in the past few decades. The disappointment in the people of West Point Ocean Point suddenly turned into anger, but this anger was not only directed at Xia Tong Bay, but also at the high-level officials and businessmen in West Point Ocean Point Port.

The people of Cape West Point think that the officials and merchants who manage the port have gained huge benefits from Cape West Point, but they don’t contribute to the reputation of Cape West Point. They don’t even have any verbal support. The government and businessmen no longer deserve to own the various benefits generated by the Port of West Pointe, so the port resumption movement began to appear in the Port of West Pointe.

  In the beginning, the port recycling movement was only carried out by peaceful demonstrations. Even the leaders of the movement tried to take back the port in a formal way by entering the port council.

   But the local officials and business leaders are unwilling to see the development of the matter, because they know very well that once the movement leaders enter the parliament and propose the port recycling bill, with the support of the people, the bill will definitely be passed.

So they must find a way to prevent the movement leaders from entering the parliament, but when they were still thinking of a way, one of the great nobles among them made a very stupid decision to directly send someone to assassinate the movement leaders, and it was terrible. It was the assassination that leaked the news in advance and was not completely successful. Several movement leaders fled. In order to make up for the loopholes, the nobleman did not discuss with everyone and directly framed the movement leaders as murderers and was publicly wanted.

  Of course, no one would believe this kind of low-level lies. Everyone was completely irritated, and even some neutrals were completely on the side of the port recycling movement.

Although the port management responded immediately, the response was equally stupid. They only sent the nobleman back to his territory without any punishment, and the arrest warrants of the leaders of the movement were not lifted. , As if already approved the way of that great nobleman.

This approach also completely pushed the leaders of the movement to a dead end, forcing them to form an underground armed resistance organization, which turned the port recycling movement from modest to violent, destroying ports, looting goods, assassinating officials and wealthy businessmen, etc. The tactics began to appear in the Port of Western Cape, and there were no signs of stopping until the entry, and the concepts and slogans also changed from reclaiming the port to the corrupt government and greedy nobles, which swept the surrounding cities and even the country. The revolution against the powerful is also gradually taking shape.

Benjamin Hart is not a native of Cape Pueblo. His hometown is Blueberry County in the Principality of Mason. The Principality of Mason is very far away from the Kingdom of Westman, where Pueblo is located. There are two countries between them. The reason why he came The main reason is that he is a barefoot party. He was secretly sent to the west side by the party organization to learn from the barefoot party here the more advanced and efficient anti-power movement ideas.

The Barefoot Party is a collective term. The civilian rebellion organizations in almost all countries claim to be the Barefoot Party. This makes the Barefoot Party look very powerful and spread all over the world, but in fact, the Barefoot Party does not have the same organization and leader. Even the party rules, program, slogans, etc. are not unified.

However, no matter where the barefoot party is, whether it is true in the heart or just verbal propaganda, it indicates that West Point Yangjiao is the holy land of the barefoot party, and the resistance organization there is that the barefoot party has the most advanced Rebelling against ideas and related knowledge, you can only be called a true barefoot party if you have studied there.

Therefore, there are a large number of barefoot people from various countries like Benjamin Hart in Cape West. This seems to have become an open secret in the local area. As long as they do not mix into the local barefoot party’s sabotage, The local authority will not do anything to them.

After so many years of struggle, the local power and the barefoot party seem to have fallen into a very peculiar state of balance. Although they are enemies, they do not intend to break the current balance and use more intense means to deal with the other party. After a while, the arrest of the city government and the sabotage of the Barefoot Party are like two acts that have been negotiated. You come and go, seemingly fierce, but in fact stable.

Benjamin Hart was not accustomed to this kind of balance at first. He even felt that the barefooted people at Cape West had lost their original spirit to resist the powerful movement and had fallen, but as time passed, he had already fallen. Adapted to this environment, I can see new things from all over the world every day, participate in various resistance movements every day, and don’t have to worry about being caught suddenly and hanged on the square.

Especially when, because of an accident, he learned that one of the funders and leaders of the West Side Barefoot Party was the big figure of the Port Council and City Hall. I admire his abilities, because only the most imaginative people will turn their enemies into their strongest ally, and then disintegrate them from within.

He can imagine that the rich and powerful stratum of West Point Yangjiao Port has already been infiltrated by the Barefoot Party, and now the balance of West Point Yangjiao can be explained, since it can be completely eliminated. The enemy, take back the port, why bother to destroy the port so much and get a dilapidated result?

   At that time, when he discovered this incident, Benjamin thought he must be dead, because it was definitely a big secret for the local barefoot party. Leaving a trace of the news would lead to the complete destruction of the barefoot party’s cause.

But what people did not expect was that he was not dealt with. The local Barefoot Party leader just told him not to leak the news, and did not take any corresponding preventive measures, so he was released, as if he didn't care. As if this news would be leaked to the enemy.

However, after thinking about it carefully, he understood why he was dealt with in this way. When he thought about it, they didn’t think it was useful for him to tell the matter. Even if he said it out, he would only be framed by others. Not only would the power and the rich take his life, even the barefoot party would never let him go.

Therefore, this secret has always been held in his heart and has become a burden on him for a long time. In order to prevent himself from unintentionally leaking this secret, he not only became taciturn, he even quit drinking, and for the sake of To ease the psychological pressure caused by secrets, he could only find a hobby for himself, and this hobby had to be exciting enough to make him forget that secret. In the end, he found this hobby, which was collecting illegal books from the Haute Federation.

Benjamin first came into contact with the illegal books of the Haute Federation when he was fifteen years old, when he was still a servant of the old knight's house, and other servants who lived with him at night took out a manuscript, and then Facing the faint candlelight, read the contents in a low voice.

So far, he still remembers that the content of the manuscript was about how an aristocratic lady fell in love with a farmer. Although it seems that the story is very crude now, it may even be the name of a banned book by the Haute Federation, but it is actually just What the locals wrote, but it is undeniable that it was his enlightenment on the illegal books of the Haute Federation.

For the countries in the Source Continent, the Haute Federation is a taboo word. Almost all the things designed for the Haute Federation are prohibited items. Not only the powers of the countries, but even the churches have issued clear orders. The ban, and directly referred to the Otter Federation as a heresy.

However, for those who are dissatisfied with the status quo, especially the resistance organizations that oppose the church, the king, and the nobility in various countries, the Otter Federation is a beacon in their minds. It also includes the barefoot party organizations in the coastal area. They use various The method collected all the one-word descriptions of the Otter Federation, and finally pieced together a complete image of the Otter Federation.

In their eyes, the Otter Federation is the perfect embodiment of human civilization. There is no king, no dignitaries, and no church of gods. There is no need to pay various taxes. Everyone has a job and can get rich remuneration. Individuals have food, food does not even need money, everyone can enjoy the wine and delicacies that only the powerful and powerful can enjoy, and even everyone has the decision to decide whether the leader of the country will stay, which is simply unthinkable for the people in the source continent. .

   Therefore, almost all the resistance organizations in the Old Continent regard the construction of an Otto Confederation as their lifelong goal, and this move also makes the countries and churches of the Source Continent more severely hit on various things related to the Otto Confederation.

For example, in transoceanic transshipment ports like Cape West Point, a large number of ocean-going cargo ships from the New World come here every day to unload or berth. In order to prevent these cargo ships from entraining Otter Federation items in, the church has set up a special search room. , Responsible for the overall search of all Newland ships docked at the port, and any contraband possession will be punished with various criminal laws, the highest of which is even a direct execution.

It is precisely because of such a strong prohibition that any item from the Otter Federation has become a luxury item. The price of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com remains high. Among them, the price of books is the highest. One is in Europe. The constitutional manual that can be found everywhere in the Special Federation is almost equivalent to the same volume of gold after being shipped to the source continent.

   It is precisely because of such huge benefits that smuggling of the Haute Federation's prohibited items is not uncommon. Even under the harsh criminal law, the smugglers’ greed cannot be prevented.

Benjamin's job at the port is to guide the ship's dispatcher. Every time a new ship comes to the sea near the port, he sends inspectors, search teams and epidemic prevention officers to the ship for inspection, and then he guides the ship. Dock at the designated pier.

Therefore, he can always be one of the first people to come into contact with ocean-going cargo ships. With this advantage, he reached an agreement with some ocean-going cargo ships’ sailors. After other officials on board boarded the ship, the sailors threw the smuggled goods from the ship’s side window. He then hooked the smuggled goods to the dispatching ship to help the sailors hide the smuggled goods, and his payment for each assistance was a book from the Haute Federation. As for the book, it didn’t matter to him, because He couldn't read the text of the Haute Federation anyway.

He has been doing this kind of work for several years, so he knows almost all the ocean-going smuggling ships from the New World. He almost doesn’t need that ship to come into view. He only needs to hear the whistle of that ship, and he can tell. The identity of that ship, such as the whistle he heard now, belonged to an ocean smuggling ship named Petting.


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