The latest website: "That's it? That's it?" Sylvia, who was a little pale because of blood loss, looked up at the clean air and couldn't help but doubt himself.

It’s no wonder that Sylvia would have such suspicions. In her opinion, the death of the gods should be vigorous. No matter how bad they are, there should be some amazing spectacles, but only after a dazzling light flashes, it is as huge as Daru on the hill disappeared, along with the huge thunder gun and all the thunder and lightning in the sky.

As far as the death of a **** is concerned, this scene is too plain, and the process is too smooth and simple. You must know that she and Leo have also prepared a lot of follow-up methods that have not been used, just the first round of offensive. , Everything is over, which makes her feel very unreal.

But if you think about it carefully, her doubts can be explained, and the answer to the explanation is simple, that is, she and Leo are much stronger than they themselves expected.

For a long time, Leo and Sylvia have been cautious. Not only do things like to decide and then act, they even carry out the rituals to enhance their strength or promote the evolution of life. Do not disturb the outside world, do not attract additional attention, so even if they evolve to the level of a demigod, most of the enemies they can face are much weaker than them.

Even if they have had the experience of contact with gods, these gods are either friendly, well, for some reason, they can’t cause substantial harm to them, so they have never fully released their own power experience like they do now. All of their estimates are derived from past experience, but in the process of estimating, they forget that the evolution of life forms’ influence on strength is not a slow increase, but a leap-forward improvement, and the extent of such a leap can even be said to be Just like Tianyuan.

On the other hand, Dalu, although he has the name of a god, and because of the particularity of this world, he has acquired some unique abilities that gods have, such as the power of the church, without harming himself, to give pious followers some unique uniqueness. ability,.

But after uncovering this false appearance of the gods, Dalu’s essence is still just a demigod, and a demigod eroded by the poison of faith. Under the poison of faith, his mind becomes incompatible with the beasts. Different, can only act according to instinct, power is among the many gods in this world, even if it is not the weakest, it is definitely not strong.

Such a strong and intellectual **** has encountered the traps carefully arranged by two demigods and an all-out attack. The final outcome may have been doomed from the beginning.

"Should be over?" Leo, who fell from the mast to the deck, was also a little uncertain at this moment. His thoughts at the moment were similar to Sylvia, and he felt a little untrue, but after he quickly calmly analyzed it, he quickly came to the conclusion. He got the answer and said to himself: "We seem to be stronger than expected."

"Yeah! We are stronger than expected." Sylvia also replied to herself, then turned to look at Leo who was walking by, and couldn't help but worry: "Your body..."

Compared to Sylvia, Leo looked worse at this moment. Not only was his face pale, but his whole person appeared very weak, as if he would fall to the ground at any time.

"It doesn't matter, it's just that the psionic backlash is a little bit more than expected. As long as you cultivate for a while, it will be fine." Leo answered Sylvia's question while drinking a few bottles of wizard potions to stabilize the damage caused by the psionic backlash. Then he held the hand that Sylvia had stretched out to support her slightly and signaled that she was okay.

At this moment, the two suddenly seemed to have sensed something, and they raised their heads to the sky in unison.

Then Leo seemed to have found something that caught their attention, and raised his hand to push the few remaining psionic energy to capture the past towards what he found.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them saw some star-like light spots falling into his hands under the guidance of psychic energy, and quickly condensed into a tiny light spot, and as the light spot formed, scattered here. Other debris of the same kind around the sea area also gathered, which made the light spot in Leo's hand more and more solid, but the light became weaker and weaker, turning into a ball of light the size of an oil lamp flame, emitting a light. A calming soft light hovered on Leo's palm.

"This is..." Seeing this light spot and feeling the power contained in it, Sylvia became a little short of breath, and could hardly conceal the shock in her heart, confirming: "Is this the immortal divinity?"

Most of Sylvia’s knowledge of the immortal divinity comes from the inheritance memory of the dragon bloodline, knowing that it is an invaluable treasure for any high-ranking person in the abyss, because with the immortal divinity, they can be extremely perfect. Disguised as any god, the world of immortal divinity is produced without repressive invasion.

In addition, the immortal divinity also contains the mystery of the gods. Ordinary people may not have any effect if it is obtained. But for people like her who have entered the level of demigods, these mysteries of the gods can help her to avoid walking in the future. Many detours, and even the immortal divinity can serve as a seed to trigger her own divinity, helping her to overcome obstacles that are like an abyss for any **** ascendant.

"It should be." However, in the face of Sylvia's excitement, Leo was much calmer, and talked about the immortal divinity like he was talking about a slightly beautiful stone on the side of the road.

Sylvia was stunned when she heard the words, then looked at Leo with wide eyes, and couldn't help but question: "How can you be so calm? This is the immortal god?"

"I know it is the immortal divinity," Leo knew exactly what was in his hands, but he was still very calm, and then added a little more emphasis: "It's just the immortal divinity."

No wonder Leo would behave in this way. If he changed before, he might be as excited as Sylvia after seeing the immortal god.

But now he has acquired the mystery of psychic power at the moment when the psychic singularity arises. He knows exactly how he will go next. Although the immortal divine nature is definitely the most precious divine object in any world, but The value in his eyes is not much higher than that of ordinary strange things.

So after answering Sylvia, he changed hands and handed over the Immortal Divinity to Sylvia for safekeeping, and said that when he recovered, he would make a container that could hold this thing.

Sylvia did not behave so casually like Leo. She wanted to find something to temporarily install the immortal divine, but she found that the immortal divine would pass through anything, and she could also feel immortal. The divine nature is slowly dissipating, and in the end she can only hold it directly in her mouth, and use her own magic dragon bloodline power to imprison it, so as to temporarily preserve the immortal divine nature.

Seeing Sylvia's rare sibling confusion, Leo couldn't help but smile, but when Sylvia's somewhat annoyed gaze came over, he immediately reduced the message on his face, and then transferred it. The topic was average, looked at the messy scene on the surrounding deck, and asked: "Do you know how to sail?"

Hearing Leo's question, Sylvia looked at the direction of the cockpit, her eyes also a little confused.

Just when Leo and Sylvia were considering how to drive the Petting away from this sea, the world shock caused by Daru's fall was still fermenting and spreading outward. At first, it was just a church, but Since then it has begun to spread to secular countries.

Daru's wailing before his death spread to the entire world. As long as the creatures in this world can clearly hear this desperate wailing, even the deaf is no exception, because this wailing directly affects the consciousness and consciousness of the creatures. What is in the soul cannot be shielded or concealed.

While hearing the wailing, the creatures of the world can also feel the desperate emotion of the wailing, even the deep-sea creatures with instincts can feel this emotion, because this emotion is like a rope that takes hold of the neck. Let any creature have a strong sense of suffocation.

Those with poor physique and unsteady will immediately pass into a coma under the impact of this strong emotion, and those who survive this strong emotion will not get any better, although the aftermath of this emotional impact will continue to weaken. , But the rate of weakening is very slow, like a wave hitting the rock, constantly testing the hardness of the rock.

Ever since, in every city around the world, countless people suddenly fainted. The remaining people were either holding their heads and groaning in pain, or they were bursting into tears, as if they were mourning. There were only a few. People can remain unaffected, but everything they see is messy, and sober people like them can't maintain normalcy.

Fortunately, the wailing of Daru's fall and eruption was not continuous. As time went on, except for some people who had fallen into a deep coma, most of them gradually returned to normal. It was just that what happened just now made them. At the same time, I felt very horrified. Almost everyone immediately pulled the people around and asked what happened, but the people who were questioned were also blank.

At the same time, for the people in the church, they quickly learned what happened from the revelation of their belief in the gods, and the fall of a creature was definitely an unprecedented event for them, because the last time The record of the fall of the gods is still in ancient times. It was an era that was only recorded in legends. It was an era where gods and humans lived together. It was also an era that even church members would not fully believe.

However, even in the legendary era full of stories made by posterity, it can definitely be regarded as a major event, but now it is actually happening in front of you, which makes all people who understand the situation the first time have a kind of Like an illusion in a dream, I even feel whether I am dreaming now.

But the revelation from the gods was not at all false. They quickly accepted this unbelievable fact and began to use all the power of the church to investigate the matter, especially to figure out which **** had fallen.

The governments of various countries that have received information from the church have also launched investigations. They want to know whether the fall of this **** will cause trouble for their country and will cause a worldwide disaster.

Soon they learned from various channels that the fallen **** was Darul, one of the ocean gods. After all, when Darul fell, his church church collapsed, and the fragmentation of the gods and various visions were very obvious to the world. Answer.

After learning this news, most of the inland countries were relieved because the ocean gods were too far away from them. Under the protection of their respective gods, even if the fall of Daru would cause some impact, they would not spread inland. , At most, it will only affect coastal countries, not even countries that believe in other ocean gods.

For those maritime countries, except for the small maritime countries with Daru as their main belief, most countries that believe in other ocean gods have also let go of their hearts, and they feel that they are fortunate that they are not their own beliefs. At the same time as the gods fell, they couldn't help but feel gloating towards those maritime nations that believed in Daru.

And those countries that believe in Daru are like a national funeral. The whole country is shrouded in pain, despair and sadness. Many devout Daru believers have chosen to throw themselves into the sea, choosing to live by following their gods in this way. The people who come down are also like walking dead, and this state will last for a long time, until another church enters the country and becomes the pillar of their faith.

Compared with the three levels of emotions in secular countries, the attitudes of the various churches are very consistent. They are all shocked and panic, because they all thought that since Dalu would fall, what about the other gods, what they believe in What about the gods? Although this kind of thought can be regarded as the greatest blasphemy in any church, at this moment, even the most pious people in the church will be unable to suppress this kind of blasphemy. At this moment, there are cracks of different sizes in the foundation of faith at the bottom of almost all churches on

The church’s senior leaders were also aware of this crisis at the first time, and they quickly responded. On the one hand, they continued to investigate how Daru fell, and on the other hand, they also began to do something to restore the supremacy of the gods in the hearts of believers. status.

For example, unscrupulously publicly claiming that Dalu is an evil god, his fall is a manifestation of the laws of world order, and the gods are the supreme beings in charge of the world order, thereby indirectly claiming that Dalu’s fall is the work of the gods, so The gods are still supreme.

Undoubtedly, this approach did work to a certain extent, especially for the believers and believers at the bottom, at least they no longer doubt the supremacy of the gods, but for many high-level churches who understand the situation, they The rift in their beliefs did not disappear, but as the lies they made grew bigger and bigger, and the biggest adverse effect caused by this rift in belief was that they prayed to the gods, and they could no longer get a response from the gods, even the gods they mastered. The technique is also gradually fading, and it will only be a matter of time before it finally disappears.

The senior church leaders who did not want to lose their power began to have some ideas and plans to do something.

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