The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1443: Sailing in the storm

Watching the gold transport fleet passing in front of me, turning a blind eye to these five ships, Hereza and the captains felt extremely magical while nervous, and their sights fell on the box tied to the flagpole. On the above, some thoughts inevitably emerged in my mind.

Although, they have already tested it just now, as long as they don’t enter the colorful mask, the area that people outside the mask can see is just an ordinary ocean, but before the gold-carrying fleet sailed by, they I still feel a little uneasy in my heart.

But now this kind of anxiety has been replaced by another kind of greed. As the smuggling captain, they all know that a magic device that can be hidden from any line of sight can play a big role in smuggling at sea. It is exaggerated to say that if they have this device, they are the king of smugglers, and there is no need to worry about anti-smuggling ships at all.

It’s just that this idea just flashed in their minds for a while, and it quickly disappeared, because just now the captains of four of the ships discovered that their employers were all partners of each other, and these four employers were obviously They are all people with extraordinary powers, and they seem to come from a mysterious and powerful force.

Not to mention whether they can **** the device from four people with powerful and extraordinary powers. Even if they can **** it, they have to face a mysterious force with a large number of extraordinary people after the fact. Calm down in the desire that he shouldn't have.

The invisibility device that the four non-humans took out did not exceed Leo's expectation. The device was already discovered when the Spirit Web scanned the four people.

Although this optical stealth device is very different from the warship environment stealth module of the Earth Federation, the technology used is also an alien technology technology that Leo has not seen before, but the analog module that this device must use is Common to all civilizations in the universe, this is almost the iconic component of this type of device.

The only thing that surprised Leo was the coverage and effect of this device. Originally, he only thought that this device was a personal escape device used by four non-human races to save their lives when they encountered danger, but he did not expect this coverage. It is so big, and the effect is amazing, even the waves on the sea surface, the undercurrents under the water and all kinds of creatures living in the water can be simulated.

Unless it is a mental network with Leo's level that constantly scans and analyzes everything around it, it is difficult to find these simulated virtual environment lights and shadows with the naked eye and ordinary mental scanning capabilities.

Now Leo also knows why those non-human races are so confident that they can safely collect the information they want at close range and escape from the melee on the battlefield.

"Is this an artifact of the God of War? Just like in the legend, it can hide the army, even if the enemy walks in front of it, it will not be noticed. If it can be used on the battlefield..." Barbarissa moved to the window of the cabin. With a look of surprise, he watched the gold-carrying fleet turn a blind eye to his ships not far away, and heard Leo explain the effectiveness of the optical stealth device to Sylvia, and couldn't help but say.

Perhaps the battle just now aroused a certain nature of Barbarisa. When he saw the optical stealth device, he immediately thought of using it on the battlefield, and I was also thinking about whether there was a chance to get it. come over.

However, Leo just smiled and said nothing about Barbarisa’s thoughts, because even if Barbarisa got his hands, I’m afraid he won’t be able to use it. This type of device requires a lot of energy to use once. , And judging from the energy source of the device, it is obviously not equipped with a charging module, so this device can be said to be disposable, and it is no different from waste after use.

At this time, the gold transport fleet had completely passed in front of the five smuggling ships, and almost no suggestions or requests from those non-human races were needed. The captains of the five ships spontaneously ordered the steam engine engines to start and follow the gold transport fleet. At the back, the five ships are connected by a live lock chain to prevent the ships from going beyond the range of the stealth device when they are heading.

Although it is very difficult to coordinate the speed and direction of the five ships in the sea, fortunately, the captains of the five ships are all experienced helmsmen. They quickly found the law of coordination and the five ships were connected. After a few small collisions, the same boats quickly became unanimous and moved forward at the same speed while maintaining a certain safe distance between the hulls.

If there is no accident, then the five smuggling ships can perfectly avoid the battlefield through this method and be a bystander at close range.

Unfortunately, the follow-up development obviously did not follow the direction that the captain of the smuggling ship had hoped. When the ship followed the gold-carrying fleet and entered the eyes of bitter water, the dark clouds that had accumulated for two days could no longer bear the weight of the constrained water vapor. , Began to release the power contained in it.

The big raindrops fell from the sky, and accompanied by the raindrops appeared on the sea there was a huge storm. The waves on the sea continued to roll upwards driven by the force of the storm, and they climbed from a few meters high to more than ten meters. Even several tens of meters, a high wall made of sea water was formed and moved quickly in the direction of the storm.

If, in accordance with the convention, faced with such a powerful storm, ships sailing at sea must find a safe haven to avoid the storm as soon as possible. If they cannot avoid the storm, they also need to adjust their sailing direction so that the bow of the ship sails against the waves pushed by the storm to avoid the hull. Suffering from the push of a huge wave, it rolls over.

However, the actions of the gold transport fleet after the storm completely violated these conventions. Not only did they fail to find nearby islands and reefs that could avoid the storm, they even did not change the direction of the fleet's navigation, as if they could not see the giant advancing from the side. The waves were normal, and the speed was sailing forward.

Soon, the huge waves created by the first storm encountered the fleet at close range, and when the huge waves tried to overturn the ships blocking their way, a force burst out from every vessel in the gold-carrying fleet. , Instantly wrapped the ship where it was, and the sea water shot on the ship was easily blocked by this force and drained to both sides, without causing any obstacle to the navigation of the ship and fleet.

At this moment, the entire fleet was wrapped in sea water, and it looked as if the entire fleet was sailing in the sea.

The five smuggling ships behind the gold-carrying fleet completely saw this miraculous scene in their eyes. If they were not also in the storm, they might be willing to stand on the deck with a glass of wine, Appreciate this scene.

But now, they will also face the sudden emergence of huge waves, and even if they use their rich experience to predict the direction of the huge waves in advance and adjust the position of the bow in time, when a huge wave like a high wall appears on them In front of them, they did not have the slightest confidence in their hearts to be able to rush out of such a strong wave.

"Damn it! This is not a natural storm at all!" The captains of almost all ships couldn't help feeling panicked and cursing loudly when they saw the huge waves coming.

As they cursed, the sea storm in front of us appeared too suddenly and formed too fast. It took almost less than ten minutes to complete the transformation process that a normal storm would take several hours to complete. The unprecedented situation is completely beyond the ability of these old sailors to cope. The only thing they can do is to use their past experience to find a way to break out of the huge waves formed by the storm.

It’s just that all the old sailors on the ship are very clear that these methods may be enough to deal with conventional storms, but it is obviously not enough to face this abnormal super storm, unless it is the kind of **** who has a fleet of gold ships. Rescued by the power of the trace, otherwise they might be planted this time.

Just when everyone felt frightened and desperate, a large number of vines suddenly burst out from one of the ships, forming a huge vine ball, which envelops the five ships, and the periphery of the vine ball is still being produced. The new vines were reinforced. At the moment when the huge wave hits down, the vine ball withstands all the slamming force and rolls in the direction of the huge wave, easily venting the force formed by the huge wave, and is The five boats protected in it just felt a little shaking when the vine ball was spinning fast.

All the people on the ship were stunned by the scene in front of them. For a while, they didn’t know what to do. On the ship that was the source of the vines, everyone looked at the non-human race on the deck that had turned into a tree human form. , Everyone's eyes are full of awe.

At this time, Leo took his hand from the rune magic circle that had been prepared in the cabin of Petting, and then looked at the tree man with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

When he entered the Bitter Water Sea Eye, Leo already felt that the power accumulated in the dark clouds in the sky was being stimulated by an external force, began to release outwards, and quickly formed a storm on the sea.

Although he is not an old sailor, it is impossible to judge the destructive power and scope of the storm from certain characteristics of the storm, but he can deduce the final effect from the energy fluctuations released by the storm.

Therefore, he had already taken out the rune magic circle at the moment when the huge wave was just formed in the original place, ready to take action when the huge wave came.

However, he apparently underestimated the strength of those non-human races. Among those non-human races, treants similar to a symbiont civilization were able to come up with such a way to protect all five ships and create a vine ball. It is also strong enough to withstand such a strong wave, and at the same time it can keep the space inside the vines basically stable, which really surprised him.

"What a great ability!" Sylvia couldn't help but exclaimed at this time, and added with a bit of profound meaning: "It seems to be specially designed for the current situation."

Leo nodded and agreed.

Just like Sylvia's opinion, he also felt that at this time, the tree man displayed a kind of ability that perfectly fits the environment at the moment and can protect the ship. It looks like it has been prepared in advance.

However, for the rest of the ship, it doesn't matter whether this ability is prepared in advance, the important thing is that they are temporarily safe.

However, those non-human employers obviously did not intend to let these ships stay in this way until the storm is over. They asked the ships they were on to turn on the steam engine, and then continue to sail towards their target location in the storm with the huge vine ball.

In the face of this kind of excessive request, although the captains of each ship expressed dissatisfaction, it was only that. They did not refuse to implement this request, but insulted the sailors to direct the sailors according to the requirements of the employer. After all, now It is this vine ball that protects them. If they annoy the employer and untie the vine ball, they will not have the confidence to survive that kind of storm.

In this way, the five smuggling boats were completely protected by the vine ball and could not see anything outside. According to the instructions of the tree man who made the vine ball, they controlled the direction and speed of the ship's travel and stood against the vine ball, like a Sailing in a storm on the sea like a fly without a head.

During the voyage, the Treant appeared several times of weakness, but those non-humans were prepared and took out some medicines like nutrients to supplement the Treant's huge consumption.

After sailing blindly for a few hours, the tree man suddenly signaled to stop the ship. After a while, the vines covering the ship began to slowly unravel, but the untied vine was not taken back by the tree man, but quickly withered. Falling down in the air.

Soon the vine ball above was completely untied. Everyone saw the sky above their heads, but to their disappointment, the dark clouds in the sky did not disappear. Instead, they were thicker. They have completely blocked the sun from the outside, and the dark clouds and the The night is almost indistinguishable.

The dark clouds did not disappear, and the storm naturally did not end. The strong wind that could blow people directly into the vine ball when the vines above the head disappeared, UU reading some sailors who had not had time to prepare for protection went straight from the deck. Blow up and fell into the water.

However, what puzzled the people on board was that although the outside was in a torrential storm, the sea seemed unusually calm, and there was hardly any turbulence caused by the waves.

At first, the people on the boat thought this was because the protective effect of the vine ball had not disappeared, because in the previous few disappearances, they did not feel the external storm, but when the vine ball was completely loosened, they realized that The situation outside was completely different from what they thought.

Although it is stormy and rainy outside, the sea seems to be suppressed by some force. There are no waves, just a little undulation. Looking around, it gives people a feeling that they are not in a storm at this moment. , But the illusion of being in a private pond.

It's just that the attention of everyone on the ship was not attracted by the abnormal sight that was completely beyond common sense in front of them for too long. The fierce battle that broke out on the sea in the distance had already attracted their attention.

At this moment, the four non-human races all took out the device they had prepared long ago, climbed up to the observation deck at the top of the mast, and scanned the original fierce battle with the device several times, and finally aligned the collection ports. Cleared in the thunderous clouds above the battlefield.

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