The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1442: Sea monster essence

Perhaps it was because they faced a deep-sea fish monster attack crisis together, and each other's wariness was weakened a lot. After the five ships came to a relatively safe bay far from Horseshoe Bay, they all stopped for a little repair and counted the losses. The captains of the five ships each boarded a lifeboat and came to the middle waters where the five ships were docked and started a meeting.

When they learned that their goals did not conflict, and even many places could cooperate, they took out the Code of Pirates and sweared by the gods of the seas to form a temporary alliance in order to increase the battle between the gold ship fleet and the pirate alliance fleet. More survival rates.

However, they did not know that although the carcasses and flesh and blood of the fish monsters on their respective ships were cleaned, this cleaning was only the surface cleanliness. In fact, the moment the blood of the deep-sea fish monsters fell on the deck, It has penetrated into the hull, and gradually formed a mark similar to a curse. In other words, even without Leo and Sylvia, their ships have been targeted by Daru.

This kind of being targeted is not literally being targeted, but actually being targeted. In the cabin of Petting, both Leo and Sylvia can clearly feel that the bloodstained curse of the fish monster condenses and takes shape. It is like a lighthouse that continuously sends out signals to the surroundings. Soon the power felt in the Dalu Temple fell on the ship with the guidance of the signal, and another imprint was imprinted on the ship.

Neither Leo nor Sylvia felt any threatening power from this mark, which was more like a source of some kind of signal, as if Daru was announcing the ownership of these ships to all the existence on the sea.

Although these marks penetrate deep into the hull, they are not particularly powerful. Both Leo and Sylvia have ways to disperse them, but they did not do so, because these marks not only guide Daru, but also It exposed the location of Daru.

At the same time, this mark should be one of Daru’s original imprints. Although the power aura radiated from it is not strong, it is no different from Daru’s original power. There is too much Daru’s original power in this imprint. Information, analyzing the power in this imprint is equivalent to analyzing part of the mystery of Daru's power.

However, it is very difficult to analyze the mystery of the power of the gods from the imprint of the gods.

But what the gods can’t do doesn’t mean that Leo can’t do it. His body itself is very peculiar. It can accommodate all kinds of imprints of the gods, and imitate or borrow the power of the gods through the imprints, and his devouring power, the nightmare The force and the power of the Stone Throne cooperate with each other, which can easily suppress a trace of the spirit consciousness in the mark of the gods, and absorb the power of the gods, imitate the power of the gods, and so on. These talents and abilities cooperate with each other to make Leo's whole person like a power analysis device. , Can decompose, absorb and imitate any power he sees at will.

Now, Dalu’s original mark is shiningly in front of him, Leo naturally will not let this opportunity pass, he directly introduces the power of the mark into his body little by little, uses the power of the stone throne to suppress Daru’s consciousness under pressure, and then forms The Dalu gods imprint that belongs to him absorbs the power emanating from the imprint through the swallowing power of the chaos stomach pouch, analyzes it, and uses the power of nightmare to imitate it.

At the moment he imitated the power of Daru, he seemed to have turned into Daru. All the statues of Daru on the five ships exudes a faint light, and a vague image around his body will also Its package.

"Is this Daru? It's ugly enough." Sylvia said with a slight disgust as she looked at the image that enveloped Leo.

I saw that Dalu’s true appearance was completely different from the idols that the world created for him. Although Dalu’s idol is also in the form of a sea monster, the shape of the sea monster is still within the acceptable range of human thinking, and it is Dalu’s true appearance. It is completely out of human imagination. Simply put, Dalu is a group of foul-smelling pustules that form a half-fish and half-squid shape, and countless tentacles with sharp teeth stick out from the pustules, flaring their teeth and claws around them. Various sounds.

This kind of sound is not a language in any conventional sense. It is impossible to be heard by ordinary people, but it can affect ordinary people, because at the moment Daru’s power incarnation was created by Leo, this sound is beyond human hearing. It has spread to the petting ship, and everyone on the petting ship is in a state of mental hysteria, with words in their mouths and dull eyesight. Only the Barbarissas are not affected. Even Joan and Petunia are also affected. Affected.

"Should this be called a bewitching speech or a blasphemous speech?" Sylvia, whose life form is already indistinguishable from a demigod, was naturally able to hear this voice, and this voice became two in her ears. A recognizable language, one is to bewitch her into the embrace of the ocean, and the other is to curse the world with the most vicious language.

"Neither." At this moment, Leo, who is almost equivalent to the incarnation of Daru, clearly knows Daru's situation better than Sylvia. After analyzing for a while, he smiled on his face and said, "He is more than I imagined. It's easier to deal with."

Afterwards, he gave Sylvia a little bit of the narrative of the essence of Daru that he had analyzed, and while narrating it, he and Sylvia further improved their methods of dealing with Daru's attack.

Although Daru is now a **** recognized by the church in the civilized world, and can openly build churches, temples, and preach, after Leo analyzed Daru’s original imprint, he discovered that Daru is essentially a sea driven by instinct. It's strange, the wisdom, character, and divinity he showed are just a disguise.

Dalu is one of the lucky ones among those sea monsters. He seems to have found a way to gain wisdom and faith, which is to rescue the victims in the storm.

Although this kind of thing is very simple, but for those sea monsters who only know how to act instinct, it is very difficult. They will only eat it as a dessert when they encounter a falling water, and will not go to rescue, while Daru is The lucky one among the many sea monsters, an unexpected rescue gave him the faith of humans, and along with the belief comes human wisdom and emotion, which makes him break away from the category of sea monsters and enter another level.

It's just that these wisdom and emotions are human risks, not produced by him, his essence is still beast instinct, he does not know how to deal with these human wisdom and emotions, and his essence is not a god, and does not deal with the power of faith. Ability, these complex substances from human beings eventually accumulate in his body, helping him to disguise himself as a wise **** while also turning into poison, corroding his essence a little bit, so his essence will gradually change from one to another. The sea monster shape change that can be accepted by humans is now in this unspeakable state of disgust.

If they are a real god, Leo and Sylvia can only fight against them by means of external forces, but a sea monster like Daru disguised as a god, and a sea monster with fatal flaws, Leo They have a better way to deal with Him, or it.

According to Daru’s essential situation, Leo and Sylvia’s adjusted response methods are completely different from the original version. As for the original version, they did not waste it, taking it as a preparation to deal with possible accidents. plan.

On the other side, the captains of the five ships also returned to their respective ships, and in accordance with the negotiated plan, left this temporary stop and headed towards the bitter sea eye where the gold transport ship and the main battleground of pirates were located.

In order to avoid just breaking into the battlefield, the five ships slowed down, and the route that originally only took half a day walked for a whole day. Until nightfall, they did not arrive at the planned observation stop. For this reason They had to drop anchor directly at sea and wait until dawn tomorrow.

Although after repeated inspections and tests, no abnormalities were found in the surroundings, the sailors who had experienced deep-sea fish monster attacks did not dare to relax at all. People patrolled the boat repeatedly throughout the night to avoid any accidents.

However, what made them feel fortunate was that the things they were worried about did not happen. They were very calm until dawn, but after dawn, the five ships were on the surface of the water when they lifted anchors and continued to drive toward their planned observation stop. Fragments of some ships were found.

It’s not uncommon to find the wreckage of a broken ship at sea. Most of the time, sailors will use fishing nets to pick up the debris and wreckage to see if they can find anything of value, even if they are not found. Intact fragments will also be collected and used as wood for repairing ships.

"The dog group is the dog group of Tarjes!" When the sailors on a ship picked up the fragments as usual to find valuable things from it, the pattern imprinted on a fragment immediately attracted their attention. A sailor who knew the Pirate Flag very well immediately pointed to the pattern and shouted loudly.

The captain who heard the shout immediately ran over to confirm the pattern, and then reported the news, and the captain who received the news also passed the news to other ships.

What these people call Targes is a pirate wandering along the southern coast of the New World, because he has a large number of pirate ships, and they are all small and medium-sized speedboats. When encountering prey, it is like a dog hunting. Hunting and hunting, so his pirate group is also called a dog group.

Among the many pirates, Tarjis the fur seal is not the most powerful, but it is the most difficult to deal with. In addition, Tarjis likes to transform the appearance of his car like other ships, and then hide it among the dogs. So it’s difficult to solve Tagus by destroying the flagship of the dog group. As long as Tagus is still alive, even if other ships in the dog group are sunk, Tagus can quickly rebuild the dog group and continue. Privateing at sea.

The waters of the Black Lagoon belong to the southern waters of the New World. Naturally, Targes the fur seal is indispensable among those invited by the Pirate Alliance. Among the big pirates of the Alliance, Targes may not be ranked, but it is also a large force. .

Judging from the current situation, Tarjes has obviously been in contact with the front-end **** fleet of the gold transport fleet, and there has been a fierce battle, and from the debris situation, the battle seems to be overwhelmingly overwhelming. Because the wood used for those fragments is thin wood only used by some cheap offshore speedboats, the wood used by ocean-going ship frigates is stronger and thicker.

When the five ships arrived at the observation point they had booked, it was not difficult to see that the large number of ship fragments floating in the waters and some carcasses that had not had time to be eaten by the fishes, the fur seal Tarjes might have been planted here this time.

This observation point has no name. It is just a deep water area with few reefs. Because its location is right next to the Bitter Water Sea Eye. You only need to bypass an obvious group of reefs to enter the Bitter Water Sea area, so it is also the first choice for some ships. Temporary docking points, before entering the Bitter Water Sea Eye, ships taking the route of the Black Reef Sea area will be slightly trimmed here before continuing.

Originally, the plan discussed by the captains of Heressa and the others was to prepare the five ships to stop here, and then each tried to understand the situation of the eye of the bitter water, and then decided whether the next step was to go directly through the eye of the bitter water or in a safe place. Waiting for the opportunity.

However, the fragments floating on the sea now show that it is clear that both sides of the war are not so friendly to bystanders and neutral ships, because there are also many fragments of merchant ships in the fragments, which indicates that at least one merchant ship has been involved in the battlefield.

Just when the five ships were still discussing whether they should continue to stay in this temporary location as planned, or enter the Bitter Sea Eye first, a whistle sounded from the original place, and the watchman saw seven or eight medium-sized steamships. The battleship transformed from the ship appeared on the sea level in the distance, and more ships could be seen faintly further away.

When the watchmen notified the news to their respective captains, Heresa and the captains knew that their luck was too bad. The route they chose to sail coincided with the route of the gold ship, and the time also coincided.

They knew very well that if they continued to stay here, they would only be treated as pirates by the gold-carrying fleet, so they did not hesitate to come up with a backup plan and ordered to enter the eye of bitter water in advance and swim along the edge of the eye. Avoid getting involved in the war.

Just when the five ships were about to sail into the eyes of the bitter water, a non-human employer on one of the ships found the captain of his ship, saying that he could help the five ships to hide in the gold. Under the nose of the ship fleet, it was not found.

Then he asked the captain to tell the other four ships to approach his own ship, and then took out a shoebox-sized device, handed it to the watchman, and fixed it to the tallest ship's mast.

Although the captain did not understand what his employer was going to do, he thought of some special abilities used in the fish monster attack, he felt that what the employer said should not be false, so he informed the other ships to approach as instructed.

The other four ships didn't understand why they did it, but because it didn't take much time to do so, they didn't ask much, so they just leaned in.

However, just after the five ships approached a certain distance, they were surprised to find that a colorful mask suddenly appeared on the ship as the center and quickly moved around, trying to envelop them.

As the mask moved, people outside the mask found that the ship they were on disappeared a little bit, feeling like they were swallowed by something terrible. Some sailors even jumped into the water because of this. Trying to escape the cover of the photomask, they realized that there was nothing wrong with the ships until they were also covered by the photomask.

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