The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1437: Civilization Sacrifice

After listening to Jason’s description of the New World, both Sylvia and Leo showed surprised expressions on their faces, because they were both surprised by the size of the New World. Originally, they only thought the size of the New World and the Old World It's almost the same, but now it seems that the area of ​​the New World is much larger than that of the Old World. It can even be said that the Old World is just a relatively large island on the edge of the New World.

And Jason mentioned a very important adventure carried out by these non-human races hundreds of years ago. The purpose of this adventure was to find the boundaries of the new continent and draw a full map of the new continent. As a result, the teams who explored deeper into the new continent did not With one exception, when they traveled in the same direction for several years or even more than ten years, they encountered a thick fog that would not dissipate all year round, and they were also attacked by mysterious monsters in the thick fog. When personnel suffered heavy losses, they were not allowed to Do not exit the dense fog and give up to continue the adventure.

When hearing this description, Leo and Sylvia couldn’t help but think of the world of Velen, the end of the wasteland and the end of the ocean in Mozambique. Although this world is a little different from other worlds, the surrounding world is There seems to be no difference in the dense fog. Obviously, this dense fog is not as simple as Leo thought before, and it may also involve some rules that are higher than the rules of the world.

However, there is another piece of information in the description of this great expedition to the edge of the world that is worthy of Leo and Sylvia's attention, and that is the time when this event happened.

It’s very interesting that in these independent civilizations that fled to the depths of the New World, they were almost disconnected from human civilization, but at the same time they had the same ideas and made the same things with human civilization, the great discovery of the world’s geography of human civilization. The movement is also unfolded during this time period, and the purpose is to discover the end of the world.

At the same time, two separate civilizations did the same thing more than once. After that, when humans in the Old World began to migrate, the inhuman civilizations hidden in the New World were also migrating deeper into the New World. Humans in the New World When it began to settle and establish a country, inhuman civilizations were also establishing a country.

If this coincidence of two different civilizations doing the same thing happens only once in the same time period, then this may be really a coincidence, but such coincidences happen one after another, then this kind of thing is obviously not explained by coincidence. It makes sense.

Obviously there are one or more mysterious existences in this world, and the development of two independent civilizations is promoted simultaneously through this method. As for the purpose of this, Leo still can’t see for the time being, the only thing that can be felt is the concentration. Strong malice.

Because, if he connects the previous non-human races to the church and will not receive a kind response from the gods of this world, and eventually forces the non-human races to move to the old continent, etc., he will I can faintly feel that the gods of this world seem to be planning something, perhaps they have succeeded in planning.

The reason why Leo made such a guess is entirely because Jason's subsequent recounts can feel that human civilization and inhuman civilization have begun to diverge on the level of technological development.

Although human civilization has developed steam engines, and has made considerable progress in physics, chemistry, biology, etc., gods and churches are still the core and main body of human civilization. The development of all civilizations is through gods, The branch of the church, which is the main body, is evident from the fact that all technological development projects are led by the power of the church. On the contrary, countries like the Otter Federation are the biggest aliens of this civilization.

While the science and technology of human civilization has made great progress, the inhuman civilization in the depths of the New World also has breakthrough development in science and technology. If the development of human science and technology is in a carriage, then inhuman civilization The development of science and technology is like wings.

Although the technological development of non-human civilizations has also appeared in the form of civilizations dominated by steam engines, this period of steam civilization only stayed for a short period of time. After the subsequent extension of the steam civilization, it directly entered a higher level of electronic civilization.

According to Jason’s description, they already have civilian flying devices there, and they have begun to use various convenient electronic devices every day. The vehicles they usually use are some electric-driven vehicles, and even some people’s bodies have begun to be mechanized. It’s no exaggeration to say that in the eyes of people like Jason, human civilization is like a backward primitive man.

The reason for such a big difference is entirely because when the non-human civilization began to evolve into the steam civilization, a secret organization appeared in the country formed by the non-human civilization. This organization is called the light of civilization, and their members roamed. Between various colleges, some far-sighted scientific theories were often published in public. Gradually, members of this organization became the core members and leaders of various colleges and non-governmental science and technology organizations. Human civilization's science and technology has begun to advance at a rapid rate. It is not enough to describe the development and improvement of various technologies. Many times the truth-like theories put forward a month ago are overthrown and replaced by new theories. .

Up to now, although inhuman civilizations still have structures such as national governments, the entire civilization is actually controlled by the light of civilization. Almost everyone is a member of the light of civilization. It’s just the core structure of the light of civilization. Except for the people who joined the core, no one else knows. Action group members like Jason only know that there is a department specializing in the manufacture of various high-tech equipment in the core circle of the organization, the highest level of the organization. It is the president, and the light of civilization was created by the president alone, so the president of the light of civilization is the promoter of the development of the entire inhuman civilization technology, and he is also honored as a saint by the entire inhuman group.

When mentioning the president, Jason would temporarily suppress his fear of Sylvia, and his adoration was beyond words, looking like a fanatic of a certain god.

However, for the President of Light of Civilization, who behaved like a saint, both Sylvia and Leo felt that something was wrong. Sylvia was more intuitive and instinct, while Leo completely passed Jason made his judgment based on the development of African civilization and technology.

Although the overall technological level of inhuman civilizations has far surpassed that of human civilizations, and even in the universe, it can definitely be regarded as an advanced level of intra-planetary civilization, but such a civilization with such a high level of technology is just The use of science and technology for civilian daily necessities without the development of corresponding military armed science and technology. This abnormal technological development completely violates the normal rules of civilization development. After the science and technology of any civilization in the universe has developed to a certain height, there will be no development. With one exception, the military will be the dominant development force, even the most peaceful alien civilization in the universe, but this inhuman civilization does not have any corresponding high-tech weapons at all, even Jason The self-destructing device on the body is only the product of the purification of the explosive material, and there is not much technological content in it, which is obviously very abnormal.

What’s more anomalous is that the technology of inhuman civilization is so high, but the scientific popularization of this civilization is not much better than that of human civilization. Even this kind of person who has been regarded as a full member of the light of civilization has no knowledge of the basic theories of various scientific principles. , Just know how to use some high-tech tools, in essence, he is no different from ordinary people in human civilization.

A rather bold idea also emerged in Leo’s mind. If the entire inhuman civilization is regarded as a plantation, the fruits in the plantation should have been ripened, and the owner of the plantation can’t wait to harvest. These fruits are gone, and the president of the so-called light of civilization should be the reaper.

Leo didn't conceal his intentions, he directly spoke out his speculation about inhuman civilization in front of Jason, and discussed the fallacy with Sylvia.

Sylvia originally only felt that the development of inhuman civilization was a little abnormal, not like the development of normal civilization, but she just stayed at the level of feeling and intuition about this, and did not analyze more detailed clues. Leo’s speculation about the development of inhuman civilization just helped her wipe away the dust in front of her, and inspired her. From the abnormal development of inhuman civilization, she discovered that inhuman civilization may have been regarded as Sacrifice, and even if the behind-the-scenes existence did not personally end up with the abyss superiors, I am afraid that they cannot be separated from the abyss superiors, because the sacrifice of the entire civilization is simply a good game of the abyss superior races.

Although Leo’s knowledge of the abyss obtained from the eyes of the abyss serpent is incomplete, things about civilization sacrifices still occupy a considerable part of the knowledge of the abyss. The reason for this is that any high-ranking race in the abyss attaches great importance to it. The sacrifice of civilization, the sacrifice of a civilization to the abyss, is the best way to please the abyss and enhance the power of the superior, and it is also the quickest way.

It’s just that the difficulty of wanting to sacrifice a civilization is far more difficult than dragging a world into the abyss. To complete the sacrifice of a civilization, you must first allow the civilization to develop a unique civilization system, and then you need everyone in this civilization. Without being affected by any external forces, he willingly sacrificed himself.

Therefore, there are only a handful of successful examples of civilization sacrifices in the abyss, and every success is accompanied by the appearance of an overlord-level superior in the abyss.

Leo’s and Sylvia’s conversations are all in a common language that Jason can understand. However, these contents obviously involve the safety of the entire inhuman civilization. Jason who heard these contents seemed to be listening to some ordinary things. , Did not show any expressions of tension, shock, fear, or doubt that should have been.

In the perception of Leo's spiritual network, Jason's ontological origin also appeared to be very stable. It seemed that Leo and Sylvia had not heard the content of the conversation at all.

"Have you taken precautions in advance?" After discovering this anomaly, Leo immediately guessed.

"Forbidden words." Sylvia more accurately said about Jason's problem, and said: "This is a control method most preferred by those in the abyss, and those controlled by this method will be automatically filtered out. All words that are not conducive to the controller."

"Is there a way to unlock it?" Leo asked.

"There is no way." Sylvia shook her head and said: "The controlled people are willing to accept this method. The process of receiving is equivalent to signing an abyss contract, unless they have the power to break the abyss contract. Taboos are impossible to unravel."

Listening to what Sylvia said, Leo also put out the idea of ​​continuing to wake up Jason, and even the other methods he had prepared to let Jason understand that inhuman civilization was regarded as a sacrifice also gave up. Because he knew very well that since the controller used even taboo words, other loopholes that might reveal his purpose must have been filled by him, and he basically had no chance to wake Jason.

And awakening Jason is not good for him, only disadvantages, not to mention that after waking up Jason, can Jason, an ordinary non-human race, make the entire non-human civilization understand its bad situation. The fact that he forcibly wakes up Jason will erect a powerful enemy of the abyss, which is enough to make Leo give up his original idea.

"But why did he assign someone to collect the energy information of the **** war? What does this have to do with the sacrifice of civilization?" Leo asked Jason to take out the task tool he had, UU reading www. uukanshu. com then took a closer look, and after understanding the principle of this tool, he asked again.

The shape of this task tool is very ordinary, it is a monocular telescope commonly used by marine observers, and its internal structure is very sophisticated, involving a large number of microelectronics technologies, such as main control chips, data analysis chips, etc., if you say that before Jason If the science and technology contained in the communicator is far beyond the technological level of human civilization in this world, then the technology and technology contained in this monocular telescope now also far exceeds the technological level contained in the communicator.

This tool already has the shadow of the early galaxy civilization, and its function is also very simple. It collects energy information, and analyzes the energy information through the analysis chip to analyze the corresponding raw data, and then record it.

Although this tool is still very rough in Leo's eyes, let alone the universal universal recorder in Leo's hand, even the early energy analysis devices of the Earth Federation are far into the world, but this has to be divided into occasions, because once When a war breaks out between the gods, the overflowing energy will become extremely obvious. No matter how crude energy harvesting equipment is, very detailed energy data can be obtained.

However, what makes Leo wonder now is why a mysterious existence intending to carry out civilized sacrifices collects energy data of the gods of this world? This is obviously unnecessary behavior, and once inhuman races like Jason are exposed to the gods of this world, sooner or later his plan will be known to the gods of this world, and then the success rate of his final sacrifice to civilization will also be Falling to the bottom, this is obviously not a behavior that a wise man who plans an entire civilization should have, unless collecting information on the energy of the gods is very critical to his plan.

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