The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1436: Life suppression

Facing Jason who completely gave up resistance in front of them, Leo and Sylvia smiled at each other, and then Leo pointed his finger at the communicator worn by Jason's waist and said, "Can you show it to me?"

Jason was stunned when he heard the words. He was ready for Leo to ask about the secrets of the organization, but the other party only wanted to see his communicator, which gave him a punch in the air. Uncomfortable.

Although things were a little unexpected, Jason still kept the disguise form calm, then took out the communicator and put it on the table.

He didn't think that the two in front of him could see what this communicator was, not to mention its working principle, at best, he would only think that it was some kind of artifact, just like other human beings.

However, what surprised him was that after taking up the communicator, Leo manipulated it very skillfully. He even had only heard of some manipulation techniques, such as adjusting the signal frequency, remotely turning on the monitoring function of other communicators, and monitoring. To the various sounds around other communicator users within the communicator signal range.

At this moment, Jason began to wonder if the two people in front of him were also members of the organization, or even the top of the organization. The organization might not be assured of entrusting such an important task to the four of them, so it sent two more seniors to support them. .

However, this idea only existed for a second, and he denied it, because if there were such a strong high-level in the organization, it must have already been famous, and the words of these two people after they appeared. They have nothing to do with the organization.

"Very interesting gadgets! The use of electromagnetic effects as a means of communication has basic electronic tube physical technology, but the circuit board design is flawed, the electromagnetic effect is too low, and the communication distance is not very long. The only commendable place is the battery. Magnetic field-to-electricity amplifying device. This device can use the magnetic field effect of natural magnets to convert it into electrical energy and then amplify it. Although the amplification is limited, it is already very good. It does not require additional energy input. It is estimated that this communicator will be able to use electricity for several years.” Leo fiddled with the communicator, and while analyzing the principle of the device, he completely disassembled the communicator in his hand into individual parts.

The opposite Jason was not the person who developed the system, and he only knew how to use the communicator, so he was confused about Leo's explanation of the device principle, but he felt that Leo's words were not nonsense.

Especially when he saw that Leo easily broke the communicator into parts without forcibly destroying the communicator, and was able to point out the role of each part, he suddenly had a communicator invented by the man in front of him. Illusion.

Under this stunned look, Leo restored the communicator again, tested the effect, and put it on the table instead of handing it to Jason.

"Can we also make this thing?" Sylvia instinctively wanted to use it for the intelligence department. With the aid of this thing, the transmission of various intelligence would become extremely smooth.

Leo shook his head and said: “The design and development of parts and devices is not difficult. The difficulty is the related processes required to manufacture these parts. The process has advanced to the point of manufacturing this communicator."

"It's a pity." Sylvia showed a look of regret, then looked at Jason, and said: "What if you get the relevant manufacturing process and technology directly from them?"

"I'm afraid not. Judging from his performance just now, he obviously didn't learn any basic knowledge related to this communicator, let alone a more detailed manufacturing process." Leo denied Sylvia's idea. Said: "I guess that either the person who made this thing hides all the relevant knowledge and only takes out the finished product for people to use, or the relevant knowledge and manufacturing methods are handed over to a very secret and independent organization to operate, and other people absolutely cannot Contact with this organization..." As he said, he looked at the face of Jason that never showed any expression, and said: "It seems to be the second type. There is an independent department responsible for manufacturing these technological devices far beyond the era."

"How did you know?" Jason couldn't hide his emotions anymore, looking at Leo in surprise.

"You told me." Leo pointed to Jason, and said: "Although you deliberately do not touch the facial expressions of this body to control the nerves, lest we can see any information from the expressions of this body, you can't Control your own emotions. Your emotions are all clearly displayed. The swinging flames are equivalent to human expressions, and it is easy to analyze what emotions they represent."

"Ah! You know..." Jason looked at Leo in shock, not knowing what to say.

"Do you know that you are not a human?" Sylvia smiled disdainfully, and said: "Although your body is the same as a human body, the internal organs are still not human. I want to discover your body. Those characteristics that are different from ordinary people are not difficult. You are lucky to have not appeared in the temples of those big cities. Otherwise, your disguise would have been dismantled long ago."

Jason listened to Sylvia's words, and his heart was extremely confused. If he follows the response plan of the organization and professor, he should use the human body to attract the attention of the two people in front of him at this moment, his main body escapes, or directly initiates the self-destruction in the body. The device and the people in front of them are destroyed together to ensure that the news of the organization will not be leaked.

But I don't know why he feels that this will not have any effect. The two people in front of him obviously belong to the kind of existence beyond the effective range of the response plan.

"Do you think he will explode? If the thing in his body explodes, the power should be able to blow up the ship, right?" When Jason hesitated, Sylvia suddenly used an extremely relaxed In a tone of voice, he asked Leo, and what he asked was exactly one of the solutions that Jason was hesitating to implement.

"Not only can it blow up the ship, it should be able to tear the entire ship into pieces." Leo's gaze fell on Jason's neck, where the self-destructing device happened to be there, and his gaze seemed to penetrate his neck. The disguise, seeing the contents inside, only heard him slowly say: "This self-destruction is made of a kind of high-explosive energy crystal. Although it is only the size of a fingernail, the energy generated by the instant explosion is enough. The best battleship guns of this era are comparable. It shouldn’t be difficult to tear this ship whose main body is a wooden structure and the hull is inlaid with iron armor.”

Sylvia suddenly thought: "Such a small crystal can have such a powerful force, if it is used to make a weapon..."

Leo shook his head and said, "Don't think about it. This kind of crystal should be in an extremely unstable state. Now this size is the extreme stable state. It is used to make weapons, not to mention storage and transportation. The cost required, the probability of accidents caused by using it alone is astonishing. I am afraid that when the time comes, before the weapon made of this thing is used to kill the enemy, the user may suffer heavy casualties due to various accidents."

"Who are you guys? Why do you know so many secrets from us?" His last resort was revealed by Leo and Sylvia in such a relaxed tone. Jason was completely shocked, and he began to produce again. The two people in front of them are the illusion of the high level of the organization.

"We are just two passengers with a little more curiosity. As long as you answer our questions truthfully, we won't do anything to you." Leo responded to Jason's questions easily, and then began to formally ask questions: " Can you introduce yourself? For example, what kind of race you are, what is special about your race, what organization you are from, what is the purpose of coming here, etc."

"Do you think I will tell you these secrets? I'm willing to die and won't reveal a word." Jason tried to make himself seem calm. Although the effect is not very good, he can at least show his firm attitude when speaking. .

"No, you will say." Sylvia said solemnly: "Because your own life and death are not controlled by you at this time, I am the one who controls your life and death."

After speaking, she saw that Sylvia's pupils instantly turned into the pupils of the abyssal dragon, and at the same time a dragon flame was created by her and suspended beside her.

When the dragon flame appeared, Jason felt that he had completely lost control of the source fire. The only thing he could feel was fear, an extreme fear he had never had before, as if he had been targeted by the most terrifying existence. At this moment, all the firm beliefs in his heart collapsed instantly.

"I said, I said everything!" In extreme despair, Jason used all his strength to control his body and shouted.

Although he felt that his voice was loud, in fact his voice was very slight, and he would not be able to hear it unless he listened carefully.

However, Sylvia did not stop there. Instead, she licked her lips as if she saw a delicious delicacy, and said, "I think I ate him, maybe I can get all his memories."

Seeing Sylvia's condition, Leo frowned, put his hand on Sylvia's shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "Xini, suppress your dragon bloodline. He is a wise life. It's not an energy flame."

Hearing Leo’s reminder, Sylvia also noticed the abnormality of her emotions. She closed her eyes slightly and took a deep breath, suppressing the urge to swallow the person in front of her, and finally completely controlled her emotions. And dissipate the created magic dragon flame.

In fact, the reason why Leo chose Jason as the subject of inquiry is because his body is a flame life form. With his superficial understanding of this energy life form, the level of energy quality determines the level of this energy life form. Life level, and high-level energy life forms have a natural suppression of low-level energy life forms, and even when the level gap is extremely large, they can freely control the life, death and thoughts of low-level energy life forms.

Although Sylvia is not an energy life form, her abyssal dragon flame is a kind of extremely high flame energy. In terms of energy quality alone, even in the universe, it can definitely be ranked at the top. Even if the flame energy of the grade is not an energy life form, it can still form an innate suppression of the flame life form of the same kind.

In fact, Leo’s guess was correct. From the very beginning of Sylvia’s appearance, Jason was completely passive, and he did not even have any thoughts of resistance. He completely obeyed Leo’s instructions until he was touched just now. The most secret thing, he gave birth to a trace of resistance, but this trace of resistance, at the moment Sylvia created the abyssal dragon flame, it instantly collapsed.

The only accident was that Sylvia’s Abyssal Dragon bloodline was a bit out of control because of the attraction of Jason’s Origin Fire. Just as Sylvia felt, the flame life form of Jason was a delicious thing for the Abyssal Dragon. Snacks, eating them is of great benefit to improving the quality of the abyssal dragon flame.

If Jason is not an intelligent life body, but just a ball of flame energy without thought, Leo would be happy to see Sylvia swallow it up, but the other party is an intelligent life body, so just devour it, let alone. There is a moral problem. Merely swallowing the remaining thoughts after absorption, it may interfere with Sylvia's own mind and will become a big hidden danger.

Sylvia had clearly noticed this problem, so he recovered from the negative effects caused by the dragon's bloodline so quickly.

After this incident, Leo's inquiry became simpler. Jason, whose inner defense line had completely collapsed, answered his questions without any concealment.

From Jason's mouth, Leo knew that there were many non-human intelligent races in the world at first. UU reading only started to communicate with the gods as humans began to communicate with the gods, and obtained the divine power and magic given by the gods. The intelligent race of mankind also began to extinct under the persecution of the church.

Although those non-human intelligent races have some innate abilities that humans cannot match, their power is not worth mentioning in the face of the power of the gods.

For this reason, some non-human intelligent races have also tried to communicate with the gods, hoping to obtain the same divine power and magic from the gods as humans, but without exception, those non-human intelligent races will appear after communicating with the gods. Very severe mutations will cause mental disorders and eventually become beasts and monsters.

Facing an endless stream of human churches and various hostile gods, these non-human intelligent races had to choose to venture across the sea to avoid the persecution of the human churches. In the end, they crossed the sea with a lot of casualties. When they arrived in the New World, from this point of view, they were the first intelligent beings who migrated to the New World.

After the great migration of humans, some abandoned buildings found in the New World were also derived from their hands. They may be because they felt that the place where they settled was not safe enough, or because of other unknown reasons. In short, these non-human intelligent races were in a certain After a place has settled for a period of time, it will automatically abandon that place, and then migrate to a deeper place in the New World.

The place where they live now is called the Valley of Dreams, which is located in the deeper part of the New World, a place completely inaccessible to humans. Even their own entry and exit need to rely on a special aircraft to pass through the primitive land in the interior of the New World and come to humans to migrate and settle. Of the zone.

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