The Hunter Church is a very special church. In terms of the size of the church, this church is not very large, but the position of this church among the many churches in the world is very important. Basically, many small churches of True God need it. Relying on the Lava Heart Church can survive.

Because the clergy of the hunters specialize in one kind of work, that is, the hunting of heretics. The interesting thing is that the heresy mentioned here is not the heresy of the Hunter Church. In fact, the Hunter Church itself does not specifically target heretics. The church or the evil god, what they hunted is heresy recognized by other churches.

The heretical hunters of the Hunter Church are equivalent to the heretical hunters of the heretical courts of other churches. However, the heretical hunters are hunted down by any heretics. Sometimes there may even be two Churches of True God who consider each other as heretics. Heretic stalkers simply eat both sides.

The Hunter Church can still stand firmly in this world even after offending so many True God Churches and heretical churches, which in itself proves that the heretical hunters are strong enough.

And in such a powerful heresy hunter organization, their leader ruled that the Paladin was the biggest heresy, because the object of his faith turned out to be the real eye, and in his heart his ultimate hunting target turned out to be the main **** of his church. Hunter.

This is just one of the most weird members of the secret churches of the True Eye Church, and another even more weird believer is the ruler of a grand duchy in the Old World, and his life goal is to overthrow himself and let the republic. Instead of the feudal system of the Grand Duchy, the largest resistance organization in the Grand Duchy was even founded and supported by him.

After learning about the secret list of church members of the True Eye Church, Leo and Sylvia increasingly felt that even if the True Eye got rid of the predicament of being imprisoned, he might be crazy.

Although it sounds absurd and ridiculous that the gods go mad, it is not difficult to understand why the Eye of Truth goes mad when you think about it.

First of all, the real eye is not a true **** after all, he is just a demigod who has acquired some gods' powers in advance.

Secondly, the real eye has been imprisoned for so many years, and finally the condensed consciousness incarnation was sacrificed by Leo to a more terrifying existence. Even in the process of sacrifice, the real eye may need to bear the higher life form. The resulting innate suppression, this suppression is very likely to cause irreparable damage to his original consciousness.

When he lost consciousness, he was poached out for experimentation, and from various circumstances, he must have been dispelled, and even if he was lucky enough to wake up, he still needs to face the world worse than Velen. , In a more complex environment, any **** in this world will treat him as a good meal.

After this torture, let alone a demigod, even if it is the true **** of Velen world, I am afraid it is impossible to continue to maintain any rationality, not to mention the true eye is not a **** known for its rationality in Velen world. , Now becoming more crazy, it is not incredible.

After trying to understand this, Leo and Sylvia also showed relief on their faces, and then Leo turned to ask more formal topics: "You came here to see the two of us not just because you sensed the truth. The divine power of the Eye, treat us as your colleagues! There should be other things, can you tell us?"

Although Leo’s tone is very calm and his words seem to be discussing with Tagash, Tagash does not think that the other party is really asking for his opinion, and he also feels that it is impossible for him to hide it from such a powerful existence. Anything, so he was like telling his life, without a bit of concealment, he carefully recounted what happened in the previous meeting in the captain's room, and also mentioned some of the future he saw through the real eye technique. Images, such as the divine battle that will inevitably erupt in the Black Reef waters soon, and the godlike performance of the Leo couple in the divine battle.

Although the content of Tagash's story sounds very absurd and crazy, Leo and Sylvia did not have the slightest doubt after hearing what he said. Lu's method.

What's interesting is that this method is not perfect yet. It is just a rudimentary discussion. The method described by Tagash is a perfect method. During the listening process, Leo also deduced the feasibility in his head and found this The effect of the method is perfect. If you want to give this method a final effect, then what Tagash tells is the final effect.

Although Leo and Sylvia believed in Tagash's words, they did not believe that Tagash saw the future through the real eye, thus predicting what would happen in the future.

Sylvia didn't believe it because when she was the adjudicator, she had contacted countless people who claimed to have the ability to predict the future, and in the end those people's ability to predict the future was all false.

In addition, she has seen a large number of records of various miracles by gods predicting the future from many secret books of various churches. However, after careful analysis of those records, it is not difficult to find that those so-called predicting the future are all through God’s power. To guide the people in the story to the future predicted by him.

Therefore, Sylvia never believed in predicting foreign things, and never believed that gods had the ability to predict the future, especially after she had obtained a complete memory of the abyssal dragon, she would never believe in the so-called predicting the future.

As for Leo, it is more clear. In some technical research documents related to predicting the future jointly published by the Supreme Council of the Universe and some advanced civilizations, it is clearly pointed out that the so-called predicting the future is actually just a data deduction, and the deduction used The accuracy of the basic data and the method of deduction determine the accuracy of predicting the future.

Even if the Supreme Council of the Universe is the owner of the oldest life and the highest life form in the universe, they cannot predict the future. Otherwise, the Supreme Council of the Universe will not be suspended in the subspace world tree in that broken posture. The top of it.

Therefore, in Leo’s view, the reason why Tagash was able to infer the method he used was that the magical technique of the True Eye captured the remaining information and data when he and Sylvia were in the room to discuss the method to deal with Daru. In this way, the subsequent complete method is inferred from these residual data, and then added to the scene seen by Tagash, and Tagash will not have any doubts about the later added prediction content due to the power of the real eye. , It will only be considered as the content that has been predicted before.

Although this kind of magic is much worse than the real prediction of the future, it cannot be denied that this ability is powerful, at least in terms of deduction, it is almost comparable to Leo’s past second brain, and even There may be more than that.

"Can you still perform that kind of magic once?" Leo asked Tagash, who was curious.

But Tagash just smiled bitterly, pointed to his two empty eye sockets, and did not answer.

Seeing this, Leo did not forcefully demand any more, and instead asked another question, saying: "You just said that there will be a war of gods in the waters of the Black Lagoon, but you haven't said which gods are there?"

"No, there are only two." Tagash replied solemnly: "One is our protector, Daru who appeared with the storm, and the other should be the original greed."

"Original greed?" Leo was stunned, because he hadn't heard the name of this god, and naturally there was no information about this god.

On the contrary, when Sylvia heard the name of the **** originally greed, she couldn't help but was stunned, with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Have you ever heard of the original greed?" Sylvia's expression was serious by Leo, and he asked suspiciously.

Sylvia nodded and said, "I have heard it, but in my memory, he is not called the original greed, but the original sin greed."

"Is it the master of the abyss?" Leo asked again.

Sylvia nodded, and replied: "Not only the superior, but also the terrifying existence called the Lord of the Abyss."

"Sovereign of the Abyss?" Leo showed a solemn expression on his face, and his expression became serious.

Although Leo's knowledge of the abyss obtained from the eyes of the abyss snake is far from as rich and detailed as Sylvia's inheritance memory, he still knows some basic knowledge about the abyss in great detail.

In the abyss, there is no absolute ruler. Almost all the high-ranking races in the abyss are extremely proud. They will never allow a ruler to stand on top of their heads, so even if there is a high-ranking abyss The person is strong enough to unify the world of the abyss, and no upper person is willing to do this, because as long as there is a higher person to do it, then this upper person will become the public enemy of countless abysses and not races, and be counted by countless abyss superiors. Siege and death by then are the best results.

Although there will be no real rulers in the abyss, some powerful abyss superiors can still crown themselves, such as monarchs, kings, and even great demon titles, and the abyss powers with these titles also need to pass Tests from the abyss and the abyss race time after time, and this test will never end, unless the abyss powerhouse with the title is dead.

Therefore, any high-ranking person in the abyss with the title of a monarch is definitely the strongest existence in the abyss, and in Sylvia's mouth, the original sin greed is such a strong existence with the title of the abyss monarch.

"It should not be the body, either the incarnation, or the projection." Sylvia guessed at this time: "If it is really the original sin and greed body, then it is not a demigod like Daru that can deal with, let alone with The Chamber fought."

"The possibility of projection is greater." Leo also nodded in agreement, then turned to look at Tagash, and asked: "Do you know the original greedy **** and its church?"

Tagash didn’t understand Leo and Sylvia just now, because they both used a language he hadn’t heard before, but he could also tell from the look of the two of them that the content of their conversation was very good. important.

It wasn't until he heard Sylvia's question that he realized that the two in front of him were talking about the original greed **** with such serious and cautious expressions, which made him feel puzzled, and even felt like he wanted to laugh. Time does not know how to answer.

"Is there any problem with my question?" Leo asked, seeing that there was something wrong with Tagash's expression.

"No problem, it's just that the two people used such serious expressions to talk about the **** of original greed. It's really a bit..." Tagash didn't finish speaking, but the expression on his face matched the tone of voice and he had fully expressed his meaning. .

Sylvia wondered: "Is there a problem with this god?"

"There is no problem with the **** itself, but this **** does something..." Tagash still didn't finish his words. It seemed that he was not only unable to describe in words, but more like there were concerns. Then he heard him say: " This church of the gods only circulates in some small countries in the Old World. He has another name called the God of Mischief, or the God of Pure Evil. No one will pray to him unless he is on a dead end. After praying, if the wish is not fulfilled, the prayer will be unlucky, and the prayer will still be unlucky if the wish is fulfilled. That is to say, as long as the prayer is to him, the prayer will end badly."

As he said, he hesitated a little, and added: "In addition, this **** hates people to say bad things about him. As long as he speaks bad things about him, those who say bad things about him will be cursed by him. For a period of time, bad luck and luck It's good to survive this period of time, and those with bad luck may die by some inexplicable accident."

"So interesting?" Leo was not frightened by Tagash's words, but asked Sylvia with interest: "Is original sin and greed the same in the abyss?"

"I don't know. UU reading" Sylvia shook his head and said: "Any abyss monarch is very mysterious, they must also be mysterious, only the mysterious can produce awe, and those unmysterious abyss The monarch has already fallen."

Seeing that Sylvia didn't have an answer, Leo looked at Tagash and asked, "Since this original greed is so dangerous, then who called him out in the battle of Gods you predicted? Don’t those who call him fear being cursed?"

"I don't know this, but most of the gold ships I have sent are gods who believe in the ocean, so even if they pray, they will pray to the gods of the ocean. I guess Daru should have been summoned by the gold ship. "Tagas guessed: "On the contrary, the original greed should be summoned by the pirates."

According to the normal analysis, Tagash’s guess was not wrong, but he didn’t know that Leo and Sylvia had already been targeted by Daru, so Daru must have come for Leo and Sylvia. It was just inexplicable. Was involved in the battle of gods.

The battle that Tagash saw was only the result. In the end, Leo and Sylvia drove out the two gods through the method they thought of, but he did not see the middle and the beginning. So from the analysis of various situations, it is obvious There is also a third **** who will join the battle of the Black Reef.

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