The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1428: Cooperate honestly

The development of the matter completely exceeded Targash’s expectations. He originally just entered the legendary state just now, and he sensed that there was still the favored person and more senior clergy on this ship, plus his own power gains. A breakthrough improvement, a moment of excitement, he took the initiative to come in contact with the two colleagues, but the result was the enemy of True Eye.

And if the other party did not brag, the opponent's level of hostility could even be said to have reached the level of a deadly enemy. After all, this world has not heard of the incarnation of a **** being killed.

Just now, he tried to pray to the gods, but he couldn’t get any response. Although he had prayed in the past and didn’t get any response, but this time he felt a strange feeling that the gods didn’t respond because of his immediate presence. This couple looks like a couple of great aristocrats in a certain country.

Now he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​resisting, even if he was the enemy of the gods. The years of life on the sea had taught him to compromise, and it is the same now, so when Leo put forward his suggestion, he did not consider it at all, and nodded in agreement. Come down.

Afterwards, he spoke very honestly about his past experience, among which the things about the real eye were described in detail, and he must be satisfied with Leo.

In Tagash’s narrative in as much detail as possible, Leo knew that the old sailor who had spent most of his life at sea did not grow up on the seashore, but in the depths of the old continent, a certain mountain. The son of Orion in a small country.

He received the revelation of the True Eye much earlier than Leo expected. When he was a child of seven or eight years old, he received the revelation of the True Eye for the first time. During that revelation, he was born. He suffered a serious illness that brought him extremely close to death, and then he became a believer of True Eye.

As for why in the town where he was at that time, only he received the enlightenment of the True Eye, but none of the others. He didn't understand this at the time. It was when he grew up and recalled this past event that he thought about it clearly. Now, all of this may have something to do with what he got from the corpse.

The small mountain country where they are located is very poor and has very little arable land. Most of the food they need daily must be purchased from neighboring countries.

The lord buys food from the ore in the mountain mines, while ordinary people can only rely on the prey they hunted on the mountain to buy the food, so the people in the small mountain country are hunters.

Normally, these hunters will target ordinary animals in the mountains, but if they find better prey, they don't mind a cameo as a bandit.

Because the small mountain country has a very special geographical location, it happens to be connected to the borders of several countries. If the goods to and from the country pass directly through the mountain country, it will not only greatly shorten the shipping time, but also avoid a large amount of money. The tax can even smuggle some high-value contraband.

For hunters in a small mountain country, these fat sheep are the best prey, but most fat sheep are armed to the teeth, and they are not easy to eat. They can only choose the ones that are easy to deal with, so every robbery is for those For the village where the hunter is located, it is no less than a carnival feast.

In the feast, the hunters will bring all the harvest from this hunting to the village, and then let the village chief distribute it according to the ancestral system. The next thing was on the corpse, and finally the children of each family went up and searched it again. Anything found belonged to the searcher.

Tagash still remembers that it was the fifth time he participated in such a feast, but the previous few times he had very bad luck, either he did not find anything, or he found it and was snatched away, so this time, he grew up. Xinyan, no matter what you find on the corpse, don't look at it first, put it in your mouth and save it, and when it's over, go home and watch it slowly.

Therefore, when he found a weird-looking but extremely exquisite pendant from a corpse wearing a teaching gown, he immediately put the pendant in his mouth.

However, what puzzled him was that when he went home and wanted to check what the pendant was, when he took the pendant out of his mouth, he found that the pendant was rusty, not as exquisite as he thought at first.

He was surprised by this incident and told his family about it, but the family just thought it was too dark at the time and he did not see things clearly, and the people around him made him nervous, so he regarded a rusty pendant as a rusty pendant. Precious jewelry.

At that time, Tagash was still very young, so he could not make any useful judgments. He could only listen to the words of his family, thinking that he was indeed wrong.

After thinking about it, he felt that this pendant that he can't remember now should be the reason why he got the revelation of True Eye, because just the second day after he got the pendant, he fell ill, and in that time he was about to die. In that state, his consciousness fell into a state called the Holy Guide. In that state, he received the revelation of the True Eye, and became a believer of the True Eye, and he was also the God of True Eye’s gift. The gods of the art.

The divine art he obtained at that time had no name, and its function was to be able to discover the large and small prey that was blocked by various obstacles within a certain range, so he named this divine art Discovery Prey.

With this magical technique, he had become the best hunter in the village before he reached adulthood, and his reputation spread throughout the small mountain country. The strongest hunters in many villages came to him to compete, and the results of the contest were not a single one. The exceptions all ended with him winning, and the scalps of those challengers were covered with walls by him.

After he became an adult, he became recognized as the strongest hunter in the small mountain country, and even the lord sent people to invite him to join the lord guard and become an official knight.

If, at that time, Tagash accepted the lord’s invitation to join the lord’s guard and become a knight, then he might stay in his hometown for the rest of his life, eventually becoming a local nobleman by virtue of his merits and gaining some land or mines.

But in the end he did not choose to stay in his hometown, because he wanted to see the outside world, or more accurately, it was the gods who wanted him to leave the small country in the mountains and see the outside world.

Because on the day of his coming-of-age ceremony, he received the revelation of the gods for the second time. In the revelation, he obtained the second divine art, a healing divine art that can heal wounds, and he also felt a hint of the thoughts of the gods.

After that, he left his hometown, wandered around the surrounding countries, worked as a robber, a mercenary, and participated in the war that broke out between the two countries. In the end, he left his hometown during a mission to protect the caravan. Lu, came to a country near the sea.

When he saw the ocean for the first time, he was completely shocked by the ocean. At that time, he thought the ocean was his home, and he also received the revelation of the gods for the third time, and obtained the third kind of magic. The technique allows him to discern the direction, discover the reefs on the bottom of the sea, and see through the deadly dangers hidden in the mist on the sea. This magical technique was also named by him as a navigation technique.

At that time, he was on the local wharf and happened to meet Heressa who had suffered a fiasco, was hiding in hiding to repair ships and recruiting sailors. He boarded Heressa’s Beloved and became the navigator of Heressa. Once it was decades, until now.

Upon hearing this, Sylvia suddenly asked a crucial question, saying: "Did you encounter any other faithful or clergyman in your life at sea for decades?"

Tagash, who was about to go vaguely, saw that the other party had discovered this deliberately hidden thing, and did not insist on continuing to hide it, but honestly said what he knew.

It turns out that over the years, he has not only seen the true eye secret believers and clergymen hidden in various countries and even in various churches, and even used the convenience of his identity to act as messengers for these believers and clergymen.

True Eye does have a church organization, but its church is more like a Spanish moss attached to other churches or organizations. It has not been discovered by the true God church in this world, classified as a heretical church or evil God church, and it is not standing in the sun. Develop your own church organization.

From Tagash’s description, it’s not difficult to hear that the church organization of the True Eye is very loose. The members and clergy of the church all call the True Eye of their faith according to their own ideas, and even the doctrines they understand are different. , The church texts used are extremely different.

For example, Tagash knew the name of the true eye when he received the revelation of the gods for the third time, but his understanding of the true eye was completely different from the doctrine of the true eye of Velen World. He understood the true eye of the true eye. The doctrine is to explore the unknown and discover the reality of the world, so adventure and exploration are the essence of what he believes is the real eye.

However, some believers believe that the true eye is to discover the evil nature of this world. Only by discovering and understanding the nature can they transcend the nature. Leading the people of this world to transcend the evil nature is the core of their doctrine. Therefore, they will use thinkers and revolutionaries. His identity wanders around the world, exposing various social essences that are concealed under false prosperity, and launching uprisings at the bottom.

In addition, there are some more weird clergy. These people are almost all senior clergy members of various churches. They believe in the true God of the church where they are located, and they are also perfect clergy members with the true eye. They are secretly in the church where they are located. Develop followers.

Their doctrines are even more absurd. They believe that all gods are real, whether they are true gods, evil gods, or monsters comparable to gods are real, but the real eye is the most real. All they have to do is use The reality of the real eye covers other low-level realities, and finally returns this world to its true essence.

To be honest, Leo and Sylvia were a little confused when they heard this. They never thought that after the Eye of True came into this world, they would develop so many doctrines and thoughts, and they even doubted the truth. Is the eye crazy? You must know that the core of the doctrine of a church is the essence of gods. The essence needs to be pure to complete higher evolution, and the chaotic essence will only destroy the demigods and false gods who are trying to ascend to the position of true gods. Fall into madness and eventually self-destruct, and the current True Eye seems to have this trend.

"Are you sure that you all believe in the true eye of the same god?" Leo asked slightly questioning at this time.

"Of course, the magical arts that our lord bestows on us are all the same. If they are not the same god, how can they be endowed with the same magical arts?" At this moment, Targash has already seen that as long as he answers the other party's questions honestly, he will have no life. He was worried, so his mood calmed down, and the tone of his answer would become normal. After he had answered this question, he seemed to feel that it was not enough. He added: "However, although it is the same magical technique , But different people use it, and the effect is different. For example, my magic arts find prey and use it in the hands of some other clergymen. It becomes a search for heresy, or discovery of the low-level people that can be developed, and so on."

"It sounds like the Church of True Eye seems to be exposed at any time. The structure is too loose." Sylvia found a suspicious point and asked tentatively: "Which True Eye do you remember? Say it. Come out and listen."

When Tagash heard the words, he smiled bitterly, and said, "Sorry, ma'am. I can't tell." Then, he was worried about Sylvia's misunderstanding, and quickly added: "It's not that I don't want to say it, it's true. If I don’t come out, those people are very vague in my memory. Unless I see them in person, I can’t remember anything about them, and I can’t even tell anyone anything about the church. UU看书www.uukanshu. com"

"Then why can you tell us?" Sylvia asked.

Tagash was stunned. It seemed that he was also a little surprised by this situation, but he quickly thought of something, turned his head and looked at Leo, and said: "This may be related to the mark of my lord on your body. Your Excellency here is a very high-ranking priest in the church. I don't need to hide anything from your Excellency."

"In that case," Leo said, suddenly turning on his spiritual vision ability, activating the divine power mark of the real eye, and letting it cover the entire room, and commanded: "I command you to bring everything you know to the truth. The people involved in Eye of the Eye tell it."

As Leo's voice fell, the vague memories of other church members in Tagash's mind instantly became clear, as if the misty glass was wiped clean by someone, and at the same time he couldn't control his mouth. And thoughts, the whole person seemed to be controlled, and all the cultivators that he knew were told.

At the same time, Leo and Sylvia also quickly recorded these secret lists of the True Eye Church, and while recording them, they were also extremely surprised because of the hidden True Eye followers and priests in the list. Among the personnel, several people are very famous, and they are so famous that both of them have seen their information in different sources.

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