The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1416: Non-existent building

"Where is this place?" Leo looked at a nine-story building constructed of intact white wall stones, and asked suspiciously as he scanned the badge at the door of the building.

The group of them followed the traces of light left by using the storm halo to arrive at a building in the center of Baicheng District. The location of this building is very special. Opposite is the City Council Municipal Building, and not far away is the Sea Star Plaza. Around the square are the temples of several other churches and the City Council House. This can be said to be the center of power of the Port of Sainte-Pelia.

However, at the entrance of such a nine-story building, there is no nameplate indicating the building’s ownership, but a metal badge similar to a shield is staring at the front entrance. The pattern on this badge is very simple, with a leaf at both ends. Connect the gear and flame respectively.

The pattern on the badge is not too esoteric. You can understand it at a glance. The leaves represent nature, gears represent civilization, and flames represent faith. I just don’t know what these things together represent, at least in the materials Leo remembered. No organization or force in this world has such a badge.

"Just ask someone to ask." Sylvia said, she directly caught a pedestrian who was passing by and asked, "Do you know which institution this building belongs to?"

The dragged pedestrian was very angry at first, but after seeing Sylvia, his anger dissipated immediately, but after hearing Sylvia’s question, a puzzled expression appeared on his face and looked towards Xi. Elvia's eyes also seemed to be looking at a madman.

The obvious emotion of the pedestrian was naturally easily seen through by Sylvia. She showed a little displeasure and said: "You can answer whatever I ask, don't talk nonsense!"

The pedestrian curled his lips and said, "Madam, I really want to answer your question, but only if there is a building like the one you mentioned in front of me."

Sylvia and Leo were both stunned. Then Leo confirmed: "Can't you see a nine-story building in front of you?"

The pedestrian didn't answer Leo's question, but looked at Leo and Sylvia blankly, then shook his head, then turned and walked away.

Although the pedestrian did not answer, his expressions and actions have clearly told the two of them the answer.

At this time, Petunia on the side looked at Leo and Sylvia in a puzzled manner, and asked: "Teacher, Madam, what building are you talking about?"

"Can't you see a building here?" Leo asked Petunia the same question again.

Petunia shook her head and said, "There are only Spring Water Temple and Warsong Temple, there are no other buildings."

Hearing Petunia’s words, both Leo and Sylvia knew that only the two of them could see the building in front of them. As for the others, it seemed that they turned a blind eye to the building, and maybe even the surrounding churches didn’t even realize that it was here. There is also such a striking building.

Regarding this phenomenon, Leo and Sylvia instantly thought of the young couple. Although the young couple is not like this building, they can be completely hidden, but they can also affect the cognition of people around them. People can't help but ignore them, just as the pedestrians on this street ignore this building.

"Do you know how this is caused?" Sylvia said with some confusion: "I can't feel any abnormal power around me."

Leo said with a serious expression: "Of course, there can be no abnormal power. This is not caused by magic or witchcraft at all, but technology, a high-level civilization technology."

Leo couldn't explain the situation before him, because he didn't know what caused this phenomenon, but he had heard of similar technologies.

In the universe, there are always some higher civilizations who are more willing to develop their own, and are unwilling to communicate with other civilizations, so these higher civilizations have invented various techniques to hide themselves.

It is rumored that an advanced civilization even invented a technology based on the law of the universe to erase its entire civilization from the cognition of all creatures in the universe. Even the ancient Omega-class life forms of the Supreme Council of the universe cannot avoid this. Cognitive obliteration at a legal level.

However, those ancient beings are very powerful after all. Some are powerful enough to counteract the basic laws of the universe and distort the origin of the universe. Therefore, their perceptions cannot be completely erased and there will always be some impressions left behind. These impressions make the advanced civilization recorded. , But the content of the record cannot be fully understood by people because of the power of the laws of the universe, so whether that advanced civilization exists is always a vague rumor.

Although the current situation of this building cannot be compared with that of the advanced civilization completely erasing itself from the cognition of the universe, the effects of both are similar. Only one is powerful enough to fill the entire universe, and the other is just In an area, the affected people are also much weaker. For example, Leo and Sylvia are no longer affected after they have had cognitive suspicions.

Just when Leo and Sylvia were discussing what to do next, the door of this building opened automatically.

Leo and Sylvia looked into the door at the same time, and an empty and quiet hall greeted them. In addition, there was no light in the hall. All the light came from the stones on the floor, walls and dome. A metal cylinder in the center of the hall is particularly eye-catching.

"What's that?" Sylvia asked.

"Navigator." Leo quickly gave a clear answer this time.

Leo speaks in French, and in French, a vocabulary similar to navigator is the leader of ocean-going ships, so Sylvia could not help but think of this metal cylinder in her mind after hearing this word. The sight of navigating on the sailing observation deck couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Leo knew why Sylvia laughed, and he didn't have the idea of ​​explaining it further, because his current mind was on the special device called the Navigator in front of him.

This installation Leo has only been seen in the images of the teaching data, and has not seen the actual object, because there is only one place in the universe, and that place is the star field where the highest council of the universe is located.

Because the Supreme Council of the universe gathered most of the Omega-class higher life forms in the universe, these higher life forms are also the most powerful existence in the universe. The energy of each life form can easily destroy a galaxy, and these life forms can easily destroy a galaxy. Even if the body deliberately converges the energy in its own body, and even relies on the special technology of higher civilization to control the escape of energy, it still cannot completely shield the energy escaping from these living bodies.

These escaping energy will not dissipate, but gather in the star field where the highest council of the universe is located. After countless years of accumulation, it has formed a horrible energy that cannot be measured by the strongest energy detectors of the universe's advanced civilization. These terrifying energies roam in this star field, forming a deadly dead zone. Any visitor of civilization rushes into this star field, even if it has an interstellar spacecraft with the highest level of technology, it cannot resist these. Represents the energy of the law of destruction of the universe.

Therefore, any civilization that visits the Supreme Council of the universe must invite a navigator on the edge of the star field to navigate its own spacecraft.

Although the navigator looks like a robot made by a certain technological civilization, in fact, he is an intelligent race. An original planet was destroyed by a cosmic disaster and was brought to the Supreme Council of the Universe by a certain Omega-class life body. Alien race.

The navigator race itself is very fragile, but they have a magical ability, that is, they can easily find a safe route in any dangerous star field in the universe to help the spacecraft pass through that area smoothly.

It is precisely because of this ability that the Supreme Council of the Universe allows the Navigator race to settle on several planets at the edge of the star field of the Supreme Council of the Universe, and is responsible for guiding the spacecraft here to smoothly pass through the dangerous zone of the star field.

Now, a navigator appeared in the building in front of him, which made Leo couldn't help but have various associations in his mind.

Perhaps after seeing the door opened, Leo and the others did not have any movement to enter. The navigator waiting in the lobby of the door became a little impatient. It seemed that some cumbersome body floated slightly, slid across the ground, and moved to the door. Then said to Leo and Sylvia in cosmopolitan language: "The master is already waiting for you upstairs, please don't waste your master's time."

After speaking, he turned around and slid back to the previous position.

Because the navigator uses the lingua franca of the universe, only Leo can understand it, he thought for a while, and said to Sylvia who was waiting to explain: "Let's go! Go inside and see what's going on?"

Seeing that Leo had made a decision, Sylvia didn't ask any more, pulled up Petunia, who still didn't understand what was happening, followed Leo and walked into the building.

At first, Petunia still looked flustered, because in her eyes, there was a wall in front of her. Leo, who was walking in front, disappeared instantly when she touched the wall, and she and Sylvia were about to Hit the wall.

But soon the panicked expression on her face was replaced by surprise and curiosity, because when she thought she hit the wall, the scene in front of her instantly changed and turned into a concise and solemn hall, and the center of the hall It is a metal cylinder that looks a little weird.

"Please follow me." After Leo entered the hall, the navigator said to him, and then led the way right in front of him and walked towards an arch across the hall.

"Don't ask too much, follow along." Leo said to Sylvia and Petunia behind him, and then followed.

When the navigator reached the arch, the arch emitted an energy field, forming a space crack in the middle of the arch. The navigator didn't say much, and went straight into the crack.

Leo hesitated a little before the space rift, but still walked in, Sylvia and Petunia followed closely behind.

After the three people walked through the fissure, they came to an empty hall with a huge dome. The floor of the hall was not a white stone, but a cosmic starry sky. The three of them and the previous navigator were suspended in the air in a weightless state.

Although the cosmic galaxy scene at his feet has some incomparably obvious astronomical features, Leo was unable to find any corresponding content in the galaxy knowledge in his database, which made him guess that the starry sky under his feet was either the Earth Federation at that time. Unknown galaxies that have not been recorded, or the starry sky scene is a patchwork of various galaxies.

As for why it is not the star field where the Supreme Council of the Universe is located, it is because the characteristics of the star field where the Supreme Council of the Universe is located are so obvious that anyone can easily identify it.

"Master, they brought it here." The navigator floating in the sky moved to the front of a double spiral galaxy and spread a message through a special spiritual frequency.

Because this mental frequency is public, Leo and Sylvia can sense the vague content of this message even if they don't react in any way.

Afterwards, they saw that the miniature version of the double helix galaxy's central singularity emitted a ray of light, which made the entire galaxy light up for a moment, and then returned to normal.

After that, there was no abnormal situation for a while, and the surroundings became a little quiet, and Leo and Sylvia didn't understand what was going on.

Just when they wanted to ask, the navigator moved towards them again, and while moving, complained: "I don't like this approach very much. Can you change a navigator next time? T8951B is very suitable. He particularly likes to use this method to interact with people."

As the navigator moved in front of Leo and the others, his tone returned to normal, explaining: "The master cannot make a sound like a human, and the master's consciousness is too strong, and it is not something non-Omega-level advanced life forms can bear. The two need to use me to understand what the master said.” As he said, he saw two joint-like threads sticking out of his metal body, moving towards Leo and Sylvia’s foreheads, and said at the same time: “ This is a mental interface. Please don't make excessive movements. That human cub is too weak and small. Even if I act as a relay shielding device, it can't resist the light of the owner. It's best to keep the status quo."

Although Leo only learned all this from the knowledge base, UU read, but he also knew what the navigator was going to do, and he was also novel about it. While signalling Sylvia not to worry, he took the initiative to approach the navigation. The spiritual interface that the person stretches out.

Because the envoys sent by the various civilizations of the universe to the Supreme Council of the universe are not all powerful psychics or possessors of other cosmic energies, most of them are ordinary races, and even some special civilization races are physically and spiritually more All races are weak.

These messengers face countless Omega-class higher life bodies whose escape energy exceeds a star. Even if they are on the edge of the star field, they will easily be blown away by these supreme energy winds as dust.

Therefore, navigators who have been given navigation missions by many members of the Supreme Council of the universe are given some extremely special abilities, one of which is the ability to allow the messengers of the civilized races they serve to perfectly disguise themselves as Omega-class higher beings through the spiritual interface. body.

This state is undoubtedly an indescribable magical state, especially for those psionics who have reached a higher psionic level, experiencing a disguised Omega-level higher life form will undoubtedly reduce their future evolutionary path a lot. Detours even allow them to effectively predict their future achievements.

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